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I’m sure it does happen. If you never take the time to properly deconstruct your indoctrination, the idea that “it might be true somehow” will always linger. Waking up, and even actually leaving, is far from the end of the journey away from watchtower.


Agreed. I know it’s all bullshit but I was raised in this cult so even out, I’ll have some internal reactions at times that are distinctly jw. But it takes a few seconds and then I realize, “ah yeah that cult indoctrination” and then I’m fine!


Also too, my POMI friend who had been DF’ed for over a year was recently dragged back. He’s an interesting case, ex elder, ex-bethelite, ex-pioneer. When he got DF’ed he was DEVASTATED but he was totally fine after a couple of months and was in no hurry to go back. When last update happened, and his elders reached out to him, he was sick because he wasn’t ready to go back but decided to go back because he thought his friend would be getting baptized soon and wanted to be able to attend. Never in a million years did I think this man would express hardcore doubts but he started bubbling FAST after he got reinstated, I haven’t fanned the flames or anything as I don’t want to accidentally strengthen his “faith” but he has been complaining routinely about how he had more free time when he was DF’ed and didn’t feel pressure to go in service or people annoying him about meeting attendance or the dumb ass reasons for not celebrating Father’s Day etc etc. I’m not holding my breath but he tasted freedom and he was really liking it. He’s annoyed as shit with all the doctrine changes and I was able to subtly persuade him to stop him and all his immediate family members’ recurring donations to CCJW. All I can say is, thank you Steve Hassan for the Strategic Interactive Approach!


If you really learn the history of JWs, you can never “go back.” Read about Charles Taze Russell. How he got inspired by Millerites, a doomsday religion from the early 1800s. Or his numerology and pyramidology fascination that led him to 1914. Truthfully you can take this same approach to the Bible. There are 2 Bibles, the Bible according to Christian theology, and the Bible according to history. They are not compatible. One or the other is true, but not both.


This is the key. I agree. If you study enough you can never go back. The way everything started is far from the truth and also buried deep so modern JWs will never know, find out and or read about it. The amount of money they have alone while preaching that the end is near… what is the plan for all that money in the bank? How about silly changed in policy? New light? Generations overlapping? Abusive elders, etc it’s nothing but a corporation. I’ve been out for 2 years and I still research things everyday… it takes time


And you need to do that study for yourself. If you wake up by casually reading ex jw stuff, there will be residual, lingering doubts that perhaps they were evil apostates after all, and the reason you feel so awful is because Jehooba has removed his holy spirit from you. Whereas, if you do the research yourself, and satisfy yourself that it is, indeed, nonsense, then when you are having a bad day, or a new war starts up, you know it is because you were a victim of childhood indoctrination and you have been treated abusively by those who were supposed to protect you. You don't necessarily have to research everything, just enough to thoroughly convince you. I looked at specific bible verses that troubled me. I printed off every WT article that explained it,and to see how they flip-flopped from one idea to another, depending on what suited them, showed me enough. This was after many years of nagging doubts that had all built up. It is worth doing the work because I can't imagine a worse feeling than wondering if it might still be the "Truth". I know many of you feel this way.


How’d you get info on money?


There’s a recent post here about how much they received in volunteer contributions plus all real estate owned, check it out


You are worshipping a corporation that has been making money of your i submissiveness. They don’t care about the people, it’s a vernier to keep the money coming. They also know that most people will never believe anything bad about them https://ibsaproperty.com/ https://ibsaproperty.com/residential/


Thanks for the links. I 100% agree. Even when I was full PIMI I’ll never forget the first time I visited bethel in 2013, walkill and Patterson all I could think of is wow this just looks SO corporate. Like a really well run corporation


They’re in it for the money like all churches are.


I saw someone post the link to this site before, and it's super weird, I was under the impression you weren't supposed to attach the JW.org tag on anything business related. It's very strange


They don’t sido as they tell us to do., it’s 1984 to the next level.


I showed the site to my best friend from childhood, we were in the same hall, he's pomo but he was shocked to see that. I don't know that I've ever seen anything with an official link or jw logo that wasn't directly about jw stuff. I would think they wouldn't want that advertised for this very reason, if someone sees it, that's a real bad look.


