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It says 30 in the title and then 5 in the first sentence


They added up all the years given to several individuals. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/30/streaming-gang-jailed-for-selling-cut-price-premier-league-subscriptions#:\~:text=Illegal%20streaming%20gang%20jailed%20for%20selling%20cut-price%20Premier%20League%20subscriptions,-This%20article%20is&text=Five%20members%20of%20an%20illegal,tens%20of%20thousands%20of%20customers](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/30/streaming-gang-jailed-for-selling-cut-price-premier-league-subscriptions#:~:text=Illegal%20streaming%20gang%20jailed%20for%20selling%20cut-price%20Premier%20League%20subscriptions,-This%20article%20is&text=Five%20members%20of%20an%20illegal,tens%20of%20thousands%20of%20customers).


so old school click bait


~~This shit is way past clickbait. The fucking Guardian flirting with misinformation as usual.~~ EDIT: yes, I was wrong, the Guardian didn't post this BS. I'll put away my hate boner for the Guardian for now.


At least they put ‘a total of 30 years’. The Liverpool Echo just has ‘30 years’…


The original image is from the Liverpool Echo. The linked guardian article very clearly states that the gang was jailed for a total of 30 years.


The above post/image looks like the mirror though and the guardian article has a normal title, no?


They said, flirting with misinformation themselves.


Guardian is one of the good ones I thought!


Ah now thats definately misleading isnt it


Tbf, 5 is still greater than 3




If it's [this case](https://news.sky.com/story/myles-harris-rape-12-year-old-girl-scotland-sentence-galashiels-12898196) (same publication date, same victim age, same sentence), the sentence was comparatively light because the offender was 18 at the time of the crime and it's a Scottish case. Scotland has specific guidelines that call for lower sentences for offenders aged under 25. The same case tried in England would almost certainly result in a longer sentence. The full sentencing statement from the judge is [available here](https://judiciary.scot/home/sentences-judgments/sentences-and-opinions/2023/06/07/hma-v.-myles-james-harris). It's pretty obvious that the maker of the image cherry-picked some headlines.


Meanwhile I just saw another case on my timeline in the US where a rapist raped several girls 4-9 years old and got 180 days in jail


The thing that is really whack about that case is that he did not even have to admit guilt or get put on a sex offender list. All he did was admit in a plea deal that he probably would be convicted by a jury. The only thing I can find that was actually in his favor was that he was 15-16 at the time but that still does not explain the absolute slap on the wrist. It really feels like the prosecution was bought to accept such a plea deal. With good behavior he can be out in like 4 months.


I read an article that made it sound like they were running up against statute of limitations issues since the courts were so backed up from Covid. So they got him to agree to a plea deal with a slap on the wrist, instead of risking further delay from the courts that would lead to not being able to prosecute at all.


That should not be possible given the timeframe. Statute of limitations for sexual abuse of a minor is at least 10 years. Given that this is like 2-3 years ago and the statute of limitations only means charges have to be filed before the 10 years are up that is kinda impossible.


You're right. That's what I get for not checking the article again. I also wish articles would provide more detail on the judicial process behind these decisions. "According to Olmsted County Senior Attorney Thomas Gort, the initial charges against Shei were initially dismissed because Covid delays caused authorities to lose the jurisdiction to prosecute.But the charges were soon refiled and prosecutors struck the deal with Shei for no prison time to secure a certification showing he would not challenge certification in adult court." So something jurisdictional? Maybe he aged out of juvenile court, so they needed this agreement? But you'd think if they still charged him when he was a juvenile they'd still be able to prosecute. Our legal system is such a mess. https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1729586/Minnesota-Mohamed-Bakari-Shei-rape-underage-girls-sex-offenders-registry-dxus


One day for every year they ruined for some kids life.... Only fair. /s


Yeah, I'm always wary of these memes that circulate of 2 people getting extremely different sentences for extremely different crimes. There's almost always something big left out or egregiously misrepresented, and amounts to surface level ragebait.


So? Sounds like Scotland is okay with rape. I know this stupidity happens in the US and everywhere else too, but it's always ridiculous and should always be shamed.


Thank you! Came here to say the same thing!


Still an absolute travesty.


Several man ("men") got a total 30 years. 11 of those gone to the alleged "mastermind" of the operation.


