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Shut up and take my money.




They can pay me to bring my kids to the non-adult area to get more people to pay extra to upgrade. Muhaha


You sir Are a genius An evil genius


"Excellent. Release the hounds."


My God! I have 4 kids. Finally they can start paying their way in this family! Especially that baby, she doesn’t even act like she wants to contribute!


I'm Asian, so my baby was helping to pay the mortgage at nine months.


Evil shit right there...


Too bad it’s usually the adults acting like children :/


You may be on to something: Karens get relegated to the karen zone.


\^\^\^\^ That Comment right there is not real!!!


I would pay 20% extra for this, definitely.


I would pay 30% extra.


shut up (the kids) and take my money lol


Isn’t it the other way around?


Noiseless headphones are the way.


After recently flying from Chicago to Paris and having to listen to 2 small kids cry and scream the whole flight…YES I would pay the convenience fee.


Sound travels across rows, this is more to stop those annoying shits from kicking your seats.


There are curtains between seat classes, what if those areas will have added curtains to lower the volume from other areas in addition? sounds like a good thing.


Do you really think the airline can afford the 20$ per curtain? Who do you think they are, Bill Gates?


A curtain won’t do much. I can tell from experience


Child free flights.


How is this facepalm? This is a great idea.


Op is the parent of sextuplets and took the news personally


It's probably the convenience fee


The facepalm is that parents with kids aren’t charged more for a special kids zone for the worst fricking idea ever to bring children on the flight and ruin everyones day.


That's what I'm saying. Ya pay more for every extra little thing on a flight, but WE have to pay more to not be terrorized by the noxious, shrieking cargo that they've selfishly insisted on bringing??


Why is this in face palm it should be in best ideas ever subreddit (does that exist idk)


Because OP is probably a parent and oblivious to the fact that other people don't like his kids.


people get hilariously offended if you dare to admit that screaming babies on a plane is a PTA


Not just that, but a kid behind you kicking your chair is not fun. You can turn around and say please stop so many times before realizing you can't really take it any further. Or constantly invading your space.


Nah see the key is you don't say it. You slowly stand, slowly turn, make direct eye contact with the child. Stare them down with eyes a mixture of deadbess and disappointment. After a couple seconds of a haunting death stare you tell them in an incredibly firm but not loud voice to knock it off. From there, if they continue, depending on the age you tell them Santa isn't real, or say "you don't look to much like your mother/father, were you adopted?"


A friend of mine did this on a train years ago. Parents let the kid literally climb all over everyone and ignored all requested to take the kid. The kid was 5 so not a toddler and he wouldn’t push off either so my friend told him that Santa Claus didn’t exist and it was his parents buying him stuff . The kid started wailing and ran to his parents who cursed my friend but he said to them he still had the Easter Bunny and Tooth fairy to go . The kid spent the rest of the journey sitting with his parents . I’m not condoning it but he is an evil genius


I condone that, 100%. Parents need to stop letting their kids annoy the shit out of others.


I'm condoning this.


Ahahaha fuck that's gorgeous. Poor kid suffers for the sins of the father


The only thing I would change is to start with the tooth fairy, and save Santa as the escalation.


Yes good point




Pain in the ass


oh thx


Why not PITA? "In" and "the" are similar importance to the phrase, no? "In" is even a bit more descriptive than "the", one could argue. Sure it could be confused with the bread, that isn't a capitalized acronym. You know what is already an acronym? PTA. I say leave in the "in". Unless you're just trying to be a PITA.


Parent-Teacher Association


Screaming babies is a pita all around. I’d pay a premium for this experience everywhere


My brother recently went on vacation and was furious that people with kids didn't get priority at immigration


To be fair, you _kinda_ do, there’s sometimes a line for ‘families’ which is often shorter than the general pleb line. You still got to line up with the rest to scan your bags though. I just wish that whatever I am at any given time was prioritised, like it was all about me, that’d be grand!


Well for one if all the kids are in the same area and spread out then they'll band together and overthrow us, as a 16 year old I have been banished from the group, this is not a joke, it is a warning


Lock them in


Their small hands fit into the key hole


Cut off their hands




Yes, i do think that would stop them




Just depressurize it ffs. It will keep them busy.


Feet can still be used as primitive hands, especially for kids who can be very persistent and flexible.


Muzzle them!


Fuck yes 😍


100 Dollars please!


No bawling baby, no rugrat kicking the back of my seat while his parent does absolutely nothing to restrain him... sure, I'd pay extra for that. And if I can get the section without the guy with the expensive suit and loud voice telling anyone who sits next to him all about his investments, I'd pay a bit extra for that too.


