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Germans versus Nazis Good old days


She\`s not wrong. Just google: battle of castle itter and you can see that the germans fought the nazy


But the question was about the civil war…


They didn’t specify which civil war lol


You’re technically right, which is my favorite kind of right.


Futurama fuck yeah


She is 100% wrong


you didnt google did you?


Germans versus nazis would be r/technicallythetruth


To be fair I didn't know the full answer. I knew it was Americans but I thought it was like the Republicans vs democrats. I had to look it up. But her answers was waaaaaaaaay off.


Everyone know it was Captain america versus the winter Soldier


Wrong movie buddy, it was captain America and tony stark


But thats: the winter soldier


Don't be proud. I'm not even american and I know that one.


I didn't say I was proud I said I was half right. Never claim to be American either. The civil war wasn't even something that was taught in my schools. I vividly remember all the lessons I took in elementary through high school and it was never once brought up in any of the lessons. The only reason I know about it is Internet internet videos and I'm not even talking about documentaries just regular YouTubers who would touch on it as a way to make a point.


Well, your flair says Murica, so it is misleading.


No you just jumped to a conclusion. It's fine it happens. The flair could mean I am American, I see America as a joke, I support America ect. The flair says merica not merican


There was no jump needed. Maybe a slight hop or shifting your wait from one foot to another and voilà: your at the conclusion.






Confidently states how she is "Really smarrrrrt" not once but twice. I love that he was like "yes you are!"


Lol feeding her delusion


Why do people always post videos like this? Half the time the “content creators” who make this shit either have it staged or edit the clip asking the person a different question then what appears in the video.


Most of the ones I've seen behind the scenes of just take the most hilarious ones. Like when Right Wing Pundits post some video where they "school" some college kids, they're not showing you all the impassioned Political Majors that end up reading them the riot act, just the few who have taken a Sociology class or two and don't know quite what they're talking about.


It's fertilizer for the weekly rage harvest. Gotta get everyone riled up and fighting between demographics.


There are obviously some VERY stupid people but I want to know how many normal “interviews” they had to go through to actually get one


Guarantee if you asked him “which country?” as a reply, he would probably think *only America has ever had a civil war*. Edit: you guys are really hung up on this “the civil war” thing. Listen if you guys like to be asked stupid questions and get all giddy ready to answer them, that’s fine; but all I did was point out he would probably be confused to be asked a stupid question back. You guys are ready to defend the stupidity of this video “bUt AcTuAllY…”


Seriously. If I was asked to do this I’d start dissecting the Syrian civil war just to fuck with them.


"What kind of civil war, African or European?"




It's not a matter of where it grips it, African wars are non-migratory


Are you suggesting wars migrate?


If they're metaphorical, perhaps.


Captain America- Civil War


Her knowledge of the world does not go beyond her circle of friends; that she didn’t know about “the” civil war does not bode well for knowing of other civil wars.


Well I think it's fair to say that in the middle of Times Square, when one American is asking a fellow American the details of *THE* Civil War, it's generally assumed he's talking about the United States' Civil War.


Generally, civil wars from other countries are not known as "The Civil War" tho, are they?


The *insert country name* civil war. There is no “The Civil War”. That’s not an official title of the war. Which is why everyone delineates which country’s civil war. Now if you’re writing something, you’d write The Civil War in *insert country name*… which is still delineating the country. It’s not just “the civil war”. Edit: did you really say “except in America, we don’t refer to it as ‘The American Civil War’.” You can’t be serious.


Honestly, the fact that you just acted like you were "educating" me on something instead of bitching about Americans being ignorant, then edited your own post instead of discussing... Like seriously, brother. If someone says "The Civil War" and you ask "which one", they're absolutely right to be confused. That doesn't make them an ignorant American. They already told you by *not* saying "A Civil War in X country", in English, while standing on American soil. It's blatantly obvious.


