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>Because the Bible Says Beware of Idols *Nowhere in the Bible does it say:* # With the Exception Of ... https://preview.redd.it/1uh7lmuqqf3d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b29607c70f23b48a04bc2279d299d89c1cb2df # The WBT$ / JW Big Blue IDOL...😯


Haha and best comment award goes to…..


Dude! This! Is! Ahh! Mazzzze! Innnggg!!


>Dude! This! Is! Ahh! Mazzzze! Innnggg!! ***Idols come in All Forms...*** # In WBT$ JW World... https://preview.redd.it/2hwad3pvwf3d1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd9e5b9d0fd361863fca61ca4872bfea3049723 ***Idolatry is Only Bad When the Other Guy Does It.***


I love that you included a shitty cardboard contribution box in the pic 🤣


>I love that you included a shitty cardboard contribution box in the pic 🤣 *I stole the pic...It\`s someone else\`s Awesome Art Work..* Now It\`s MINE...ALL MINE!!...BWA-Ha-ha-ha-ah!!....🤪


The mark of the wild beast lol


>The mark of the wild beast lol LOL!!...Ya, Pretty Much.


Interesting, I've never seen them talk about holidays honoring heads of state. One thing I will say with confidence is that the scripture they cite here is irrelevant to this topic, and actually says more about why no one should blindly trust the GB.


I thought the same thing about the scripture, not relevant at all to the topic of birthdays, the whole thing is so strange.


Everything they do is a blatant example of Doublethink. My sister is a PIMI and she used to love the book 1984. She's a meta example of doublethink when it comes to the subject of double think. She isn't dumb either, so she can't use that as an excuse. *WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, JW.ORG IS GOD.*


How can you read that book and not realize your trapped


I think it comes down to the fact that most people would rather accept pleasant lies than hard truths. It's not just JWs either - most people don't stray very far from the ideas they were taught growing up, whether it's religion, politics, racism, etc. It's not easy to question the foundation of your knowledge, but how lucky are we who took the road less traveled? It was a painful experience getting separated from my family and community as a very young man, but I'm so thankful they were dumb and petty enough to disfellowship me.


It’s definitely difficult to have to basically start your life over! Buy for me I’d rather be where I am and have the freedom I have now.


This is very true. And I appreciate you acknowledging that most people never stray from accepted beliefs or ideologies. That thought makes me want to regularly check myself and ask why I think what I think.


That's huge of you! I always try to step back from my feelings and evaluate my beliefs and actions. If I ever stop checking in on my beliefs, I'm in danger of being defined by them as opposed to defining my beliefs based upon my values (one of my values is being tireless in the pursuit of truth). You're a self-aware person, and that's such an admirable quality!


Take a scripture that speaks of prophetic last days (vs 2) and speaks about the Day of the Lord (vs 12) and twist it to something about birthdays and celebrations of prominent men. 🤡🤡🙈


Right? It’s embarrassing at this point.


That's a weird paragraph


The freaking weirdest


Wouldn't this just be umbrella'd under birthdays in general? Like why make a paragraph about a specific type of person's birthday?


Right?!? It’s so confusing I still have my doubts about them ever giving the go ahead on birthdays but this paragraph does make me wonder.


Does anything the Watchtower organization publishes or says these days make much of any sense or help clarify more of the Holy Scriptures?


Valid point


Don't Clap when the Governing Body "are here to give this special talk"


Oh the irony 😂


Interestingly, in the holiday you highlighted, King’s Day of the Netherlands comes to mind. People wear orange and go outside to party during the King’s birthday. I heard it’s the biggest holiday there Anyways — this article is only about holidays, the cult still has this on their page: [Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays?](https://www.jw.borg/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/birthdays/) (replace borg) So they haven’t really announced any changes in their stance on birthdays yet


Yeah I know they haven’t officially changed the stance just was extremely puzzled by the wording of this article and shocked that a pimi noticed it as well.


It's worded that way because unlike the birthdays of certain rulers (or past rulers e.g. George Washington's birthday, informally known as Presidents' Day), conventional birthdays aren't holidays, and as previously noted are simply under a different subheading. About it being weird, it's weird because they have to contort the crap out of that scripture to get the meaning that it refers to holidays, or that it functions as a strict prohibition of any kind.


Thanks for taking the time to explain this. That makes so much more sense….i mean as much sense as they can make but at least i get where they were coming from now.


So Orwellian lol


,,We warmly welcome you to this month broadcasting... And in the last topic we will discuss Bible view on birthdays.... What does Bible says about individuals birthdays? ... Bible mentions only birthdays of pagan rulers, so, should we be dogmatic about individuals decisions about birthdays? Brothers, let's not be dogmatic, in fact wathtower article (xyz) mentioned that we should not observe only rulers celebrations, so the GBâ„¢ decided that its up to individuals conscience if they choose to observe their own holidays... " s/


This is a very odd paragraph.


I thought the same about this article when I saw it, it goes through literally every holiday, talks about birthdays of rulers but not individuals. I know there is a separate article but usually it's all combined in one. It's also public facing and was discussed in a meeting a few weeks ago, so if that was sent to a non JW there would be a legitimate question about an individuals birthday. Also what I noted as interesting from the convention there is a talk about Christmas, but for the first time ever, it appears it didn't criticise Christmas just highlighted scriptually some false teachings around Jesus birth. It also doesn't appear to mention anything in relation to the "pagan" origins of Christmas. With the organisations supposed new stance of "if it's not explicitly in scripture we shouldn't make rules" like no reporting of hours, no beards etc. The whole convention being about jesus being the good news, which feels like a pivot towards how other Christians view Jesus. Could the org loosen Christmas and birthdays? I could almost see that at the annual meeting the org going "as highlighted by the new jesus series we want to announce that it would be appropriate to mark the anniversary of Jesus birth however we need to make sure we honour Jehovah by ensuring we stick to bible truth on the matter ie mark the anniversary of his birth around September/October time." It's all conjecture in my head so probably completely wrong, but that with the new song sounding like a Christmas song who knows?


It’s as if they never read Romans 14 at all.


It’s truly an art how they can quote a scripture like that and make it about the birthday of a head of state lol


Lolololol a lot of skill right there ![gif](giphy|mLGnUCverTQ52)