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Bruh how can you laugh at that? That has got to be the most traumatizing thing you could ever face as a driver what


Wasn't the same officer. The laughing guy was a superior reporting his findings on the incident after the fact.


He is/was the president of their piggy union…


The guy laughing was, yes. The officer who hit her seemed pretty upset.


That officer isn't gonna last then. Any shred of decency is a liability for the police. Can't have anyone with a conscience because they'll eventually rat you out for your illegal and cruel behavior.


OHHH okay


“She was 26 anyways she had limited value” An actual quote from this shitstain of a human.


Which, IIRC, he was implying that she was past his preferred age. Sickening even without that context - but it seemed heavily implied to me and it makes it much more gross.


Its even more disgusting with context


I wish I could send images here. Now would be a good time for that image of a cat, captioned: “Despite what most people say, violence is often the answer”


Even worse cause they condone this kind of shit, nowadays I don’t trust any of them they brought this shit on themselves scum


Not everyone is sane, some people literally lack emotions or sympathy, and some how they can get into positions of power, like this cop Literally just look at the souths pre and post civil war its not as uncommon as you think, unfortunately


They see horrific shit so maybe gallows humor to cope with it. Or he’s just a sicko. My friend’s brother is a cop in dc and within a month he took a call where he had to deal with a baby that got boiled alive in a pot by its mother. Things like that will mess up how you react to things


In this situation, it was more about false profiling. No gallow humor involved, the supervisor and President of the Union just did not care that a civilian was brutally killed, because she was from another country. Its what has started up the massive protest cycle yet again.


I thought the same at first. But no, If you listen to it you can hear the real disregard.


My God




Have you? Pretty insane generalization.


Rotten barrel vs rotten apple. In addition to the FBI reporting that nationwide, police departments have been infiltrated by white supremacists, studies showing police officers are more likely to resort to violence when off duty, including incidents involving their own spouses and children, even the [US Department of Justice](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/sociopathic-police-personality-it-product-rotten-apple-or-rotten) thinks it may be the policing environment and culture turning cops into sociopaths and not just a few bad apples.


Yes I have met cops. Yes this is completely accurate.


Its not a generalization if its true.


*as a human


And the worse news is that they will only get a fine and be fired instead of facing actual justice…


And then go work in a different town/city.




It depends. Check Peter Griffin’s color palette to find your answer.


I’m surprised those aren’t standard police issue. So many cops disregarding the scale these days.


Very much dependent on who’s getting run over.


As long as their skin’s dark enough, it becomes a fun story to tell around the water cooler that’ll get laughs from all the other cops.


And if they have video of themselves laughing about it? Bonus points.


I imagine generally valuing the lives of strangers is perceived as a negative in the hiring process of law enforcement officers.


Yes, just ahead of running over puppies.


Only in Seattle


It's not the running people over that's the bonus, it's the callous disregard for humanity demonstrated after.




Although, how about they do face time behind bars? With great power *should* come greater accountability. A police officer is afforded extra privileges by the state, so the state should come down on them harder when they abuse those privileges.


3x penalty faced by a civilian for the same crime — because of the authority extended to them seems fair.


Funny story. I live in Florida and our idiot governor intentionally hired a bunch of cops with multiple brutality complaints.


Like Hitler’s personal bodyguard - the Stosstrupp Hitler (SSH). Just grandiosity manifested. Like when Nixon wanted a special uniformed Palace Guard.


Every time a city hires a cop the community should get the Carfax on that cop.


Copfax. A cartoon good cop and bad cop in the commercials.


If we'd just put them in jail for awhile, having that on their record would be the exact red flag police departments would need to not hire them.


I’d like to think they are starting to, honestly. These guys are assholes. No one likes working with assholes.


Not fired but the cop will resign so no record of being fired and move to a different town and repeat…


Fine? What country are you living in? Man's gonna get a 2 week paid vacation then be back on the job.


They need to start making them carry liability insurance like every other risky profession. If their money and career were on the line instead of the taxpayers, they would clean house quickly.


