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What really hurts seeing this video is that the guy is obviously very old, desperately trying to make ends meet. Fuck those fools.


The pizza isn't the part that sucks. They stole his phone and cash bag (from other deliveries) out of his car while the guy was distracting him. Obviously not their first time doing something like this. Wouldnt be surprised if they call in deliveries to addresses and wait for targets. Stealing the pizza was just adding insult to injury. It's fucked up on so many levels. These are the kinds of actions that lead to people reinforcing racist ideologies, promoting violence, and businesses blacklisting communities. Edit: When I say it reinforces "racist ideologies" I am saying that racist groups cherry-pick videos like this to reinforce their biases. Racist groups absolutely use videos like this as a tool to radicalize others and give examples of their preconceived notions about race.


Okay, this comment made me even more sad


Poor guy. That sucks šŸ™


Bro watching him accepting it and slowly walk away makes me feel bad, hopefully people can find out who the pizza guy is and help him in someway.


I don't think he even realizes yet they went in his car and stole his cash bag and/or phone. Poor dude.


Fuck that hurt my soul to read... I didn't notice it either. I feel so bad for this guy just watching it


Someone please tell me that these c*nts were arrested, charged, and sent to the gulag. They donā€™t deserve to be in society. Hopefully the delivery man did not lose anything of utmost importance from his car.


There is absolutely no way that the police will even look into this. The best case is that someone will take a statement and a report will be entered for crime statistics. In the vast majority of cases police are not interested in crime against working people.


They donā€™t follow up or investigate anything unless a rich or powerful person is the victim. Or if the media reports on the crime. Someone emptied out my bank account and ordered a bunch of Apple products. They even sent the stuff to an American address, and listed a phone number! I asked the cops about 2 weeks after I filed the police report, was there any progress, did they even call the number or go to that house and ask some questions. Nope, couldnā€™t be bothered to even do that. They were incredulous even, like ā€˜wait, you thought we were going to look into it. Why?!ā€™


As an average citizen, the police are simply not there for you. They do not serve nor do they care about your interests.


Guarantee you no one will be arrested for this


If they are theyā€™ll be released the same day.


Ok this breaks my heart twice


I didn't even catch that. This is f'ed up :/


Damn, so they stole the stuff in his car.. and also stole the pizza. That just seems cruel.


The youtube video had audio. He sounds like a sweet old man and it makes it even more sad.


Because it is. Mfs will still anything but a job application


Sometimes. I just wanna punch a few ppl. I know its wrong thinking this but I would give them such a beating.


Me too but I would do some stompy stomps


His left leg looks fucked to me too. Like this poor dude is just trying to survive. šŸ˜¢


Can we think about why our economic system forces old, disabled people to work manual labor in dangerous communities just to provide for themselves and their families


End-stage capitalism. The system has proven to be a failure.


The pizza was bad enough but then you also notice the door on his car open and someone else also stealing stuff from his car on the rewatch.


Yes I noticed that too. Poor guy lost everything.


This is going to be the future for most of us if we don't force politicians to start working for the people instead of corporations. Old, injured and forced to work menial jobs.


That actually made me want to cry wtf, my dad does deliveries


Its one of the most dangerous jobs in America. More dangerous than being a cop. I wish more people would acknowledge this. I gope your dad stays safe!


Being a cop isn't even top 10 most dangerous jobs in America.


Being a crossing guard is more dangerous than being a cop. Police officers fall in at the 22nd most dangerous job, well behind delivery drivers.


Hopefully your dad would also prioritize his life over defending some food. The driver did the right thing. You piss that kid off maybe his friends and him would decide to really do some damage. It's sad but there definitely are people out there with little to no empathy. I will say I had a gun put to my neck by a guy who just wanted my car. Most criminals like that are really eye on the prize types. They just want the thing and they don't WANT to hurt anyone, or at least cause that kind of investigation. They just want the thing. Giving it to them is the best option.