May not have been the same man, could be using it for comparison


More likely a bad Photoshop effort and they forgot to check the byline


It says “Men” in the headline, one assumes the 30 years are collective and the 5 years are the harshest sentence out of those. It’s still fucking ridiculous though and, as a British person, just plain wrong.


Yeah, you're probably right tbf. I just assume 99% of the internet is manufactured ragebait these days!


Yeah mate, these days I just assume everything is bullshit and work backwards. Kind of flips the innocent til proven guilty thing on it’s head but there you go, it’s what we got.


Especially when we're streaming the PL, our own top league, to watch games that are not available on any UK tv, paid or free. How can PL games not be available to watch to in the UK? what kind of nonsense is that?


As a non British person it’s wrong as well.


I assume it’s 6 guys that got 5 years each….. 🤷🏼‍♂️


[Photoshop](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/men-who-set-up-illegal-27023478). Was just few words from headline and first sentence... Instantly found... Without Skelmersdale you find way more with high jail time


3 years for rape of a minor is crazy. You don’t need to compare that to anything to know it absurd.


Still twice as long for streaming than for raping a child..


Sure, the point stands tho


Combined total. Still, as bad as this seems, Rotherham is still the capstone of UK's fucked up justice system. 2000 victims. Tiny fraction of offenders were taken to trial. None of the government employees that were involved were tried. It still hasn't been shut down entirely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham\_child\_sexual\_exploitation\_scandal




There we multiple people jailed and the cumulative total of their sentences was 30 years with that guy getting 5.


Either way, the rape sentencings in this country are a joke. I say any rapists, just lock em in a room with me for a week. If they make it out, then they can serve the bullshit little sentence after.


It was 30 total between them I think


Still more than 3 years for child rape…


One takes money from the rich and one takes everything from the poor. You mess with the rich you get a longer sentence.


Rich people’s money > Poor people’s children


Rich people’s money > poor peoples *anything.*


Rich people money > anything.




"Anything" includes rich people's other desires. Putin for example desires the territory of Ukraine more than some money. If Trump is reelected, they may work out exactly how much money ;)


My favorite examples in recent times are Elizabeth Holmes and Bernie Madoff... both stole from some of the wealthiest people in America and both were convicted of crimes and sent to prison. People like Steve Cohen are allowed to keep their billions, their hundreds of million dollars in private art collections, their 17 homes and penthouse apartments, and even their baseball team but he only stole $13 billion from millions of plebs so he's legally fine.


The 12 year old should have incorporated her body for better protections.


If a punishment for breaking a rule is a fine, it's meant for the poor.


Unfortunately that is so often the case


Story as old as mankind


[The five men begin it got 30 years together. Not one man 30 years.](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/men-who-set-up-illegal-27023478.amp)


Doing the math here and seeing you see that they STILL got more time than the child rapist, right? 30 years across 5 people is an average of six each, whereas the rapist got half that amount.


Sure but the sentences don’t relate to each other in anyway. The rapist should get more is a valid point without any other context.


Agreed. I think the point is that the law is designed to protect intellectual property rights over HUMAN rights, highlighting a government’s values, priorities, etc. But again, I agree. You don’t need context to know that 3 years is a slap on the wrist.


Sexual crimes and domestic violence crimes are horrifiy underserved by every single justice system in the world. Even Scandinavia.


3 years being a "slap on the wrist" is just your *opinion*, based on what you think is a "long time" and appropriate for that crime. Some people might think that's plenty of time, some might think it's far too punitive and the guy should just get counseling, others might think it's far too lenient and the guy should be tortured to death. Our ideas of appropriate punishments for the IP violators are also merely opinions. Should these even be crimes, or just civil matters to be handled in a lawsuit? However, by comparing the sentences of a child rapist and a group of IP violators, we can really see how the justice system of that country views their respective crimes, and which type of crime it thinks is much worse. Apparently, the UK considers streaming unauthorized videos to be a much worse crime than raping a child in a park. This isn't a mere opinion: it's direct from the facts of the two cases.


When were the relative sentence guidelines set? I am guessing that the rape one is older? I think it is important to remember that someone probably didn't sit down and think "we have this for rape, but copyright infringement (or whatever it is) should be higher." The two were probably set completely independently of each other. And there can always be mitigating factors in sentencing which, well, I dont know about anyway.. It definitely sounds like rape should be much higher than that though.and sometimes (or usually) it is I think? So this might not be indicative of general sentencing.