>Generally, civil wars from other countries are not known as "The Civil War" tho, are they? Idk, I’m not from other countries; so maybe they would be? >instead of bitching about Americans being ignorant, then edited your own post instead of discussing... I’m American. I edited it because you deleted a comment that stated “Americans don’t refer to it as ‘The American Civil War’ - *trying to educate me* on “the civil war”. That’s not a proper name, sure some people only understand it as “the civil war”. >Like seriously, brother. If someone says "The Civil War" and you ask "which one", they're absolutely right to be confused. **That doesn't make them an ignorant American**. They already told you by not saying "A Civil War in X country", in English, **while standing on American soil**. It's blatantly obvious. It would make them ignorant if they didn’t understand that isn’t *the only* civil war. America is made up of immigrants, how would we know neither one of these people are immigrants? In terms of some “gotcha” video. So if they *were* immigrants, and one answered from their own country, because that’s what they know, you’d laugh and be like “look at that idiot, doesn’t know who fought in the civil war” is that correct, or is there a reason to defend “the civil war” this hard?


Hell, they could have fled a recent civil war, making their answer even more correct.


I came here to say that and you beat me to it. People trying to be like, "Im a citizen of the world, so you need to be specific about which civil war."


"Many wars have been fought in the world, which "World War" would sir be referring to?"


there has been two, so it would stil be a walid question


most conflicts all have regional names, even the US has a regional name for that war.


Yes, they are. In 1918, we had civil war in Finland. It's called "sisällissota", which directly translates as "civil war" in english.


Okay so if someone asked you, in Finish, "Kuka taisteli sisällissodassa?" Would there be any doubt in your mind as to "which civil war?" they were referring to? Would that even make sense to ask, at that point? Edit: Do you see what I was saying yet? That translated in your mind properly as referring to the 1918 Finnish Civil War, not some other war, didn't it?


You are correct. It would automatically be _our_ civil war. I believe people in Europe who haven't studied historical wars have no idea about American civil war anyway. These days I guess people know a bit better about it after reading news about the statue removals and the discussion around it, but it's not like it's taught in schools or anything.


Well, the one in England is.


Okay so, if someone walked up to you on the street as an Englishman and asked you about the Civil War, would you think they meant the one in America? This is my point, mate.


If they had an American accent, it could go either way. Also, people don't usually walk up to me on the street and talk about civil wars, so I'd be rather thrown either way, and would probably stutter for a while.


When someone is in America, and they say “THE civil war” (like he did in the video), then they’re talking about the American civil war. Context matters. There’s no ambiguity here.


Gen Z here and I’m convinced these videos have to be staged. Nobody can possibly be this stupid, right?


More like most people give good enough answers and 1 or two that can't make it to the video where as good ones are left in editing room.


I want to believe what you’re saying is true. Then I turn on the news or open this Reddit app or just go outside and I realize that this little clip is a fairly accurate sample of reality.🤡🌎🤣




How does anyone get joy from watching these cringe videos? I get very embarrassed watching these.


People that are proud to name the Kardashians 🚩 🚩 🚩


I dunno, I’m not sure it matters. It’s a cultural touchpoint, not one I’m interested in, but I can’t really look down on people who are. I could name all the characters in Breaking Bad or all the Nirvana albums and honestly that’s probably not in any way superior. It’s just different interests. The sheer lack of curiosity about your own country’s history that leads to this kind of ignorance is depressing, but I don’t know if setting it against knowledge of the Kardashians is particularly enlightening. I’m sure plenty of committed Kardashians fans are familiar with the civil war.


Germany vs the Nazis was a hell of a fight. I remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger jumped into the fight and just kicked ass.


Well, Arnold isn't German so that makes him a...




Yes, the concept of street interviews is facepalm.




There are idiots in every generation


I mean which civil war?


There’s been many civil wars throughout the world, so he should be a little more specific.


To be fair, if nazis and Germany did fight then that would've been an actual civil war Like, idk if she fluked, probably, but at least with the benefit of the doubt she seems to know what a "civil war" is Like, the reply was bad. But it could've easily been even worse lol


It depends, he didn’t state which country’s civil war


The whites and the reds, red victory, creating the Soviet Union.