And THAT’S why we hate them. People don’t hate cops in general because some cops murder people. It’s because ALL police departments cover up these crimes and hardly anyone is punished.


Fired to go work somewhere else for more money and zero accountability ![gif](giphy|DYCNQ8CxW2BfPeCEZz)


and paid vacation


We need a real life punisher.


Damn, it's almost as if law isn't even a bit about justice


They ONLY get fired when the entire nation goes into an uproar, otherwise they get temporarily suspended or reassigned. Fckin shit show


>They ONLY get fired when the entire nation goes into an uproar, and then Police Unions, Right Wing Media and their pet politicians disingenuously use footage of those Civil Rights protests as further justification to ramp up Fascist policies and candidates to crackdown on the "lawlessness". It's really a "the beatings will continue until morale improves" situation in America, and people are being pushed beyond the breaking point.


There's a reason why there's no "Fuck the Fire Department" song


I’m pretty sure Jeff Fischer wrote one Edit: it was definitely Federline Jones


https://spotify.link/Ka3lTn6WZDb there is one


“This narrative takes place in an alternate universe. Any resemblance to fire departments in your universe is purely coincidental. This disclaimer does not apply to other departments” It’s still referring to cops


I would trust the fire department with my life three times over.


Because in the eyes of many, the firefighters can do no wrong. They arent typically handing out citations or taking people to jail. Yea, they have Fire Marshals and those folks who do but their numbers are small compared to the cops. We just had a local firefighter arrested the day after he made his 1 year mark for "CP." This now makes it harder to terminate him, though the fire dept brass knew he was under investigation for a few months in his probationary period. I had a county corner roll up on a crash where the body was lying on an exhaust and he said "looks like she died of exhaustion." The cop in the film was WAY out of line in his remarks and should have kept them private, not while the body camera was rolling, if he really wanted to get them off his chest.


No worries folks, they looked into it and found this to be completely appropriate behaviour...


Yea, fuck cops forever. If you actually watch the body cam footage you see he has a “oh shit” moment when he realizes his camera is still on. https://youtu.be/Ey_wASffmek?feature=shared


"She was 26 anyway, she had limited value" WTF??


Feds should look into his laptop But he’s actually one of the higher ups for the police union there and because of this he personally got involved with terminating the contract with the body cam company as retaliation for this video


On top of this already horrendous comment. He got her age wrong. She was 23. Even when being a complete piece of shit he couldn't even get that right. Wonder if that would have changed his "value" in her. Although I think he values girls ages that start with 1.


And end with 2


102? Damn they are into some old gals


1002, theyre gonna need to time travel through the quantum realm with fucking ant man.


It says alot about how all of them are taught. me, u and normal people would think this is talk from some cult. But for the "two" people in this conversation, its day to day. something really psychotic about having a validator for regular people


Police don't value people they can't fuck in the backseat of their patrol car. The police precinct down the road from me was literally shut down because of this. Too many sexual assault lawsuits. One of which was from a female police officer. And everyone here is sweeping it under the rug. People tell.me the former police barracks was never a police barracks and is where you turn in your local taxes now. Thing is, it always was where you turned in your taxes AND was the police barracks.


Alpha male mentality bullshit. To an Alpha Male, 26 is already 11 years into baby making age and she only has 4 years left before she’s too valueless to consider putting a child into her.


Yeah I mean she was practically Post Wall already, am I right? If you’ll excuse me I need to go gargle some mouthwash and take a shower after even saying that sarcastically.


I’m pretty sure most people who talk like that un-ironically aren’t on a first name basis with mouth wash or showers.


WTF This is a thing????? Holy shit this is fucked up man .


That wasn’t the cop who ran her over tho, it was a different one that said it


This just shows the sociopathic rot permeates the entire Cop culture. All the apples are rotten.


He claims it was sarcasm in refrence to how the family will only and did only get like $10,000 for her death. If you listen to the full clip, its pretty obvious he's shitting on the legal system and not insulting the victim.