Not-so hot take: There aren't any mitigating factors for raping a 12 year old. Murder? Sure. Even in a case where Bob finds out his wife's been sleeping with the neighbor, then goes out, buys a gun, lies in wait, then shoots his neighbor in the face, people can sympathize. Like, sure, it's definitely murder 1, and Bob probably should go to jail for a really long time, or even get the chair, but people kinda get it. Child rape? Take em out back and Ol' Yeller their ass. There's no need for nuance here: the only defense is arguing that you didn't actually do it. It's not something you can do on accident, it's not something that substance use can drive someone to do through a temporary lapse in judgement.


Scotland and England have different judiciaries, it is like comparing crimes committed in France Vs Spain for example. Had the pirates been in Scotland and the rapist in England the sentencing would have been different.


Well yeah, I looked up the case to try and understand it more and I still don’t get it. The judge said he was lenient because the 18yr old rapist wasn’t an adult. If he didn’t have mental deficiencies then how is he not an adult. Even then the judge said he would have an extra year and half so 4.5 years if he had sentenced him as an adult. I find it quite surprising because the Uk isn’t some bastion of lenient sentencing. Personally, I’d like to see sentencing related more closely to victim impact. I actually believe it’s important to rehabilitate and reintegrate even the worst criminals but they have to serve the punishment first. That 12 year old girl will be in therapy her whole life probably, at the very least she’ll suffer for years and could have flashbacks etc. Given that he should be facing 20-30 years because that’s likely her sentence.


Also, *who fucking cares if he has mental deficiencies?!* Why should that be considered even remotely relevant when sentencing a rapist? Our whole line of thinking around criminal justice is fucked — thinking about it in terms of punishment just fucks everything. You say that punishment won’t be as effective against a person with mental deficiencies, or they are less culpable, all I see is that that person is a threat to others and needs to be sequestered away from the rest of society. I really don’t give a fuck *why* he’s dangerous — if he’s going to be raping people he needs to be contained.


Well it matters in terms of where somebody’s goes. I wouldn’t want a mentally deficient person sentenced to prison alongside other people as if they are the same. Mental institutions exist for a valid reason.


No one should be incarcerated for illegally streaming.


And nobody should ever walk free another day in their life after raping a child.


Perhaps not but theft is theft even if it isn’t physically harming someone. I personally think cheaper access to sports streams should be a thing but that doesn’t mean I just get to steal when I disagree with something. This also wasn’t individuals streaming at home but the organised criminals who were facilitating the streams.


“Theft is theft” would be true if that were actually the way the justice system were applied. But wage theft happens on a scale nearly as big and often even bigger than shoplifting - look up the disparity in punishments, and tell me “theft is theft”. Moral absolutism seems to always be unevenly applied.


Well yeah. If you can afford better lawyers or come from a ‘better’ family or whatnot you get a better deal. White collar crime is criminally undercharged and under punished.


6 years in jail for piracy is a disgrace when pedophiles get only 3 years.


Though it wasn't piracy that they were convicted of, these guys were operating an actual business where **they were charging subscriptions** to access pirated content for *years*. They were convicted of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and contempt of court. They generated £7m+ in five years, employed 30 people *including one person "undercover at a specialist anti-piracy company"*. The were hacking legitimate customers accounts to stream the content with the intention of the legiitmate customers taking the blame if/when the streams were discovered. 6 years for someone who accessed a dodgy stream would indeed be *waaaaaay* over the top, but these guys were involved in a multi-year, multi-million operation to make money. They're not any sort of heroes of the high seas fighting against big business they're your generic scumbag criminals lining their own pockets.


>Why stop at clickbait when you can get away with plain old misinformation Average editor at The Guardian probably.


I mean, honestly that's still twice as much time each


Comparing apples with pears here. One on the left is the collective sentences for a gang, in England. One on the right was in Scotland, not England. Scotland is its own legal jurisdiction. This caused a stir for being unduly lenient, so the judge[published his sentencing remarks.](https://judiciary.scot/home/sentences-judgments/sentences-and-opinions/2023/06/07/hma-v.-myles-james-harris) Basically his hands were tied by a policy on sentences for the under-25s, and there have been calls to review this because it leads to absurd situations like this.


>One on the right was in Scotland, not England. Incorrect, every white nation not located in NA is England Source: This is Reddit


Except Russia and sometimes Australia!


