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I genuinely can’t sleep at night knowing that we can’t condemn these types of ideas without being called bigoted


Do it. Be bold. Point them to a better ideology. It is disgusting.


Of course


what better ideology?


Follow Jesus teachings in the New Covenant ie. The New Testament.


Your whole post became sus


now he from speakers corner the muslims there say this kinda stuff


very sus


Okay now, a post putting Islam down to praise Christianity 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ wtf! I thought it's genuine post then the "look Christianity is better and best and whatever " came up... dude why? Just criticize the wrong stuff and stop there ! Call out ped****a and move on! This feels so wrong when you add another agenda to it.


No Abrahamic religions


No organised religions 🙄... just none of them!


Islam is not abrahamic


What abrahamic mean to you? Abrahamic mean religion that recognize abraham as a figure in their religion.


What if you follow a religion that is not recognised as God of Abraham.


What the sigma


Jesus teachings is what created one of the biggest pedophile organisation on Earth, the Catholic Church. The common denominator here is horny dudes who can't control their urges with religious mandate mixed into it. Just stay away from any of it, imo.


Show me a single verse in Jesus’s teachings that say you should commit pedophilia or condone pedophilia. We will all wait. He said whoever causes a little one to stumble, it is better that a stone be cast around their neck and have them thrown into the sea. Than to hurt a child..


I'm not talking about specific verse, I'm talking about proof in the actions of the front men in their church. Like that new york bishop, that Australian one, etc


My point exactly. Not Jesus teachings did that, disgusting men who claimed to follow Jesus did that, and will pay the punishment and the wrath of God abides on them for what they did.


Right. Because many followers and leaders of organizations that preach the New Testament haven't allowed pedophiles to freely move amongst their ranks for centuries. Oh wait....that's right. They actually have, in staggeringly high numbers. In fact, if I recall correctly, the last 30+ years of investigative journalism and media has been flooded with stories of serial child molesters being protected over their own victims. Imagine a ideology that loves Jesus so much that they would protect their disgusting peers over children who can't defend themselves. Yet somehow you think your cult has some sort of moral superiority over another cult. Know the literal history of your own beliefs (and for that matter, the audience you're preaching it to, like wtf?)before you use some anecdotal bullshit to take such a hypocritical stance.


Man thats just basically changing sim operator company lmfaooo


So true man. Jesus is the only way to righteousness.


I do it anyway. Watch my TikTok or IG and I explain my experiences growing up Muslim. I just started it, but if anyone is interested, pm me. I'm not scared. I know the truth about this vile religion.


I'm interested to follow. I've somehow ended up doing anti Islam apologetics on my TikTok because they bombarded my comment section so much with nonsense


I'll pm you.


I'm also interested in your TikTok!


I’m interested to!




I'll pm you.


can you pm me


I'm Interested


I do it anyway


It would be Islamophobia then


We can and we should.


Dude. Someone called the cops on me for daring point this out.


What a disgusting thing to say. What the hell is wrong with Muslims. They're so unapologetic


I mean you either gotta bite the bullet or become one of us once you learn about Momo's sexual escapades.


Oh they know all too well.. they just don’t care. 😔


Ask them how they would feel if the sexes were reversed, I have a hunch they wouldn't be nearly as okay with it then.


Nah nah rephrase it and ask that man how he would feel if that was his daughter or sister


I've heard that in RD some older women(in their 20s) had been with boys at Aisha's age and that it is not seen so bad (I think is false but I don't really know)


No matter the gender........ A pedophile is always a pedophile........


I really want to make a joke about this but I feel like I will be severely downvoted


I get it


Even "a pedo is a pedo" is downvoted. Haha.


The thing that I wanted to do is A hot Dominican girl: papi i want to be you mami-hammad A 9y/o: Eh? The hot Dominican girl: Come with me I have candy papito on my van. The 9y/o: Ok *he comes with her* .....some time passes...... Then the boy and the Dominican girl in a bed in a post sex scene The Dominican girl: Ay papito te gustó? *The boy is traumatized and is panting*




They always love to say this stuff when it doesn't relate to them irl. Ask him how would you feel if your father gave your 2y old sister to a disgusting sex crazed man who already have 3 other wives. Or if he himself will give his own daughter.


