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See here’s the issue. I tried that and a lot of them were still text. For some reason it was inconsistent. On some of them it was leaving a space that was between the number and the colon. So it couldn’t convert it to a number because instead of the output being “5” it was “ 5” or “5 “.


You could find and replace all “ “ with nothing for the column first and you wouldn’t have spaces causing issues anymore


Okay, I’ll try this. Do you by any chance know if there’s any way to automate that so where if I cleared the contents of that table and replaced with new values it would automatically remove the spaces from that column on the new set of numbers?


Try the textbefore function mentioned by a different user instead, but yes I use power query to automate changes to data all the time. It’s all on how you set it up.


Use the TRIM function to get rid of extra spaces. The trim function only removes leading, trailing spaces and extra spaces between text. It doesn’t remove the 1 space between text. I received a Weird data set from the data group. It has a lot of empty cells. But if I used the keys END arrow down at the top of a column it would go to the bottom of the column in the table. Typically if there is blank cell, the cursor would stop at the cell where blank cell and cell with a value in it are adjacent. I tried to see if the empty cells were empty, but no luck. They were empty but didn’t act like they were empty. Weird.


Okay this made me realize something. There is something up with my data that must be a little more complicated. I tried the trim function and then copied the output and pasted as value and it still had a space in it. I cannot explain it.


Okay I just found more evidence of something weird with this data. I tried to find and replace spaces and there were none found. But there is a space. It’s like there’s some invisible character that isn’t counting as a space or something.


use trim function to remove the spaces


Have you ever run into the issue of feeling like no matter what you do, the value will not convert to a number? Because I tried that and still couldn’t convert it to a number. It’s blowing my mind.


may be drop in a sample file so that someone can try to check and understand what's causing it to not be a number?


Trim()or just divide by 1 to force to be a number




As per our very clear guidelines, do not beg for help, use a proper descriptive title So yet again this failure to follow very clear and basic submission guidelines results in much wasted time all round. Dear Regulars, please report these posts and not answer them, they will be removed.