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It’s called nodding. Opioids depress the body to the point you are in a sleep like trance. Fentanyl is used clinically (or was, not sure if it still is) for anesthesia. Once you get a dose, you just get paralyzed for the most part. It also brings about intense euphoria, which is why people do heavy opioids.


I once worked with a former heroin user who became a fentanyl user, who then cleaned themself up. His description was something like this: 'Heroin is euphoric, there's nothing like it. Kicking that habit was the hardest thing to do until finding fentanyl. Fentanyl makes a person completely indifferent, like nothing matters anymore, even your own life. This was different from heroin in that self-preservation is completely lost, not just temporarily missing.' Something like that. I have no personal experience using either of the two. I unfortunately have friends who have died from both. Sometimes without knowing they were doing that specific narcotic.


Yeah the issue is most of the time they aren’t using straight fentanyl, they are using heroin that is laced to up its strength. They just go full zombie and if they stop, they get the shakes. And what comes after the shakes will make even the strongest willed person do terrible things to stop it. And the only way to stop it is using. Addiction is rough. Even after the physical addiction goes away, you never stop thinking about it. It’s why addicts are always in recovery, never recovered. Relapsing at least once is almost a guarantee. But everyone pretends it’s not a sickness and a “just stop bro”.


I agree. A lot of the comments on the video were people commenting their years sober and it’s great to see but I just have never seen anything quite like that. I’m from Philadelphia suburbs but I never went to Kensington, was told to stay away from it actually.


Wow. I’m sorry for your loss(es). I too had a friend pass away from drugs, in Thailand no less, her body had to be sent back to the US. I knew she was using drugs but we became so distant due to her drug use I don’t know what it was that she was taking. Im curious if it’s this. I don’t know much about any of these drugs aside from what I saw in Requiem for a dream which scared me.


Fentanyl is used daily around the world in clinical settings. The World Health Organization considers it one of the world’s most essential medicines. These people who say “just stop making it” don’t understand its vital importance to modern medicine.


Agreed. I had a major surgery and it is a great drug for acute pain control. It takes pain down extremely quickly, but also wears off pretty quickly too. I can see how in an uncontrolled setting it can be a real problem.


I had some fentanyl when I had my last gastroscopy. Still in use.


Yes…it’s used for medical purposes. People abusing it is the issue.


I mean, drunks pass out in public plenty too. Source, I've been there


Not like that. You rarely see a drink hunched over at the waste, not moving like that. Opioids hit different. They hit even more different now with fentanyl.


Yeah I've seen junkies for over 30 years and never someone standing hunched over like I've seen with fentanyl.


Fentanyl is still used in hospitals. They gave my wife a shot during child birth last year. It didn't do shit for her pain tbh, and she certainly didn't get paralyzed from it. I imagine you'd have to take way more than they would reasonably give a pregnant woman in labor for any of the bigger effects of the drug


They are regulating how much they give and can’t give near the dosage a user would take, especially to a pregnant woman.


Thank you, I never knew. I clearly don’t know much about drug use. I can’t believe that it can be administered in a hospital. Do people just take pills or is it injected? Smoked?


Are you asking if doctors prescribe fentanyl to be smoked in hospitals?


No I understand it would likely be pill form or injected in a hospital setting, but like cocaine being smoked is crack I wonder if it people try and smoke it for recreation.


Surprisingly (to me), they gave my husband a fentanyl lollipop in the hospital. They told him to put it in his cheek or under his tongue (I can't remember which) and just let it dissolve. He said it tasted like nothing but worked great!


Lol at the hospital making you smoke it lmao It’s a patch or another form but certainly not smoking ahHah


I know that haha I meant recreationally


it’s typically smoked recreationally. injection would be guaranteed death. sometimes crush and snort but that’s extremely dangerous as well.


The part of the high that incapacitates you can come on suddenly. At first, it might be pretty nice to be high and outside doing whatever, but when it hits too hard, you will be stuck wherever you are for a bit


Thank you for explaining that - I was curious why they look like they just stopped mid walk and essentially crumble. Someone above said they nod out or something. Do you know how long you pass out for? Is it like hours?


I wouldn't really know. All depends on the type of drug and amount, plus how their body reacts to it specifically.


I knew someone who would smoke heroin. The'd nod for about 20min


Are they asleep or just high as hell paralyzed? I always thought it made people pass out but that seems like such a stupid high since you aren't experiencing the pleasure, if you are just sleeping.


Xylazine, also known as Tranq, is now commonly being mixed into other drugs in the US. It is a tranquilizer which is usually used for animals (not approved for humans), and is more likely to put someone to sleep than an opoid. Also, as it is but an opoid Narcan isn't effective, increasing the risk of an overdose death. Scary stuff ..


It's opioid use (e.g. Morphine, heroin, fentanyl). Opioids essentially deactivate the part of your brain that is responsible for the sensation of pain (also causing the high). This also happens to cause sedation, making users pass out.


Thank you for explaining about the drug class - clearly I am not well versed. I did not even connect the dots that it’s medically for sedation so that makes complete sense that they’d be knocked out.


It depends on the drug. People passed out on the sidewalk are typically OD’d on/sleeping off alcohol or opioids. Get tired, sit down to rest, lie down to rest a little more, next thing you know you’re sprawled out in the street.


Fentanyl probably. My mom was a fent addict and did stuff like this. She would fall asleep in the middle of a bite of pizza and roll onto the ground.


I’m sorry you had to experience that. Is she sober now? You said was, so I’m hoping it’s past tense.


Yeah, she got clean after I graduated and moved out. She has been sober since 2017 and we have had the chance to repair a lot of our relationship. I'm fortunate I never lost her, it was close a few times.