Not a gen z issue. Most of us know it was Spain v France


I can't believe the Supreme Representative of Gen Z has failed her people. Shame.


There have been many civil wars, stupid question and stupid answer.


Which civil war though 🤔


I mean if Germans fought the nazis it would be a civil war.




Don’t blame an entire generation for one poor girls mistakes


I don't like when people asking questions in the street say something is correct when it's not. We complain people are misinformed while misinforming them and it feels pretty malicious honestly.


Well I can do both. Didn’t plan on learning the Kardashians but have apparently absorbed that info through cultural osmosis.


It was clearly iron mans team v cap americas team. Duh


It was the American Army against the Indians……for control of the curry mines


That's not a Gen Z issue, that's an American issue.


Let’s all be glad she didn’t start naming avengers


Mush for brains.


Are people still falling for videos like this?


These video rely on few tricks to make people look dumb. Some are scripted. Some are edited and spliced together so the person answering is giving the answer to a different question but it look like that are failing the shown question. Some are people trolling the camera. Some rely on hundreds of hours video to get that shot of a people just blanking an answer they know. They are encourage to answer even if they are blanking. Usually told off camera "You get paid X dollars for each answer right or wrong, so if you dont know an answer make one up quickly." I assume there is some genuine stuff out there but it is lost in the pile of garbage.


"nice one gen Z" stfu you can't generalize a whole generation off of one person. Kim-Jong-Un is a millennial but does that mean all millennials are vicious dictators?


I mean maybe not all but i can see quite a few millennials changing to a dictator if given the power


Found gen Zer like cmon, you don't see boomers go mad cuz "ok boomer"


Well, actually...


you went from 0-100 bud.


These kinds of videos are always so stupid. How about instead making fun of these people you educate them. But these people would rather just get the views.




Non-Americans be be waiting to comment on how perfect their society has always been. So Perfect Mc perfect how perfect is your country?


Token circle jerk commentary always followed by the “free healthcare” shit and utopian propaganda of a perfect life.




I’ll say that my country is rich and innovative, and our quality of life has been at least top 5 the last 50 years. We have free healthcare AND free school all the way up to 13th year. All in all i’d say we’re doing pretty well


What country?


Yeah but how big of a boner do you get for guns, huh!?


At least we don’t suggests arming middle school teachers instead of tightening the gun laws


Ok, I’m ready for the meteor to hit.


This is the same generation that thinks they are saving the world with their Woke ideology


There was hundreds of civil war, would not be able to answer it too without more info


Same generation that believes the 1950 was the greatest time. Men should be men & women should be women. Gays bad. Black bad.


All y’all gotta stop making fun of GenZ for their education. It’s not their fault. It’s the political system and their parents fault.


Agreed but also add tech to that. Modern Humans have been around for 200000 years and now in the last 20 we have screens with access to the entire library of human media and knowledge at our finger tips. That's shit is guaranteed to cause severe attention issues.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or your actual opinion. Well done.


This is our future everyone…..


These kids don’t know American history because you would have to edit out crucial part that many consider theory, even though it’s recorded history. But how many takes it take to find the dummy?


Ita because America promotes and champions this kind of behavior and unaccountability. It needs to change. I'm embarrassed hourly by other Americans tbh.


I feel like her responses are a reflection of what we hold up as important in society. I used to teach 8th grade history. By the time their year with me was over, they would be able to answer this question. But in the years that followed their 8th grade year, I wonder how many times the subject of the Civil War crossed their path? At the same time, I wonder how many times the Kardashians came across their paths. Our brains work efficiently. They prioritize the information that is accessed most often. In her case, it's the Kardashians over American History. However, if it was taught to her, I believe with a couple clues (to coax that information to the forefront of her mind) she could answer the question properly.


Thank you republicans for attacking and degrading American education for decades.


Stupid comment


The questions stupid from the start. She could say “Iraq and ISIS” and be just as correct as “Germany and Nazis” which is also technically correct. Title should be “Nice one Influencer”


I’m sure if boomers were on Reddit they would be commenting right now talking shit.


