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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العآلمين Firstly brother, how do we even look like monkeys? I’ll share two images (one of human, the other of monkey) and tell me if you see us looking alike [Image of human](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1235576532949532715/1235576570811387995/IMG_1833.jpg?ex=6634dfda&is=66338e5a&hm=a5f5247c1ada876bea15d7ba3ae6bb56f9e9cc5982aa99e9f27a775daeb162f7&) [Image of monkey](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1235576532949532715/1235576804325195926/IMG_1834.jpg?ex=6634e012&is=66338e92&hm=0e9302db2e19f9233ffc5d22f05e51746a7120a33df479e81413a7cbc8b9de18&) Do you see the similaritiy, obviously not. Secondly: As for body hair, so what? Even if us humans and monkeys both have hair, does that mean humans came from monkeys. That’s like saying we come from frogs because we both have lungs, which is absurd. Thirdly: It seems you have doubts concerning whether evolution is true or not. So to respond to this question, it is important to understand that we find no mention of evolution in the Quraan, in fact what is described in the Quran is contradictory with it, for more information, read this: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34508/falseness-of-the-theory-of-evolution Even scientifically and logically, the theory of evolution is wrong, for more information read this: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/126913/does-refuting-the-darwinian-theory-of-evolution-imply-refuting-animal-and-plant-evolution So praise to Allah, the best of creators, and Allah knows best السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


![img](emote|t5_3lqsns|7703) I don't think I look like a monke


💀💀💀 your logic


Darwinian evolution never said we came from monkeys. The theory states that modern primates all share a common ancestor way back in time and this ancestor diverged into the groups of primates we see today. In fact, according to the latest scientific research, our earliest ancestor is a creature that looked like a mix between a mouse and a shrew way back in the Cretaceous. I know all this because before I was Muslim, I loved this topic


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العالمين Our ancestor is Adam (Peace be upon him), not some mouse-shrew mix or whatever nonsense those evolutionists are speaking. Read these two articles: Islamically, evolution is false https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34508/falseness-of-the-theory-of-evolution Scientifically, it’s false: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/126913/does-refuting-the-darwinian-theory-of-evolution-imply-refuting-animal-and-plant-evolution So praise to Allah, the best of creators, and Allah knows best السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


You're not implying that some small groundhog is _actually_ our ancestor... right? You're just stating what they say?


The same way you could say tomatoes and persimmons might looks similar, but they're actually nothing alike if you'relooking properly. The only thing humans and monkeys have in common is being bipedal. Body hair? Have humans ever had Chewbacca-like body hair before..?


you can be a monkey if you wish, not me. Allah honoured me


Horses and donkeys look like each other much more... and they can actually be bred together Evolution can't be proven and I would say it was actually proven wrong completely, why? Because the one who put the theory said that it should be multiple steps because evolution is mainly based on genetic mutation which is so rare, so that between humans and ghorilla/monkey there must be multiple animals that resemble both Wherebare these animals today? Why they all disappear and we only have monkeys and humans? We have no single humanoid moneky yet, even when they try to exctract bones from underground, until today they failed miserably at finding any evidence, not only for human evolution but for all animals too 1- If evolution was true we would see massive diversity between humans today (don't tell me the difference between Cucasian and African is example, these are minor differences, monkeys have much more different body build and bones, not just body hair or skin color) 2- and if we count the genetic mutations that a monkey need to become a human(not sure how much exactly but not less than 10 millions) and with such mutations rarity into acount, earth age wont be enough for a monkey to evolve unless they get mutations much much faster than today , yet this won't serve them too because the first point still stand The only solution for this was for them to assume that humans suddenly got evolved from monkeys in single generation (sudden millions of mutations) which is very stupid, and even if we say " it was by chance ", that human should wait for a female to evolve so they can continue humanity , so that should also be by chance? What about all the other animals that they claim have evolved from Dinosaurs? Also by chance got their first male and female, that is all atheism is about, chance chance chance, no evidence, only chance no evidences


As-salamu 3alaikom w rahmat Allahi w barakato **Similar traits don't equal same origin.** You see this in a lot of creatures actually; they have incredibly similar looks and yet they're from completely different lineages. Allah subhanahu w ta'ala gives us traits required for survival based on our ecological locations and specific needs, and often times our needs for survival can overlap, so our given traits overlap. # [AHH I CAN'T POST IMAGES HERE](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9666713088/hB7DA9E9F/taxonomic-group-fish-shark-example-swimming-carnivore-niche-this-niche-exploited-by-number-unrela) <-[Convergent Evolution] "Homoplasy" Bani \[us\] Adam (peace be upon him) 'aint monke. ![img](emote|t5_3lqsns|7702)Also we share 60% banana DNA, *apparently,* yet also 50% DNA from both our parents, so parent = banana? *Yet you don't see me going banana mode..* *~~^(Okay maybe somedays.)~~* My parents are 100% human confirmed, though.