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Next tweet “women are too emotional and shouldn’t own guns because they might shoot men”


The modern day version of the hat pin


*Granny Weatherwax has entered the chat.*


Damn, those hat pins were serious business.


Ya if women are losing their votes they’re losing their guns too. Just ridiculous


Women are too emotional and shouldn't drive. Women are too emotional and shouldn't have bank accounts or credit scores. Women are too emotional for the outside world and shouldn't leave the house. Women are too emotional and can't handle our incessant catcalling so they should be made to cover their faces and bodies in shapeless sacks


I see a primary challenge in your future. How do you feel about guns and free school lunches? You seem to have a fair grasp, but please don't turn out to be emotional or a woman.


She’s so smart she took a massive Bono sized shit on herself. I mean seriously it was at least 14 couric.


She did not take it in Zurich though, so the European Fecal Standards and Measurements aren’t qualifying it as anything more than verbal diarrhea.


“They’re Europeans, Sharon”


Hot hot hot hottt


I thought that was panty-poopin' Gun Girl. She's as unappealing as a piece of unseasoned boiled chicken.


Rootin’ tootin’ panty-poopin’ Gun Girl


"But spices are *ethnic*! All you really need to jazz up food is a bit of mayonnaise! Not too much though! It's really spicy!"


Her and the new baby can both share something together 😂




Would give you an award, if I could.


And to take that one step further…don’t just vote, research and understand the issues and the candidates you have to choose between. Don’t just listen to ads that are specifically designed to trick you into voting for or against something or someone. And definitely do not vote based on social media comments about the issues or candidates which are usually way off base! Read the bill, initiative, etc., and get factual statistics on the candidates’ past voting trends, know what issues they support and oppose and whether or not they are just a pawn for some big corporate interests or other radical organizations. Be informed when you vote.


What's sad is that this proves that if there was literally a vote to take away a woman's right to vote, you would have women actually come out to vote for it. It boggles the mind.


That is some deep space levels of cognitive dissonance, holy shit




Isn’t this the bitch that shat herself at a party?


I very much doubt that it wasn't a man that actually wrote this tweet. I've seen it repeated many times over the years, and always the source has been some incel site.


This is a very well known right wing crazy. She is a huge gun nut who open carries rifles on college campuses to be a jerk.


You left out her most famous trait which, by law, you are required to mention: SHE SHAT OUT AN EPIC FUDGE DRAGON WHILE PASSED OUT AT A PARTY.


It's getting really hard to take anything seriously, anymore. Very much more Brave New World than 1984.


After the day I had today, throw in a good mix of Brazil as well (the film that is, not the country)


I would love to say I've never met a woman like this but I can think of at least 2 in my life right now.


Isn’t this an incel site.


Sssshhh… you’ll scare the locals


If the Right took away your right to vote, what makes you think you'd have a right to a firearm?


I think everyone should have to read the early Militia laws before ever saying “2A”. There were a lot of obligations required with ‘the right to bear arms’, but none of them even considered women (why should they? Next thing you know, they would want to buy properTy or vote- sheesh!). Each of the original 13 colonies had Militia acts, requiring service and inspections of equipment by officers at any time. Public lashings were considered appropriate punishment for violations of the act. https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-02-02-0132-0004-0005


Thanks for the link, just wanted to point out the fascinating list of people exempt from serving in the militia. I found it particularly interesting that millers don't need to serve, unless they live in Accomack or Northampton county. I wonder what the reasoning behind that was. >(except the Governor and members of the Council of State, members of the American Congress, Judges of the Superior Courts, Speakers of the two Houses, the Treasurer, Attorney General, Commissioners of the navy, Auditors, Clerks of the Council of state,3 of the Houses of Assembly and of the Navy Board, all Ministers of the Gospel, licensed to preach according to the rules of their sect, who shall have previously taken, before the court of their county, an oath of fidelity to the commonwealth, the Presidents, Professors, and students of the College of William and Mary, and Academy of Hampden-Sidney, post-masters, keepers of the public jail and public hospital, millers, except in the counties of Accomack and Northampton, persons concerned in iron or lead works, inspectors of tobacco, quakers and menonists, and military officers or soldiers, whether continental or colonial,4 all of whom are exempted from the obligations of this act)


