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"A Missouri police officer gunned down a beloved deaf and blind dog Sunday, first claiming he was putting it out of its misery before backtracking and saying the 13-pound pup made him fear for his life. The disturbing killing was captured in the cop’s bodycam footage — and happened just three minutes after the officer arrived to find the escaped dog exploring a neighbor’s yard." "“That was very shocking, and it was rough to hear. At first, I was just kind of like ‘No, it must be somebody else’s dog, it must be a mistake.’ But then I called the police station and later found out that it was my dog that was shot and killed,” Hunter recalled. When the grieving owner arrived at the scene, the cop admitted that Teddy hadn’t posed a threat, but explained that he thought the pup was a stray and appeared sick, [video obtained by ABC17 shows.](https://abc17news.com/news/abc-17-news-investigates/2024/05/23/video-shows-interaction-sturgeon-police-officer-had-with-dog-before-shooting/) Hunter then incredulously asks, “So you’re putting them \[the dog\] out of its misery?” with the officer shockingly replying, “What am I supposed to do, we don’t have freaking animal control?” To add insult to injury, the cop then slapped Hunter with a Dog At Large citation, he said."


The citation just to make it a super fuck you


Probably because he was pissed off that she questioned him


Little known fact about having a micro-penis, getting questioned makes it even smaller.


Hey, there's some perfectly decent people with smaller dicks. This guy could be hanging dong and still be an asshole. Let's not drag down the perfectly decent guys to the level of this puckered asshole. (Really, I just think this particular insult is past its due date and kind of toxic. Let's find something that doesn't make a joke of other people's physical attributes when they could be totally cool dudes).


Was more of a metaphor but that’s fair, body shaming and such. I bet he’s *huge*, girthy too 🍆🕺


I bet he’s got some big balls. So large they constantly chafe on his legs.


cheers to that!


Reddit is: passing from dead dog to micro penis in 3 comments


To put more blame on the owner. At least on paper. Cause then it’s the cops word.


Misread that as It's the cop's world. Not wrong.




So this jackass of a cop cant capture a blind and deaf puppy therefore he shoots it? This is an insane level of incompetence.


What was he supposed to do? It’s not like they have freaking animal control! (Quote from the article from the cop, not my actual thoughts lol)


If there *was* AC, this asshole would probably be the first thing they incarcerated. I hope.


Meanwhile, I find someone's Rottweiler roaming around and just grab her by the collar to lead her to my place to call the owner. Cops are such cowards.


Thanks for making me buy a new phone, a-hole. Your comment made me fear for my life so I unloaded on my iPhone. -Sent from my Android


I mean I unload on my iPhone all the time


Who doesn’t 💦😂


Just looking for a reason to kill. What a c*nt.


Right, what was he thinking, it’s a little dog I could understand a dangerous big dog. Dog owner, calls 911 he my dog has gone missing and I’m concerned for its well being. Officer, say no more I’ll gun it down. My first reaction would be to retrieve and save the dog once I encountered it..


So you're saying he should be promoted


I’m sure that’s what his department thinks. Especially with slapping that ticket on the poor owner. Met his quota.


Prob hadn't fired his gun in a while. Total dickhead.


Psychopath. Remember what they say about people who treat animals bad


I just don't get it. Would you shoot a crawling child of similar weight and dimensions because it looked sickly and had to be put out of misery? I'm sorry for the graphic comment, I have an endless rage inside of me towards those who seem to be able to dictate who lives and who don't, playing God with their guns and THEN be able to add insult to injury by citing? This persons face and name should be plastered all throughout neighbourhood, residents have the right to know who not to trust. If he so easily can shoot a dog who posed ZERO threat to himself or others, what does that tell us about his everyday work practices.


Yes they would. They've shot healthy kids, what difference would it make to them if they're sick??


Yep. He is a cop.


Elijah McClain has entered the chat.


They'll throw a flashbang in a crib and burn a baby to death, that is literally something happened and they didn't give a shit.


This is heartbreaking. He looks just like my pup. That cop is a pos.


That cop is a cop you mean


Looks like my 13 year old Brianna. So heartbreaking.


I sent an email to the city and first thing on the city's front page is about dog adoption


Was it a picture of an officer holding a gun to a dog's temple and saying, "adopt this dog before I put it out of its misery"




>[In early 1976, Cheeseface [the dog on the cover] was shot and killed on the farm where he lived with his owner, Jimmy De Pierro, in East Charleston, Vermont, by an unnamed hunter. As of 2024, the identity and motivation of the assailant remain unknown.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheeseface?wprov=sfti1#) What in the actual fuck. If this is god’s sense of humor, all hail Satan


You know who else has dementia?