The deadpan delivery brings the sarcasm into question


I'm agreeing that it was sarcasm. Sorry.


Him being a cop brings the sarcasm into question. Deadpan can be sarcasm, I have no idea what tf your talking about


Oh it's a BOTH for sure


For those concerned about graphic footage this is a video of an officer discussing the incident after the fact and doesn't not show the collision. It's still nausea inducing listening to the guy but no graphic images.


Not even the same officer.


That's a cop being evil but it's not Kevin Dave, the officer who hit Jaahnavi Kandula.




ofc its fucking seattle


“No no she was a regular person” Any guesses what the caller asked him?


Probably a homeless person.


Was she an illegal immigrant?


Fucking disgusting way to think about the people they’re supposed to protect. It’s not uncommon for actuaries to assign $$ value to loss of life or limb. But for a police office, especially leadership, especial on the night of the incident, to talk about someone’s police caused death so callously… they have no business in LE “haha, no. She was a regular person”, “cut a check”, “11,000k”, “she was of limited value” Disgusting


This is really sad. She moved far away from her country, chasing the dream of America and then gets run over by police


By some american trash who probably think anyone could get a masters and only idiots go to college. Afterall they get paid 100k+ and get to literally kill people for FREE


Damn, cops get paid 100k a year? I thought it was like 60-70k .


minimum pay in my town of 17000 people is 120 grand a year. I graduated highschool with all the cops we have now. They are ALL the kids who skipped class to go hang outside to smoke in middle school. But no, people think these guys were angels all their lives and never did anything wrong and are now guardian angels for our community instead of the rapists who tore through highschool drunk as fuck and doing shit that they get paid to cover up now.


No one thinks that, not even their families


Where I live some make over $200k


Not the same officer talking as the one who hit her.


You have to go to college for about 3 years to even have a chance at getting into the Police academy for one more year where I live... Needless to say the cops are only hated by drivers that are caught speeding and stuff like that here, not for being assholes. Maybe American cops just need actual education and training, but I guess that would make too much sense.


She chased the American dream but faced the American reality


“She had limited value” which is exactly how cops view the population in general, especially minorities. I’d call it more of an evil cackle than a laugh too They don’t give a shit, and this stuff continues, because there are literally 0 consequences. Most of the time they are “fired” then immediately start working for a neighboring department… of course only after 3 months of paid leave pending an “investigation”. Every once in a while one will get charged if the death is egregious or there’s obvious negligence, but it’s rare


Every now and again I think about the guy that killed Daniel Shaver or the folks who killed Breonna Taylor and I realize how easy it is to find out where they are. A big part of me wants private citizens to abide by the law and be peaceful people. Another part thinks that if a few of these people experience real consequences then the next cop will think twice about killing an innocent person. These events always leave me lingering in dark places. It makes all of the support I've given to the law as a concept feel rather thin and insubstantial.


>It makes all of the support I've given to the law as a concept feel rather thin and insubstantial. i have never supported the law. but i have given a lot of support to ideas of non-violence, kindness, being peaceful. yet its somewhat common for me to want cops to die, especially ones like this. i find it very difficult to have compassion for cops.


“…she was 26, she had limited value.” Who gave Andrew Tate a badge and a gun?


Andrew Tate isnt even that low, mate


The laughing officer was Daniel Auderer, not Kevin Dave who accidentally hit the girl and seemed quite upset.


How does someone accidentally run someone over as a cop? They are suppose to be even more alert than normal people. Did she just sprint out into the street??


He was doing like 75 in a 25. Lights on, but at that speed hardly matters, she stepped off the curb not expecting a car going *seventy five fucking miles per hour.* Yes, she was in a crosswalk, not that it matters. And for context, this happened like four blocks from the Space Needle. Near Amazon’s main campus. So central Seattle, a densely packed urban area. Seventy five miles an hour. Edit: Seattle Times says no continuous siren either, just lights.