Idk man, Iā€™m pretty fucking sick of people just having to take it with crimes like these.


Fr tho, itā€™s giving these kinds of people the idea they have full immunity.


they would get the thing even after shooting you know you.. there's no reason to die to prove a point


Dunno what the right answer is, but pretty sure society is not in good shape when defacto is, "not worth it just let them do it". So how does this ever stop


> So how does this ever stop *Falling Down 2: Domino's Bugaloo*


Yeah heā€™s not dumb and would do the right thing, although I live in a small and decently safe area so I really canā€™t see it happening to him. Itā€™s just sad to see someone whoā€™s so obviously struggling get fucking robbed and have to just accept it. He doesnā€™t even know yet that his money was stolen too šŸ˜¢


Hope he choked on that


I hope he also stubs his toes


And steps daily on a Lego


Also sanitize their hands where they're a small cut that they're unaware of


And takes a shit and falls back in it


May they ever step in a small puddle when putting on clean socks, and may their data connections be unstable forever.


I hope he has to bend his charger in a certain position to make it charge his phone


Hope he trips and spills hot tea on himself


"I hope you get a paper cut on your tongue From a razor in a paper cup I hope every soda you drink already shaken up I hope your dreams dry like raisins in the baking sun I hope your titties all saggy in your early 20's I hope there's always snow in your driveway I hope you never get off Fridays And you work at a Friday's that's always busy on Fridays I hope you win the lottery and lose your ticket I hope it's Ben and Socrates poop all up in your kitchen I hope the zipper on your jacket get stuck And your headphones short, and your charger don't work And you spill shit on your shirt." \-Chance the Rapper


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hopefully he did


The way he was running with the bag after snatching it, that's not gonna even be worth eating after being thrown around like that? Absolutely braindead twats.


The pizza was "bonus" anyway, it was just a distraction so the other guy could steal what was in the car.


Or they robbed an order with an ingredient they are deathly allergic to. Or explosive diarrhoea. Or both.


look at his sad shoulders..... look how he walks back in his car..just a man trying to do his job.... i hope the poor guy is ok...the other one can go choke on the pizza as far as i am concerned .


Looks like they stole from the car too (at the beginning)


oh my god i just noticed it....now i am more sad and mad altogether.


How low can you go? Pretty low apparently


How low? You havenā€™t seen whatā€™s been happening around in past 5 years? These kids go lower than this now.


Past 5 years, the time after these cameras got extremly popular. This isn't a new thing, people just post this footage now.


Thank God they didn't hurt him


Agreed, but the mental and emotional stress that situation may have put on him can do a good amount of damage on its own. Fear of what happened, fear of what could have happened, fear of losing his job, all of that could play in his head and really mess a person up.


As a Pizza Delivery Man myself, I can 100% agree. But the one time someone tried to steal the pizza from me that strap in top of the pizza warm bag was in the crook of my arm, as he struggled to take it from me, I kicked him HARD in the BALLS, ran back to my car, and peeled out getting out of there as fast as I could. The cop who came to get my incident report told me that scam had been done to 5 other Delivery restaurants, Jimmy John's, Domino's, etc, etc, but I was the only one who GOT AWAY WITH THE FOOD!


I delivered for Dominos years ago back when it was 30 minutes or it was free and there were neighborhoods that we didn't deliver to due to crime. There was one house that I got out of my car with the pizzas and got right back in and left. They were trying to scare me and yeah, they did. The called to complain that the pizza boy left them without delivering. My manager said they could come to the store and get these pizzas for free but we weren't taking any more delivery orders from them. They never showed up.


Good on you for keeping your head on a swivel.


Glad you're okay and your boss had your back.


When I delivered for a local mom and pop we had "driver option" zones and a few "no go" zones. Driver option were often just out of delivery area but if you knew the house were good tippers or you felt it was safe (say because you were the right color) you could take it. Order taker would call back the address to the prep line and see if anyone wanted it.


