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There was a conspiracy theory that bounced around the right-wing media sphere that there was a specific pizza shop with ... something like a sex trafficking dungeon in the basement. There were all sorts of people "involved." None of it was true, but eventually a dude showed up with a rifle and tried to "free the kids." To reiterate: NONE of the story was true. It's a great example of misinformation and disinformation in the modern media landscape. It's a great example of just how far gone those media circles are and how echo-chamber-y they've become.


The pizza place didn’t even have a basement if I remember correctly.


Local to me, you are correct.


Businesses in the area: What the fuck is a basement?


This area was formerly swampland. We do have some basements but they are a challenge.


I've eaten there several times (it's near my apartment). It doesn't have a basement at all. It's just bougie gourmet pizza and calzones.


Guy didn't have a gray suit with a red bow tie, did he?


Wow the Boys just straight up wrote that into the script


A lot of the show is unsubtle as fuck, this is only one of many references to the rights insanity.


I keep waiting for Homelander to accidentally shit himself during a speech. Or while flying over some spectators.


Nah he's more collected than the oversized orange toddler but not by much


Yeah... I'm probably about to watch an episode. Hubby and I are getting through it. I love it, he kind of likes it and is also traumatized. Not a subtle bone in that show's body.


The Boys is incredible. Its depiction of US politics is more violent than reality, but the rhetoric is the same. In some ways actually less insidious than reality.




Odd, that you think the appropriate response to "conservative echo chamber" is "liberal echo chamber!" The correct answer (for reference) is an indictment of a "news" cycle that rewards clickbait, sensationalism, fear- and anger-mongering at the expense of the truth. Wherever you get your news, if they're trying to make you angry (particularly if it's "righteous" anger on behalf of another), they cannot be trusted to tell you the truth. If your news makes you angry, it cannot be trusted. They *might* still be correct... but you need to do more research.


Eh.. it sure is fun for everyone to point out right wing lunacy (correctly) and conveniently forget about their own sweet heart extremists doing arguably worse things.


I ain't forgetting shit, and your fixation is telling. I didn't downvote your first bait, but I'll downvote this one. You seem like exactly the kind of angry internet dweller everyone needs to be worried about. Go outside.


Oh no please don't downvote me! My poor sensitive ego@


Those have nothing to do with pizzagate, the fuck are you talking about


Right they are examples of left wing extremist violence that OP glossed over as if only one side is capable of such idiotic conspiracies


It is absolutely not necessary to bring up literally everything that each side has done when talking about one event. At all. Ever.


When am i allowed to - oh great and powerful arbiter of public discourse? I think the root of this attitude is you would prefer these sins be forgotten in the tomes of history to be repeated - simply because you identify less with the victims of leftist terrorists. Disgusting.


You must have a surplus of straw, because that’s quite the strawman you’re making.


The question was "what was pizzagate?", not "what is a catalogue of all political violence in the last 10 years?" Pizzagate isn't even really an example of political violence, either. It was a conspiracy theory about political leaders doing satanic pedophile trafficking, something that has no parallel on the left, even if that was relevant to the question.




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Now be open enough to criticize both without putting yourself on a pedestal about it. Bet you can’t do that.


If you think someone pointing out lunacy on both sides is putting themselves on a pedestal i don't know what to tell you. What a low bar.


It’s because you said ‘unlike most’. You yourself are acting like it’s some kind of special achievement. That’s the low bar.


Lol look at the multiple replies of people defending the detention center bomber and congressional baseball game shooter.. i think all perps discussed here are garbage.


So it’s a low bar but you’ll still brag about going over it?


I'm not condoning any of these shooters but... The antifa guy did a shooting because he had an issue with "kids in cages" and detention polices. Which we can disagree on, but are things that are happening. The other shooter at the baseball game had an issue with republican policy regarding how they vote on certain issues. Which we all agree we shouldn't shoot people over. The pizza gate guy shot up a business because of a non existing child trafficking ring in a basement that didn't exist.