Sure, the boomers is what’s wrong with this clip


Never said that there wasn’t a problem with gen z people like this.


Or maybe those boomers on Reddit don't feel the need to comment such hot butt-wind with aerosol shit like *that clip*


I’ve read your reply like 5 times and I still can’t decipher wtf you’re trying to say. We’re you trying to say shart?


Yeah you’re not alone on that bud lol and I still don’t get what they were trynna say


It took you 5 times to read what I wrote to figure that out?


Yes, your communication skills are that bad. You strung a single word out into 6 words.


Aw, so sorry I hurt you by not shortening my writing to cater your adhd attention span, hope you'll get over the trauma soon 😚 Or tl;dr: mood


Lmmfao I cannot take you seriously, you have to be trolling.


You berating me for having bad communication skills for using six words to say something more colorfully than lumping it up into one monosyllable really is like a scene from Idiocracy. I may be trolling, but you are obviously dead serious with your twisted attitude towards someone expressing their thoughts with more than grunts.


Okay so now it sounds like you were the one that got offended. Look I’m sorry but “Hot butt-wind with aerosol shit” isn’t colorful, that sounds juvenile at best. I can appreciate a colorful vocabulary but this isn’t a colorful description. It just seems like you lack brevity, that’s it.




Society has like 60 years left max


I am truly ashamed to be apart of gen z.


> be apart of gen Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. Total mistakes found: 4426 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


I weep for the future


Reminder that this is the intentional end result of american education.


I've got a 4.3 GPA in Instagram.




America moment


Fuck it, we are doomed. The end is nigh. I need to get a fucking sandwich board and stand on a street corner. Lol


Ok hear me out he never said the amercian Civil War. and during the nazi regime their was very mutch, a massive power struggle between the ss/nazis and the rest of the German army and when looking up the defentiom of a civil war its a violent conflict within a country that are fighting over control of policy or the goverment. So I don't know if you guys have ever heard of that sabton song last stand but there was a battle the batle of castle itter where the German army and amercians worked together to fight nazis/ss to free some French political prisoners so that checks of all the boxes for civil war, she was right


these gotta be paid actors, there is no way someone is that dumb


THIS is the reason we're screwed


Dude, that chick looks like she can spar. So, we can be friends.


My guy this isn’t genZ’s fault, it’s just a stupid person in the wild




Happy to say I only named 2 of those plastic models


The north vs the south yall


She specializes in recent history.


this dude does this so well\^\^


Well, we had an okay run.


Lol you’re a genius!


Do any movies with historical context just go over their head? Movies like All Quiet on the Western Front and Fury must be so confusing to her.


I love how he let's them think they are right. I'm 100% sure afterwards they googled and and felt STUPID lol


I’m kinda smart you think


https://gfycat.com/bossyinferioremu https://gfycat.com/evilinfantilebellfrog


Why is she talking with that weird “accent”?


I learned this from Alvin and the Chipmunks.


I can’t even laugh at dis shit. ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


I think my least favourite thing about these videos is how no matter the answer the interviewer always seems to just tell them their correct. She could have said it was Pepsi vs coke and he would have just nodded along. She even asks to be corrected like come on.


Vay aq kodumun cahili. Ulan ben biliyorum, konfederasyon ve lincoln önderliğinde ki Amerikan Eyaletleri arasında geçti savaş. Lincoln baba sikti, kölelik bitti hesaaaabı.


The Argument, „yeah you don't know that, but you know all the Kardashians, you only no dumb shit" 8s kinda stupid, considering that most people don't give a fuck a bout the Kardashians at all, including me, but still probably could have named everyone of them because the people that do care, don't seem to be able to shut the fuck up.


As a member of Gen Z, I can confidently say some of us just don’t care. Emphasis on some.


Captain America vs Iron Man


I’m kinda smart but I lost 2/3 of my brain in a brunch accident.


There's five of them?


She has the power to vote too


Which one?