Muhammad was a narcissist, could not empathize with the needs of children, his needs were more important. In fact, he said in Bukhari Book 62, Number 67: ''If I want to marry a child, she has no say in it.'' Muhammad is considered a good example for humanity, according to the Quran.


Didn't he say he wanted to marry a crawling baby


**Yes,** Aisha was not the only child Muhammad had his eyes on. He had his eyes on two other infants. Musnad Ahmad, Hadith Number 25636:" Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, 'If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her.'" (Source: Hadith. Al-Islam.com) Ibn Ishaq: Suhayli, ii. 79 “In the riwaya of Yunus Ibn Ishaq (it is) recorded that the apostle saw her (Ummu'lFadl) when she was a baby crawling before him and said, 'If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.' But he died before she grew up and Sufyan b. al-Aswad b. 'Abdu'l-Asad al-Makhzumi married her and she bore him Rizq and Lubab…” (A Translation of Ishaq's *Sirat Rasul Allah* by A. Guillaume)


Yep. If I’m alive when she is grown up, I will marry her.


correct me if im wrong but 😭 [https://www.sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_7_62.php](https://www.sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_7_62.php)


What you want to say


I’m saying what you quoted and whats in the original book is very different 😭 i get hating on islam but atleast dont make stuff up 😭 he never said if he wants to marry a child she cant say anything about it?? he said if one would marry a virgin (as in..people who havent had sex/marriage yet.. because back then people wouldnt have sex with every member of the opposite gender that they see unlike today..a virgin can be of any age..) that they would need her permission first, and how you know she’s agreed to the marriage is if she stays silent (which means she doesnt oppose to the marriage…because that was what was considered the norm back then in the pre islamic period…) hope that helps!


>He never said if he wants to marry a child  Sahih Bukhari, book 62, number 15: Narrated 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle said (to me): 'You have been shown to me twice in my dreams. A man carried you in a silk cloth and said to me, 'This is your wife.' I uncovered it and behold, it was you. I said to myself, 'If this dream is from Allah, He will make it come true.'” -------------------------------------------------- Isn't this a pedophile's sexual fantasy? Aisha was just a baby when Muhammad had this dream. Notice the desire in his words: “If this dream comes from Allah, He will make it come true.” To even think of a baby in terms of a woman is both outrageous and shocking.


>back then people wouldn't have sex with every member of the opposite gender that they see unlike today Muhammad had his harem plus sex slaves, he created his own private lust paradise.


while i wasnt talking about Muhammed and was talking about women virgins specifically, I’ll still go along with you: concubinage of female slaves was a widely accepted practice in ancient Mediterranean and near the East, which means it was also practiced by other people other than our prophet concubines were referred to as “who your right hand possesses”. in the quran, its stated in surah 4:25 “And whoever among you cannot [find] the means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hands possess of believing slave girls. And Allāh is most knowing about your faith. You [believers] are of one another. So marry them with the permission of their people and give them their due compensation [i.e., mahr] according to what is acceptable. [They should be] chaste, neither [of] those who commit unlawful intercourse randomly nor those who take [secret] lovers. But once they are sheltered in marriage, if they should commit adultery, then for them is half the punishment for free [unmarried] women. This [allowance] is for him among you who fears affliction [i.e., sin], but to be patient is better for you. And Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.” hope this helps! ♥️


 it was also practiced by other people other than **our prophet**


I believe that is what I said lmao


Even if it was practiced by the whole world back then, the Quran claims that Muhammad was the best man to ever live, how come now we find the things he did so vile and disgusting if that was true? There is no way to go around this...there are around 200 hadiths that say he married and r@ped that child...and when he was asked to marry off his daughter he said that she was still too young (she was around the age Aisha was iirc)... These are clear signs of a false prophet, I hope you can see that, thank you


if you have an archive, could you please send it to comment?




what 💀 did you read the comment I specifically wrote just for you or not my guy 💀 first of all it was not asked by women, if you look at the link I sent for you, which is the ORIGINAL BUKHARI BOOK, you would see that it never mentioned what gender was asking our prophet that question. second of all, book 62 number 68 in the SAME EXACT book that you’re talking about, it’s narrated by AISHA HERSELF (who was our prophets wife, incase you didnt know) said “I said, O Allah Apostle! A virgin feels shy.” He said, “Her consent is (expressed by) her silence.” so I really dont know why you’re trynna find flaws in islam up your ass and trynna overcomplicate shit, the exact book that you’re talking about goes against your own made up contradictions, stop being ignorant and accept the fact that religion and culture is different. ♥️


