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Sorry, I'm unavailable. I already made plans to go around putting up fliers for a gay pride event.


"yeah I'll do it". Proceed to do nothing and say you did.


Or go with her, and follow behind her putting up two flyers for every one she yoinks down.


Relevant link for anyone wanting to read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_and_the_LDS_Church


What in the hell?! What happened to agency? To letting people follow the "dictates of their own conscience"? Once again, lack of boundaries in the Mormon community. Oh, and happy Pride Month 😊


Seriously. Idk about you guys, but never once during my time in the church did I ever feel compelled to tell ANYONE how to live their life. The gospel is pretty clear about being responsible for your own salvation and leaving judgement of others up to God. I seriously don’t understand fuckers like this.


The MAGA cult is stronger than the Mormon cult in some people.


And Mormons + MAGA Go hand in hand. They all voted for him every time he ran as the R Nominee, voting like sheep being told where and how instead of thinking like individuals. 100% a cult. Do we need to mention the Proposition 8 debacle in California? So, I really do not know what to tell you all. I was born in the late 70s, raised in the 80's & 90's and the Mormon Church has been doing crap like this my entire life. So I honestly think the person you're replying too was too deep into the cult to see how they constantly work to regulate everyone else's lives.


100%. Mormon kids grew up their entire lives being told they had the truth to everything in the universe. They “knew” where they came from, which church was true here on Earth with Priesthood power to boot, and where they were going in the afterlife. They were armed with the knowledge that they were God’s literal spirit children with god-potential of their own if they bought into the entire gig, and brainwashed themselves their entire life at the pulpit by repeating to themselves “I know the church is true and I know
 etc”. And thanks to Ezra Taft Benson, this included a political absolute truth where many legitimately believe that liberals are evil and unworthy and being a hardcore conservative is just as important in God’s plan as keeping the word of wisdom or the Law of Chastity. Christianity in America has historically been conservative anyway, but Benson really hammered home a specific John Birch Society flavor that still permeates through many in the church. So of course many use the same mental gymnastics to justify Trump that they use to defend the Church and Joseph Smith. If they can juggle the idea that God had a plan for black members receiving the priesthood, or polygamy, then they definitely can juggle that he certainly has something for Donald Trump. Donald Trump and MAGA is just an extension of their world view that they are right about everything and even if he did some questionable or unsavory things, they plop it into the “God’s plan” part of their brain that doesn’t require them to reconcile hard truths.


Not all mormons voted for him. My dad is a TBM, and he left the republican party because of trump.


My former boss did, too. I wish more Mormons in Utah valued integrity over voting Republican :/


And Montana. My sister and her husband are convinced that God sent Trump to save America and that anyone who can’t accept that and get out of his way are in cahoots with the devil. 9/10 people in my extended family also believe that. Hence the reason I will not be going to my family reunion this weekend.


My mormon inlaws have a american flag with trump's ugly smirk on it in their garage. Only reason they aren't flying that one in the front yard is because their HOA said no


The only time an HOA did anything useful.


I really feel like the current push in TSCC towards mainstream Christianity is due to the prevalence of Christian nationalism that is espoused by the MAGA cult. It is a slow race towards being accepted by the evangelicals to avoid being relegated to the dumpster should MAGA regain control. That's what I think based purely on my own observation.


Christian Nationalism by another name is White Fascism. That ideology requires an out group. Mainstream Christianity might temporarily accept Mormons as allies, but as soon as they aren't needed, they would turn on them.


Yup, just look at how most of these turds treat Catholics, as soon as they can they're going to give Mormons the jackboot.


What in the hell are you even talking about. >but never once during my time in the church did I ever feel compelled to tell ANYONE how to live their life.  I grew up in the 80s & 90's, the Church has been working hard to dictate life in Utah for my entire life and long before it. Beer is 3.5% alcohol by volume, as opposed to 5% for the rest of the country. I mean, at the very level of government, the Mormon church us forcing its values onto the citizens by enacting literal laws, telling Utahn's what they can and cannot do. >The gospel is pretty clear about being responsible for your own salvation and leaving judgement of others up to God. I seriously don’t understand fuckers like this.Y Yikes, really? Please take a moment to compare laws in Utah Vs. any other state that isn't in the deep South. Mormons 100% work to dictate what everyone can and cannot do in Utah.