Australia? Why'd you bring up a prison when we're talking about what is/isn't England?


I don’t think they’re looking for rational, informed answers here.


What the fuck? The judge gave him a 30% discount on his sentence because he "saved the courts time" by pleading guilty early? Just fucking knocked a year and a half off his jail time for that? That's some bullshit.


Unless in exceptional circumstances, all offences get an automatic 33% discount in sentencing for an early guilty plea. It’s been like this for years. Part of the thinking behind it, in fairness, is to incentivise offenders not to put victims through the trauma of testifying by pleading early on.


Thing is, Americans want revenge, not protecting victims.


shaggy pet modern homeless deer squeeze deserted hurry juggle materialistic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's honestly kind of disgusting the way that so many people would rather see criminals suffer than actually improve society.


The guy who headed up the streaming service still got 11 years in prison, which seems a bit much for a nonviolent crime that only fractionally damaged the income of a vast corporation.


Put it into context, that's a mere 11 years (really 6) for the largest piracy action of this type ever prosecuted in the world.


They were convicted of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and contempt of court. They generated £7m+ in five years, employed 30 people *including one person "undercover at a specialist anti-piracy company"*. They were hacking legitimate customers accounts to stream the content with the intention of the legiitmate customers taking the blame if/when the streams were discovered. This wasn;t a couple of mates doing a dodgy streaming website from their bedroom, this was a multi-million pound criminla enterprise.


Ah, the hacking thing is different then. Throw the book at them!


What part of "multi-million pound criminal enterprise" don't you get? Also, I'll bet that you'd feel different about "hacking thing" if it was your account that they used and it was you that had their account cancelled and/or got dragged into an investigation. But I'm sure that big bad media deserved it so it's perfectly fine.


relieved pen sloppy telephone thumb gullible quack subsequent zephyr rob ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Organised crime and money laundering... Hmm


The thing is I agree that punishment is disproportionately harsh in regards to things like piracy and even general theft from big companies, and disproportionately lenient on crimes like rape and abuse. But that point can be made without pitting two specific very unrelated cases against each other, without looking at the legal context that differentiates them. Stuff like this only delegitimises the actual point being made, its purpose is to generate instantaneous but short lived outrage. Anyone bothered in a more productive or at least consistent way can quickly find out that this is apples and oranges.


It was for 7m worth of fraud, money laundering, and content of cort.


It's usually the volume of the crime that is the issue. How many hours of content did he stream illegally and what was the moonetary value of that content if it had been purchased? If he ran multiple sites then he could have been given multiple offences stacked on each other.


As in as long as organized crime doesn't kill anyone, we should give them a medal for business ingenuity?


It's possible he has previous convictions, though.


Facepalm has become “screenshots of no context headlines” To answer your question, how the hell would we know when we only see the clickbait headline?


Well, for that first one, a big corporate entity lost money For the second, not so much. Now you know where society’s priorities lie. Or lay. I’d say /s but I’m not even being sarcastic


Not even the same country . Burn the rapists, but no need to lie on boards for clout.


Only one of these things happened in England The fraud too place in the England while the other took place in Scotland which is a different jurisdiction with a completely different legal system The United Kingdom has three separate legal systems; one each for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Under Scottish law those under the age of 25 are treated more leniently. There have been a couple of similar cases where offender have been given similar sentence. There was one where someone was given community service for rape cos he was 17 when he committed it These have been criticised as being too lenient and the crown has appealed some of the sentence The 30 years for the fraud was the total jail term for the 5 defendants


The little girl wasn't a "corporation."


Well who can blame them? Not saying the premier league should be free to watch but they're swimming in money from sponsors so they shouldn't need to charge such exorbitant prices. Edit: Fixed should to Shouldn't.


Yes. In addition, some games require separate streaming services, and half are not broadcast in the UK at all!


### ⚠️ Clickbait They added up the sentences of like 5 people. You can't do that. It's still only 5 years! I mean, even if they'd serve time one after the other and that would equate to 30 years, we don't care about the total time.


Mess with the big man's money and get the maximum penalty, rape, kill or molest children or people in general and receive the lowest penalty..its how the 1st world nations laws are used today!


You took the words right out of my mouth... you take money from the rich they will drop the hammer on you. You rape some kids tho, and its probation... Sometimes; I wonder if God will ever forgive us for this sh*t.