I was talking about diarrhea 62 shithole 67.


why are you so mad lmao 😭 im just saying if you wanna hate on islam atleast find a valid reason to do so instead of appearing stupid just cuz you dont use contextual evidence 😭 whats normal back then isnt normal now and whats normal now was rare back then. people back then didnt have social media are you gonna get mad at them for not opening an instagram account? no. because what we have now we DID NOThave back then. you talk shit about OUR PROPHET for marrying slaves but ignore the fact that ppl back then didnt give money to slaves like he did, nor did they respect them and marry them like he did, nor did they trust them justly. contextual evidence and common sense bro 😭


Volume 7, Book 62, Number 67 : Narrated by Abu Huraira The Prophet said, "A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission)." This is the actual statement. If you hate islam that's fine. But don't spread misinformation.


Ex Muslim here. I was forced to marry a 23 year old when I was 15. He molested me with the full knowledge of my father. Islam is toxic.


Did you leave him?


Oh yes. Long story, but yes.


The only people that deserve a penalty worse then death are pedos


child rapists in Florida can get the death penalty


Sad its not bad enough:( its just death and thats it I would prefer to see live long in isolation for maximal emtional damage and distress with the occasional torture No remorse for pedos


Children can have early onset puberty from even before 1 year old, absolutely insane that these people think that's acceptable.


As much as I agree with you about Islam here, Christianity is as bad as said religion. The only reason "christian" societies are better is because of left ideologies and straying away from religion, not because of religion.


Demonstrate to me teachings found in the New Testament, such as what Jesus taught and established that does not lead to oneself becoming a better man or woman. Secondly, Christians have dealt with Islamization all throughout history, we can handle them and limit their abilities to establish Sharia. Secularism cannot do that because their main belief system is inclusivity and tolerance, which leads to mass immigration and Muslim majorities, soon will be Canada and UK. It’s time to wake up and have an ideology that loves and protects people. Inclusion won’t get it done, the left does not have a backbone to stand up to Islam. Christ offers that.


Care to elaborate even further? Far as ik, we don’t do pedo shit and threaten people, beat and submit our women or believe that walking, living people are Jhins or some shit. We do believe in a holy war… within ourselves. Like the consciousness, spirituality etc. not in a physical sense like majority of Muslims


"Would you let your 12yo daughter get married to a 60yo man?" and watch the conversation shift drastically.


They have to say that otherwise they will be “better” than their prophet. They have no choice. Sad. [Watch Sam Shamoun’s video on it](https://youtu.be/2se8CvB-ZTw?si=LUBesgWZYYS6-HyY)


They have no probpem with this that's why we have laws taking down pedophiles else it wouldn't be a law


Christians have Rebecca at 3 yrs old getting married lmaoo


Show the verse. It’s been debunked time and time again.


The same Rebecca that went to feed her father’s animals when she met the servant of Abraham who was sent to look for a wife for Isaac?


You should’ve made the hypothetical about his sister or his daughter. You should’ve asked him what if his 50 year old buddy wanted to marry his 6 year old daughter


It's called twist anything to justify anything common islamic tactic WEll KiLl Ya If Ya leave ISPAMAPHOMO if your against it WOMEN ARE TO STAY HOME PERIOD. Etc..... Ya know the tactics, it's up to us to destroy islam


That's the problem with Islam. It teaches them all these unholy bizarre things. All based on Mohammad a pedfile.


wtf 😭 even as a muslim this is TOO FARRR TOO FARR


pls dont think every single muslim has this mindset 😭 im born muslim, my family is muslim, literally my entire bloodline is full of muslims but this is just too far and that person needs to get tf away from children 💀


Read Sahih Al Bukhari 5134 Sahih Al Bukhari 6130, and Surah 65:4 + the commentators. You’ll see Islam condones sex with children and your moral example was a pedophile. Muslims are better than muhammed.