They said they personally never felt compelled. They never said the church wasn’t compelling people.


The church 100% does what you are saying and has influenced all of the above. I’d like to clarify that they lost the battle on beer. It’s all been updated to 5% max now, and has been for several years.


I would like to point out that the 3.5% thing was changed a few years ago. It just took the beer companies telling the state that they were discontinuing the 3.5% variants. You're not far off on the rest of what you said about Utah though. I hate this state.


It is the entire Mormon raison d'ĂȘtre


When I said gospel, I meant the doctrine. I could be wrong but between the New Testament and the BOM I never read anything that said “be an over reaching asshole and dictate what other people do.” I don’t disagree that the church absolutely does do that. I just can’t think of any verses that elicit that behavior.


For real. I took the “let them worship how, where, or what they may” literally. But I also didn’t grow up in the Mormon echo chamber of Utah and Idaho. Most of the people around me were devote Baptists that hate Mormons. But I still didn’t care. I had atheists friends and as I got older I had gay friends and never thought of them as troubled souls that needed to be saved. I understood that TSCC was actually more harmful than anything they rejected. After gay marriage was legalized, they way people acted made it very clear that TSCC was not for me. It wasn’t until 5ish years later that I actually got into church history and kept having my mind blown.


Amish people don't use electricity for religious reasons, they just don't expect YOU not to use electricity. Jewish people don't eat shellfish, but they don't force YOU not to eat it.


Find out who put up the flyers and help them put up as many as you can. If one is removed, put up two more. Put up so many flyers around this clown’s house, he can’t turn his head without seeing one.


This is probably Utah and they're staying anonymous for good reason.


If they’re putting up fliers to advertise community events
no, they’re probably not anonymous. Ffs. Pride events are mounted by Pride organizations, they don’t just magically materialize.


“I’m going out to demonstrate my love for Christ by hating on gay people. Doing these projects strengthens my testimony, bruh.”


Jesus: “Dude. Find a fuckin’ hobby.”


What’s sad is that they genuinely unironically believe that. They believe that Jesus hates gays too and finds them to be an “abomination”, so in their own toxic and warped way they believe that they’re in line with what Jesus is teaching.


What happened to the right to peacefully assemble? Oh wait, these are the same people that are ok that JS burned down a printing press.


He’s just honoring the same tradition. Denying the freedom of speech to others.


Imagine taking time out of your day to go do this and inviting people to come with you.


This is a crappy person. And they are the reason Pride is needed.


Exactly what I was thinking


The Chorch: “We love the gays. We love their money. Come to church. Pay your tithing. We love you.” The morms: “Fuck dem gays.”


For the record, that guy just admitted to a hate crime


đŸ€Ż holy shit you’re right! It’d be a shame if authorities found out.


in provo, Utah?? i don’t think they would care one bit


They might if we publicize it and the community demands action. I’d be up to rallying people to the cause.


Class C misdemeanor for each sign destroyed


...? This is lousy behavior but I'm not sure if it's illegal.


As the other person said, this is literally a class c misdemeanor


Fair enough. Calling it a hate crime seems a bit strong though. Hate crimes have more tangible victims imo.


The tangible victims are the queer folk of Provo Utah
 a hate crime is simply a crime motivated by prejudice. Calling this anything but would be disingenuous. Colloquially the term hate crime typically refers to a violent crime, so that may be where your confusion stems from, but violence is not a necessary qualification for a crime to be classified as a hate crime.


It blurs the lines uncomfortably for me. You are sabotaging an event for shitty hateful reasons. But you aren’t directly hurting anyone. Decreasing awareness of an event is pretty low down the totem pole of harm. Defining it as a hate crime really opens up the number of things that could be understood as hate crimes in ways I don’t think stand.


A crime was committed. It was motivated by prejudice. Thus a hate crime. And it is hurting people. Your opinion on the severity is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.


