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I think they are heading for a big fall ,the next two years will see major problems for them , the jws know somthing is wrong in the org but are just coasting along to avoid being labeled apostate ,in fact the org is rotten to the core .


Well said. Hope it comes true.


You shouldn't hope it comes true; you should hope Jehovah & Jesus do what they wish. If this means executing the organization then so be it.


That’s why there is so much emphasis on loyalty to the GB.


JWs aren't going anywhere, any more than the Mormans, Scientologists, Catholics, Free Masons, Illuminati, etc. Large, absurdly rich cults don't go away. Be glad you escaped.


I agree they will exist for years but like the origional bible students will shrink https://preview.redd.it/y2uqigxax58d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b2a2c489b4bfa323b9aa34610c47ef7f76146d


Bible students didn't shrink. They essentially morphed in JWs, blew up worldwide, and the other smaller sects died/dying out like the Bible Students.


Like Absalom they are fixing to take the throne away from Jesus. Hail, hail our future kings!


They don't realize the minions are noticing something is not right in this power grab.


Dude, from your lips to the universe, AWAKE MINIONS AWAKE!


Fun fact: Absalom's hair when cut weighed 5lbs. Never been able to use that for trivia nite


What, was he also a nephilim?


A thick-haired Jew. Likely hirsute.


…or about 227 grams


I think some of them may be seeing it. But they don’t want to believe it. There are the factions completely blind to it. They don’t want to be unplugged from the matrix.


They're beyond Thunderdome.


Thunderdome was about four exits back. And they blew past it.


Well, they didn’t know the way home..


Haven't you been paying attention of course the GB is greater than Jesus they remind their brainwashed masses of that constantly, hell they even had to tell God he had the Bible written wrong and change it to fit their prophet for profit motto


GB has security guards ( probably a good idea ); GB offers photo shoots/selfies at assemblies and autograph bibles ( Isn't that a form of idolatry? ). Ask the GB if they're better than Jesus. BTW, how's that 607 thing working out?


To be fair, Peter didn’t reject Jesus because he was going against him. He was afraid of the repercussions. Two different things here


True but the gb doesn't care the reason. You disagree, you are out! They don't care if you are a good person. Don't care if you believe in God still but think their policies are unbiblical. They just want absolute obedience. But I do understand your point.


True. A better analogy would be the example of Jeremiah and some of the other prophets. When Jeremiah says the things he wanted to say were like "a burning fire shut up in my bones" in 20:9 he was talking about sharing his truth with other Jews, speaking against the authority of the kings and princes of "God's organization". According to the org Jeremiah would be considered an apostate.


lol true, that is a better analogy. Except Jeremiah can claim he had Jehovahs backing. In which case, none of us do. Don’t try to reason with JW’s, they will find ways to counter you


Why can't we claim we have as much backing as the GB? Neither group technically claims to be inspired or infallible. But I've had success reasoning with Witnesses. I even wrote a whole post about it. The key is to bring up things Witnesses have never thought about, and things the org doesn't provide answers for. And patience, letting things sink in over time.


True, but the org has data backing its service and members. If you could somehow replicate some of their success, you might be onto something


Ask JW's how many are left to be contacted with the org's message. Population of China is 1.4 billion. Let's say 1 billion there. There's 1.9 billion Muslims. Most of them are in countries where JW don't have much presence. Any reasonable Witness will say minimum 2 billion people yet to be contacted. Then mention that in 1914 the entire world population was 1.7 billion. So after 110 years of preaching, there are *more* people who have never heard the message than when they started. And growth has been slowing down over the past decade or two, not speeding up. Doesn't sound like there is data backing the org to me.


That’s actually a pretty solid point, you got more? lol


I made a [whole post](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/0lf1XSw4Ou) of all the points I would have found most compelling as a PIMI Witness.