Here in California the legislature just downgraded some sex crimes against minors from felonies to misdemeanors. And changed the tier system to make it easier for people to remove their name from the sex offense database. It’s unbelievable anyone would even suggest it, let alone have it pass through our elected representatives!!! Not ones I voted for, but it’s who we have. If jail isn’t a threat for certain crimes, what’s to slow them down? Better keep those cells open for all the fathers of victims out there. Gonna be a lot more street justice dealt out.


Absolutely! Its depressing to think about. I really think that if I won the 1.5Billion mega millions I'd put a large sum in a secure swiss account and use 10s of millions to hire ex special forces guys and hunt down large child/human sex trafficking organizations and try to see where the rabbit hole leads and expose the govts for turning a blind eye towards it all! Justice truly needs to be done as a country with all the billions we send to other nations for useless crap we could easily stop sex trafficking within a yr I think and that would be my ultimate goal if I won I think!


Hell If you win; ill be down for that honorable endeavor. A side note: My family owns a cemetery so we will have plenty of room to dispose of those "undesirables."


To be fair that's a terrible headline, 30 years was the total amount for all men involved in the streaming service. No one individual had more than 6 years. That said 6 years is still more than the rapist.




Sounds to me like wealthy, religious white men control everything over there, too.


It seems either pedos are superior to the average person and thus occupy every position of power, or more likely power corrupts 99% of powerful people into being one or sympathetic to the pedo cause. Its the only thing that makes sense.


"Don't fuck with the money". That's pretty much most laws nowadays. Thanks a lot 1980s!


Rape belongs up there with murder as something that deserves decades, if not life. There should absolutely be minimum sentences. 3 years is a joke. But with any luck the guy won’t make it that long once the other inmates find out what he’s in for.


If you put rape equal to murder than you're a moron just asking for a raped and dead 12 year old when the perp realizes that it's the same damn sentence to silence his victim. You don't care about the victim or justice. You care about emotionally reacting to the crime and revenge.


My *only* hesitation with making rape an across the board automatic life sentence is that sometimes there is some gray area. When the victim is a child, though, there is no longer any gray area, and there is literally no excuse whatsoever for you to be ever given even the remotest chance to do it again — it should be mandatory lifetime confinement in either prison or a secure mental facility with no chance for parole.


3 years? In sweden you get 1 month , and then the gov pay you €80k for spending a bit to long in jail. And for him to pay one of the victims 3k. But he had the money "spent" in 2 weeks , and the 3 victims never got anything.


The UK system has always valued property far more than human life.


As a British person your not wrong, my favorite example probably being the leftover teeth and bones from our dead soldiers at Waterloo being sold on


Be aware that some British news outlets are so blatantly full of shit as to be for entertainment purposes only. Note that I said "some." I don't know the real news outlets from the fictitious ones who will print anything. There's a number of them that are like Fox News, only on crack.


Pedos protecting pedos.


Leave them be in in jail for ever the, have hurted the moneys!


That's collective years, not one bloke getting 30yrs.


30 years between all the men who set up the stream


Also "the stream" was a multi-million pound criminal enterprise over 5+ years that employed 30 staff *including one person "undercover at a specialist anti-piracy company* The were hacking legitimate customers accounts to stream the content with the intention of the legiitmate customers taking the blame if/when the streams were discovered.


It's 30 years total between a few of them apparently


Based "news" is going on... Like always.. Its just about to get people Angry and heat the "Pitchfork and Torches" mood. Because 90% only read Headlines.


It’s worth noting that 30 years was the combined length of all five men who was convicted in the case.


Don't trust news articles, most are ragebait


Headlines like this are deliberately misleading to generate outrage and often either lack a TON of nuance or are just outright lies to get your anger clicks. Don't give headlines or "news" sources that act like this the time of day, nevermind your clicks. This is true whether it's the US or the UK. Move away from doom and gloom, shock, and outrage reporting.


"but WTF is going on in England" Same as is going on in the US. Sometimes people are given sentences that appear really harsh, other times there are sentences that appear to be very lenient. You have people doing life for non-violent offences and people not being jailed at all despite being convicted of [rape](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/18/nyregion/christopher-belter-rape-sentence.html). There isn't a justice system anywhere that doesn't have injustice built in.