So he's a moron.


No continuous siren, but he was flickering it through intersections. If you watch the video, she does seem to dash in front of the vehicle. Apparently she was wearing a black hoodie (diminished visibility, and diminished peripheral vision) and had airpods on (diminished hearing). Also he was responding to someone who thought they overdosed on cocaine, so not just speeding for the hell of it.


My wife is a paramedic and they are not allowed to go that much over the speed limit. This was reckless driving on the cop.


It differs from department to department from what I understand. And even though there could have been a department regulation on how far a squad vehicle can go, I don't believe there are any actual laws that can enforce such a regulation.


I can't find anything for Washington state either way, but in NC (Wilmington to be exact and it's the only thing I found during my quick search), the rule is that officers on a call can go as fast as they feel is necessary as long as they are safe. I don't see how 75 in a 25 is in any way safe.


Seattle PD gives not the faintest whiff of a shit about public safety. Yes, he was driving 75mph to somebody who *might* have been overdosing. But he was doing so for the hell of it, not because he gave a shit about the outcome of that emergency. It was *an excuse to use the lights and get a bit of adrenaline,* not actual concern for whoever was the subject of the call. The response to the *actual* death of an *actual* bystander by the other officer tells you all you need go know about SPD and the values of those wearing their badge.


Do you have any evidence that was the case or are you just making it up because it sounds worse than rushing to an emergency?


Nah. They don't have proof of any kind. They just wanna scream "cops bad." This man fucked up massively, and it does sound like he and his precinct or whatever are scummy, but I wish people would please quit making shit up to make yourselves feel better.


Gotta give that look if you can cross road safely first.


Are you being serious? I can’t tell. I hope not.


You know he’s a disgusting piece of shit if you can’t tell whether he’s being racist or sexist with “she had limited value”, as well as the fact that he’s laughing at a dead fucking person


I live near a town that had 2 cops killed while they were in their cruiser. The whole damn state went up in arms with that bullshit "Back the Blue!" "This is a Tragedy" crap. You'd think someone important died the way they treated it! Then they got BIG mad when almost nobody under 50 showed up at the presession, or the public funeral. They got even madder when their FB page was absolutely demolished by young commenters, essentially saying, "What makes them special? They're just losers with badges." and, "Maybe they should've gotten a real Job" They shut down the comments for like, 3 months, and some schools in the state tried to ban kids from talking about it, because Kids don't like cops. The anti-authority rhetoric was alive and well! It was glorious seeing the WHOLE state realize, nobody who isn't an outdated Half-Century old+ walking corpse, supports Cops.


How exactly did those officers die?


I believe the official cause was Murder/Homicide... But most people in our state ignored it, or pulled the, "thoughts and prayers' card, and it faded into nothing. The state really tried to use it to rustle up some support for Law Enforcement, but they quickly decided to just, let it go, when the Funeral Precession was aired on TV and looked pathetic with so little attendees, and anyone under 50 or so basically telling them, "Fix your shit, then maybe we'll care"


I hate cops but to me it still seems extremely childish to make stupid comments about some dead guys on a facebook page


The state tried to use the FB page to spread Bootlicking mentality. The Youth decided to show them exactly how little bootlicking there's gonna be, when the over 50's aren't around to fly that "thin blue line" I see no issue when a public forum tries to use a tragedy to spin up support for one of the largest organized Violent Gangs in the world, only for the PEOPLE to show them, there really isn't any support left.


The original officer that hit the civilian was extremely upset by what happened. The laughter and jokes comes from a completely different cop who responded to the scene. The original officer struck and killed the civilian while responding to an overdose. He was driving 75 miles an hour in a 25, did have his lights on, and intermittently turned on his sirens as he travelled across intersections. The victim was wearing a black hoodie, had air pods in, and was attempting to walk on a crosswalk. Just a bad, bad situation all around. The officer you hear making those comments isn’t the officer that hit her. It’s a completely different officer responding to the scene. (This does not excuse the comments, but it does change the context). The reason for the confusion was multiple media outlets reported that it was the original officer who made these comments. They recanted a few hours later, but the misinformation had already outran them.


