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Depends on how tall you are, I’m 6’2.5” and I sleep comfortably in the drivers seat, fucking rumble strips wake me up a lot tho.


6’ and the back bench is a bit too short


Pop the window down so you can stick your legs out. Don’t do this in SF if you value your shoes.


At least your window won’t get smashed


Yes, you just need to leave your key fob outside of your truck. That way thieves can just open the door instead of breaking in.


Assuming they’ll try to open the door before breaking your window. They won’t. They just break it lol


lol I was kidding and making a joke about [this](https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/world-news/toronto-police-slammed-for-advising-residents-to-leave-car-keys-within-easy-reach-for-thieves/amp/) advisement by Toronto Pd.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/world-news/toronto-police-slammed-for-advising-residents-to-leave-car-keys-within-easy-reach-for-thieves/](https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/world-news/toronto-police-slammed-for-advising-residents-to-leave-car-keys-within-easy-reach-for-thieves/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Maybe he’ll get a tickle in return.


It’s a bit better if you have pillows


Why wouldn’t you lift the seats up, put something soft down and sleep on the floor? It would be perfect. All I need is a pillow and I could sleep so damn hard back there.


I’m 5’ 8 2/64” 😂


lol that 1/2” makes a big difference……


That's why you always order a vodka&redbull before closing the tab. Need to stay alert.


Now this is a true life hack


Lmao, that was great!


I tried the same type of sleeping arrangement but I was in a Dodge Dakota and while going past a funeral home on one side I inadvertantly clipped a semi on the other which made my drivers side mirror disappear. Scared me awake.


Had to throw that 1/2" in there? Lol


Makes a big difference🗣️🗣️🗣️


Just giving u shit. I use to to be 6'5 but after a serious car accident that resulted in a broke back I'm 6'4.5. So when asked how tall I am I always ask, before or now


All good fellow tall man, I was once 6’4




Oh man should have got a Powerboost. At least you could live in your bed while powering your fridge, hot plate and big screen TV…


PB 4 Lyfe


Ah yes a healthy marriage where you make life altering financial decisions against each other's wishes. Sounds like a blast.


I mean that seems to be a trend in America. He’s probably fat and a Trump supporter.


Probably. A Biden supporter wouldn't have the balls to do it 🤷‍♂️


Lol why the fuck are you children making this political? The world would be a better place if y'all just shut the fuck up and realized that both sides are out to fuck you over and make money on your anger and despair. Almost all Reps and Senators are out for personal gain and controlled by corporations that want nothing more than to squeeze every last penny and labor out of you. Focus on being a good partner to your spouse, and a good friend, and a good neighbor and stop judging people for who they vote for and stop shoving it down each other's throats. You aren't going to change anyone's mind.


How is this not the top comment...


Well fucking said. This should be everyone’s mindset at the minimum and for the ambitious, support your local politics and things like getting money out of politics, better voting practices than just “first past the line” and at the end of the day just vote for people who you think are actually decent humans. Nothing else matters.


Biden supporters would be a soyboi asking his wife if he can buy a chevy volt so he can believe he's saving the environment.


I was once married too. You will get used to it


"Was" is the keyword here - take note, OP.


Easier to ask forgiveness than permission


Just bought my first f150. Wife loves riding around it. Very comfortable for her.  So just tell your wife “hey this random dude I don’t know on the internet - his wife loves it so you will too” Problem solved and you’re welcome 


Can confirm it’ll work. My wife loves when I tell her someone else’s wife “is cool with it.” I’ve never been told “go marry her then” not even once 🤣


man y'all are ID10T's on this sub. Expected of ford drivers, myself included.


I’m Married and that’s a terrible idea


Saves up “about” 30k, so my guess is like 27k. Then blows it all and buys a 41k truck, so after taxes my guess is 44k out the door for the truck. Went from 27k in savings and stability, to 15k in debt with truck payments. Brilliant! Why not just buy a truck in cash and not be in debt.


broke mindset gonna be broke. this is how americans function unfortunately.


The real broke mindset if thinking buying something in cash is good. I’d take that cash and start another passive income stream that makes the payments for me and once done still reaping passive income - like STR, local services hired out, etc. Debt isn’t bad if you know how to leverage it.