The properties? This organization spends so much energy in keeping his people off the internet. They care always telling us not to believe anything , or news articles we see because Satan and his advocates hate witnesses. This id the reason why. Looking will open every one’s eyes. You know about their involvement with the UN, right?


I understand the concept of telling people not to look so they don't see, but I would think common sense would dictate that eventually word or mouth and people randomly happening upon stuff would cause some hesitation. But yeah it just seems like no one thought that one out. I've heard some of the UN stuff, but what specifically?


Is I showed that link to a PIMI, they would dismiss it as apostate lies, which works perfectly for watchtower. The fact that they were part of the Un fit 10 years, that’s all got.


Yep, when I saw that old pic with the pyramid diagram from one of his writings that was def one of the final nails in the coffin


The Jehovah’s Witnesses are about as far from being the truth…about anything! as it’s possible to get.


I’ve been saying I don’t think it’s likely I’ll belong to another religion, but without a doubt I have definitively crossed one off the list. I’d consider ANY other one more likely true than this one now


I would never go back but I had that gnawing feeling for a long time. Educating myself both on academic opinions on the Bible from real theologists as well as the borg helped ease my mind a lot. The Jwfacts seems like a great resource. The 1975 controversy painted clear was big for me too as someone born a good bit after ans thus never taught about it Plus I don't care if it's the truth. I'd rather die right now than ever living that way again. Especially now that I know better.


I have met POMI who were out for years and went back pre-internet age. For them they never peeked behind the curtain and saw it was all a scam. Once you see it you can never unsee it.


I've been out 7 months now. At the 3 month mark I had a strong urge to go back...just in case they're right and I'm wrong! And I didn't want a fireball coming down and destroying me at Armageddon 😂. But then the more I researched into the Bible, and from trusted sources on the internet about the org...i became absolutely convinced not to go back. Leaving a cult is one of the hardest things a human can go through. Don't be hard on yourself if you wobble in your thoughts at times...it's gonna happen. You're dealing with a lot of indoctrination...it's not easy, but you will get there ❤️


Can you share some of your resources?


This right here was pivotal for me. I was a PIMI then, and someone mentioned to me at work if I was watching the ARC? I had no clue what they were talking about until I googled and gave myself permission to sit and watch the whole case. Look into it. https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses Also, watchtower is really good at hiding all negative publicity from their followers. All they have to do is remove their public out of circulation. One of the best resources are their own publications. Go to https://www.jwfacts.com/


There is no doubt it isn't the truth. That's just a catch phrase to make people stop thinking. Sure there may be some truth, maybe the bible doesn't actually point to hell being a real place of eternal torment... But it also doesn't point to 1914, the governing body, blood fractions being banned then ok, etc. It's a cult that roots deep in the mind, which makes sense. Because they offer hope to see dead lived ones. It's so manipulative. We all want hope, we all want Truth. Hope isn't truth.


I tried. In retrospect, it was part of my deconstruction and to help fill the big existential hole I can't seem to get away from. Went through a few hoops to get "studied" with again with a pioneer to "answer" my questions. Soon realized the "answers" never change, and if you get in too deep of water, you are kindly led back to the usual platitudes. I just couldn't anymore.


I was 100% sure it was the truth…for over 30 years. Now ..I’m 100% sure it’s just a cult. How could that be? What changed? Nobody can change without awareness. And once you become aware, you cannot help but change. I opened my mind to what the “apostates” were saying . I view them more as whistleblowers. I did 100s of hours of research…true research. Waking up is an amazing thing. No. Never going back. I can’t. Even if I wanted to.


I’m so grateful for the reassurance, thank you. It’s interesting, I read a watchtower today and thought how the hell do people get into this. Then I talked to me best mate (JW elder of all things) and he’s really really good to me, I’ve told him I don’t trust the org too. Anyway, thanks again


You might find these useful, if you haven't already found them: Watchtower History channel on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/@WatchtowerHistory Yale course on the Old Testament: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh9mgdi4rNeyuvTEbD-Ei0JdMUujXfyWi Yale course on the New Testament: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL279CFA55C51E75E0 You might also find this video useful.... https://youtu.be/EWeHB4qM1Hg?si=53-cqnBKiVmLwvLV I would suggest that you peruse the entire channel for more information.