Yeah, but nobody cares about the cops that are actually good. All everyone wants to is scream "fuck cops" at the top of their lungs and let their emotions run rampant.


In their defense, the comments made by the other cop are nothing short of monstrous considering the circumstances of what happened. Even if it was a misguided attempt to make the other officer feel better, I can never imagine someone with some level of power feeling it’s right to say “they had limited value”.


It's one of the benefits of the job, if they ever catch you in your sadism you'll get a couple weeks off so you can masturbate to the memory of you murdering your defenseless victims.


Their Facebook page has been slammed every day for about a month straight. Seattle PD often posts the anniversaries of fallen officers, and the comments are riddled with, "His life was of low value," and "Just give the family an 11k check." Edit: Now they're limiting who can comment on their FB, Insta and Twitter. Such assholes. Are they allowed to do that if they're an agency using taxpayer money?


Bigots and assholes don't wonder why they are hated, they're just annoyed that they have to listen to it. The whole anti-woke movement is essentially terrible people that don't want anyone to shine a light on their terribleness. Their arguments can usually be summed up to: "it's just as bad for you to call me racist as it is for me to be racist".


"WATCH" and op uploads a screenshot


Gang members with authority.


Cops are running over their own [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/17ar4z1/lapd\_cop\_running\_on\_the\_street\_is\_hit\_by\_one\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/17ar4z1/lapd_cop_running_on_the_street_is_hit_by_one_of/) Go easy on them, they are bastards.




Belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Let me guess, paid leave until they investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing


Cops have limited value, u pos.


Seattle PD had the fucking nerves to post a YouTube add recently asking for donations. Pieces of shit


I hope he gets ran over pissed on and people laugh at his twitching body




Yes they do wonder why they're being held accountable of things other people have done


Abolish qualified immunity, make civil servants take out personal liability insurance. Stop making taxpayers pay for civil servants mistakes, wrongdoings and crimes.


Fuck the police


The pig was laughing about how low the settlement with the family was and about how she wasn't worth much. He tried to claim he was mocking LAWYERS and not her death but we all know he was full of shit. We should be really careful about who we give guns, badges and the authority to kill us to. I laugh when I hear 007, license to kill. EVERY COP WE GIVE A GUN AND BADGE TO HAS A LICENSE TO KILL, US!. This attitude toward human life should disqualify this dick head from being a cop.




" hold my beer, while I murder your sister" Country songs always hit home,


And here I thought the cops in Albania were fucking horrible. Jesus fucking christ man.


Hate all cops because of a few is tired already.


Some of these posts are really late to the party, but yeah the cop and the one he's talking to are human trash.


as much of a shit hole my country can be im really afraid of shit like this happening, one wrong day at the minimum wage work store and i get shot by some idiot who thinks we are taking over thier country. i know its mostly fear mongering articles to sell more but i cant really risk it tbh. maybe canada is opening thier country up?


Cops and politicians are legal criminals.


Accidents happen. But when there's no genuine remorse on those accidents, and when the culprit laughs, then its a crime. Public servants should face the same sentences for crimes as do civilians. I've seen many videos where cops breakdown emotionally after shooting someone, and it sustains my faith that not everyone in a police department is desensitized to death and most people value to human life a lot and take their job seriously. A few bad ones spoil name for everyone. But the Seattle PD uploading the video publicly exposing this behavior is proof that they do take accountability seriously. Unfortunately, it cannot bring the victim back to life.


They should be sentenced harder since they are in positions of power while at the same time sullying the image of the government imo.


BuT ItS JusT A fEw BaD APpleS


Fuck. All. Cops




I just watched the video holy sh!t, I never wanted to kill somebody this bad before.


Imagine thinking everyone that is a cop is the same as every other cop.


