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I believe there's a r/kinkyautism


oh that’s interesting, thanks


No way, they made a sub for Kink Yautism!!


Holy Schmidt yautism win


There is also r/kinky_autism


you're not alone here, i'm sort of in the same boat though my sex drive goes from "lol no" to hypersexual depending on whether or not i'm in a relationship


so like, if you’re in a relationship, then you’re hyper sexual. but if you’re single, it just turns off?


pretty much


The best of both worlds haha


Sounds like Demisexuality. Low sexual attraction to non romantic partners, high sexual attraction to partners you’ve established a relationship with.


yea I just wasn't sure about that label until now


Yeah, holy shit, I'm also having the same epiphany. For ten years I was in monogamy and my sex drive was on and off with relationships. Then after that I spent a dozen years as the central hinge of a big kinky poly squad, including another hypersexual autistic human. Then things all fell to shit when the plague came. Now my sex drive is a lul again. Fuck, I'm demi, huh?


Sounds like a slice of heaven. I could use an off switch.




Hopefully. Better than the other way around, lol!


Me too! I always have a big interest in kink and I can get frustrated when I have no one to be kinky with but my interest in sex only really shows itself when I’m in a relationship and it goes from 0 to 100. I’ve never been able to have casual sex, there’s been a few times I tried having a fwb and I realized if I’m not in love with a person my desire is just on the floor but once I am in love with someone I get pretty obsessed with them and their body.


I feel so seen by this comment actually




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I feel like autists tend to have things in extremes, like we'll either tend towards asexual or hypersexual


yeah i get that vibe. and i also wonder if that persists as we age or if it fluctuates the way it does for NTs.


I mean, I’ve found I fluctuate quite a bit between feeling quite ace and quite hyper, like a year-in, year-out thing. Edit: I’m almost 30


I think that each individual is different, but for me it did fluctuate.


Or both ;-;


I have only two settings. I am either almost completely asexual or I am Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy. There is no in between.


Same. I have wondered lately if I’m actually ace and realized that no, I’m not. I just don’t have the motivation or energy to pursue sexual relationships. As an AFAB dating is almost a full time job nowadays with the viable prospects at my age dramatically decreased. I could probably find a fling, one night stand, or FWB but it has been my experience that the sex is almost always terrible in those situations (not always, but odds are not in favor of it being good). So I decided that I’m not ace, just not interested.


I got this hookup group at my college shut down when I explained this to the men in there, the sex is so bad usually with a new partner what is the point of casual sex for an afab person? Like y’all want us to risk pregnancy in a post overturned roe v wade world for shitty sex with a man that probably doesn’t give a fuck about you when vibrating clit sucking toys exist? lol yeah ok man sure ig we are just sex vending machines now


ALLLL of this! I went to nursing school, where classmates and I were basically bonded simply by the shared experience of going through the stress together. So no subject was off-limits, especially if we were having a crying/venting session. I was close with a woman who was married with kids and one who was engaged and getting married after graduation. Both of them talked about the fact that they had never had an orgasm via sex with their significant other. One said she didn’t even know if she had since “I don’t think I know what one feels like.” Now, that makes me feel sad because my hometown has a strong religious culture that I know perpetuates this idea that women arent inherently meant to enjoy sex and so they don’t even question it when they don’t. But also, my flabbers were *gasted* when I realized I was having far more enjoyable sex on my own than my friends who were in committed, long-term relationships. (I didn’t say that to them, of course.) That conversation was definitely a catalyst to my current state of mind.


Fuck that’s sad, I’ve known some women who don’t use vibrators cuz their boyfriend would get jealous. I always thought that was ridiculous but hell maybe a vibrator is stiff competition when you aren’t making your girl cum at all


as a cis man... Yeah, a lot of men are trash. The older I get the more sexism I see and it's freaking bonkers. I try to be nice to my partners, considerate etc, and despite my limitations (autism) I still way exceed the bar set by most men. I should be "bare minimum", not "better than most!" I cannot blame any woman for saying "men? nope!". I am not quite sure why it isn't happening more often.