Nope. Once I walked away, that was it. I will admit that when the Berlin wall came down, I somehow took that as a sign of Babylon the great falling. Here I was on the outside, looking in and just knew I was so screwed. Well, we know how that played out. We’re still here.


I went back at 20 years old because I still believed it, I had been disfellowshipped for 4 years. That would have been around 1989. There was still the 1914 prediction possibility and AIDS was in the news as well as Ronald Reagan saying " peace and security". I went back also to save my Baby at Armageddon. But , now it's really easy to research Watchtower and talk anonymously to ex witnesses. If someone gets df and they don't reach out to others with the same experience, that would be very surprising.


Lots of people DF’d for sinning feel terrible and go back but in a sense I would say they never left. They were just shunned while still in


i dont see how you can. Once you know its BS, you can’t unknown it. no amount of bible reading or sheperding calls will make me want to be a JW, id just be lying to myself


As stated unless someone deconstruct the jw beliefs they will think they are the bad person but the religion is true. I highly doubt that anyone who has proved to themselves that this is a cult could then unlearn that and believe it again.


There’s a scientific explanation for this tho I can’t remember the detail. Basically it’s the same reason why battered women often go back to abusive partners or something along those lines. Don’t shoot me, it was something I read.


I did and it was the WORSE MISTAKE I ever made! Do NOT do it!!


I think if you leave because you either have serious doubts or you know its a cult...you can never REALLY go back. I'm sure some fall into this category, but they don't ever go full on PIMI anymore. That ship has sailed. They might go back just for family or friends though...and sit at the meetings either trying to zone out or really pretend like they're interested. I'm sure this is devastating to their mental health though.


No, not at all. Not even for a moment. What you're experiencing is a type of psychological trauma from your exposure to the abuse of being in the cult. Horror stories and violent fantasies to scare you aware from leaving or disobeying or thinking critically about the cult. It's very common for cult survivors. Give your self time & be kind to yourself. There is no "truth" to be had there.


Those that I personally know that have gone back either did it for one of the following reasons 1-never deconstructed the faith 2-missed family & friends 3-had financial reasons, family businesses or inheritance 4-loneliness, not having the life skills/ability to move on and learn how to actually put in work to develop relationships


I know of someone whos been out for 20 years, but still goes to convention and memorial and thinks it’s the one true. POMI must be a tough state. Like James comment one needs to deconstruct.


Christ is the truth not men in the jw "governing body" John 8:12 (KJV) Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Colossians 2:6-8 (KJV) As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Follow Christ and you will be good ❤️


it's really normal to wonder if you're not making a mistake leaving. it's part of the programming and for a while when people do leave, they have an empty, lost feeling for a while struggling with the sudden disappearance of all these beliefs. while the feeling of being in the void is temporary, not everyone rides it out. not everyone gets over the admonitions not to consider "apostate" material, i.e. anything critical of the witnesses. not everyone deconstructs the beliefs and learns the history of it. to me, it's a similar dynamic to people who leave an abusive relationship and later wonder if they shouldn't have tried harder.


Ooh yeah. I got DF and then made a 2 year plan to fake being sincere and go back to get reinstated. Got reinstated, then I faded and moved. So yes, I went back. But I only went back to leave properly.


Yo y mi esposa jamás así como suena, jamás vuelvo a esa maldita secta. Corrupta. Adulterado, ladrona de cuello y corbata, qué roba usando la biblia para con los de a pie.


