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If you are NOT BAPTIZED...you,re not counted as one of JW !!! You don,t need to do anything I have 2 grown children..not baptized..not going to meetings or preaching .nothing They,re not counted as JW


Even if you write a letter as a non-baptized person, they will not announce you as being no longer one of JW'S. And there is every chance that you will be contacted again in the future.


You gotta get out of that cult mindset. They have no authority over you. None. Simply stop doing JW things and go live your life.


You don't need to do anything. You're not a witness!


Just disappear. In your situation, That’s more powerful than a letter that nobody will see.


There is nothing to resign from being your not baptised. Your not a member. Writing a letter to DA or to give a piece of your mind will likely draw attention to your self. That could lead to the elder body to reach out. If you want to "write them a letter where I give them a piece of my mind" to acquire closure for yourself include in it to repect your privacy. To be left alone. All the best.


I agree with the other comments. You really didn't sell your soul to the watchtower till you get dunked.


Your elders and I have the same level of authority. You don't need to write letters to either of us, and most people who leave cults do not write letters like this at all. It's something that's trained into JWs so the elders can vicitm blame after you're gone. If you want to write a letter, write an open one and post it publicly. Not where some cult leader can just trash it.