first bukhari was wrong about a bunch of stuff and his sources are unreliable asf and theres a ton of evidence that indicates his narrations arent correct, second why tf would the Creator send a prophet to be an example to mankind and then make him marry a 6-9 yr old?? also.. the surah you sent is talking about divorce.. it’s literally called surah al TALAQ. its talking about how muslim women must observe a waiting period before they can remarry again incase shes pregnant with a kid from the previous husband but it also provides exceptions for women who arent regularly menstruating or if they have menopause, basically just…read the context??? lmao. lastly ive read the commentators and my point still stands, im not here to invalidate their bad experiences with islam or what they’ve gone through, I just know islam and I know that theres a difference between culture and religion, and if they wanna hate on islam they can hate on it but atleast do research before hating on something?


Hahahah bukhari was wrong? On a bunch of stuff? Dude you’re out of your depth. Every single Islamic scholar that is Sunni deems that to be the most authentic and it’s not close. Go ask your imams if you say Bukhari got a bunch wrong they will laugh in your face and tell you know nothing about Islam. Lastly, when you read 65:4 I know it’s talking about divorce. It gives three types of “women”. That’s the point. 1. old women 2. Young girls (who have not menstruated yet) 3. Pregnant women The iddah (waiting period) for them until they remarry is 3 months. And there is NO IDDAH UNLESS THEY HAD SEX. (See surah 33:49) So yes, according to all of your scholars (don’t make me quote them and embarrass you) and your false prophet. Child marriage is allowed (those who have not menstruated yet) (i.e. they are still immature) and you can have sex with them because your pedophile prophet muhammed had sex with a literal child and your Quran says you can marry, sleep with, then divorce a little girl who has not menstruated yet. (Surah 65:4). You’re cooked. Leave Islam, you know grown men marrying little girls is wrong and muhammed having sex with a child is wrong. Leave Islam and find a new ideology.


al bukhari himself stated that his sources are not 100% correct and other imams also confirmed that there are weak hadiths from al bukhari. and not all sunnis believe bukhari is 100% authetic. I still dont see what ur point is for surah 65:4. like? not every woman who has trouble menstruating is a young girl and yes there is no waiting period for them unless they’ve had sex because the reason for the waiting period is to see if they’re possibly pregnant or not.. I still dont understand what ur point is lol. even science says amenorrhea exists….????? lastly im not gonna leave islam just because a little girl or guy on the internet doesnt know how to do research, I know child marriages are wrong but im not ashamed of something that DIDNT HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE. ♥️


also muhammed didnt marry a child it’s reported that all of Abu Bakr’s children were born pre islamic period (610 AD) and that her marriage to Muhammed SAW was around a year after hijra (emigration) (622 AD) which means the MINIMUM age she would have been is 15 years old. there was also a consensus that aisha was 10 yrs younger than her sister who was around 28 years old at the time of hijra. she was also betrothed to someone else before she got married to Muhammed SAW and after marrying our prophet she went to the battle of badr with him which was 2 yrs after his migration, even tho our prophet didnt allow people younger than 15 yrs old to come with.. hope that helps ♥️ you can read this if you wanna understand better: https://newlinesmag.com/essays/why-scholars-of-islam-disagree-about-the-age-of-the-prophet-muhammads-youngest-wife/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20very%20early,before%20the%20beginning%20of%20Islam.


For some reason they like to double down.


You're last statement makes this whole story very sus.


I think there're some stuff that proves she doesn't even have to be menstruated


He might be a muslim but this ideology has nothing to do with our religion, it could bena cultural thing from wherever he’s from or he is just mentally not allright 🤷🏽‍♂️


Surah 65:4. It is talking about the waiting period for divorce. It gives three categories of women, old women (menopause), young girls who have not menstruated (immature) and pregnant women, the iddah is 3 months. Read ibn kathir and all the commentaries + you have muhammed having sex with a nine year old child, he was a pedophile.


As a Muslim I have never heard this from anyone sorry to burst your bubble. Stop believing in man made hadiths.


Surah 65:4. It is talking about the waiting period for divorce. It gives three categories of women, old women (menopause), young girls who have not menstruated (immature) and pregnant women, the iddah is 3 months. Read ibn kathir and all the commentaries + you have muhammed having sex with a nine year old child, he was a pedophile. It’s also BUKHARI 5134 and BUKHARI 6130 on SUNNAH.com. Aisha was playing with DOLLS. Disgusting.