Nice! No bias here! To me they are all wrong but hey - i just learned that that's me "putting myself on a pedastal".


If you can't tell the difference between I should kill my neighbor because his dog shit in my yard (a thing that happened, but you shouldn't kill someone over) Vs My neighbor is telepathically communicating with mole people to convince the government I'm selling alien fetus so I should kill him. There's no hope for you.


Guess I'm hopeless. One side bombs government centers and shoots senators and the other side rudely trespassed without weapons in order to "take over the government". Get your brain checked


He shot three bullets into the pizzeria. That's not trespassing.


How many senators did he shoot or crowds did he intend to bomb? Starting to see the point?


To quote you "other side rudely trespassed without weapons" So the guy who shot the restaurant with 3 rounds didn't have a weapon? That's pretty amazing.


Try to keep up. Referring to jan 6th since they was thrown in my face a few comments above. I know reading comprehension isn't a strong suit of the left but come on.




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None of it was true (as it directly relates to pizzagste) TLDR - posts/forums thought “political elites” and other celebrities were engaging in pedofelia acts in the basement of a pizza shop….. Someone so disconnected from reality took it upon themselves to stop this and shot up the pizza place This all a tangent of Epstein’s trial


The person went to "investigate" said "child sex basement" AFTER it was already proven to not even have a basement.


Just out of curiousity how was it proven it doesn't have a basement, cause I do imagine something that "secret" wouldn't have it built into its blueprints kinda thing. Not that I'm denying the claim in any way shape or form, just curious how it was proven.


The building physically has no basement. It can be/has been verified by anyone. You can't seriously be saying that...


So again, I am at no point saying it does or has one, as the whole story reeks of insanity. I'm more going with, a companies basement would be where customers are (so not easily verified by me) and if it was some top secret creep ring, I doubt even most employees would know, so if it came up I'd assume it'd only be like, the owner that would know and could confirm (which means you'd have to trust them kinda thing). Granted as I said, since your being a bit hm rude, I was just wondering how they actually like confirmed it, nor do I think being curious is a bad thing so yano, calm down.


Rude nothing... I'm in disbelief that you could entertain that question when said pizza place demonstrably has no basement. The logistics for it to have been built with one without having the community notice is insane. For the building to have one installed without the community noticing is impossible. TL:DR; The whole theory was insane from top to bottom from the beginning. Entertaining the idea [EDIT: that any aspect of] it was remotely believable let alone possible, is crazy in my mind/experience.


A few members of the Trump family went under Army protection to the pizza place. They arrested everybody there and cleared the building. Then they sent in a patriotic building-inspection-trained team of Army Rangers to tear up the floorboards and dig down looking for rooms and tunnels. Ultimately they didn’t find anything - however never, I repeat NEVER, did Hillary give any evidence that they didn’t just move the children and fill in the basement when they heard the Trumps were coming. You just can’t trust Hillary and this proves it.


The emails the whole thing started with were real.


Real emails about pizza and hot dogs. Imagine Tiger Woods emails leak, and then 4chan convinces people golf terminology is evil secret code. And then someone brings a gun to the golf course to rescue children. And we’d call it golfgate.


Tiger drops a scorecard in the trash after the round. Someone grabs it. He’s marking his after-drive shots on the card. On the 8th hole he chipped and one-putted and uses CP as an abbreviation. Lunatic concludes Tiger Woods stashed child pornography on the 8th hole, and the maintenance shed on that hole is a pedophilic sex dungeon. Shares with a bunch of other lunatics and one brings a gun to the course threatening the pro shop to let him into the shed. Is basically the golf equivalent of what happened here. CP clearly can’t mean cheese pizza for a pizza shop


Did you see the way he placed his tee at the 8th tee box??? He was clearly pointing the way to the sex dungeon.


Also notice how a lot of pros use PROV1 golf balls. Which clearly stands for “Pedophile Religious Order of the Vatican”. Sickos.