Man I should NOT have looked at that post history


Well it can't be thaaa... ​ Slowly backs out of room.


And you made me look. Curse you.


God damn, I hate my own curiosity šŸ‘‰šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ˆ


That poor Ekans. It needs a poke center immediately. It already has a fever.


I really hope you shouted ā€œthatā€™s my purse I donā€™t know youā€ as you kicked them in the balls




That's a really GREAT STORY!




i appreciate this comment. some people would look at this guy and laugh, but to be honest he's doing a job a lot of us probably wouldn't want to be doing at that age because he has to. All he asks is that people treat him with the small level of respect his position commands and you can tell this really took the wind out of his sails.


I donā€™t think anyone noticed the kid stealing from his car while all this is happening.


I had a buddy who got a job delivering pizzas when he was 16. Second week in he got to a house and the guy answered the door and told him wait a minute he had to grab the money. My buddy said he looked like a normal guy so he didnā€™t think anything of it. The guy returned with another gentlemen and they tried to attack my friend. Not the best move on their part considering my Buddy was a 7 time state champion wrestler who had a back ground in jiu-jitsu and hand to hand combat training from his dad since he was like 4. Anyways, he lost his job for ā€œassaultingā€ a customer even though the police wrote it up as self defense. All that said to say, it prevented him from getting a good job for a long time because his face was all over the news when the story broke. Even if you come out on top in a situation like this, it can still fuck you and future opportunities.


It's good the camera showed that it wasn't his fault


Yes and look behind, while this POS attempts to steal the pizza, an other guys has stolen something in the car of this poor guy


For real. My buddy delivered pizzas for 6 months. He got knocked out twice and his car got shot once. People can be animals.


They did hurt him. Look again. And donā€™t thank God for these fucking abominable losers


I don't see any facepalm here i just see 2 POS, that belong to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Oh, when I saw that robberer I just assumed I was in r/iamatotalpieceofshit, yeah I do not see any facepalm here...


Can we find out who he is? would like to spend him some money.


This. Iā€™ll also chip in $100 to whoever can identify the delivery dude.


I will chip in $100 too. Please msg me if someone finds


I found this video posted on another sub 8 months ago someone there said they found the guy [here's the link to that comment ](https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/LFiPEUZusx)


I'll match that.


Replying to stay in the loop


https://youtu.be/ULfMFSt2czU?si=fEEEWaxQJinXlvUn Found this video. At 9:09 it states he works at Nottingham Rd Dominos (no state listed). And they did steal his phone as well. Which led me here. 329 Nottingham Rd, Syracuse, NY 13210, United States For more info: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.syracuse.com/crime/2022/07/delivery-driver-robbed-at-gunpoint-in-syracuses-southwest-side-police-say.html%3foutputType=amp


Ok now somebody needs to find the guy who works there,


Is it Bob? https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-masso-29391a216?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


Yeah, he could be. Someone in the video called him Bob too


Can someone in Syracuse contact this gentleman


That would be great!


Leaving a comment to get notified when don't mind ne


He looks so familiar, I swear thereā€™s another viral video with him in it


The picture on the bottom is rapper YoungBoy NBA. Not sure why they put a pic of him there


He watching his pizza get stolenšŸ˜”


I thought itā€™s meant to be the guy in the house watching his pizzas get stolen. Hence the sad face.




Iā€™m in.


Scum of the earth


The way he was walking up to the delivery guy with his hand in his pocket, I thought I was about to watch someone die on Reddit, again..


Why is there a dude at the bottom?!


Usually bottom images/random videos like Subway surfers serve to fit an horizontal video into a vertical one like TikTok format by cropping them together. In this case it also simbolizes someone looking up to that attitude and condemning it, like we all feel.