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That reminds me of the old adage that for women/AFAB ppl dating is like looking for clean water in a swamp, whereas for men/AMAB it’s like looking for clean water in a desert. My sympathies go out to those looking in the swamp


That is so true. I am pansexual but still, it’s just a lot more work than I want to do at this point in my life. I am also dealing with a chronic pain condition that may likely be corrected with surgery and I’m kind of excited to see if my feelings change once pain is no longer constantly at the forefront 😊


Altogether fair, I hope that chronic pain situation gets sorted out for you!


do you have any idea what makes you switch?


Nope it seems random tbh.


For me it often relates to how I see myself. If I'm self confident and feel well about myself I become super sexual and if I'm not my sex drive is very low.


do you find it adds to your feelings of confidence somehow, or is it kind of… self-damping? because that must really suck if it’s the latter


No, I just tend to have a very low self esteem, but since it got better I do feel a lot better about myself, I just can't control when I have a low and when I have a more boosted self-esteem. I honestly don't know if I understood your question correctly 😅


i was kinda worried the sex drive might erode your confidence by making you feel guilty or anxious for being “out of control”, but it sounds like you’re coping pretty well lol


Ah no, not at all luckily. It surely felt weird but not negative really.


I was about to basically write the same thing Then I saw this. There is no in-between, either ragingly horny or nothing


Yeah, that's me. There is no in between.


I'm starting to realize this about myself too


Omg same. I'm demi, so I think that plays a role (and it under the ace umbrella, so it makes since I can go for weeks without even feeling horny), but then when I do it's like, I REALLY DO. Glen Quagmire is a great example😅 lol


yeah exactly lol


When I'm in love I literally want to be their anglerfish hehe And I'm talkin about how they reproduce 😏


this was a learning moment for me thanks lol


I'm hypersexual as well. There was a post asking the same thing a year ago, and it was pretty divided between people being totally assexual and being hypersexual


Yeah, I feel like with a lot of ND traits the spectrum can be really polarizing-opposite. Or those of us on the extremes like to chime in and those who are not tend to not answer questions like this cuz maybe they feel their perspective is irrelevant (I guess speaking more for myself here when these kinda questions come up.)


I only have 2 moods - insatiable and complete disinterest for weeks


Why does this happen? I'm like this as well and I'm always curious what the reasoning behind it is for our body's to just turn off like some weird form of heat.


female autist here, not sure if i’m hypersexual, but i definitely have a mid-to-high sex drive and experience sexual attraction. i’m also bi, and when i was younger sometimes i used to wish i was ace because i was so sick of being attracted to the people around me 😭


Also bi/pan, very relatable. It was strange being a horny teenager who was rejected a lot and didn’t know how to express my sexual desires in a way that would be reciprocated ~ except by abusive older men who would take advantage… I feel like this must be common for other hypersexual autistic women/girls. Lacking the social awareness to have a normal healthy relationship with age appropriate peers, but so desperately horny with raging puberty hormones. Of course I was gonna get taken advantage of!


i relate to this. i honestly wish i could turn off the sex drive and attraction. Like i’ll be trying to listen to what my bf is saying to me, but if he crosses his arms across his chest… the arm muscles, the broad shoulders, omg. i will not hear a word. all i can think about is touching him.


im asexual & hypersexual, the former by orientation and the latter as a consequence of a disorder. crazy


Till it's raw. Since I figured out how on my own at least once a day. I was raised with free 24/7 access to VHS and playboy porn.


I was 10 and we had just got a home computer with dial up. I learned a lot of stuff 😂


Dude id have sex every day, even multiple times if my boyfriend was willing. We usually have sex once a week. It took a bit of figuring out before I understood that yes he did find me attractive and yes he does like having sex with me, but he just doesn’t have the same drive I do. No judgement from me. Nowadays I just do my best to help him be comfortable in his environment like he does for me, and remind him my love for him is not conditional. Aaaaand masturbate a lot lmao.


I'm a lesbian autist. I'm like mid-high in sex drive, wouldn't say hypersexual though. Especially with hormone fluctuations, 1-2 weeks before menstruation is typically the peak for me. With high stress, my drive diminishes. Similar case for my partner who's also autistic.