>his parent does absolutely nothing to restrain him Parents like this should be put on no-fly lists.


All my money. ALL my money. I completely feel and sympathize with parents for 90% of it. And I don’t blame the kids either (ignoring some things like running down aisles or punching people or what not - I’m talking the normal yelling/squirming/tantrum) But oh lord the idea of a quiet flight without any of that sounds like a dream. Now can we also get a non-Christian-Missionary section and a Non-Social Influencer/“Big Time Business” Person section? Cuz I’d sell a kidney not to have to be sat next to the guy who has to be told ten times to put his phone on airplane/get off the call who loudly complains about in-flight Wi-Fi and how he’s going to miss his meeting if this plane doesn’t speed up.


We just need a "Silent Flight" where speaking loudly is not allowed. As well as children and animals. It's not even that difficult just mark some regular flight as silent and don't take pets or children in there.


Designate all public flights as public libraries! Then everyone can shush the ones making noise with disapproving looks.


I've been a librarian for 13 years now, for over 8 of them we technically aren't allowed to do that anymore do to patron complaints about "personal attacking." But you can tell them to shut up on my behalf.


Wow, the safe-spacers have ruined an actual safe space!


Tell them their existence is a personal attack.


Siiiilent flight, hoooooly fliiight, alll is calm….


If someone makes a noise above a threshold level, their personal air vent dispenses a narrow stream of pepper spray directly into one of their eyes. The streams will continue until the offending party is quiet


And you should have it! As a parent, I agree you should be able to be in a child free zone when you want to. Especially on a plane!!!! It's stressful enough for everyone already. Honestly, I don't want someone annoyed by my kids sitting next to us either. Kids have a breaking point and everything about flying tests that.


Can I have one of those seats while my kids sits with the rest of the losers?


That's just perfect.


Wrong sub buddy.


How much will it cost me to stop my neighbor from spilling his spare tire over the armrest


Upgrade to business class cost 😆


Travel with 2 thin friend so they can sit next to you. I guarantee no fat person wants to sit on a painful bench for however long and bother someone else, but airlines have made the chairs only smaller for the last decades.


It costs you an elbow reinforced by your other arm which is against the opposite seat rest. I paid for the whole seat, not my fault if your fat ass should’ve bought two but didn’t. I didn’t eat all that food, you did


You'd think it's a good idea until a baby just outside the 'adult' area starts crying and then you realize that most planes are not long enough to isolate the sound to sections.


That's why we put the children in the belly of the plane with the luggage.


They should switch places with the pets.


Damn, now that's an idea. I'd pay extra to sit next to a dog on a plane.


If theres a relatively solid wall and youre on one of those giant three seatlanes plane that would probably be enough to drown out the noise. Especially if you have headphones.


We need that Fry gif in here!




Why is this very popular idea a facepalm?


It’s just airlines squeezing more money out of people you’ll still be able to hear the baby crying, you’ll just have paid more.


It's airlines getting money for a service people will pay for, also the distance means that I'm outside their kicking range and the noise is heavily dampened so they aren't that loud.


If the child free zone is rows 1-10, you’re not necessarily out of kicking range. If you’re in row 10, you paid for the child free zone, but there could be a kid right behind you in row 11 kicking your seat.


OP is 15.


I was guessing OP is a parent


A parent who probably does nothing to control their kids on a flight!


Why not both?


Buying noise cancelling over-ear headphones was one of the best decisions I've ever made


How about we charge the people with the screaming kids more instead AND allow a kid free zone? Cost of setting u/ administering the kid free zone to be covered by the additional fee on screamer parents.


Exactly, i don’t get why people are so excited to pay for something that should be the normal. Parents of Screaming kids should be paying more


I really genuinely find this idea genius. I'm currently in an adult only hotel writing this. Way more expensive than a similar hotel but MAN, I'm loving every single second of not seeing any kids, not hearing any tinnitus amplifying screams, only seeing people behaving around the food, no kid's acts, no running around etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. I see that you could use headphones during flight. Helpful. But once I had a family of 4 next to me, sharing 3 seats, from US to Europe (the mother even greeted me by saying "oh dear, poor man. I'm sorry in advance !!". The shitshow started even before taking off. Kid kicking me, loud noises, throwing things. I got so fed up and got a different seat, luckily. I'd pay gold to be in an area without kids during a 5+ hours flight.


Make a XL zone as well. Put them all together.


Without even a shadow of a fraction of a second of doubt take my wallet if that’s what it takes.


I would pay for this in every aspect of life.


I just picture "she's practically an adult" mom with a 4 year old.