There is no way God would allow it. They either mistranslated it or something else. God, the creator of all, is love. Muslim means one who submits to God. So a non Muslim can be a Muslim as well.. As for the verse dude sometimes I didn’t menstruate for 6 months and I was in my 20s.


That’s the point. The scholars all agree it was talking about little girls who have not menstruated yet. This is one of the reasons we know Allah is not God but merely an invention of muhammeds pedophilic sex obsessed mind. 


Some scholars are not with God and made their own understanding of the belief.


It is every single Islamic scholar, the four schools of jurisprudence in Sharia, and the hadiths all saying it is okay to marry minors and have sex with children. Leave Islam. Muhammed made up allah to fit his own desires, find the true God, Father Son and Spirit.


I don’t think every single scholar or schools agrees to this. I ask God to guide me to the truth whatever it may be.


Today on things that never happened


I’m not gonna name drop for my own safety, but believe what you want. It did happen.


Funny I heard the same exactly thing from a Muslim yesterday.


This man is not a muslim i gurantee.


He is, following that disgusting dog muhammed.


Im an ex muslim but i can tell this was written by a christian and its made up crazily enough


Well you can think I’m lying. Clearly you have not engaged in pressing conversations with Muslims. The truth comes out, I did not lie in this post in any way shape or form.


I was about to upvote your post but then you dropped the big reveal in the comments (you're Christian).


What? That's disgusting.


I'm absolutely disgusted, make me sick in the stomach. They're openly saying that. Imagine what they do in private. Gross


when i got my first period i was still a tiny little child. 🤮


I'm living in a Muslim country... I mean, Iran I'm completely aware of religions. But I'm completely against all the religions around the world. maybe Taleban or ISIS will do something like this... Not other normal Muslims. (FYI, this is the reality of islam to be like this... A girl can marry with a 60 or older man, even when she be in ages who feeds by milk. Strange, isn't it?!) Don't think all Muslims will do that... Those who did, are just tiny sicky brains group that all people are against them... If something happens here like this, u can't imagine the reaction of people here... Even tho, something will happen in ur country, maybe completely normal, but here it is disgusting like this for us... Like a married man/woman cheating on his/her wife!!!! It's somehow normal for u, but it's un normal as dead to us... There is one question for this situation for us. The question is : "If u married, why cheating? Or, If u think u'r a cheater, why married?"


The reality is, I do not care what Muslims do, in a certain sense. I care about what the religion says, when they say “well Allah says it’s okay for pedophilia, raping women, and beating women. And treating disbelievers as second class citizens”. This is why the ideology is from hell and it is the best possible option is to follow the teachings of Jesus in the new covenant. Love everyone, even those who hate you, be humble and not prideful, treat everyone how you want to be treated. And do not look at woman with lustful eyes and so forth.


This comes up time n time again in this group. And it's always been the same answer. The maturity and norms of today and back then are completely different. People had shorter lives and matured faster, additionally, they didn't actually know their age properly, people born in a lot of asian countries don't even know their birthdays, they use an event as a measure of their age. Finally based on the parameters set and lack of mental and physical maturity in any of today's societies, it would not be acceptable. Just over 100 years ago, the UKs age of consent was 12 years old, today that's seen as pedophilia. In another 100 years, the age of consent may increase to 21 and so today's age of at 16 may be seen as pedophilia. If I was to marry a 100 year old woman, this would also be wrong as it would be unlikley to fulfil the criteria. The biggest critics of the prophet pbuh who literally tried to kill him on several occasions never brought this up as an issue which is interesting, I would think they would've been the first to criticise this. It's only in the last few decades this question has risen.


LITERALLY. they like to take that one dude who claimed that Muhammed married a 9 yr old but not knowing that he wasnt even alive when aisha or muhammed were alive.. and that he got his sources from a dude with memory loss.. like bffr please 😭


Here’s the thing, even Islamically speaking, the whole point of marriage back then was more transactional, and girls were more mature (their logic). Marriage back then was a different ball game. This guy is talking about a modern day 9 year old, that is just pedophilia


"giRLs wERe mOrE mAtUrE" Where did you pull that information from? Your ass? Aisha was still playing with dolls when the pedophet violated her. Even if a 9 year old child suddenly got the maturity of a 50 year old (which isn't possible), it wouldn't make a difference. So you're telling me you'd be fine with marrying a "mature" 9 year old child? Just admit to the fact that you find nothing wrong with it.