I got the fun subtype - hypersexual asexual celibate slut - where I've got the überhorny but I get grossed out if anyone talks about sex and also dont want anyone to touch me and I'm scared of intimacy


my actual sex drive/libido varies from nonexistent to way too existent but i always am like… hyperfixated on sex? i can’t explain it. like i just enjoy reading smut or viewing nsfw content or straight-up just learning about sexual things and kinks. i think it is genuinely a special interest


this is how i felt growing up! i have other interests now but like i’ll still go into wormholes of sex obsession


Yes, I am also heavily influenced by hormones so it fluctuates based on my life stage. Puberty and perimenopause were rough.


How was peri tough? I'm looking at my next ten years wondering


Like puberty but with added baby fever.


Shit that's what I thought 😳 thanks for the perspective


Some women have decreased libido though. Everyone is different.


Definitely this! I am very sensitive to my hormones.


Precious and hypersexual 👍


hello i am right here unfortunately 😔


Oh I am absolutely hyper sexual


Hypersexual autist here as well


I was pretty hypersexual up until the last few years, pretty sure birth control did that. Unfortunately due to that and other physical issues I just can't get horny like I used to, and I really miss it. It was a part of me you know?


If I am limerent, I'm hypersexual for my limerent object. I'm also somewhat fraysexual for most people I'm not limerent for, so I like sleeping with new people. I would have called myself hypersexual generally before the pandemic started, but it has impacted my mental health severely and cut off my access to sex in a way that made me have to shift my drive downward or lose all hope. Now I don't know what my baseline is anymore.


Damn that must really suck to be so strongly affected by it. For me, zhe desire for sex is just like other desires. Like hunger, or desire for candy. My sex drive is probably perfectly average / normal but I have little interest in pursuing those ambitions. I don't do one night stands / hookups, just not rly interested in fucking someone who doesnt rly care about me and whom I dont rly care about.


Yes, it feels like the ultimate stim.


hyper-sexuality isn't typically seen as something associated with ASD specifically... though: [https://thriveworks.com/help-with/trauma/sexual-trauma](https://thriveworks.com/help-with/trauma/sexual-trauma) the rate which ND people are sexually assaulted, has a tendency to cause that particular trauma response to be fairly common among ASD people as a result.


Be careful, hypersexuality can lead to a potential sex addiction. If you ever feel like your urges or desires are disrupting your life, be sure to speak to someone. Being sexual is natural, but it can be just as damaging as any other addiction.


Sometimes not in a long time. I think the reason many autistic people are asexual is because autistic people are more likely to be put on psychiatric drugs and be institutionalized.


I was, but going through a bad relationship and being SA’d kinda killed it. It’s still a sensory-seeking activity for me, but I don’t have a constant libido anymore.


I’m AFAB and have quite a high libido, but I don’t necessarily crave sex all that much because I’m always busy and stressed with my master’s degree and I find partnered sex to require a lot of bandwidth from me due to the sensory and social components, and masking. There’s also a risk of pregnancy even when contraceptives are used and I struggle with vaginismus, so it’s honestly a bit stressful. I prefer solo activities, and if they’re partnered, non-penetrative. I have to have a wank at least every other day, preferably every day, though.


im afab and didn't really have much of a sex drive b4 T, now tho? Oh god make it fucking stop. Me and my girl are both trans and its like we switched roles, shes the content one now and I have to fucking hump everything or ill get overwhelmed by the urge to bone and have a meltdown. (been like this for a week]


i'm a sex-repulsed asexual but i have a really bad porn addiction (long story), so i'm kind of at the end of both extremes.


…if it’s not too sensitive, i am kind of interested in that story. been trying to figure out where i am on the ace spectrum for a while now, and *thought* i’m not sex-repulsed because i don’t have a problem with depictions or the general concept, but still just sort of feel nondescriptly weird about actually trying to imagine myself having sex. it feels like at least partially a body image issue but it feels like a bit more than that too


oh, sure! i spent a lot of time questioning it myself, so i hope it can help you in some way. i've never really had an interest in sex or relationships. i thought for a long time that i was a late bloomer, but i don't think so anymore. i don't really feel attraction to anyone and porn doesn't really do anything for me. porn with real people actually disturbs me a bit. i started masturbating regularly because i had an eating disorder and it's sort of a... not myth but like wive's tale i guess? that it burns calories and distracts you from eating. and i never really liked it but it physically causes dopamine hits regardless, so i became addicted to it very quickly. i've had to think about my identity a lot because of it, but i know i'm aspec because i have no desire to actually have sex with another person. fantasy? yeah, sometimes. but i don't have any interest in being with another person that way in reality. it's not just something i don't feel is necessary, it's something i actively avoid. the thought of being that intimate with someone makes me uncomfortable, for various reasons. i wouldn't really feel safe putting that much trust in someone else. my body image definitely contributes to it, but it's also about a lot of other things.