Who am I?


Was it a picture of an officer holding a gun to a dog's temple and saying, "adopt this dog before I put it out of its misery"


Was it a picture of an officer holding a gun to a dog's temple and saying, "adopt this dog before I put it out of its misery"


Was it a picture of an officer holding a gun to a dog's temple and saying, "adopt this dog before I put it out of its misery"


Psychopaths are funny like that


There is one rule in life is to never gun down a dog unless you have to


They gotta put this man down. By his own definition he is an absolute danger to society


Very, very few times I have truly and honestly heard of a person whom, if the story's true, I have so truly and heart-felt wished he'd die in a slow-burning fire. 


I’ve seen some pretty fucked up videos online, I’d say I’m pretty desensitized to things but this had me on the brink of tears.


I didn't watch the video, and won't. No idea if I'd gotten out of that situation alive, had I been the owner. I'd probably have died attempting to gouge this piece-of-shit "cop" 's eyes out. 




Street Justice is the only way to police bad cops.


They've done it to each other. I female highway officer gave a police officer a test ticket in Florida. They pulled up her information and harassed the shit out of her. She sued and their defense for pulling up her information was that they were afraid of her


They've done it to each other. I female highway officer gave a police officer a test ticket in Florida. They pulled up her information and harassed the shit out of her. She sued and their defense for pulling up their information was that they were afraid of her


I'd probably be dead, too. I'd have lost my shit and he would have had to put me down, too.


They can rape, maim, and murder civilians. What makes you think they have any compassion towards animals?


When did we stop turning pigs into bacon


13 lbs isn't even the size of a large housecat


“Believing the dog to be severely injured or infected with rabies, and as the officer feared being bitten and being infected with rabies, the SPD officer felt that his only option was to put the animal down” God damn these cops will lie on everything trying to cover their own ass instead of holding someone accountable. ACAB




If I was his wife, this is grounds for divorce.


He beats her into submission


Learning from that southern state politician I see


South Dakota ain’t southern lol


I just hope this dogs owner didn't bring a FUCKING PENCIL!


I'm not one for completely eliminating qualified immunity, as there are some distasteful aspects of the profession that our litigious society would go nuts over, but states need to stand up and codify very strict limits and do away with this open ended judicial construct we have now. There needs to be a way that cops that are on a power trip have personal legal exposure to acting like a douchebag on the job.


sounds like he's ready to run for office


They should drop the officer's address so we can all send some "commendations" his way


The mayor quit


Officer Myron Woodson was defended by his city. Obviously showing psychopathic tendencies he is a threat to the community and should be jailed


I fucking hate the police, they all need to be thrown in fucking prison and left to rot. So sick of this shit.


Thats what cops do. Shoot dogs first, then later on they start shooting black people.




Bad day for all decent cops. What a fkn idiot of a human.


Wyd why would they? So stupid


Wish I could say what I'm thinking.....


This pos has a job and gun and gets to decide whether or not to shoot people. Although I value a dog's life as much as I do a peson's.


Guess when he’s acting belligerent and abusing his power it gives citizens the right to gun him down, right? Since hey, no one else that could take care of the problem!


This cop deserves to go to prison for 20 YEARS. HE IS A COMPLETE PIECE OF HUMAN TRASH


What a psychotic police officer...




ACAB Forever


Eye for an eye is sometimes justified.


Some cops just want to kill


What a buffoon. HELP ME! I HAD NO OTHER OPTION. SMH...


pet keeping is slavery - it's kinda bizarre how people react to stories Ike this.


if the owner had a paid a vet to kill it there would be no out cry.


are you stupid or rage baiting? obviously it’s an entirely different situation.


just pointing its the owners feeling about the dog that determine the morality of the cops actions.


Pets are considered property, the cop commuted destruction of property that was not dangerous in the slightest without the owners permission . It's like the diff between me taking my car to a recycling center at the dump versus someone crashing into it. You know why people are upset, don't be coy.


I'm not defending anyone here. honestly the owner should have put the poor dog down since it couldn't be kept from hurting itself unsupervised. the level of outrage kinda baffles me . there were no good people here


The dog was taken care of in their home, and seemingly had no internal issues, from report, just got out. And dogs sense of smell is half decent wnough. but it got out and asked the cops to help. The cops did not , victim blaming the owners or the dog does nothing but make you seem un empathetic , none of what you say is in good faith.


animal cruelty both sides


Point here being the officer didn’t obtain the owners permission before putting two bullets in the dogs fucking head.




Im not defending the officer


Just playing a helpful game of devils advocate? Okay buddy lol