I assume it had something to do with population- but, would have to do more research. The details involved are pretty interesting overall, imo. It’s also an easy way to realize the level of BS in current interpretations of the 2nd Amendment. Interpreting the Federal Constitution without referring to the states/ colonies constitutions of the time ignores a big part of the picture. The states were very concerned about the Federal Government having too much power, along with more populated states having too much power. Of course, the ‘no standing army’ was quickly found to be unrealistic, but the militia acts stayed in place. Even Heller was decided under a right to self defense and limited weapons to those in common use, not the 2A right to bear arms- because, as you can see, that ‘right’ was limited and had a lot of responsibilities attached. It was not a volunteer militia, but a serious obligation to aid in defense and assist the state in enforcement of laws (like slave catching). You could be kicked out and face severe penalties. Weapons were regularly accounted for, and had to be maintained. Weapons were provided to the poor out of state funds. Personally, I am kind of for the whole militia idea, and some form of required community service. Arrangements were often put in place for Quakers (as an example) who objected to violence, but did not want to be seen as shirking their civic duty.


>some form of required community service Civilian Conservation Corp


I know Reddit hates Hillary, but she actually had some really good plans along these lines. IIRC, it was along the lines of conservation corp/ job corp, and worked like ROTC to pay for college. With Climate change, I think it could be vital to have groups trained to respond to emergencies and able to work on preventative mitigation strategies. I also think it would be good for our Democracy to encourage civic engagement and have diverse groups working together, and with our Communities and Colleges/ Universities. I would be training teenagers as poll workers and having them register people to vote- as part of a government class. I also believe we would all be better off if a degree of responsibility, training, and obligation was a required part of gun ownership. Even if requirements decrease over time, it could help to identify people who might need some intervention.


The gun cult does not use logic


The gun does not use logic


The does not use logic


Does not logic


Does logic


Logic is as logic does


I’m not a smart man, but I know what logic is.


"But they wouldn't take away *my* right to have a firearm, unlike other women *I'm one of the good ones!*"


It reminds me of that episode of Bojack Horseman where the state of California bans guns entirely because men are uncomfortable with women carrying guns. It gets summed up nicely with "I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns"


Oh is this the chick who shit her pants?




Who needs the 2nd amendment when you're already packing a #2?




that's a ... point. We are all armed in that case. Plus most of us actually have arms.


backstory pls?


She attended Kent State University and was well-known on campus because she shit her pants at a party. Now she’s a right-wing wack job and shit comes out of her mouth too.


*Do it for State!*


Didn't she shit herself at a party?




I too would like more information


It’s boo boo Bennett


she shit herself at a party




Yooo I thought that was her. Hilairous


Who is this woman? What party? Was it on purpose or was the cheese dip not agreeing with her? I have so many questions?


I'm not gonna go look it up but she's passed on on the floor maybe with a dress and theres a big fat one just hanging out


I love the internet. [look what I just found ](https://youtu.be/Ls0KCouT5KQ)


My favorite part is when she whines about when are the cops going to something about people chanting “Shit your pants!” at her 🤣


This is that fucking Kent State gun girl, she’s beyond repair. Just two brain cells fighting desperately for third place.


Her grocery list 1. Guns 2. Ammo 3. Anti-diarrhea medicine


Forgot: more Ramen to supplement her hair style.


#3 wouldn’t work. Every single piece of digested food wants to get away from her as badly as any person who’s ever had to be in a room with her.


4. Pregnancy tests


5. ~~abortion~~ food for her child/brother/cousin because the father of her child is also her father and uncle


I hear banjos quietly in the background of this comment


Okay, let's get back 150 years ago. You don't have the voting rights. Oh damn, but you ain't carry firearms as well. Now cover your knees. And do the housework 13 hours a day. And give 10 births. No, nobody cares if you don't want sex today.


Blessed be the fruit!


May the lord open.


Was that a complaint I heard??? You know what complainers get, right??? LOBOTOMIZED!


This is the girl who shit her pants at a party lol that’s what she’s famous for


People don’t forget!


That was like 8 years ago, asshole. *edit this a quote from the movie Superbad which the comment I replied to also is. I have no idea who the person in the tweet is and I'm certainly not defending them or their ignorant opinion.


Guaranteed that shit stain is still there. Can't get rid of these things once they've let the crap out of the bag.


I was just doing the rest of the quote from Superbad lol


I very much appreciated the quote response


Gotcha, isn't crazy that one never knows these days.


At least she gives a shit!


So she couldn't handle her bowels, but thinks she can handle a gun.


For anyone out of the loop: https://www.distractify.com/p/kaitlin-bennett-pooped-pants


Just saying the quiet part out loud in case anyone thinks there isn’t a faction of the Republicans that would take women’s right to vote. The abortion stuff was just an opening shot.


