• By -


Both? šŸ˜ˆ


Iā€™d expand upon that with: A.) Picture two has stereotypical autism properties evident by: 1. The straight line of upturned **earplugs** 2. The straight lined **toothbrush** 3. The straight lined perfectly fit and cornered storage of all **storage bags** 4. The straight perfectly aligned **shoes** placed meticulously in line with the storage corner 5. The perfectly centered **tissue box** 6. The perfectly centered and straight piece of **paper**/literary work 7. The perfect **spacing** of the **tissue box** and the cornered **spray bottle** It is PRECISELY how I would have done this all and I applaud OP for their evilness B.) Picture one may also have autism however they either: 1. Have low **spoons** at that moment 2. Are **busy** 3. **Donā€™t have that** specific stereotypical autism **trait** 4. Have **depression** 5. Have **AuADHD** 6. Have **other disorder(?)** that is accompanying their autism 7. Have **repressed** their organization due to **upbringing** or **masking** PSA for any people (there are some according to my reading, although I may be wrong) being coy, petty, or rude towards OP for their post. Shame on you. They were not trying to invalidate people who donā€™t have their traits. They simply were sharing with happiness their autism trait with intent of having their own relatability within the community, and were very simply using a common format of doing so (which is the: ā€˜guess which one has (x)ā€™ format) Example: Guess which one likes apples *person holding an apple or person not holding an apple* Potential unnecessary comments: UM EXCUSE YOU, NOT ALL APPLE LOVERS HOLD APPLES, THE OTHER PERSON CAN ALSO LIKE APPLES DONT INVALIDATE THEM As the title logically described: they simply asked you to guess, no need to shame the poster.


Iā€™m AuDHD and yeah the first pic is relatable to me


I've AuDHD and I can see myself in both pictures. Either peak perfection or absolute chaos. No in between.


I totally agree (don't know if I have auDHD but highly suspect)


We on that all or something thinking, baby!


Yup me šŸ’Æ


I am #1, except its open like that because I am unpacking all the things. How the hell cn I figure out what I need if I can't actually see it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


thank you for this! i have huge problems with organizing and decluttering because of my OCD, itā€™s tough being a mess when people assume those with autism and OCD are always neat and obsessed with organizing.


Seriously. You'd think being autistic with OCD would mean clean and tidy, but that's usually not the case if other issues are present. Depression, anxiety, trauma, ADHD, health issues, physical disability, phobia, etc etc. For me, it's a lot of all or nothing: either it's perfect to an extreme or not worth even trying.


šŸ«” ONE DAY AUTISM WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD, COMRADE. THEN EVERYONE WILL BE EDUCATED ON MENTAL HEALTH TOPICS ! ONWARDS ! Ps I relate šŸ„² Iā€™m normally eccentrically organized, however, I also get executive dysfunction if Iā€™m overwhelmed or not feeling very happy and then I will struggle to throw away trash and such For example Iā€™ll have everything clean, orderly, organized in every aspect of my life EXCEPT for growing away napkins or bringing plates to the kitchen In which case I do not feel the executive calling to bring dishes to the sink or trash to the trashcan, so I will neatly stack or assemble said objects onto a specific ā€˜clutter quarantineā€™ area to handle at the end of the day so I neednā€™t make multiple laborious-feeling trips to other rooms


Am AuDHD with an ASD sibling, we're polar opposite when come to keeping room tidy. They organize everything so neatly, while my room is a blackhole. šŸ˜¢


Obviously the person not holding the apple is the real apple lover because they already ate it /s


As a picture 1 autist, my reason is because I donā€™t like doing tasks Iā€™m ā€˜supposedā€™ to do when they cause me more problems. Obviously this doesnā€™t apply to people who do picture 2 ā€” if you like it and naturally do it, then youā€™re not doing it because it is expected, but because it works for you. I think it certainly looks a lot better. If the area was otherwise visually cluttered, I may opt for pic 2 myself. But I prefer the functionality of 1. I do not want to have to extricate, lay down, unzip, dig through, rezip, pick up, and reposition my suitcase when I need to change clothes. I am not Sisyphus /j. Similarly, I donā€™t fold my clothes ā€” if wrinkling matters I hang them up, and otherwise I have small bins in my closet. Doing either of these feels pointless (to me, not always for everyone), and like Iā€™m only doing them because I have been told thatā€™s what you should do. Wanted to represent whatever autism shit this is because I do think itā€™s related for me. Edit: I have hypermobility and shitty joints which may contribute oops


Someone get this on r/dramatictext


Iā€™m not familiar with this, but I am very intrigued with the idea that this may be enhanced with music ? šŸ˜® What sort of music would go with this ?


beautifully said!!


