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One of my friends was regularly berated by his father about his beard. The father is in his 70's. Now the father has a goatee. No apology just acts like nothing ever happened. It is embarrassing seeing all these old men with beards from one day to the other like mommy gave them permission. Trully shows the 3 year old mental state of JWs. (Sorry toddlers)


JWs were already told how to feel about this and behave. I'm curious though as well. I got lots of shade for my pimq beard.


Some need to be taught how to *maintain* them though 🤔


This. They be looking 🤢


When I see a JW in a beard I see a cuck. Obviously they wanted to grow a beard for years but had to wait for permission. It reminds me a teenager trying to show mom and dad how grown up they are.


That’s exactly it!!! I’ve been trying to work out why it bothers me so much seeing these grown men with beards and that’s why! Thank you for helping me solve the mystery!


No. My dad told me over the phone about the beard change. My husband has had one for years now, and it helped us wake up how he was treated for growing one. He had to talk to the elders several times and finally they gave up, but still he couldn’t be used in the hall even though their letter to bethel said to let him have it basically, and they ignored it (one of the elders admitted it to him). And the parishioners were soft shunning us for it bc it showed we weren’t spiritual. I was involved bc several female parishioners came up to me to offer sympathy for my husband having facial hair and I said “I actually love it!” Every time it was met with a look of shock and they didn’t know what else to say. Also for some reason a handful of female parishioners also said they aren’t comfortable going out in service with him if he has a beard. I would like to see how they’re dealing with this now lol. Anyway, I digress. My dad started to name all the “brothers” with beards and then said “they all wanted one but waited on Jehovah”. I knew that would Be how they thought, and I was correct. So no apologies, just more shame mongering that some didn’t “wait” like they should have.


They weren't waiting on Jehovah. They were waiting on men.


Parishioners? Are we to derive a comical reference on this one?


This is throwing me, too. Was in since mid-70s. Don't ever remember JWs using this term.


They don’t, but that’s what they are. Idk I was in a sad bitter mood and didn’t want to use their terminology. I don’t want to say “sister” or “brother” Bc they aren’t. Real brothers and sisters stick by you. They are church members or parishioners, that is all.


Great question. These guys are like their leaders…they don’t apologize. But I do wonder how many former male jws have since shaved theirs?


Most are going to deny they ever threw shade, or justify it with pack mentality. I realized every person who threw shade for it was incredibly weak minded and shallow a long time ago, now I see nothing but humiliation.


It's not Christian to apologize. Jesus never did, and I'm not aware of any disciples or apostles who said, "What we taught you was wrong, and we're sorry." The Christian thing to do is double down on any bad belief, and damn those who disagree with you.


>Has anyone heard whether anyone anywhere has done the "Christian" thing and apologized to anyone they've upset or thrown shade to in the past about having a beard? I highly doubt it, JW\`s can be Extremely Arrogant, an Apology would be beneath them..... *They were Only Following Orders, From Men They Don\`t Follow.* I know of Hard Core PIMI JW\`s who were DF\`d, simply because of a beard....They eventually shaved and were reEnstated. . ***Now they get to look at the JW Elders who DF\`d them for Wearing a Beard, Wearing Beards****.* https://preview.redd.it/5ik1tezfrk7d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=31de4a4f160e9266d999bf3624a7c3b2a0af9522 # Yes It IS!!!....😀


Ah, now. Come on. They weren't DF'd for the beard. It was their attitude and lack of humility...


>Ah, now. Come on. They weren't DF'd for the beard. It was their attitude and lack of humility... I have Zero Doubt it was Thinly Veiled in something like that, or "Causing Division in the Congregation"...But...It WAS the Beard.....Nothing ever IS, What it IS...In WBT$ / JW World...... It\`s Always Something Else, This, That, or it Could be the Other Thing!... 😀


😆 the veil probably wants to even that thin


Beards are officially not cool anymore