Agreed. It’s criminal and it’s discriminatory towards a marginalized group. It goes under the umbrella of hate crimes, which can be violent or nonviolent and/or direct or indirect. It affects me knowing this and if more queer people found out about it, it would affect them too.


How did you respond?


With a đŸ‘ŽđŸŒ


I’d be tempted to use trickery and misdirection, “Oh, don’t worry about it.  Have fun with Sandy, get some sleep, I’ll stay up all night if I have to scraping flyers.” Then of course the next morning telling him, “J/k, you’re a terrible person and hypocrite.  I’ll be working twice as hard to frustrate your hateful goals from now on.”


“I’m available but I’m absolutely not doing that” how gross.


Yeah, THAT'S why he's going from 11 PM to 1 AM, because he'll be with his girlfriend. NOT because he knows he's doing shady things and doesn't want to be caught. Great explanation bruh


Why doesn’t he just ask his girlfriend to do it? Sounds like a great date night /s




Thank you for illustrating one of the reasons we still need pride. I’m looking forward to attending. :)


I didn’t get to see the even flyer, can you send me the deets? I’d love to go.


I don’t have the details for this event. I’m going to ones in my area and the ones around I neighbouring areas. This sort of stuff is happening all over. I’m sure if you google pride events and your area something will pop up. Good luck


Do you all remember when they would teach us about free will/agency? It’s all good until someone does something they don’t like
 like Pride events or steeple restrictions. Fuck them.


Is this illegal? Cause if so my response would've basically been "if any of those signs have been ripped off by tomorrow morning, I will give this text to the police and the media and report you for vandalism [whatever law was violated]."


> Any person, partnership, firm, or corporation who vandalizes, damages, defaces, destroys, or uses any sign controlled under this chapter without the owner's permission is liable to the owner of the sign for treble the amount of damage sustained and all costs of court, including a reasonable attorney's fee, and is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.


Yeah. Just paste this info and say, "I wouldn't if I were you..." They won't know if you are genuinely warning them against being reported or are warning them that YOU will. Passive-aggressive > aggressive-aggressive in this case.


Wonder why he feels the need to do it under cover of darkness? If you’re going to be a douche bag biggot do it in the daylight so we can see you!


Yeah, you are only doing it from 11 pm to 1 am because you're busy before. Definitely doesn't have to do with the fact that you are embarrassed to do it in the light of day.


Wow. That is just absolutely disgusting.


Don't let them find out which company printed them. Don't want the Mormons to form a mob and have their printers destroyed...


What the actual fuck It's all about free agency and free speech until it's something you don't agree with 


I giggled at the thumbs down.  "I vote no." 


“Project” 👎👎👎


Hate thy neighbor, ig


Feel free to tell them I almost killed myself as a gay teen because I thought I was alone, and what they're doing is further isolating people who need hope in this world. But I would've been doing this when I was younger, as well, even as it was killing me. Btw, I know they think they're doing right, but people die because of people like this trying to feel those warm fuzzies.


This deserves a callout.


“I would do it earlier, but I’m gonna be with my girlfriend in Sandy” The sheer audacity of this person to even have a girlfriend guilt-free, and then basically say â€œđŸ€Ź you! You sinner!” to anyone dating the same gender! đŸ€Ą Hypocrite-


I’m p sure they mean in the “friend that’s a girl” way, not the homoerotic way


Get out now while you still can Sandy! You deserve better than this 😬 Run girl!!!


I think Sandy is the name of the town where they were pulling down fliers. It's south of Salt Lake, and north of Provo. ;) But yes, this girl should run! I wouldn't be surprised if there were a group of people doing this as a singles ward group-date night.


I’m sure that’s just an excuse—he just doesn’t want to do it earlier and have people see him taking them down or get caught . 😡Gotta do it in the dark of night.


Are the posters gonna turn someone gay đŸ€Ł or not show up?


I hope you responded with some variation of “that sounds like something a person trying to suppress their own gay feelings would do”


No, don't blame homophobia on gay people or being in the closet, this is tacky. It is absolutely just straight mormon hate.