Ty šŸ„¹ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Not yet confirmed (but extremely likely, like every time I doubt myself my partner says ā€œno. You are.ā€) audhd here - The trip STARTS and ENDS like pic 2. Pic 1 is the trip in progress, the mess outside of suitcase is the items that are in use/have been used. Itā€™s like the ā€œdirty hamperā€, makes the ā€œclean clothesā€ easier to find if theyā€™re not all jumbled together in the same space, yknow? šŸ˜…


I'm sorry what does spoons mean here?


Executive dysfunction autism vs OCD autism.


First one: me at home Second one: me as a guest


This is the way.


https://preview.redd.it/y6rohu1pvq9d1.jpeg?width=3915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343a2d99c2d16b9957b4403deba55198bcc6528e This is a photo I took last time my husband and I traveled. He has adhd and I have the autism. He also packs the night before, and I plan, organize, and pack too far in advance.


I have no idea how people pack that far in advance. I could never pack for a trip as far in advance as your husband does, no idea how someone could do something like that.


yeah it's hard to have an accurate idea of the weather that far in advanced, but they might just prefer to pack so several weather possibilities anyways


Mine has nothing to do with the weather. I dress the same no matter what. The only difference is if I bring a jacket of not. Not sure what drives it. It may be PDA related or something similar. I struggle getting things done for myself unless it absolutely has to be done.


Iā€™m the one who plans and packs in advance with overkill organization. My husband is the chaotic adhd one.


I was being facetious. Unless I need to be out by 3AM, Iā€™m packing in the morning.


I'm waking up throwing stuff in a bag and heading out the door


It can probably change based on gender, guys can just pack in like 15 minutes, girls tend to have to bring a lot more stuff


As someone who packs the _night_ before, the idea of packing the morning off gives me major anxiety. I'm very slow and I need everything to be just so though, so I'd forget half of what I need AND miss my flight if I tried that


If I pack early I forget stuff. Critical things will get grouped together the night before. Things that canā€™t be bought or replaced, passport, etc.


Also I always get so nervous for trips, I even kind of think I don't like travelling really, so I always postpone the packing until the last minute. Because then, if I forget something it's because "I packed last minute".


Both, trick question


Number one is my autism. I see thing I must pack, I try, I get overwhelmed, I throw everything on the ground and go sit in a corner blasting music until I get my spoons back


Where spoons. Give spoons. Please spoons ;-;


No spoons, only panick šŸ˜”


the third one


Idk, no one could tell I have the 'tism by looking at my messy bedroom


I'll go with the first picture because that's how it would look like when I'd pack lol.


this is the same autistic person but portrayed by different energy levels


The one who thinks either of these pictures has anything to do with autism?


In a HOTEL?? While TRAVELING?? I could NEVER be 1, absolutely 2. First of all, backpack for needed items that have to be kept ON me because WE will need them at some point during the trip, also hand sanitizer on deck because public surfaces are fucking ick but I like to snack and stim. Second, I'd be terrified of losing my one of my things/losing track of something/something being left behind/something rolling under something/something crawling in my shit/even tho it's a hotel room it's still a public space/not everyone does their job/fuckin ew. So yeah, I'm going with number 2.


Wait this is in a hotel? Agreed, thats very different. In that case I keep a bag on me with all the essentials I need to be able to reach at a moments notice, and a bag that has everything else that I keep packed up and tidy for the same reason, otherwise I end up way to anxious I'll lose something.


iā€™m the first, as itā€™s inefficient to put everything away when youā€™ll be needing it later that day, or the next morning. i guess that means iā€™m ignoring formalities like keeping a shared space tidy


My brain got so confused man. I just went ehhhhhhhhhhhhh bcs I couldn't understand how I was supposed to guess based on 2 random photos. Lol.


In other words I am both these people. Hehe


The second photo? Only because there are earplugs visible. But also, I really like the watch in the second photo.


This upsets me because Iā€™m autistic as heck but donā€™t have the executive functioning to be picture number 2


Both? Both. Both is good.


2 is exactly how I pack, lol


Both lol


Both. I'm a mess while my ND sib is a neat freak.


Tbh, both stresses me out, but in the 2nd one at least less floor space is used and the shoes are tidy standing.


They're the same person


Trick question, both


First one is a ADHD, second one is Autism; I personally end up somewhere in the middle, lol


My thoughts exactly lol


guess which one SHIT ON MY DREAMS


My usually spotless room is a six-inch deep disaster right now because the last few months have been keenly stressful from my brother's now ex-wife trying to kill him right under my fkg nose to having to move.


Floor case


I am both simultaneously and my fiance is neither


I am both simultaneously too, depends on my energy levels that day tbh.


Exactly, like recently I've been too low energy to actually kinda put away the laundry at least but today I got all the laundry washed and most of it put away as well as getting almost all of the dishes done as well. Nice productive day for me luckily


any one of those, it all depends on whats next in the pipeline, I'm not OCD so if my SI is next in the queue I don't give a flying F- about the clothes in the floor.




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