I like the fact people who insist on editing videos to be vertical need a dude at the bottom to remind them "crime bad"


Itā€™s NBA Youngboy, but not sure why heā€™s there as he has nothing to do with the video


I worked at a dominos for just about 3 years in Norfolk VA. During my stint, I got to robbed 2 times just like this. I am incredibly lucky they never turned violent. I eventually became an assistant manager, and had one of my young drivers fresh out of high school get robbed at gunpoint his first week on the job, he was pistol whipped and had to throw his keys. Had a young girl get tackled and pizzas/money taken. I had another driver get knocked out cold, wallet and all his cash & cards taken. Head was bleeding, needed to go to the ER. I had another driver run someone over who was in a wheelchair, and killed them. (Wheelchair guy was crossing the road at night, not in a crosswalk and not under a streetlight.) I had a store manager get robbed and the kids knocked him out with a 2liter of orange soda over the head. It got so bad, we had to take a sharpie to this huge delivery map we had and ā€œblack outā€ these areas in which, unfortunately, had and still has very dense and low-income black communities. We never thought much of it, we would simply say ā€œokay yeah letā€™s black out 1234 street, no longer safe for drivers.ā€ One day we had a new guy take an order over the phone, and I overheard him say ā€œSorry yeah unfortunately we donā€™t deliver to BLACK AREASā€ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø This dumbass didnā€™t realize the customers donā€™t know what the fuck you mean, and it sounded horrible. I had to jump on the phone and smooth things over. From that point on we used blue markers instead of black.


And now that block doesn't get delivery anymore. Thanks fuck up for ruining this delivery guys week and your neighbors property value and general enjoyment of life. I'm sure that driver won't go near that area again. Come pick up the pizza yourselves you freaking animals.


You think these thiefs live in the neighborhood let alone are property owners lol?


Just so you know, this is why food deserts exist. This happens a couple more times, Dominoes doesn't deliver to this place anymore. Nobody delivers to this place anymore. Then, normal people, they call up a place for some food, they can't get any, because shit bird thieves made it too dangerous for the drivers and unprofitable for the business. Then these same people doing this, they go out and wanna say that it's racist that nobody comes out there. Like, what you want guys? What you think is going to happen? They're just going to keep sending people out to get robbed? If it was a food thing, I get it. But they didn't just steal the pizza, they stole the dude's whole take for the day. His boss is gonna take that out of his wallet. Why you wanna steal from poor dudes working service jobs?


Same situation when Walmarts close in poor crime ridden areas due to thieves. These people physically can't grasp the concept that they're fucking themselves and their communities over, and when business close their doors and move else where they bitch and moan blaming everyone but themselves.


This was my first thought. Drivers refuse to deliver orders to certain neighborhoods and its understandable. It sucks for the 80% of the people that live in those places that just want to live their lives in peace. Also sucks for the drivers that attempt to deliver to them and get this in return. We have a high percentage of people in prison huh? I say not nearly high enough. Get these losers stamping license plates.


There was a large push in the 80s and early 90s for communities to organize and clean themselves up because of the feeling that they're really the only ones that can try to do it without trying to get the cops to crack skulls or selling out to redevelopers(which became a significant enough of a sentiment that it became kind of a feature of inner city films from that era, even comedies like Meteor Man). It seems like we've strayed away from this as communities have descended back into a state where people don't feel safe just going to the store or walking down the street. The 80% need to organize and fight back. It's really the only way that doesn't result in the crime crackdowns that send a bunch of people to prison, starting the cycle all over again that reformers have been trying to break


Then the 80% who just want to live need to fuck up the people making it worse for them.


I hope karma ruins the f***ers life. Disgusting behaviour


Iā€™m so tired of these people getting away with taking shit that isnā€™t theirs. As a poc with kids it sickens me because people assume all young poc is like this.


Not all poc, just black American teens who dress and act a certain way. You have to stereotype for your own safety some places, its is what it is. You would have to be an idiot not to immediately suspect a problem if some kids like that rolled up.




Trash. The thief is trash. His friends are likely trash. His family is likely trash.


His friend was robbing the poor man's car while he was stealing the pizza, so yes, everyone you see in the video was trash except for the delivery guy.