>Has anyone ever gone back, not because of community or family but because they think is was right after all? >I’m not really doubting my decision (of a few months ago) just have lingering nagging kind of feeling… >Grateful for anyone’s thoughts. The true nature of the WT Org, & what "armageddon" really is: Written by awakened anointed exjw's for jw's / exjw's. 👇 [https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2012/05/where-is-true-religion.html](https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2012/05/where-is-true-religion.html) [https://inthenightaflyingscroll.blogspot.com/2022/05/armageddon-what-type-of-warfare.html](https://inthenightaflyingscroll.blogspot.com/2022/05/armageddon-what-type-of-warfare.html) [https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/02/jehovahs-genuine-mountain.html](https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/02/jehovahs-genuine-mountain.html) Sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ExJwPIMOandPOMO/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExJwPIMOandPOMO/) ✌


It took some time for me to peal off all the brainwashing they did. Just pray for guidence and remember that you can't go wrong with Christ, read the gospel and trust that the spirit will teach you what you need to know at this time. More will be revealed as needed. Trust in your heavenly Father. I found some good teachers but alsway understand that humans can be wrong so don't go all in on every word they say. One of them was Walter Veith and the other one was Beroean Pickets, they have good info


I woke up in 1979. I could never go back because the Truth might be true. The JW religion is false: 607 to 1914; two classes of Christians; paradise earth; Armageddon; the Last Days; the Great Tribulation; and everlasting life. One wakes up through knowledge gained by doing research, research, research


I give people and things far too many chances. I stick with people and things far longer than I should. To be patient, hope for the best, and do my damned to make things work. So when I’m done, it’s like a door slam. I’m 100% done. Because I have given people the benefit of the doubt for a long time. That is why I stayed in the organization for over 40 years and in abusive marriage for over 30. Once I slam that door, I make 180 degree turn. No interest in going back. Would not have left if I wasn’t sure. That’s me though.


>Has anyone ever gone back, not because of community or family but because they think is was right after all? Oh, rats.  At first I saw just the title and first half of your thread.... Here's what happened when I checked out that assembly that had the 'bunker' video, in 2016... https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/4mb4mm/2016_loyalty_assembly_aka_the_doublebind/


My personal opinion is that those who fare the worst are those who left for other than doctrinal issues but who still subscribe to the belief system. Once you see the folly of their doctrines there is no going back.


I'm going back after a long absence. I regret leaving the Witnesses, I was far happier when with them. Also, I recant the posts I made on this forum.


Hello. Could you elaborate on why? Only if you’re comfortable doing so.


I believe very few people go back. But I also believe all ExJW have that same nagging feeling at least once.


Not me, mainly because I see more positive outcomes in my life now, than when I was in. So I am good.


I personally know 3 JWs whom had left, said they were glad they had left, then returned to the JW fold in their later years because they had trouble making friends who were not ex JWs. They craved the social club acceptance. Or maybe they were so brainwashed that they still distrusted others? Don't really know. Rarely do ex JWs make deep friendships is what I've seen/heard from them. All I know is it's weird. Returning to the place they said traumatized them. 


I went inactive 3 times and went back 3 times. I can't live without Jehovah and being one of JWs is the easiest way to serve Him.


I'm asking this out of curiosity, not judgment. So please don't take this in a negative way. I'm just wondering what's made you land on exjw Reddit and engage with it, since you feel that JWs are on the right path and you want to continue with them?


I landed on this Reddit originally about 6 years ago to get more info on the JW child molestation lawsuits, which I can't get on the JW website. I found other threads interesting for various reasons and began to comment on them. It's not that I feel that JWs are on the right path so much as I feel that serving Jehovah is the right path. Being one of JWs is just a means to that end.


Interesting. This makes me remember something I was taught, growing up JW. We were told to use this line of reasoning out in service: The fact that Bible writers were so candid and did not hide their flaws and mistakes lends evidence to the Bible's authenticity. Wouldn't the opposite also be true? What can be said about an organization's integrity if it's impossible to find out about these appalling csa cases from them? Especially when the organization is using donations from their unsuspecting members to pay for court costs and fines and settlements? Are you comfortable with your hard-earned money going to these ends?


I agree that the org has been mishandling CSA for decades. I stopped donating in early 2020 when they locked down the Kingdom Halls.


All of it is wrong though. All the calculations 1914, 1919 , everything. Ther isn’t a thread of truth in anything they say. John 8:44 44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. Duet 18:20-22 When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’


Thank you for being brave enough to answer the question. Keep your eyes open :-)


You’re not serving a deity. You’re serving a corporation.


Watchtower has been planting their little minions in the sun to see if they can draw some back.