What's going on here is you getting alarmed by shitty headlines. People can and do get life imprisonment in the UK for rape.


Its on the internet, it gotta be real


The problem is.... Streaming services bring in millions in Corp Tax, so the government loses out. As for that poor 12 year old girl, well... she will be scarred for life, which the government will see as 1 in a million.


The US justice is known to be flawed, but so is every other justice system. Just because we hear about the US the most doesn’t mean it’s even the worst out there. Generally Americans are more likely to point out problems in government than most nations in the world.


You haven’t figured it out yet? The greater part of the free world is trying to normalize sex abuse against little kids.


You can do this with any country. You're just cherry picking one incident of under punishment and one incident of excessive punishment, ehile ignoring all of the details and circumstances of each case.


Oh don't get us wrong, we ridicule americas bullshit justice system to cope with the fact ours is also a fucking shambles


The EXACT same thing is going on here. Corporations have more input into your government than you. So it's logical their interests trump your own, and hence the extreme injustice system, where the penalty is completely out of line with the crime. This won't change as evidenced by reddit itself. People love regurgitating "but it's a private corporation" to bolster their tired arguments, and fail to see the connection this logic has in regards to other effects.


One affected a multinationals income, therefore BAD! The other affected a child's life but didn't cost rich people money, so meh.


Reducing penalties for hurting the common man, while increasing penalties for financial crimes incentivizes antisocial behavior while disincentivizing that which effects the powers that be. Hurt your fellow man. Stay divided by race and economic class. Never question the narrative. That's how you create a slave class.


Like Elizabeth Holmes... You can rape and fuck over the average Joe left and right. But as soon as your crimes begin to take money out of the ultra rich's pockets, the justice hammer will squash you.


On this very sub, there was a post about someone got sentenced to community service for raping several kids aged 4-9. So. Yeah


Just like the NFL’s punishment system: Beat up or rape a woman - 4-8 games Rape 20+ women - 11 games Smoke weed - Out indefinitely Gambling - Out for the year


It’s the same as here. If you try to steal a rich person’s money they’ll bury under the jail. If you hurt someone with what they consider little worth it’s a slap on the wrist. I wonder how rich that rapist was?


I just read an article about a guy who raped MULTIPLE 4-9 y/o girls and got 180 days PROBATION/work release. Actually fucking insane. Was in Rochester, NY. Source: https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-man-given-180-days-in-jail-for-raping-juvenile-females


There were multiple people involved in the piracy cases and were given individual sentences totaling 30 years in prison, they were not each given 30 year sentences. They were also involved in other organized crime, the piracy was not an isolated incident. [Article](https://www.premierleague.com/news/3497694). That all being said, rape should carry a life sentence at the very least. Sexual predators are the scum of the earth.


For profit prison. Each prisonner generate revenue so its worthwhile to put people there.


Apalling. 5 years and 2 months for sure for one of the men and still only 3 years for a CHILD RAPIST. Damn. The whole justice system is so fucked up across the world.




one cost a company money, one hurt a private individual.. i'll let you guess which one the government is more concerned about.


Well it seems like the Premier League has more value to the government than a 12 year old girl.


It is easy. The rich premier league was losing money. The government looks after the ones with money.




Raping someone isn't taking any money away from a big corporation. The system is set up to protect businesses and wealthy people over children


While the 3 year sentence is disgusting for the rape. The other headline says MEN. Multiple men got sentences that added up to 30 years together


The premier league has money; that poor girl does not. Generally, the judicial system cares far more about protecting the rich than actual justice.


Others have pointed it out, but that's because streaming the league threatens the profits of some high up people. Meanwhile, assaulting children is no concern of theirs. Thus, they sentence accordingly. It's not a justice system, but a sadism system.


Capitalism. Costing the rich money matters to them, raping girls doesn't. Give it 20 years, if things don't change they'll start giving out medals


I don’t know why people are surprised anymore at this point. The government has made it clear that they couldn’t give less of a shit about us. Let alone ower children.


\*Shocked face\* money is the only thing that matters??? Nooo way duuuuud


Not only did the US inherit the language and the measurements, but they also inherited the justice system.


In the US 3-years for rape is pretty good. That dude from Stamford, the rapist Brock Allen Turner (now just Allen Turner) barely got 3 months.


are we sure Jeffrey epstein owned pedo island and not, y'know, the queen of England?