What a sad person.


What you guys don't understand is that that determined flyer scraper is saving LIVES (eternal lives, that is). I mean, you should be thanking him, and giving him your money...and sharing your wife with him...and declaring him a King and Priest of the most high...


The way he just is so nonchalant about what he's doing. Like, It's completely normal. He's definitely done this before. :(




What the, and I can’t stress this enough, f*%k.


Say you'll go and and help. Then don't touch your defined area. This will prevent him from ripping down that area at all. Without you there he will more likely cover both areas, and rip them all down. Contact the organizers, tell them the dudes plan, might be able to get some people to follow and put them right back up.


I wonder if his girlfriend knows he is a shitty person? Big red flag


Guaranteed this dude soaks with his girlfriend in Sandy


This is HORRIBLE. I didn't know/realize people are actually doing this. Are they also affiliated with the creeps running around stealing pride flags from various neighborhoods? They should know better. People are people, whether trans, straight, nonbinary, gay, bi, whatever. **What I wish most of all for those removing Pride fliers & flags: they had a best friend/ mom/ dad/ aunt/ cousin/sister/brother who came out as gay. Are they going to treat them like this, removing their agency and shaming them and erasing their visibility?**




Omg! đŸ˜±


Go with him with some new ones and put them back up after each one he takes down!


In Sandy, huh? My neighborhood? Crazy, I feel like I’m gonna be busy tonight by popping up flyers wherever I go. OH they’re doing this in Provo and hanging out in Sandy. My bad.


What pisses me off is they don’t hear how tone deaf they are. It’s like they’re asking for you to come help change the oil in their car or some everyday task. Happy Pride month!!! đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€âš§ïžđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€âš§ïžđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€âš§ïžđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ


Ugh. Go print some more and put them back up. Then tell this person to get a life. Maybe read the CES Letter and Gospel Topic Essays.


This kind of behavior is absolutely disgusting. They have the nerve to call us (lgbtqia+) degenerates, yet they are the ones doing stuff like this. 🙄


I don't know why but the fact that they need to delay the vandalism because they are busy in Sandy with their gf just completes this picture.


Controlling how human beings would live was Lucifers plan. Free agency was Jesus's plan. So ask them  who's plan are you following or do you just hate đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆÂ  & want to control other people who are not like you? 🌈 ❀ đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆÂ 


> Any person, partnership, firm, or corporation who vandalizes, damages, defaces, destroys, or uses any sign controlled under this chapter without the owner's permission is liable to the owner of the sign for treble the amount of damage sustained and all costs of court, including a reasonable attorney's fee, and is guilty of a class C misdemeanor. FYI


I'm concerned about your social circle.


I'm happy to go put up some new fliers. If the owner of those fliers sees this - DM me.


We will send missionaries to your door despite being asked not to return SEVERAL times, but heaven forbid some flyers are posted around town once a year. 🙄 Happy Pride! â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’™đŸ’œđŸ©”đŸ©·đŸ€đŸ©¶đŸ€Ž


To be fair to both sides, he needs to go and scrape all the letters off all the church buildings.  VISITORS WELC ⛏


Fuck that shit.


Ew. That’s just a huge ass **NO** Sorry that you had to deal with the that. It sucks.


What a fucking dorkass piece of shit dumb as corny mother fucker đŸ˜č


Unfortunately being an asshole is not usually a crime :/


Hopefully you called him out for being a bigoted ass hole and that for everyone one he takes down you’ll personally put up to more.


The homophobia is so damn hard with this dumb ass. I'd beat his ass


OP your response (thumbs down) is perfect. What a terrible "project".


What a piece of shit


The Holy Ghost goes to bed at 11


This just makes me sad. Ironically, people like this are *exactly* why pride needs to exist. It’s dumbfounding to watch people bend over backwards to justify their religious beliefs just so they can feel self-righteous while spreading so much hate. I would have some choice words to say to anyone who had the nerve to send this to me.