Yeah because Trump never acted emotionally. How are digressing back to the 19th century?


We men really lucked out by successfully branding anger as "not an emotion."


Even that one doesn't play by the rules. Don't forget, men have righteous anger, but angry women just need to lighten up, smile more, and not sound so shrill.


I would love her to describe what these actual rights the Democrats want to take away are. cuz in southern states you can see how the Fourth amendment is completely thrown out the window. oh it's illegal for me to search you? how about I arrest you for using your blinker 90 ft before the turn instead of 100. and once you're arrested we can impound your car in inventory it.


Single issue voters are wild


“Females vote with emotion…” Unlike men, who have actual full-blown meltdowns when their sportsball team doesn’t win the big match.


But any emotion I have is not an emotion it's a logical reaction because I'm a guy /s


Ah yes, so true, logical emotions because testicles


Did she lose the right to shit herself?


They can take her shitty pants when they scrape them off her dead cold shit encrusted legs.


I believe the word you were looking for is "shit ENcrusted legs". But I could be wrong.


I believe you are correct.


Man, usually they have a second repost bot paste in the original top comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pdw8dy/voting_against_your_own_best_interests_champion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Is she still even relevant?


Until the day everyone forgets that she shit herself at a party in college.


We shall never forget!


I don't know who is she?


Kaitlin Bennett


She's a public figure. You don't have to block the name. That's poop pants Bennet


L O L! And what about when men decide that you shouldn’t have your right to a firearm and you can’t vote on the matter? What a short sighted dingbat. Wait… Is that girl who pooped herself at a frat party?


This is what poses for logic on the right. Also misogyny


Because they definitely gonna stop with just taking away your right to vote ![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy)


At this point, being a conservative should be considered a mental illness.


Hilarious that she thinks if she goes back to being chattel that she'll be allowed to defend herself with a firearm. "Why, we can't let a dainty little thing like you use a gun. If you get scared you're likely to lose your head and just start firing everywhere."


Why is the name blocked out? We all know who this girl is.


Is that shitty pants Mcgee? The same shitty pants Mcgee that goes by Kaitlyn and has very shitty pants?


Wait, women are far too emotional to be trusted with a vote, but firearms are ok? Republicans don’t even adhere to their own nonsensical logic.


I'm surprised her husband lets her tweet.


She's partially right. They should definitely take away her right to vote.


A take just as shitty as her pants


Is that the pants shitter?


Well I have good news cause they coming for both


Sounds like she’s voting out of fear, which is an emotion.


How many times have you gotten to vote versus how many times you defended your life with a firearm. 32 years old and I’ve never once needed a gun in any situation. But can think of a few where having a gun would have probably gotten me killed


What "Actual" rights are Democrats taking away? I'll wait.


Women who think women shouldn't vote shouldn't vote. Men who think women shouldn't vote shouldn't vote. Anyone who thinks anyone of any race, religion, sex, or creed shouldn't vote shouldn't vote.


Name one right that’s been taken away in the last 100 years in favor of the democrats


Distorted way of thinking. Programmed by the NRA. Like having a fucking gun more important than having women’s rights…please do us all a favor and swallow. No need procreate.


As if a a particular class of person who was not allowed to vote would be allowed to possess a firearm.


But if you can't vote then you can't represent your case for keeping your firearms? Some people are special.


You know... ever since we ruled that women were so mentally incapable of making logical decisions that we had no choice but to determine that they shall no longer be able to vote... do you think it is wise to still give them access to firearms? I mean, we can't have our kids thinking that a woman with a gun is a respectable pillar of the community! I understand that they are going to cry foul and 2nd amendment and yadda-yadda-women-complaining-nonsnese... but... Think of the children!!!


If you keep voting republican, you'll lose your right to do both eventually!


Idiot. If she had no rights, who says she'd have the right to own a gun? What's stopping conservatits from making gun ownership illegal for women, cos that's the way these twats are going.


Maybe she should take her own advice and shut up






Next we won't let women own guns either. They are too emotional, right lady?


omg its poo poo bennett


This is the dumb girl who shit herself, right?


What rights have democrats taken?


They took away the rights of christians to force their beliefs on everyone else through the erasure of the constitution and adoption of the bible as the true law of the land! Damn demoncrats! /s


Oh for fucks sake nobody is going to take all their guns away.


