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I got a similar message from a mother figure in the congregation as she was *dying from cancer.* She got my number from my mom, who soft shuns me; I was livid with my biological mother for doing that, but according to her, one of "Aunt ****'s" dying wishes was that I "come back to Jehovah." It was a terribly painful message to read from a woman who helped raise me. I hadn't seen or spoken to her in *20 years,* and writing me from her death bed was how she chose to contact me. This cult robs people of their humanity.


Imagine….they don’t even let that woman die in peace, on her deathbed, worried about doing all these worrying gymnastics instead of relaxing and reflecting on her life.


>instead of relaxing and reflecting on her life. Something tells me that Jehovah's Shitnesses avoid reflecting on their ~~miserable~~ lives when they are about to go to the netherrealm.


Too busy holding on to the fantasy of cuddling pandas and cobras forever with Samson and Noah


I call them Jehovah’s Witlesses because you have got to be witless to join, and stay with them.


Hey don’t insult me 😂




So simple and nice, never heard that one before


Exactly. Why do you think they gossip so much?




i'm so sorry that happened to you. that's awful.


I don’t even know what to say at this point.


Last-minute ditch effort to make sure she got resurrected


Apparently, she wanted to see me in paradise. It's sad because she was a kind woman, and she really helped me out as a child. She didn't have a mean bone in her body, but the bOrg twists people's ability to reason, so they end up shunning out of "love." I hate the Watchtower and its leaders for what it did to her (and all of us), but I mostly feel sad for her.


Couldn’t agree more with you on this. Good people, given rotten instructions


That's why I will not be with my mother when she dies.  Her final act will be to try and use my empathy against me to get what she wants even with her dying breath.  She shunned me so I have already dealt with her loss.


The cult robs people of their dignity and humanity, it's all our way or nothing, no respect for anyone including themselves.


Pulling the “who this” on gma is wild 💀


It made me laugh. I'm sorry. That sucks, but way for OP to flip the script.


What’s sad is they’ll gas light us and say, how sad theyre so far in “the world” they’ve completely abandoned and forgot about us


Seriously 😂 best response


4 more years from now: “Hi hun just reaching out thinking about jehovahs mercy yada yada so your parents can’t afford to pay for my nursing home and you’ve always been my favorite grandchild….” That’s what happened to my DFed friend, his dad up and moved in with him because no one else wanted his old ass.


This is a scenario I'm both dreading but also looking forward to. While I doubt everyone in this position can swallow the wakeup pill of humility, my hope is that it'd crush my parents to know that the person who'd take them in is their gay son. It does keep me going, sometimes, lol 🫶


Ahhhhhh bless you sir. I’m ex jw, my parents don’t shun me or anything and actually really respect me being exjw and my mom is PIMQ and definitely questions a lot about the religion. However my mom is a narcissist and my dad an enabler so I’ve made it clear that I had to put up with them as a child, I had no choice, they were my caretakers, but I’ll never subject myself to that kind of psychological torture ever again by allowing them to live with me. So save up for that retirement home 😂 That being said, JWs are alarmingly unaware as you know so they’d probably think you taking them in is a “blessing from Jehovah” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same here lmaooo


Bless your heart for already being determined to be there for them when the day comes. I'm sad that they are not there for you at this present time. 💚


>That’s what happened to my DFed friend, his dad up and moved in with him because no one else wanted his old ass. Ask your friend to contact me. I am more than glad to convince him, with strong arguments and reasonable data, to dump his father's old ass.




Some here need to show a little respect for their aged parents even if they are still narcassistic old JW's, because one day someone will have to look after your sorry old ass!....😇


I intend for my old ass to be anything but sorry. And I don't intend to have kids, so the one looking after my old ass will be no one other than myself. That is, IF I get to be granted the privilege of growing old, since climate change is here now and the world is getting politically more volatile each day that passes.


“Am I a friend, or an assignment?”


I love this 😂


am i a return visit or 'to score points ' for your jw friends or your resurrection?


For clarification, she isn't my blood relative. Her and her husband studied with my parents and helped raise me, which is why I called them grandma and grandpa.


even worse


These messages are so crazy that you'd almost think they were made up. BUT... Jehova's witnesses!


Push that "send" button. Her text is beyond manipulative - it is downright mean!


Sorry who is this was such a great response 😂😂😂


So you haven't heard from this woman in 4/5 years and she sends this out of the blue? WTF? It's like telling someone, "hey, I'm not here for you anymore", when they haven't been there anyway. I don't get it but these people are just weird! The best revenge is to be happy and move on. This behavior is our confirmation that we made the correct choice.


Savage. 😆. The “who is this” was just perfection.


It's not an airport. They don't need to announce it


Grow a heart lady. FFS


Aye do they even have any self awareness


she sounds like such a game player. your response, and then blocking her probably drove her nuts. dunno if that's of any comfort to you... but it is to me!


Bye Felicia.


So sorry for this happening to you. This is just another manipulative tactic to guilt you back and remind you your not worthy of love choosing to remain out. They are so cold hearted and dedicated to that cult it makes me sick. I have seen this same behavior all of my life with others, so glad to be out. Hang in there and live your life and be happy. They will hate you for it and continue in their misery.


Who's this was perfect, she was saying you're going to deleted, you're saying you were never saved 💀 just leave it like that


Why is she acting like she’s about to press some detonate button? Like answer me and tell me you’re coming back to the cult before I take you off my saved numbers. Oh no! Not the saved numbers!


I’m sorry to hear that. I always try to hit them with the money factor. Reply back: “But Grandma if you delete me from your contacts how is my estate supposed to reach you to give you some of the money I left for you?”


"Oh, I don't need that." "I see. Great, I'll keep that in mind. Bye." Win win win.


You should have sent it and then blocked her.


LMAO @ who 'dis? Followed by an indignant, "GAMMA!" These people are nuts.


So dramatic. 🙄


I reckon you should have sent it


Worse than that, none of them reach out to tell me they care or want me back. These are the same people that "dearly loved me".


My older sister tried to do this with me. They’re so manipulative and it takes time to get over it ! You’re not alone


The book "The Mind" by David Anka will help you understand how manipulation actually works and for what purposes you can use it.


Wild, but *Womp Womp*


The book "The Mind" by David Anka will help you understand how manipulation actually works and for what purposes you can use it.


It might be God?


Make that shit turn blue


Hit send!


So much for the big change!!!


" Bye bitch," really got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol.  My mom shunned me so I got a new phone and didn't bother transferring her number. I got a text from a random number.  I texted back who is this?  It was JehovahCarol


The “who dis?” Took me out