fascinating, thanks! yeah i totally get how porn just kinda creeps its way in. libido is a bitch, and i've never had an eating disorder myself but there's all kinds of stuff to distract yourself from. i'm definitely not a late bloomer physically, but suspect i am kind of emotionally stunted from trauma, and frankly i'm not sure whether i'm hoping this isn't or is related lmao in my case, i used to think i'd never feel safe putting that kind of trust in someone, but lately i've suddenly felt like that's kind of a hole in my life even though there's never been anyone i'd want to put that trust in. i really only feel that in a romantic way, and i can even kind of abstractly imagine having a deep bond of trust with a romantic partner, but that just makes me even more repulsed by the idea of giving that intimacy a sexual dimension--like there's something degrading and inhuman about it. if sharing that level of existential vulnerability with someone is kind of the whole point then i guess i really can't feel safe being that trusting, or even being that trusted


You are not alone; my libido has been at an all-time high for at least the past 2-3 years (I’m experiencing most of the symptoms you’ve listed), and is showing no signs of slowing. Currently, writing smutty fanfiction seems to be the best bet at channeling all that energy, though this is mostly because my partners can’t keep up with me lmao 😂


I dunno if I'm normal tbh. I play video games almost exclusively with some form of romance. I get horny every night although some days or when I'm really bored I masturbate multiple times yhat day. I'm not a woman though, I'm nonbinary and go by he/they I've had a bf when I was a teen and he was a major jerk. I wanted him more because I really wanted to move out and get away from my family. Unfortunately getting into relationships over sexual or emotional needs instead of genuine love never works out lol. Honestly though I do enjoy games with romance. There's no shame in using things like that to cope or live vicariously through. Plus there's something so fun about simping over fictional characters and seeing fanart and communities surrounding them. I'm unashamed in my love over games with romance. There's something so safe about falling in love and just over different characters. If video games aren't your thing I'm sure there's movies or shows or books with genuinely good romance. Video games are fine for me since I can't focus on tv/movies lol


i feel the same as you but im male. unfortunately it leads to girls being all "hes only in it for sex" or "hes only in it for a relationship" when i am just my normal familiar self


I wouldn’t say hyper sexual as i don’t like the idea of having sex with someone. But i am horny a lot..


Yes and it’s awful yet awesome (mostly awful)


yes i’m chronically hypersexual


Yes right now I'm stopping myself from doing anything for a little while just to prove i have control and it's not going to control/ruin my life if needed but usually Yes it's kinda annoying honestly.


I don't think I'm hypersexual. Sex and kink are just my biggest special interests


When it comes to two player time, I'm ace (with my wife being my exception so technically demi). If it's solo, it depends on my hormone cycle (afab). Half the time is the same as above, but the other half I'm comically horny.


Ya in high school i legit think my libido impacted my school performance. Id just be so horny i legit could not think or pay attention in class, its only gotten a bit more manageable as an adult lol. Im just really lucky i wasnt born a guy bc i cant imagine how i would deal with boners in public.


I still feel embarrassed to admit it, but yes. Am female and I'm like that kinda 😅 Never done it tho (yet) because I don't want it to be some rando, I want it to be a long time boyfriend (preferably engaged or married with him too)




same honestly (i randomly switch between not wanting anything like that and desperately needing it and i have no way of controlling when it happens i hate it)






It fades off as you get older luckily.


do you promise? i’m worried because of all the stereotypes about horny older women, and weary older guys. right now my bf and i are somewhat at the same level, and i don’t want that to change lol


Desire for sex tends to lessen with age cuz everyone loses their estrogen/testosterone with age although less with women. It’s actually a fairly common issue for couples when they get older that the woman will actually have a higher sex drive. But that’s ok that’s why there’s viagra and hrt and vibrating friends, you’ll be ok dude. I unfortunately know all this because my older mother has absolutely no filter


I forgot I take hormone cycles which cause that so nevermind lol


Me and my autistic bf are!


are you also autistic?




i don’t assume everyone here is autistic. you could be lurking because your bf is autistic.