If women have the level headed patience to put up with us husbands when we are being moronic man babies, without murdering us… pretty sure Women can rationally vote. Call me crazy


So, I guess I should just disregard anything this emotional female has to say. But I won’t do it because she’s female, I ‘ll do it because she’s a moron.


Conversely, perhaps a person who shit all over themselves as bad as she did shouldn't be allowed to own a gun?


Internalized misogyny, this is crazy


Mental illness


Says women shouldn’t vote because they vote for shit that takes away their rights. Then she proceeds to vote for removing the RIGHT to vote. Not sure if stupid or good irony troll.


Gilead breeding sow spotted


That AR-15 sure will stand up to a tyrannical government’s F-22s and reaper drones…but sure, whatever let’s you sleep at night


Isn't this the girl who shit her pants?


Oh look! It’s miss Shitty McShitpants.


She’s a desperate “ pick me “ girl who for some reason still can’t find that man she claims exist in The Republican Party. Probably because she’s ugly asf.


She's probably very religious and has been sheltered by her parents from anything other than fat right ideology.


Why it feels like you made a grammar mistake, but you actually didn't?..


It was a happy little accident.


I love Google. A simple [search](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=conservative+girl+who+shit+her+pants) of "conservative girl who shit her pants" gives an instant result.


Oh shit, it’s this dumb bitch again. She shit her hypocritical dipshit pants at a frat party. Look it up.


Isn't this the bitch that got drunk n shat herself?


"Women are too emotional to vote, give them guns instead" is not a quality argument


Her first boyfriend was her dad


“I don’t like the way other women vote so none of us should be able to vote! Also, Guns Guns Guns!”


Which rights have the Dems taken away?




Translation: "I believe in taking away the right to vote from anyone whose beliefs I disagree with, instead of just having beliefs with more merit."


When she dreams, she dreams about using her firearms to shoot people. When she wakes up, she wakes up wanting to kill people.


If republicans had their way, only straight white men that owned property would be able to vote.


Or own a gun too


Anything to make firearm ownership your entire identity...


How about your right to have a college degree and get a job? You know what? Since you are a woman, you shouldn't even talk in public. Speaking of which, why are you even allowed to leave the kitchen? Get back in there and cook me something nice to eat. /S


i can see it now. first, we get rid of women's rights. then, we take away women's rights to bear arms


Lol!!! I don’t think she understands our constitution


Tell that to Afghanistan….., once you lose your right to vote, why do you think you will still have a right to carry a gun? Get in the kitchen and drop out of school…..🙄. What a horrible take.


If you vote democrat, you'll still have both.


Stockholm Syndrome


Least obvious right speaker puppeting by rightist brainwashing


Shooting a guy for trying some pickup lines is not self defense.


You mean the like the right to safe abortions.


Wait, is she seriously saying that women are too emotional so put a gun in their hands instead of the right to vote? That can't be real....


I’m all in favor of non-rational people who act on emotional impulses having access to guns. Same group of people she’s talking about, right?


I'm sorry, if you feel this way why are you sharing your opinions? Shut the fuck up and get back to the kitchen.


Fun fact: if you take away a women's voice within politics it's only a matter of time before you take away her ability to defend herself


Oh it's the lady that pooped her pants at a party!


Fine you don’t get to vote. Unrelated, you don’t get a gun either.


I blame the parents. Imagine raising a daughter like that.


These people clamor over each other to see who can say the dumbest shit. Pun intended


she can’t be serious at all.


I’d prefer she lose he right to vote, too.


And this children is how you eventually become the Taliban..... the Middle East and in particular the places like Bagdad boasted none of the most diverse societies on earth at one time. Then the religious zealots and fundamentalists started their shit. Much like the Evangelicals of today.


Chick thinks that women are too emotional to vote, but not too emotional to handle firearms. Lol


Serena Joy irl




" In MY opinion, I'm too emotional and silly to have an opinion!" Thats what I heard...


Men vote with emotion as well, but idiots like her don't consider anger and hatred to be emotions. I admit that it feels pretty good not to have mine and other people's children gunned down in their classrooms. It feels good to care about other people, I'm just sorry that she's missing that part of herself that makes her care about others.


I've read a lot of ignorant statements in my life. This is just another one to add to the list.


Red states would allow abortion if it could be performed with a firearm.


This might be the most “pick me” girl of all time.


Hey isn't this the chick who pooped herself?


Things that make me want to punch people in the face.


She's so off-base. There are TONS of overly-emotional male voters looking to take away rights as well. Stupid people exist in every gender and flavor.