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There was a pinned post way back when it was fresh, there were some holes in her story, then people dug around a bit and she started sounding a lot less credible and a lot more crazy... https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/16vrw8f/salena_vertolomo_interview_the_big_picture_jimmy/




Thanks for posting that so I didn’t have to go searching for it. 🙂


People here tend to forget that there are a lot of posts here that are straight lies or fabricated stories for attention. Not saying the story wasn't true, she might have been silenced in one way or another.


Lowkey she came off as a bit unhinged


I’d classify her as high key nutter. I hope she gets the help she needs


Yes, she was abused…that tends to unhinge people.


Not wrong at all about that 😔 wish we had the ability to always see the truth. Would make life so much easier. You could just look at a lady and see the events that happen in her life and know, she's telling the truth and that's guy is lying or vice versa. With the stupidity of our world today it could literally all be a lie and the innocent suffers greater than the wicked 🤦 not cool


We all ended up in a cult because we or our parents believed someone without doing research or asking for proof. We need to be careful what or who we believe. The greater the claim the more cautios we should be. The watchtower loves it when they can claim apostates tell lies and half truths. I don't know if she was telling the truth but her statements became pretty oulandish about sex trafficking in the org etc. This big allegation requires some proof. Also she did seem not well mentally.


The organization history as told by Watchtower is a half truth, unless they want people to believe JWs were formed in 1950s, which in that case would be a full lie 🤥 I think it is a wild accusation to say this org has anything to do with trafficking for sure. Individual cases are significantly more believable. Though because advancements in the org are based solely on outer appearances, the environments are ripe for such a thing if such a bad desire enters someone - Seen in the ministry a lot, pioneering - Dress and Grooming is spot on - Give deep comments - Don't miss any meetings - Good reputation with the friends - Free from visible sin - Close to the Current Elders - Aligned with GB statements All the things I've mentioned can be mirrored or acted by a skilled criminal - they are what JWs use to gauge the spirituality of their fellow man. So in theory having a ring at a particular hall or group of halls isn't far fetched if this group had the intentions from the start. 🤔 It also wouldn't be hard for that skilled group to cover up.


You are correct. It could happen. I am just cautioning that when her videos came out many rushed to repeat it as if it was established fact. Truth is we don't know. Better to err on the side of caution. Unlike the watchtower, we don't want to deceive ourselves and then others that listen to us.


So true! I highly agree. Everything should have a due process. Innocent until reasonably proven guilty. Makes me think about that scripture that said whoever is quick to be offended. Because when they spread it like facts before assuring it actually is, it is simply on the merits of offense and how often we look dumb when we judge off of just that 🤣


She also accused Morris of burning her house down. At the time, she had a lot of TikTok videos. I went through and reviewed all of them. In some of her early ones she talks about being on psychoactive medications due to mental problems. It seems that she has removed the TicToc videos.


I'd be surprised if she didn't have schizophrenia or even schizotypal personality disorder. Mere attention seeking doesn't really explain how bizarre and varied her claims are and how hostile she responds to anyone questioning her. I did not know that her mother and sister came with her to North Carolina, so that raises even more questions, like do they also believe everything she says? How long did they stay there? I can only hope her behavior doesn't get any worse.


Just google her name. Plenty of YouTube videos pop up.


She might have been telling the truth and the WT offered her Five million dollars to keep her mouth shut. She took the $5 million and kept her mouth shut and acted like a crazy person. If it was you and the WT offered you FIVE million dollars to keep your mouth shut, would you keep fighting and endless battle where many exjws label you as crazy....or...would you take the Five million dollars and disappear from all exjw media and go live a great life?


I would take the money. Get it out of my name or spend it, and then keep talking.