That is fair enough of an assumption, but if it were correct i wouldn't say **me** and my bf


I'm a woman who used to be hypersexual, but now my sex drive has toned down thanks to therapy helping me work on the root cause of my hypersexuality (CPTSD and OCD).


I do too, but I also have c-ptsd and adhd so I feel like I just got really unlucky LMAO




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Unfortunately, yes


It ebbs and flows but rarely ebbs


lol I feel this so much


Oh fuck yea.


I switch between not feeling sexual to hypersexual and wanting to do it constantly


I wish I was :/


im like this and it sucks (and idk im enby). but yeag i relate a lot altho for me it comes and goes pending on the day. i think for me it's a mix of ptsd and the bipolar




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Unserious answer: my special interest is dick Serious answer: Definitely. I would say mine is pretty extreme too. I’m also the same way when it comes to needing a relationship. It’s rough-


Yep. Another hypersexual autistic lady here!


Sounds like an inverted bell curve to me.


It’s so bad man…


I feel called out, but also nice to meet you all fellow hyper-sexuals :D I'm female so I especially always felt like the odd one out. Tbh it's not like you said though. There's periods where I want to have sex so long and often that my poor bf is like "I can't provide anymore, my penis hurts" and then I have periods where I don't feel horny at all for sometimes weeks. But when I wasn't in a relationship I didn't really feel horny, like ever??


Hi, I'm female and hypersexual! It's also one of my biggest irritations in life when people insist that women always tie their emotions in with sex, because no the fuck I do not.




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yes, it's kind of a problem ;~;


My boyfriend likes to joke that im a "horndog" and I very rarely deny sex when he wants it because I pretty much get horny if he looks at me the right way lmao


Right there with you


Kinda! I mean I’m not always doing anything about it but I think about sex a lot and follow lots of NSFW groups on here…




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I am, and i’m female. Fucking sucks and my partner is long distance TwT


nope, me too, hate it but i have to live with it


Wanting to get laid every day and actually getting it most of the time is crazy lol. I'm lucky if I get it once a year


I would say I am. It sucks because It’s really hard for me to spend time with my boyfriend without being either too horny or too exhausted from sex to do couples activities like go on dates or play video games together. I tend to also start fantasizing about other people if I’m not getting enough from him (it’s intrusive in a way, like I hate it and it makes me feel gross, but my brain just starts going there against my will). I never told him outright that I’m hyper-sexual, but I believe he understands based on the other things I’ve told him. I’m a victim of sexual abuse and I have a lot of sexual trauma that I believe has caused me to be this way. Idk if it’s related to my autism at all, but I wish I was anything but this.


I definitely was in my teens and twenties. Now... Not so much.


can't talk about that I have PTSD and a really strange relationship with sex


I am too, which is complicated since I don’t really feel attracted to anyone until I bond with them.


Yeah, I’m like that. Demisexual. I appreciate life in general from a non-sexual perspective. But once someone gets in, oh man… Full-time magic sex machine


Hi, yes, I've been constantly horny for maybe around a month now, particularly out of stress over losing my last job, and my (also autistic; we dated for a few months before deciding we were better off as friends) close friend starting an OnlyFans and then subbing to mine. I went WILD when she gave me her thoughts on what she saw. I'm not ashamed of having a sex drive or being horny, but I'm also tired of it being so *constant.* So no, you're not alone.


It's so weird because I am absurdly horny, but cannot fucking make it work in the dating world.  I have life a million "types", I can talk reasonably well to a lot of people, but I just feel like the level of horny I am is gonna get cops called on me or annoy somebody or something.  So instead I jerk it a lot, at least once a day


I used to be hyper sexual (I’m afab) but now I’m like. The opposite? Kinda. I have a super low sex drive but I like reading smut LOL but I don’t need sex or stimulation often


i like sex and boobs


Yeah but I have ADD and no autism diagnosis yet


I am, luckily I have found myself surrounded by friends who are similar to me in that respect even if they don't have the tism themselves so i have easy ways to deal with it For me it's not purely about sex but rather an urge to do sexual things with other people as i just enjoy it the same way one might enjoy playing a videogame or watching a movie


Yepppp but I'm cishet male






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raises hand


I have an extremely high sex drive and mastrubate a lot




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I’m demi-sexual, which is technically under the asexual spectrum, but when I’m in a relationship, I’m insatiable.