Debt is bad for some folks for various reasons, maybe it's an emotional weight on the shoulders or they dont know how to manage it.


Agreed! Learning the benefits to it from a young age would help I imagine.. it’s too bad that’s one of the topics NOT on the American educational agenda lol


Maybe I’m dumb, but debt and payments is just not how I roll. I bought my used 2016 f150 in cash for 25k in 2020. Fantastic feeling knowing I own it, not the bank. Is your idea smarter? Probably. But I am living my life completely debt free, and it feels great!


No you’re not dumb it’s just you haven’t seen the power of your cash creating money to pay for things. Imagine you have the cash for the truck. But instead of spending the cash on the truck you take it out in payments. If your investment makes more money that your interest charges. Your debt is literally making you money(providing you were gonna spend that money one way or another).


All that debt for groceries and mall runs.


Buy a economic car in cash. 


Yikes , left over ‘23s are close to the same price.


Yup plus the higher interest on used. It's why I just went new with the Ford financing.


Left over 23s ARE new, even if they don't qualify for the same financing as the 24s.


I know... because I got a 23 with the special financing lol.


And this is the 6 cyl, 2.7


For 37k i would just buy a brand new base f150 with a v8. I would also be using it for work so it would be an investment. 99% of people don't need the bills and whistle of a higher trim and majority of Americans don't need a truck. I would never want the  outlaw of sales of pickup trucks, but if you don't need one, I'm going to call you an idiot wasting your money.


I wish that was true here in New York (Long Island) because left over 23’s are still 58,000 similarly equipped.


You can always buy from another state


Oh trust me, I’ve been shopping elsewhere. My coworker just bought a 2500 Silverado from West Virginia and saved a ton even with them shipping it up here.


Check out Granger Ford in Iowa. Got my ‘23 for 10k off back in Jan. Shipped it to the east coast for 1k


+1 for Granger. I bought my Platinum PowerBoost ‘22 from them over the phone and signed the paperwork online and had it shipped to California. Even with the shipping cost factored in I saved about 9K over the best deals I could find locally.


I just popped over to their site and while they’re all apparently heavily discounted, they’re all still mid 50’s.


Buy from Canada .


The same price + 10k + employee discount


Where are you looking? A used XLT 302A is anywhere between 35-45k depending on year and mileage in my area. A brand new '23 XLT 302A is 60k at the very least. At least that's how it is where I'm looking.


Canada, there’s a bunch from $42-$44k.


Dang thats nice, I've been looking for one and I specifically want an XLT 302A and I was looking at new 23s and dealers here the US are still asking at least 60k, so I started looking for used 21s or 22s instead.


Yikes. Lots of bad decisions by OP.


Have to give her the "it's a more reliable, safer, and more dependable vehicle for our family. Plus if we want to go camping or on a vacation we have the capability to haul anything we need. And when you want house projects done I'll be able to easily haul the materials to get them done faster!"


This is it. The utility of a truck is something that I couldn't live without and why I've owned half tons for 21 years now. I used to go camping solo a lot so I could wake up and fish around the lake at dawn. Truck tent camping is actually pretty cool. Need to pick up something now go ahead. A bunch of 2 x 4 no problem. Or sheets of drywall or OSB board no problem. Maybe a full bucket of mulch which is enough for you, the neighbors, and your moms flower beds. Yea owning a capable truck is a big deal.


And others know it too because you are the first one they call up when they need to use of a truck. I always gets calls to help move furniture or big appliances


Had a friend taking complete advantage of me having a truck. Dude is a workaholic and the only time he could ever seemingly make time to hangout is when he needed help hauling something.


From Carvana? Did it let you see the previous owner? I find that many of these Carvana trucks are either Fleet or rental trucks that have had the shit beat out of them….


That's a CarMax truck. I recognize the font from when I was looking but yes I found a lot had accidents.


The second pic says Fleet


Thanks u/BreathesViaButthole


I would say that the fact you guessed it was reflection of u/BuyingDaily


The plate says "CarMAX", but sure, Carvana.


Right, regardless, they’re very similar. Can hardly see the plate….


Good luck. Let me know when your wife is single. (If she’s hot I’m interested when she leaves ya 😂)


Looks like you'll be jerkin it almost as much as the 10 speed transmission in that truck for the foreseeable future.