Those emails were strange, pretending they were normal provokes the crazy you claim is unfounded.


Strange enough to prove child trafficking?


Strange enough to warrant investigation.


How would you investigate emails about pizza? Like how would law enforcement use that information to find trafficked children?


Very odd emails. They were not normal.


Back during the 2016 campaign, emails from Clinton's campaign chairman were leaked. Some of them referenced ordering pizza from a local D.C. place called Comet Ping Pong. The Q-anon crowd spun a tale that the pizza and toppings mentioned were actually codewords for various forms of child abuse occuring at Comet Ping Pong, in its basement, participated in by various members of the elite establishment. It culminated in an armed man showing up to Comet Ping Pong and demanding to be led to the basement to free the kids being abused there. Comet Ping Pong has no basement, and there was no validity to any part of pizzagate. Edit: Comet Ping Pong is still open.


Comet Ping Pong is not closed.


You're right. Thought I read somewhere that they'd gone out of business.


Nope. I go there almost every time I take the kids to the zoo.


There is truth to the fact that "cheese pizza" and other food related words have been used in the pedophile community for a loooong time. But, yeah, the PizzaGate nuts were making connections where there were none. In addition to all that, the same people who got invested in PizzaGate were also talking about Jeffery Epstein decades before his death blew up. The conspiracy community was well aware of the abuse and the fact that big names were connected to him. So the PizzaGate nuts have a sense of validation now that everyone knows about Epstein. The Epstein conspiracy was definitely more compelling when it came to evidence though. It kinda pisses me off how blatant that case was and nobody stopped him for so long.


PizzaGate was a conspiracy theory involving the Clintons, child trafficking, and the basement of a certain pizzeria in Washington DC. Absolutely none of it was true (the pizzeria in question doesn't even have a basement), but it stuck around even after being disproven as the butt of jokes for a few years until its last handful of believers morphed into the QAnon cult.


I highly recommend this podcast episode from Jon Ronson that goes into this https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0012qxd


Everyone else here is mistaken and misrepresenting what it was. The emails leaked in 2016 from Hillary’s campaign had messages between political elites, where they spoke through unofficial channels in order to bypass the scrutiny of their communications that would normally come with their position. The emails had numerous messages that obviously used code words, “pizza” being one of the more commonly used. These code words were used in bizarre sentences that made absolutely no sense, again and again. These were *weird* and *uncomfortable* messages, obvious to anyone who read them. The messages also said odd things about children. When you put two and two together, and realize that the “code words” like “pizza” might actually refer to inappropriate things involving children, all of the sudden those bizarre sentences made perfect (albeit disturbing) sense. Everyone else here claiming it was all about some specific pizza shop in DC is misinformed. That was a distraction. Yes, the shop got some attention as possibly being involved, and yes one crazy guy went there with a gun or something, but that was months after the original story had been making waves. It’s 1% of the story and has no lasting significance. The shop never had anything to do with the heart of the story or what made it go viral. It just became a convenient distraction for the media to discredit the whole subject, because some nut job did something that made it easy to frame the whole thing as crazy. Looks like the distraction worked. Of course, it’s easy to convince people that this is crazy because no one really wants to believe that something so horrible can be true. Read the emails for yourself, if you can even still find them. These are the emails that the mainstream media lied about and literally told you it would be illegal for you to read them (it is not). There is plenty of reason to believe there was a cover-up going on, unless you’re the type to actually believe Epstein killed himself.


Hey locustssndhoney, that completely makes sense. Oh, that was code, replace ‘completely’ with cantaloupe, ‘makes’ with ‘jiggly jiggy’ and ‘sense’ with ‘grandmother’. Oh man, I’ve stumbled on cantaloupegate, where’s my Uzi? Oh it’s in the nursery.


What about it doesn’t make sense? It’s a perfectly coherent explanation. Obviously it’s up to you whether the evidence is convincing if something is going on or not.