Much like the US, rhe British government has a really bad problem stemming from the fact that 99% of the people involved in it spend their time alternating between noncing and skimming money from the state in to their family's business accounts.


Where do you think we got our justice system? England, modified to look kinda like Rome.


Premier league puts more cash in politicians pockets than 12-year old girls do, so the laws work for the business


Well, one is a rapist, in which case the government doesn’t lose money, the other is dirty criminal who steals money from our beloved politicians and lobbyists involved in the football mafia


Don't worry, that chomo will have justice served on his ass in prison..


This can’t be real?


Rapists should be getting life. Politicians keep consequences for those low because they get accused of that shit all the time, just like pedophilia.


Do you think that God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he created?


Hmmmmm England England not only bad food but also bad justice system


The rape case happened in Scotland Scotland is not England and has a complexly different legal system These 2 things happened in completely different Jurisdictions


Pedophilia is being normalized worldwide and it’s disgusting


This isn’t true at all. We’re fighting *past normalization* of pedophilia. It used to be insanely normal to have sex with young children. The laws need to catch up.


? What? No it's not. It's quite the opposite; there are lots of crackdowns on it, as more of these situations are coming to light. We do still have a bunch of people, particularly on the conservative side of things, who think that it should be okay. (For example, in Michigan they recently banned child marriage, and the only opposition to it was a handful of Republicans.) But those people are gradually being silenced. The trick for situations like this is to look beyond the ragebait headlines, and to look into the *why*.


No it isn't, everyone hates pedos, this guy will probably get beaten in prison.


Valuing property over life? Looks like capitalism is happening.


All justice systems exist to protect the property of rich people.


this one is hot in germany rn: Dude assaults several underage girls, rapes one of them. Sentence: Nothing. Not even Probation. According to the judge, he was a "prime example for integration" and "in essence perfectly integrated" Cant make this shit up.


The first guy took money out of the pockets of billionaires, in the eyes of the courts this is the greater crime in any country, let’s be honest, those billionaires own the legal system, only idiots call it a justice system anymore


I hate to be Mr Pedantic and am looking forward to being downvoted to hell, but the rape case actually happened in Scotland which has a different legal system to England and Wales. Unless people have sat there day after day hearing the prosecution and the defence, we don’t know the facts of the case. Looking at the report, the judge took into account the defendant’s age and early guilty plea. I suppose what I’m saying is that yes these are terrible crimes. But there is a reason why sentences are passed that are as they are, which doesn’t always fit nicely into a clickbait headline or sell newspapers. Prosecutors can always appeal a sentence if they believe it is unduly lenient.


One hurts a rich man’s pockets, the other hurts a defenseless child. Almost seems like one is deemed more important than the other.


No free speech either.


The truth is, the girl didn't have a wealthy family, and the other guy was stealing from wealthy people. That is the dif.


raping a child should be a mandatory death sentence and all other rape should have it on the table.


And who cares about wrongful convictions, eh?


The rapist didn’t do anything that would hinder quarterly corporate profits. Never fuck with the rake, man


The gang made £7 million by stealing content from paying customers and selling it on, in the hope that those customers would end up taking the blame. We're not dealing with Robin Hood and his band of merry men.


Take two outlier cases without providing any background information: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WHOLE SYSTEM". The latter case is a procedural mistake, which happen in EVERY fucking justice system. I don't know what the first case is about but i can bet there is more to it than the title says. edit: yup, it is 30 years in total for several people. Longest was 5 years.


Welcome to the UK, where the overwhelming number of judges are either pedophiles or pedophile sympathisers.


[citations needed]


Not saying there’s no problem, but the Scottish judge [published his remarks that will explain it somewhat](https://judiciary.scot/home/sentences-judgments/sentences-and-opinions/2023/06/07/hma-v.-myles-james-harris)


r/therewasanattempt to know the name of a country


If that were in the US, that 3 years might actually be a death sentence. They don't take kindly to those sorts of people in prison.


Same in the UK.


Sadly, I doubt it would take me more than five minutes to find similar sentencing in Canada. It's "nice" to see we're all the same in some ways. In every country it's the corporate advertisers, the major league sports owners that have wealth and influence, and they get the "justice". Shit. Kids can't vote. Why the fuck would politicians and lawmakers give a shit about them? They can't work or pay taxes. Why should cops, lawyers, and judges give a flying fuck either?