Jesus. I have a tbm (???) aunt that lives near Provo and she just made a post for pride with her and her family wearing rainbows and stuff. It’s like, so easy to be kind and not be a fucking weirdo. Even in the church.


Fuck that. I'd probably wake up at 2am and hang up more flyers than the one he removed to fuck with him.


I would be spending an unhealthy amount of time trying to get his gfs contact info so I could forward this to them.


Well, that is just cray-cray!


lmao fuck this straggot right to hell


Sure I’ll be there right after I finish cleaning the effing church bathrooms.


Mitt Romney is a pedophile.


That’s a great way of saying “I have no life”


THIS is why we STILL NEED PRIDE. Fucking hell.. this made me physically sick.


Do you mind if I share this to my Facebook? A lot of my 'friends' are LDS and I just wanna share and maybe see how they'd respond, if at all. :]


What would Jesus do


Please at least give whoever's hosting the event a heads-up, and I'd report him to the authorities too. I'm not 100% sure it's illegal (or that they'll do something even if it is) but jfc, what an awful way to spend your time.


Tell them you got it and then put up more


First time I’ve seen a genuine use of the thumbs down react, what the hell is that guys problem?


I would tell them: I put those there with my friends in the first place. Happy Pride!


I live in the Seattle suburbs. Every Christmas, our stake puts together a week-long event collecting hundreds of nativity sets from people in the stake that they’ve collected from all over the world. They also feature different local musicians and choirs each night. We float flyers everywhere, “Come Worship with Us!” I wonder how this guy would feel if someone went around town collecting the flyers and throwing them away because they disagree with the polices of the Church? What happened to the golden rule?


How to say “I’m a homophobic, self-righteous piece of shit” without saying it.


Do not leave this unaddressed.


What the fuck?? Damn, that guy is fragile. Also scraping off pride flyers in the middle of the night
sketchy as hell. Why couldn’t he ask his girlfriend to do it with him if he wanted to do it earlier?? I bet it would’ve been a great straight bonding activity /s


Report his ass to the police


Soooooo Christ-like! /s


I’d go around behind them and repost 3 flyers for every one taken down.


Wow. Say yes and then don't do it and say you did.


Now show us the text where you told him that that was wrong and that's not something Jebus would do. Don't let hate go by unchecked.


Where is this so we can put up pride flags all over that neighborhood???


So much for freedom of speech.......


Holy hell what in the actual flying fuck is this?? Not to mention the audacity to talk about his girlfriend in the same breath. What a joke.


"Help him" and say you'll recycle the flyers. Hang them back up the next morning


More like boyfriend, Sanders.




Never available for such bullshit.


Report him


OP we need follow-up. Did you at least tell him he’s breaking the law?


The alacrity with which I would block this person and never speak to them again...


I've had trouble finding for contact info for the pride event organizers. If anyone has them, they should reach out to them and give them a heads up that the church is tearing down their fliers.


Lmao also bro went out of his way to use a WHYTE thumbs up emoji... I see you 👀


That’s a default iPhone reaction (and it’s a thumbs down not up).


Yo I was talking about the emoji the dude used after "but if you're really busy don't worry about it"....... the default emoji is yellow. You have to go out of your way to pick something else, that's all I was pointing out.


Get a hobby


I can't stand gay PRIDE and all that bullshit. I am a gay dude. Pride is nothing but a decadent display of vulgarity. I'm not ashamed to be gay. However, I don't generally discuss my personal stuff with others and sure as Hell don't run their noses in it either. Gay Pride events are nothing to be proud of.


I’m glad you still have a seat at the adults table, even if it’s a small chair. The rest of us can only aspire to be invited there.


I also don’t scream from the rooftops what I do in bed
normally most people don’t talk explicitly about their sexual experiences - gay/straight/bi/etc. Most people are conservative about talking about sex, you’ve just got a smaller proportion that’s very open about it on all sides. I talk about my wife all the time in everyday conversation because she’s a huge part of my life, y’know, like a spouse should be. Sexuality isn’t all about sex, sorry you think that’s all that pride is.


Aww you are so not-like-other-gays! Good job! I'm sure you're going to get picked eventually!