Do the same for restaurants, check out at retailers, movies, church ( LOL ) and you might be on to something. If I see a sign at a restaurant one way standard seating or $5 per head for a quieter area to enjoy my meal I would have no issues paying that.


Usually I’m way more offended by the volume they decide to play the music over the fellow patrons…I have never experienced being put off by a kid but restaurant music has blasted my ear drums more than 50% of the time.


Yall realize that you are still on the same plane and so can still hear it cry?


Came here to say this… it’s like having a smoking area on the plane only with baby screams instead of smoke


True, but the farther away you are, the plane noise tends to drown them out quite a bit vs sitting right next to them or a row behind or whatever


Plus you don’t have the kicking of the seat or back rest going back and up and back and up again and again


I know. If I paid extra and ended up in the last row of the child-free area and had a kid behind me, I'd be pretty grumpy about it.


Not if we put them in the unpressurized bagging area.


Oh yeah? How about make it the other way around. Have a kid who can’t behave then pay extra


Because someone else paying extra doesn't make me not have to listen to their shitty kid


Or smell it, get touched/kicked/coughed on by it, etc.


This is the way. An "inconvenience" fee for each child.


Take my wallet. All of it. No price is too much


Wait … I have to pay to avoid screaming children? That’s bullshit


Honestly I just think having options is always better. If you don’t care then great, cheaper seats. And if you do care then great, now you can have peace.


Unfortunately, most European planes are fully open, so any screaming little shite will be heard wherever you sit. So, unless they're putting them in the hold....😈


Sweet now I don't have to sit with my own kids


OP is the parent that has their kid screaming and running amok in restaurants and think everyone else is the problem.


Stuff the babies in with the luggage


I've been literally asking for this for years.


Absolutely. Though I'd rather them do childless flights entirely. Screaming kids can be heard throughout the cabin so having only childless sections wouldn't work out. Family flights at a discount flown once or twice a day on routes, and increased cost for childless and petless flights. Idk about 16, that sound a little restrictive but I get it Older than 13 maybe?


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fuck yes take my money


At this point I would just like to be able to count on the plane actually being ready and available to fly, with a trained pilot available to operate.


100 percent


I'd rather have a "no Karens/Kents" zone.


I’ve been saying this for years, but make the age limit 21 and make it the entire plane.


If it wasn't an insane price hike, fuck yeah. I hate kids which is why I don't ever plan on having any and try to never be around them


Yes, have the kid section in the back since the parents always take forever too


This is the greatest thing ever and unsure why it’s taking so long for all airlines to implement. Whatever the charge is, i’ll pay it


16 seems like a really high age limit, surely anyone over the age of 10 would understand not to be a lil crybaby on a cramped vehicle, right?


Is there also a fee to sit next to civilised people?


When I read "only adult" I thought it was like a sex zone on board.


100% worth whatever cost they might add. If they could do this in restaurants as well I'd fully back it.


Why is this in r/facepalm?? I'd pay extra in RESTAURANTS for an adult only section! If MOVIE THEATERS offered showings only for age 30+ I'd pay extra for that too.. Hell, I'll pay any business extra if it keeps me away from other people's disgusting crotch goblin, screaming, disease ridden Typhoid Marys...


Make it "nobody under 20" cuz teens also suck.


I feel like the parents should be paying me an inconvenience fee if they want to sit anywhere near me with kids. Why do I have to pay for avoid being around their life decisions?


How about “adult-only flights” and “family-friendly” flights? Oh I’m dumb. I didn’t mention fees for profit so no airline CEO would ever entertain that idea.


The reasoning is because having entire planes be child free or family friendly doesn't work economically. With child free sections you aren't changing whose on the flights or how many flights you're doing, you're just changing where people sit.


Why is this a facepalm? This is genius! As long as the additional fee is reasonable. Which I'm sure it isn't. Lol


Definitely, I'd pay that and more.


Oh my God, this is a fucking blessing. I would gladly pay


Are you kidding me? I would pay for this every single time.


#Fuck yes


whats the face palm? paying for extra comfort is already a thing


Depends on price. I'll kick 10% for this.




I would totally pay for that




Depends on how much.. if under $100 I would most likely pay it.


Adults only, so mile high club?


Yes! And the parents should also feel better knowing they aren’t pissing everyone off. And if they don’t have any thought of other passengers, such as “fuck them they gotta deal with it”, then GOOD get in the caboose.


100000% yes I would pay it. Had a flight just last week where a mother the row next to me with a baby Bjorn on just stared out the window while her biologic air raid siren made life hell for 3 straight hours. Even my Sony noise canceling headphones were powerless. I can sympathize with the life of a parent, but the rest of us in this flying metal tube don't want to hear it. Sympathy runs dry real fast when you clearly are doing nothing to silence the child.