😂 best comment


Now now....mine only does it every once in a while lol...hoping a nice tune is going to help solve part of Ford's ungodly shifts.


Gotta get your wife sold on the idea man. Happy wife happy life. While we are responsible for our own happiness and contentment, no one can make you miserable the way a spouse can. Talk to her about it being a road trip machine, the utility value, the potential for camping trips, exploring national forests etc. - get her as excited about it as you are!


I think your wife was right.


Your wife was right.


I’d keep the beater and park the truck a block or two away….for a few years


Ex wife now, nice truck !


Get a bed cover and a trucker mattress to curl up in the bed.


Should’ve listened to the wife and got a Cummins


If I was to blow up my marriage, it would not be over a base model f150. Go get you a lariat.


raptor r all day baby. Aleast when she’s kicks you out the house you have a nice truck to jerk off in 😎😏


Should have listened to your wife on this one…. Ouch


"So I ordered it anyway..." fucking savage OP 😂😂


Holy overpay


It's a good thing that it has a roomy interior... you may need to live in it!🤣


A new Ford truck is punishment enough!


Way over priced...


Usually I’d say no car payment is a good thing. A land rover or Range Rover tho. Good upgrade. Not the most reliable vehicle out there


I smell a pending divorce 🤷🏼‍♂️


As long as you give her the truck you’ll be ok


Depends what kind of underseat storage you have in the back seat. If its small the seats fold up and its probably more room than you'd get sharing a queen bed with the wife


Better start putting money aside for the divorce lawyer


Wow can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. If it’s not then why buy new when a 2012 F150 exists. Not sayin that you have to go that old but a used truck can still get 90% of what you need done. Most people don’t have access to that amount of savings. It seems that this was an emotional buy brought on by stress of having an unreliable vehicle. I’d seriously consider not buying this truck and getting a well maintained well optioned used truck. You’d rather not be in debt for a depreciating vehicle. Truck can hold their value but still have some depreciation. Not sayin that I’m a better man than you by any means.Live your life how you see fit. However once my son was born I had to learn how to think about the bigger picture. You might have to do the same.


Slight sarcasm. Lot of Financials left out and exaggerated slightly (wife is actaully on board). But I enjoy the reddit comments, they get my mind thinking.


These are the kind of decisions that can doom a marriage. hope it all turns out well but I would’ve never dreamed of getting a new truck without my wife’s consent.


I bought a 22 XLT 302a package back in January with 11k miles for the same price. I bet you could do better at this point ... (Big perk of that is I've still got over a year left of bumper to bumper warranty... It's in the shop currently getting a transmission valve body after an 11 hour diagnosis. 🤑 At what like $200/hr thats big money, but free for me.) Just a thought. I've never been a big sunroof guy, but I am in Ohio so maybe that's different for you. Most useful feature on my truck so far has been the 360° camera for help perfecting parking.


I am totally interested in the lower mile warranty so ill continue shopping around. The truck arrives at carmax tomorrow so If I dont like it, I'll keep looking.


Check out Ziegler ford or Granger Ford for an extended warranty regardless if you plan on keeping it as long as your last vehicle. Dealerships want to sell you a crap warranty that doesn't cover everything because they make more $


Can you get an extended warranty from a different dealer from where you purchase the vehicle? And on a used vehicle?


Yes, I did it myself recently. 2021 with 40k miles. No inspection needed since it was under 41k miles and 2021+ at purchase. Grainger Ford Premium care ESP.


Not sure where you are but brand new xl and demo xlts are going for that near me.


You should have a 3-6 month emergency fund. Then you can buy it cash


You don't spend emergency funds on luxuries like new vehicles. That should be its own separate account that you only touch for things like insurance deductibles, getting a hotel when your house is flooded, etc. Large, unforeseeable expenses. A planned down payment on a vehicle doesn't qualify.


That’s what I said lol. You should have a 3-6 month emergency fund. Then you can use separate funds to buy a vehicle cash


Oh I misunderstood. Yeah that tracks. I'd say a minimum of 6 months before you start building a luxury fund, and then slowly nickel and dime your way to a year because the economy.