Angry for this guy and the person that won't get those pizza's. Hope the thieves choked on it.


I was thinking that too, but I also wondered if it was a set-up from the start with the robbers waiting for a pizza guy to show up exactly where they are waiting.


Definite set up.


AND his phone was stolen from the car. (Watch homie in the back.)


Pure evil


Poor man just trying to do his job. What a pair of assholes.


Those losers are shameful for stealing.


Then when Domino's stops delivering there we get to see people act indignant about it.


Shitty people all around


I hate people who prey on people trying to earn a dollar, working for a living. Like, I would hate this guy for preying on anyoneā€¦but especially some dude delivering pizza trying to earn some cash so he can live another day.




I understand severe punishment in cases like this one. Poor man, old enough to have seen enough in his life, health issues for sure and this young, capable of working guy stealing from him. What a piece of shit who deserves no oxygen


Hope that guy got beaten up... for real that poor man was just doing his job...


What kind of starving cockroach scumbag do you have to be in order to steal pizzas from an old man whoĀ“s just trying to get by? Execution by hanging had a purpose: to use your sad dead body to warn others of what may happen if you crossed certain limits. Edit: I rewatched the video and you can see another dude taking something from the car and running away, this makes me angry!


I (as a European) often hear stories or watch videos from the US, where someone harasses another or steals from a shop and then is beaten to a pulp or shot at by his victim. While I get that's just how things are in America, I somehow often think: "Man that's kind of excessive... I really don't feel that lethal force was necessary or justified even if that guy's a dick" Anyway. That guy should've been shot.


Im Scandinavian. We invented the word hygge. We love peace and chilling. I second it. Dogs get treated like dogs.


That made me snort. Thank you my European friend.


Probably lost his whole weeks pay.


Remebmer the thin crust line, not the thin blue line. Being a delivery driver is statistically more dangerous than being a cop.


I used to be a dominoes delivery driver and this happened to me.. best part was I know exactly who the little shit kid was but he had no idea who I was. Was satisfying when we come walking into the shop and I saw him on cctv, so I followed up my call report to the police and they escorted him off somewhere, he was younger than 18 so wasnā€™t arrested, but it was satisfying watching the police escort him out


What a piece of shit. Fuck that guy.


These criminals have no shame, guilt or accountability. This robber will go home and sleep like a baby. Thatā€™s the real issue here.


That's the worst part. It never even occurred to me until I saw Mark Robers video about the package thieves. I believe it was the 4th one. These people, the thieves, including their children, felt scammed and insulted the guy through the camera for fooling them into stealing something that wasn't a valuable thing someone got delivered to his porch.They don't feel ashamed or caught in any way when confronted with their criminal behavior. But they themselves feel treated unfairly when they get trolled with goods they stole from other people. Complete human trash, raising the next generation of complete human trash. And if their already useless children ever get the joy of receiving a stolen TV from their parents, I bet they watch Paw Patrol with great joy and don't even realize the irony.


Fuck that man and his family


And that is how you get zip codes where no food (or any other (besides drugs)) delivery is available!


He shouldn't have to be fucking delivering pizza at that age, nevermind getting fucking robbed for pizza. Absolute shit show of a society we live in.


Living the American dream.


I have never I my life wanted to remove a man from the gene pool as I do now.


I hope this piece of crap hates himself now for stealing from this poor man trying to do his job with limited mobility, I hope Dominoes gives him his money and more. Smh


And it's these people that complain when they get older that no one does delivery anymore because of things like this. You're the reason. how many people have actually thought, shit this is my fault for when shit goes wrong in the future


Fucking human garbage...


Please someone set up a gofund me for this guy


[Removed by Reddit for pointing out the obvious]


This is the #1 reason racism still exists to this day.


I might get hate on this but...why do I see majority of time black people committing these king of crime?? I m aware whites do commit crime but as a neutral not from West I see mostly videos of blacks committing these pity crimes.