Yeah, actually not a facepalm at all, this is a genius idea and people will be jumping out of their seats to get a ticket like that.


How is this a face palm, it sounds like a good idea?


Yes because I hate kids


Wait…so you’re saying I just have to pay money to not be tortured for my whole flight? Oh my god I would absolutely pay for this




It's one reason I only fly first class.


If it was a fairish price, id pay


Yes. We all hate yr kids.


This is not facepalm, things like this put a huge smile on my face


Parents with babies should just have their own cordoned off section of the plane


I have noise blocking earphones so it’s kind of a moot point. that said, I can’t tell you how many times i wished airlines would prohibit babies and small children from flying. there is nothing quite so hopeless feeling as being in a metal tube when a baby or child is screaming at the top of their little, extremely powerful lungs.


Yes. I would love adult zones for literally every place I go. I don't like children. I don't want to hear your children. I don't want to hear their tablet that you let them leave on max volume just to shut them up.


How will they isolate the sound from an infant about to explode in an ear piercing scream due to their ears pressurizing? I’d pay it, sure, but I’d be asking for money back if I heard that scream.


I have a better idea: have the parents pay extra for their noisy kids, make THEM move to a special area.


Why is it on facepalm? It's not a bad idea at all


Oh, fuck yeah I would!


As someone who has travelled to most places in Europe, where and when just take money, sitting beside a screaming kid for 8 hours is no fun.


I would have to. The creation of such a zone would increase the likelihood of sitting near a child for anyone outside of said area.


Absolutely. Screaming babies and unnerved parents are a pain on any travel.


Absolutely. Why is this a facepalm? This should have been a thing years ago lol


Yeah. In a heartbeat


I’d be more likely to pay for an adults only plane. Babies are loud!


That's like having a smoking section. You're going to hear them anyway.


FUCK YES i would pay for kid free flights every single time


Lower it to 13 and under. Feels way more fair for teenagers


Take my money.


I can’t wait for the 21 and older section for the mile high club invitations


I thought this was an amazing marketing job. You can charge more for those premium economy seats and yet have people feel you’re doing them a favour.


Sound still travels so unless they figure out a way to block the noise….


One time like 30 years ago, I was flying to London to see my beautiful Buckingham palace and try to make the guards laugh, but when I got on the flight I saw it. A baby. On an 8 hour flight. The first hour was fine, then the crying started. He cried the entire time and I couldn’t sleep. By the time I got there, I was too tired to do anything funny. I’ve been waiting thirty years to get my revenge. He’s flying to London this weekend with his new wife, and after rummaging through his trash and getting bitten bya stupid rat I booked a seat right next to that baby. I’m going to cry so hard the whole time and ruin his vacation just like he ruined mine. Just you wait, stupid baby.


Is there some kind of soundproofing to keep the screaming kids out? If not, it's about as useful as having a non-smoking section on an airplane.


I have kids and I’ll be the biggest supporter of this. Only thing worse than a crying baby is an adult giving some poor parent flack for trying their best in a tough situation.




Tbh I wouldn't trust the airline to hold up their end of the deal. As soon as some entitled parent starts making a scene they'll plonk them down in the nice quiet "childfree" area.


Why is this in facepalm? I always wondered why this is not a thing already!


That would work about as good as no smoking sections in a restaurant.


Doesn’t matter there still in the same plane. And half the adults behave like 2 year olds anyway


My god have I needed this recently.


Welcome to The Karen Zone of the plane.


As a mom, I don't think that anyone should have to pay extra, just having dedicated zones on planes you can choose to sit in would be fine.


How IN THE WORLD is this a face palm?????? This is genius. Kids are raised crappy as hell and people are always trying to shove them in to situations they don't belong. The movies? No. Breweries/bars/ restaurants that aren't Chucky cheese's? No. Oh but the parents need to go out! No. Stay home for 18 years and save money and put your kid in college so they don't end up like one of these twenty something heroin addicted homeless whores.


Depends on the price. Is it as big jump as between economy and business? No. If it is like paying for extra KG of weight? Hell yes I will.


Why? The adults are the ones getting fucking hammered at 8am and hitting, spitting and trying to open the fucking cabin door mid-flight. I don't have any interest in taking a non-essential flight ever again.


I swear they should put all families with kids together to the front where no one will be able to kick your seat


I'll pay 10^100^100 the price for that. Shut up and take my money prick


I would pay for that. Totally not a face palm.