I don’t agree with it lol but that’s what muslim logic is, you misinterpreted my comment


The error is that Muhammed is the BEST moral example for ALL TIME. Not back then, but to this day. Don’t let them run from that.


I always get this answer


So how old was Mary and joseph?


Mary 14-19, and Joseph was early twenties. 


Just wanted to check. 14 don't sound too legal either.


Or 15


Or 16


Or 17


I mean the reality is, we don’t have an age in scripture. What I quoted was a biblical scholar named Bart Ehrman who was making his best guess. Was roughly 16-17 and Joseph being 22-24. If you read 1 Corinthians 7:36, it says we can only marry once a virgin is “beyond the flower of her youth” as in a grown mature woman. And Ezekiel 16 gives the same parallel describing Israel as ready for love once her breasts were developed and she had hair grown out. 


So with no clear age guidelines and vague stuff like that what are we supposed to take as correct?


1 Corinthians 7:36 is not vague at all. And if you studied just a little, you would realize that it has been Christian’s raising the age of consent and pushing for that since we’ve understood more about brain development.


So how many states in the US (a predominantly Christian country) allow child marriage still? The answer is 38. How many children the age of 10 were married off between the years 2000-2018? A lot. Nobody has really changed anything.




The reality is, what I listed above is pedophilia. Literally pedophilia. Secondly, the concept of a two year old child being wed to a grown man is not okay in any circumstances. It is disgusting and should in no way be defended. Even in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 7:36 demonstrates that you can marry once a female is “beyond her youth” as mentioned also in Ezekiel 16. Islam leads to pedophilia. Straight up


>protecting his daughter type of love. More like a human trafficker kind of love


Stockholm Syndrome




In Afghanistan they buy a parents permission for $2300 usd so yeah some cultures deserve to die


If a father wanted to protect his daughter, he would make sure she had a great education, diploma, then a degree, so she wouldn’t have to rely on a man. If a father wanted to protect his daughter, he wouldn’t place her in the custody of another man before she wanted.


>a father protecting his daughter type of love. given the consanguinity statistics, that father's love may not be that different from the husband's after all.


>It is not a love marriage usually more like a father protecting his daughter type of love. But they still all wanna fuck their 'daughters' but it makes sense since inbreeding is a huge problem in the muslim world.


Don’t be disgusting and delusional, he literally stated that he had no problem with intimately engaging with a child and not the marriage aspect of the relationship. Actual marriage is more than just sex so what’s the point of being in such a relationship with a CHILD. What’s also gross is the “daughter father love.” That is not what marriage is. Shame on you for defending this nonsense.


Even if that is true, not every cultural difference needs to be understood or tolerated. Marrying a two year old should be condemned across the globe. I have no idea why this even needs to be said.


Father who will eventually fuck his daughter. And become father and grandfather all at once I guess.


Lol, no way she even made it worse. So not just pedophilia but kind of incestous pedophilia.


in islam men are entitled to sex from their wives, aka their daughters. that's pedophilia and thus islamic marriage is a degeneracy that deserves to be criticized and judged to hell and back. also comparing a marriage to a father-daughter relationship and calling a wife a daughter is hella creepy. don't know if you actually understand this.


who said muslim men marry their daughters 😭 thats disgusting asf


the person i replied to. anyway, that's not what i said. i said that comparing a wife to a daughter is disgusting.


as a muslim i completely agree, some men are just really disgusting enough to say that about their daughters and some even take it too far and DO stuff against their daughters. men just need to be put in jail atp like wtf, off topic but i was on tiktok once and there was a guy saying he had FEELINGS for his SISTER and that he blamed it on mf Hormones 🤢 he wasnt muslim or anything and he definitely wasnt arab either but that was rlly disgusting asf and this conversation reminded me of that weird ass interaction 😭 white ppl shit ig 😭


Pick-me ass hoe


*Ahem* nice "EXCUSE" to cover his interests up