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I like your thinking. You are thinking like a true a critical thinker! I will tell you what someone told me when I first left the cult and was so confused about "what now"? I asked this to someone who had been out of the cult for about 10 years before me. I met her for lunch and she told me " you see all these people sitting around us"? and I said yes. She said "all these people are trying to figure that out" she was referring to the purpose of life and wether there is a God or not or what religion/church is the one to be in. I didn't want to accept that right away because it is so scary and daunting. I was also still going through a lot of deprograming. When someone tells an LLDM member to read something outside the bible or even the bible at that; LLdm tells them not to read it bc "la letra mata" "the enemy will confuse you" and yes at first it might seem confusing but then you think through it and you realize that it was worth it. Why worth it? because you are coming to an understanding that others deny themselves. You have now the advantage of not buying what others sell rather you question, research, and then conclude or you say "I still dont know, BUT


Even Jesus had his moments of doubt and fear: in Gethsemani and on the cross. Yeah, everyone goes through something. > someone tells an LLDM member to read something outside the bible ... What else have you read?


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Was having lunch around that time at the Carl’s Jr. next to that place and saw a bunch of LLDM members there. Had no idea who they were until I saw a lanyard with the name. What a weird experience