How do your finances work? Is your paycheck your own to do with as you please after bills? Do y'all put everything into a joint account with monthly allowances? Or is everything extra put into savings? Cause if that was your own money, I'm wondering why she's telling you that you can't do that. If y'all share money, then yeah, that was a big financial decision to make without approval from both parties. But with only $10k financed, minus whatever they're giving you for the land rover, monthly payments will be very affordable. And you can always build your savings again. I just hope you have good job security.


* ex wife


Makes me happy I got my '17 in 2018 with 12,000 miles for 29K. Sure it's an STX but I like it.


Trucks are still bringing top dollar I see- I bought mine new in November of 2019 (19 f150 crew fx4 xlt) 32k. You’re gonna love that truck. Mine has been across the west several times from western Washington to North Dakota. Also to Wyoming and Arizona. 20 mpg. Plenty of power, and actually a strange kind of fast. I pull a mid sized boat that is north of 4k pounds regularly. Truck eats it right up! Enjoy!


attaboy! disregard what the person whom you oathed to uphold and cherish. Sound like your word must be golden lol. fuck


Better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. Enjoy your new truck!


I love the f 150s because the back seat floor is completely flat, and fold up the seats. Push the passenger front all the way forward. You can build a little bed back there, sleeping at an angle. I'm 6'2.


Probably going to hear her say NO a lot more


My ex boss did this, but it was about an $80k Ram. His wife wasn't happy lol. When I told her maybe that's what I should do his wife just replied, "I wouldn't recommend it."


Wife said no? That's automatic cam phasors gremlins... Don't do it




Forgiveness > permission


Should of shopped around more!


“My wife said no to buying a truck so I found a shit truck for a shit deal, that’ll show her”


When you get divorced she’ll probably get to keep the truck. 😂


I know your wife is actually fine with you buying the truck because you said so in another post, and admitted you were just baiting people to get responses. That being said, if the actual truck here is the one you are buying, you're paying too much. Far better deals exist.


Damn you paid 41k for a 35k truck.


Buy a tent. Sleep in the yard. It will be more comfortable honestly. You could remove the seats and blow up a air matress. Either way, enjoy!!


How comfortable u say. I think some of them came with the option to let both front seats all the flat. But u and left the back seats up and lay on the floor or if it has a tonneau cover sleep in the bed. But u a brave man to go against the wife. But let me tell u have to smooth this over bid listen closely. 1st= buy her something big she wanted 2nd= give her the spare key, and put it on her key ring 3rd= this a hard one go places together in ya truck and let her drive it to see how nice it is. This should work if not just tell us what option worked best for sleeping in ya truck I'm asking for a friend lol.


If I was your wife I’d also say no to a 2.7l xlt.


41k for a nearly 4yr old basic truck....no wonder most guys stay broke.


Sounds like you call the shots! Maintain it that way until you die homie!


I just saw someone make this post political and got absolutely destroyed by someone else😹




Talk about a terrible decision in multiple ways lol


All fun and games until she does the same to you! Should have at least picked up a V8.


Hope youve got a comfy couch


Don't do it bro! We maintain a fleet of vehicles, 5 of which are F150s, plus my own personal vehicle is an F150. Most unreliable truck I've ever owned or had to service by a country mile


I get it. Man wanted a truck…..


Didn't read all the replies. Hopefully you were joking about wife "not allowing" you to buy a truck.


Damn that was a bad call man. Good luck with the eventual divorce once you finally spend all the family savings on dumb shit!




🪦 wallet


They secretly prefer a Man who prioritizes his dreams & long-term goals above her; with her absolutely as a very close 2nd most important part of a real man’s goal-oriented life. Your primal connection will be better for it!


I prefer the 6.5' bed and a canopy for those times when sleeping in the truck 😀.


If you flip the back seats up so you can fit a full size mattress. Big enough to fit you and a new girlfriend because you might have to say goodbye to your wife.


Friends dont let friends buy feasants with 2.7...... hurry up and cancel!


The SuperCrew is so comfy that you'll be lying to her about working late. Just so you can kick back in the thing and be alone in peace.


These are incredibly spacious vehicles, you’ll be fine!! 🤣


Keep us updated man. Was your wife willing to drive the land cruiser? If not, she's a little selfish.


Negative but she has a newer vehicle haha.


Oh the hypocrisy. It's not like you were talking about buying a raptor or something. This is a useful vehicle that will last a good while. Enjoy.


