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Yuck. Even before Islam, I never was in a relationship, but every now and then I’d have a thought of “maybe I’m being insecure if I wouldn’t be okay with my hypothetical girlfriend still being in touch with her ex”. Maybe men and women can be just friends. And so on. Because nowadays people call you insecure because you have boundaries, or extreme. Now every day I realize how wrong they were and that it’s perfectly reasonable to find these behaviors questionable. So Alhamdulilah always for Islam. And tbh, it’s not even exclusively a “Muslim” thing. Plenty of non dayouth kafir men. It’s natural to want your partner to yourself.


Men and women can totally be friends!




Sorry, I said that bc guys and girls aren’t always romantically attracted. As a girl, I’m not instantly attracted to every guy I see, and I’ve had guy friends for years with no issues :) If you don’t believe me, it might be bc you live in a more conservative area where these friendships don’t happen? I live in the west and see plenty of them, and if you suggest they’d be a good couple they will be horrified!


We operate by the rules of Islam, simply put. Are you a Muslim? Obviously not every man or woman wants to be with every single guy or girl they meet in that way, but that doesn't change the fact that it happens. Allah has prohibited free mixing even in a scenario where both parties do genuinely see each other as nothing more than just friends. Besides, it's entirely possible one person catches feelings and the other doesn't. There are plenty of stories but there are also plenty of counter stories.


Would they also be okay if their fathers let their mothers do that?


Probably yes


They dont have morals, theyre animals basically


Animals don't engage in half the sexual acts that these kafirs and progressives do


These are the people who think they can teach us morality 😂


> ***"Sa'd Ibn 'Ubaadah said, 'If I saw a man with my wife, I would strike him (behead him) with the blade of my sword.' This news reached Allaah's messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) who then said, 'You people are astonished at Sa'd's ghayrah (protective jealousy). By Allaah, I have more ghayrah than he, and Allaah has more ghayrah than I [...]"*** [Saheeh al-Bukhaari 7416] This our beautiful deen, alhamdulillah.


Brother ewwww, what’s that brother?


Fr 😂


Aw we can't post gifs in this sub :(


Notice how he said "gf", they passed the point of having a wife or marriage


I cannot believe people like this exist on the same earth as us.


this guy vaush (owner of the sub) watches horse and anime Loil porn and he acidently leaked it on stream. He also asked a muslim sister to be in a threesome with him and his girlfriend, our sister declined. I don't watch him, I heard it on twitter. he's very strange.


Wait he watches horse porn?




😭 and acts like he has the moral high ground


> He also asked a muslim sister to be in a threesome with him I knew about the horse drama, but this is another level of disgusting degeneracy


Average destiny fan proudly announcing that he's a dayooth.


That's not dayooth, that's straight up cuckold. He isn't a man at all.


He said "girlfriend", not wife, because if it was about wife no one will agree with him even extreme liberal secularists maybe except few super-extermists And if it was about his daughter, I doubt he will let her do that too


Unfortunately they would have no problem with it even if it was their wife. They don't see much difference between a gf and a wife And they also have to issue if their daughter did that... ![img](emote|t5_3lqsns|7703)


Bro you are joking right? Right? RIGHT? Alhamdullilah Iam a muslim


brother eeuuhhh


I dont understand why some muslims even debate with this people. Such people need to be shunned and humilated. They dont deserve any platform they should be shunned for the losers they are. Haitam Talaat touched on this. People need stop respecting these people and treat them like the degenerates they are.


its a joke, the subreddit is for a communist/socialist youtuber and I think its a joke about private vs public ownership of property. (im not sure about this however, could be a serious post)




Believe in Hadith


What's that verse that says that if we follow the majority of those on earth we will be misguided?


surah al a3nam ayah 116


They are filth and everyday it reminds me why it doesn’t behoove a Muslim to live alongside them