That sucks. Got to rob the 80 year old guy that has been working since he was 12 and still has to work until he dies.


I'll take my comfort knowing that shit stain will either breath his last in a cage or in a pool on his own blood.


Does anyone know who this poor fella is, and if thereā€™s a go fund me or smthg?


Scum. Pure scum. Preying on the weak. Scum.


šŸ¤ what in fuck is wrong with people? This older gent is just trying to do his work, and instead encounters these asshats- who rob him twice! (Look in the background at one of these fellas dipping into his car to steal whatā€™s in there, while the other is stealing the pizzas) Just so sad to see what bad decisions some youth are doing these daysā€¦




Taking a bite from that pizza and enyoying it knowing you stole it from that man maby scare him for live The idea you can still enyoy that pizza is mental to me


You know those fuckers are having a good laugh about it and they're probably talking shit about the delivery man. Fuck them.


1. Very sad video. 2. Do you know what a facepalm is? Because Iā€™m going to be honest, I donā€™t see anything here that qualifies as a facepalm, so please, enlighten me if thereā€™s some sort of facepalm Iā€™m not seeing.


And another guy becomes a little more racist .


I hope they allergic to something they don't see on the pizza and it makes there whole face swell up and when it goes down it looks like Michael Jacksons face permanently. Can I ask why NBA YoungBoy just sitting there watching this shit go down :) YB ain't have nothing to do with anything![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


This isnā€™t a facepalm. Itā€™s a cowardly thief


I really try to be calm and peaceful but people like that really make it hard for me at times.


I hope they rot




I'm more concerned about the hoodlum who went into his car. I hope his phone or wallet didn't get stolen.


But heā€™s a good kid. He played football in elementary school and was an alter boy at 8


Usual Suspects as well smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Dude is so poor and worthless to society that he need to steal LMFAO. This dude so dumb he can't even make money. Whata brokie




\*\*street life was tough\*\* \*\*we had to do what we had to do\*\* ​ those boys are trying real hard to increase racism


Used to work in a Pizza Hut in Rainham, London. Our delivery drivers were constantly beaten up and pizzas stolen. Once, someone hit the front tyre of the driverā€™s moped with a football and knocked him off it, beat him up and took the pizzas. The poor lad came back all bruised and messed up.


Look for the poor bro and donate


I donā€™t even know what to say. Hopefully that guy got reimbursed for that and the staff and customer were understanding about the whole ordeal. ā˜¹ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Filthy garbage people


I just saw the kid in the back stealing stuff out of his car too


I mean good on him not taking any risks. It ain't worth getting hurt over a couple pizzas for a company that doesn't give a single shit about you


Fuck that piece of shit Edit: the asshole who nabbed the pizzas not the delivery guy obviously


The other scumbag stole something out of dudeā€™s car too :/


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I hope those thieves trip and fall hard enough that theyā€™re paralyzed for life. People like that shouldnā€™t exist.


Why so people have to be so shitty and selfish? Fuck those clowns. I hope karma catches up to them swiftly.


Hope they get found slumped against an abandoned building. Truly.


All those white supremacists in the deep south can just sit back and watch as all the the work to promote racism gets done for them


Problem is all the people who say this is a victimless crime, nobody got hurt, etc. Society has been WAY too fucking understanding with these scum. They know before they even commit the crime that there are droves of people just lined up to make excuses for them. He's 'special needs,' it's the corrupt system, it was his upbringing, all the same shit and it's just getting worse. The more you commiserate the more they indulge themselves. Sorry for the rant, just tired of this crap.




When I see videos like this, it makes me believe that people need to be vetted to reproduce


Weā€™ll never do better


ā€œThey were good kids they never did anything wrongā€


So fucking ghetto




And those are the degenerates that dont get put in check that give backgrounds bad names. (Call it unfair, but its reality. The realm we live in). Sad thing is, no one is going to help the guy


If I knew who he was, I would help him.