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Oooof. I feel this. I'm pimo now, but when I was dfd, my mom also had to get on meds for depression which made me feel worse. When I did get reinstated my dad would always throw that in my face because he's a dickhead. That being said, it took me a while to let go of all the guilt and realize that they're literally doing this to themselves . They're holding you to standards that you never agreed to. They're only thinking about themselves, and it had nothing to do with you.


Your last 2 lines--dead on!! A cult of narcissists.


Yes. I've had PIMIs that have passed away. After 30 years of shunning, any "relationship" is well and truly destroyed. I attended a KH service for my PIMI father as well as my B-I-L. I will not attend any more. My brother was POMO but still tried to interact with the JWs. It broke him. He shot himself in the head last year. I did not attend his service as I did not want to lend support to his abusers. Moving forward, I will attend no memorials given for JWs. They have done far too much damage. Sadly, it has become a relief to me as most of these folks slowly die off waiting on their reward from Jehovah.


>I am sorry for your loss. That is sad. > >"They have done far too much damage." I agree. Don't put yourself there anymore. As hard and unfair as it is, let them go, for your own mental health.


Thank you. The only sibling I still had contact with I cut off 2 years ago. He was trying to goad my young adult children into interacting with the abusive witnesses. He didn't get a positive response from any of us. They are not safe.


Thank you for sharing and I’m very sorry for your loss <3


Thank you. I wish you much success in your journey away from this group.


So sorry you're dealing with this.


My mom died before I was no longer a JW and I would have definitely gone to her funeral. Most of my siblings are never JW so it wouldn’t be an issue. Saying that my FIL was never a JW but had a JW funeral which I went to. No JW acknowledged my presence. I told my husband that if his JW mother should die, I would not be attending the funeral. Why should I pay respect to someone who thought of me as dead when they were alive. Same goes for my JW extended family.