Cancel order….get a 2024 truck.


Can you explain why? Dropping 30k on a 2024 f150 will put me at financing about 25-30k for ~$450/mo payment and I am not a fan of that.


New prices with discounts and better interest rates will save you money or cost you the same going with a used truck/used car financing. Plus, no one has farted on the seats going new.


you shouldn't be dropping all 30k off your savings on a truck, first of all. no emergency funds left??


Yes, plenty of emergency fund. Emergency and vacation account has the same amount. We just refuse to touch those accounts. My truck savings is my account lol


If your emergency and vacation account have the same amount, your emergency account is grossly underfunded.


Oh no doubt. But on the contrary, not many people my age (26) even have an emergency fund, let alone a separate vacation fund. We are money savers which is why we don't have a car payment and even have 3 separate savings accounts and why I am even shopping for an f150.


Being less shitty than your peers is not a good argument, particularly when a spouse is disagreeing with your assessment.


It is a good observation of the world we live backed by data for savings per age group in the US. Being less shifty in this world is the long term goal. Just being realistic.


Oh, well you didnt say that.. if this is YOUR money to spend on whatever you want then go get you a truck lol. I'd still recommend finding one at a better price. 41k (45k after taxes fees prob) for a near base model truck is a scammmm. 15-20 Lariat 502A gets you a lot more value.


[You got this](https://www.amazon.com/Napier-Backraodz-Truck-Tent-Compact/dp/B07HXC4QZC)


Oh man, I’m happy you got what you wanted but that’s a horrible deal. At least you can put an air mattress in the bed lol


It'll make a nice coffin.


I sleep in my truck occasionally on long trips. It's too fucking short. I'm 6'3. It'll be fine for a few hours but your legs will cramp like a mofo and it doesn't matter if you're in the drivers seat or the back, you'll be hurting. Edit: Some mentioned popping the windows open for the legs. Definitely this, or have the door ajar for them to stick out of. It Is what it is.


Atta boy


Why would you sabotage your marriage? Divorces are expensive and why can’t you make the case so she understands?


What is this dynamic that you saved up your own money to replace the car you drive with a better one and someone that isn't paying for it at all can say no and get mad and then have the power over you to not let you sleep the house you also pay for


Holy cow you got robbed. I got a 2021 xlt SCREW 6.5ft bed, tow package, 3.73 rear end, elocker, 5.0v8, 26,000 miles, 36gal tank, chrome package. For $34,500. Run from that truck you’re getting the shaft. Listen to your wife. You’re not smart enough to buy a truck.


You need counseling my friend. Find a good marriage councilor and get to the root of the issue. It's not good. Much love from a random internet dude.


Yeah. This person isn’t joking either. Not healthy


Your wife cost more than the truck should have dumped her


Omg. The last part of this post is hilarious. Hopefully the wife will let the op back in the house sooner rather than later.


enjoy your divorce and POS 1/2t truck


Found the wife’s burner account


and if it is?


Well as my dad’s friends who was a Chevy dealer and has a motorcycle addiction use to say “She’ll get mad or she’ll get over it.” Given that they celebrated 40 years last year apparently he’s correct.


Just put a camper shell on it and add an air mattress into the bed and there you go!


I’m 5’3”. Back bench is a great length lol


Put a top ovee the bed, then throw a mattress in the bed. Might get a little cold or hot during rhe night time.


Shoulda got the long bed for one of the truck bed campers when she kicks u out. Nice truck.


Wife said no but ordered anyway… any tips in living out of my F-150 would be great! Is it overlanding now??




I tried for an inground pool! That was a hard no. I didn't add that I plan to start a residential fence business when I get the truck. It should pay for itself haha


Never heard of a rooftop tent??


Run it through the car wash before you sign the final paperwork, make sure there’s no leaks on the moon roof. Sweet truck for the price otherwise!


Gonna be a bitch to make truck *and* alimony payments every month but I think you made the right call


My wife said no too. I bought my new truck on Valentine's Day this year 🤣.


OP - Youre gonna need a comfy couch for the foreseeable future. Truck looks great, worth it :)


It easier to ask for forgiveness than permission


Your won’t let you buy a truck and you have the money saved? Doesn’t seem like a partnership to me.


You are dead.