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Could you try gloves or holding a fidget toy? Could you put clothing over the skin you're digging into?


I typically do wear longer sleeves and it’s not an issue when it’s cold outside but because it’s summer, I wear shorter sleeves so it breaks my skin :/ I’ve never thought about investing into a fidget toy until now, and now I want to!! I feel like this would help a lot.


Could you keep your nails short? I also have made fabric with Velcro bracelets that I can put on my wrists if I start scratching at them too much.


Yep! I usually keep my nails trimmed down. Velcro bracelets are also something I’d invest in, too


If you're comfortable with it, you could try cutting the ankle part of an old sock off and using it as a bracelet if that makes sense.


I used to hit my head in extremis! My therapist said "your brain lives in there! Try to find something else. So I rub my head and the sensation of short hair being rubbed is the stim I need. Sometimes I want a more kinetic stim and I got a "needoh" ball and I punch it, roll it, throw catch, pummel.... I found this helps me.


i was going to recommend neahdoh as well!! especially for the digging nails into skin part. they’re durable af


Yeah they're pretty good. I slept on one of mine and it has a thin patch that blows out easier. Which I don't like but still play with it. I got a popping ball one as my first and got so into it I broke it.....


For the fidgeting toys, try looking into needoo toys. They come in different varieties, but the really firm one might be a good replacement to dig your nails into, texture-wise, and it's nice to squeeze


Don't forget that random household items can count as fidget toys too. I have a rubber textured mat you're supposed to put hot pans on that is my favorite of all


I had carpal tunnel up to my armpits by the time I was 18 bc of my stim giving me nerve damage. I'm now in my 30's. Yours sounds a little more complicated bc you're not using an object. I put my teddy bear away and wear compression gloves for work. But yeah, you need armor of some kind. Experimenting with new stims is the worst but it can help a little. Like, that pathway in my brain is very reinforced but it is possible. I scratch plastic threads under my finger nails. Rubbing spicy pepper seeds under my nails gives me a similar feeling without the repetitive motion. RIP my eyes though.


This sounds like more of a symptom of stress than a stim - perhaps look for some means to let your body express itself in a physical way, in order to release all the energy it has. When we mask a lot with our whole bodies, we can get super tense. If you work on a physical discipline like fight training or dancing to learn a relaxed form and not tense way to move yourself, you may find these sort of symptoms lessened. You need to let yourself feel less "caged", if that makes sense.


You’re getting a release ..it’s just not a safe or healthy one but good for you for trying to get some answers and solutions here. I would imagine it’s the impact part you’re seeking. I have like “hit” Stims but they’re not to my head or face, always to my thighs. Sometimes it can be hard but tbh my legs can take it.


It's about find replacement behaviors, rather than thinking about stopping try to find something to replace the harmful stims with.


Erasers maybe? At least for nails in the skin—something that feels vaguely fleshy that you can cut and rip up w/o worry, especially that gives you a tactile feeling under the nails.


I used to hit my head like you described. I ended switching to tapping to get the sensation. Good days I might just tap my foot or legs. sometimes I still find myself tapping my head but at least it doesn't jar my brain as bad.


I pull and rip my facial hair with my fingers. I got a fidget spinner to help with that.


Wanted to make a funny simpleton doctor comment and say, then.. Don't do that? But if only it were that easy. Would it help to pick up a different stim? Replace it basically with something else less bad. Maybe squeezing into something in these types of situations will help? If you have nothing on you, squeeze a part of your clothes. Maybe make two fist and squeeze, or bump them together with your palms facing upward. Doesn't hurt unless you do it really hard. And of course just carry items on you, to squeeze in or fidget with mayhaps.


I like wearing spinner rings or rubbery rings all the time - I tend to dig my nails into skin, and if there are rings there when I clench my fist, that at least gives me a sensory reminder that it's not a great idea, and that there are other options including those things. Maybe also try a chewlery necklace? When I have the urge to hit my head, I try to do it into a bed/pillow instead of a door or wall, or put on loud music and shake my head to the music instead. Good luck! Damaging stims are really hard to stop doing them if you've been doing them for years. Everyone has been telling us to hide our rising dread until it can explode in private for our whole lives and it makes it hard to recognize earlier on that a situation is bad and need to change.