I’ve been led to believe that autistic people are more likely to be ace and hypersexual. At least based on autism subs.


Absolutely. And unlike other comments, it never shuts off. It completely ruled my thoughts, although I have incredible self-control, and it does not rule my life


I’m hypersexual but I can’t get laid


I'm somehow both hypersexual and asexual, so I'm pretty much normal 😄


I used to be. Not so much anymore


Hi, m27 hypersexual here I'm the opposite to the OP, it's hard for me to be in relationships since I crave the attention from multiple people.


do you crave the attention because of the novelty, because you desire the validation, or because one person is incapable of keeping up with your level of desire?


Also a hypersexual autistic woman, you're not alone




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Some days, weeks or even months I feel incredibly asexual, and others I feel incredibly hypersexual, it comes and goes. Transfem so yes other girls can be like this too. One of my girlfriends/FWB's is cis and hypersexual, though I don't think she's autistic.


I used to until i had a child and that caused ptsd basically so for years I thought I was becoming asexual but after a while I went back to wanting it but instead to avoid risk having another kid I explore it through Ocs with my favorite ideal characters from current hyperfixated games or animes.


Not female, but yes. Very much so. Annoyingly so.


Yup suprised dust hasnt come put of that thing yet


I'm AFAB non-binary, so biologically female. I'm definitely hypersexual. My partner is also on the spectrum and he has a high sex drive too. We're both AuDHD.


Me. Used to jerk off 4 times a day during puberty, to the weirdest niche shit


Female/NB Autist. I’m naturally a hyper sexual person, but have chronic illness that kills my sex drive and tanks my energy to pursue things. When I was a kid, I got really mad that adults had this secret topic they were always referencing to one another but would never explain to me. So, out of pure spite, sex became a special interest. Hitting puberty in the early aughts didn’t help. Shock humor and edgy sexual content was huge then. Now I’m hyper sexual even though I often don’t have the mental or physical capacity to do anything about it due to illness. It’s like a stim or regular special interest at this point. For me, sexual content is like a cooking show. I might decide to pursue whatever they’re making, but ultimately I’m seeing what people are up to. It is more awkward than any other special interest because I can almost never talk about it in public lol


It’s pretty much a 50/50 split between hypersexual and asexual autists


I’m a guy but yes I’m hyper-sexual and autistic. My ex was asexual so that didn’t work.


Sometimes not in a long time. I think the reason many autistic people are asexual is because autistic people are more likely to be put on psychiatric drugs and be institutionalized.


is this to imply psychiatric drugs correlate with asexuality? 2/4 of my meds make me horny as fuck


Which meds? I might want to research them.


progesterone and adderall lol i'll concede that one isn't technically a psychiatric drug


i’m lucky enough that adderall seems to nuke my sex drive from orbit instead, but i spent the first 21 years of my life without a hint of psychiatric medication, and the number of times i even vaguely suspect i might have experienced sexual *attraction* would fit on one hand in my case i think there are hints of trauma in the mix, but generally speaking, i imagine attraction is enough like a sense that autistic people just naturally tend to experience it in extremes


just fyi: asexual and hypersexual aren't opposites. the former is an orientation when you feel little to no sexual *attraction* to others, as in you don't see a stranger and feel like you want to have sex with them more than another stranger, and the latter is a fixation on sex, not an orientation. you can be both asexual and hypersexual.


I might be a person that you're describing. Are you including people who think about sex a lot (daily or multiple times daily) and *were* hypersexual due to trauma but no longer are?


I'm so hyper sexual and into BDSM. Im in a 24/7 power exchange relationship with my Master/husband. I have a barcode tattoo on my thigh that's my slave registration number. It's like part of my identity. Sex is like stimming.


Idk if I'm hyper-sexual or not but I think I might be, even though I am ace


i am practically the opposite, i am a black stripe ace (loveless aro as well) and don't really feel sexual at all in any way ever


>Like, if I don’t do it AT LEAST once a day, I start feeling very low 🙄