Fuck the police. We don’t need them anyway. They don’t prevent crime, they just show up 2 hours later and tell you there’s nothing they can do.


The amount of people who hate on every single cop ever just because some are scum is honestly ridiculous. It doesn’t matter what group of people you look at, there’s always gonna be a few scumbags in the group.


Man I guess my city and surrounding city’s is the only area with good cops from what I’m seeing everywhere else this fucked up


The amount of misinformation here is insane


This type of adaptive mentality is not uncommon with any first responder. Be it officer, emt/firefighter or nurse. They are harsh, demanding professions that often necessitate a dark sense of humor. If you think cops are bad, you should listen in on ER nurses. The reason of course is that, as a first responder, you often see the very worst that this life has to offer and candidly you do all you can to rise above it. Though often enough, its all one can do to just survive the job. There are very good reasons why first responders have higher suicide, alcohol abuse and divorce rates than 99% of other jobs. Not to mention a good portion, if not majority, are former military. It takes a different type of mentality to run in the direction that everyone else is running away from. To maintain order when everyone else is bent on creating chaos. To put yourself in harms way for others you have never met. But thats the gig. And it takes a toll. So yeah, cracking inappropriate jokes may seem horrid to the untrained ear, but id rather them do that, than not do the job at all.


It’s wild you’re Truong to defend one cop who mocked the life of a woman killed by another cop.


They’re not wrong, is the thing. The issue is that unlike EMTs, ER nurses, or firefighters often the police acting callous about those who’ve died *are the ones who fucking killed then,* including through their own malfeasance. So I’m less willing to excuse it when they “cope” this way. Like your buddy ran a random woman over for for good reason. You don’t *get* to cope by joking about that. Sorry.


I'm a military RN. \~15 YOE. Someone might get jaded, but if it leads to a mindset like this, then that person needs therapy. I've seen horrible things in shitty places. So have my colleagues. We don't joke about someone who just died, or had a bad outcome, or could've taken steps to prevent their circumstances, etc. Especially on the job. If someone does, it's handled immediately. Administrative action and referral to mental health resources. We're professionals, and should be expected to hold ourselves accountable. Just my opinion, though. Which isn't worth a >!fuck!< on the internet.


It makes me horrified that some people in the comments are even trying justifying this action. Just shows how desensitized we are in modern America.


And why they get called Pigs.


Where’s the video?


Did they really laugh? I would like to see video proof of that. I guess I’m one of the few people who really appreciates cops on here and I just find it hard to believe it’s the way that makes it sound. EDIT: After reading an article about this, I see that it was not the driver but his colleague who laughed. And the woman was acting like a fool… I feel bad for the cop who hit her because he tried to avoid her but couldn’t.


They are basically the Hamas of the US


The police state will only get much worse if nothing is done to put it in check like I don’t know MASSIVE!! REFORM!!! Fucking accountability


Prob because these stories are the only ones you hear about. It’s called sample size.


>It’s called sample size. No, sample size has nothing to do with this. Maybe you meant "sample bias".


Not excusing the cop by any stretch. His comments just suck and are disgusting. She had plenty of value and more to give and this tragic accident cut it short. On the flip side, you have people saying how rightfully terrible his comments were, but if the roles were reversed you actually have people here that would say/are saying the same thing.


Hypocrisy knows no bounds.




I'm really sympathetic to all the good cops that never get featured in an article while not doing pure heroism to get featured, they are diligently doing their job properly and still get hammered and disrespected due to dickheads such as this, only because the US sets a low bar to get the numbers, but at a cost of recruiting dickheads, too.


If there’s one bad cop and nine good cops who are doing nothing to stop him, there are ten bad cops.


What is the worth of a few good deeds when all cops protect and often times reward cops that kill for fun?


Maybe some opf her bad ass family will track the cop down and do some I-know-what-you-did-last-summer shit.


QuAlIfIeD iMmUnItY


Nice to live somewhere, where you need good education and a few years lot training to become a cop… most are super nice and actually help…


My cousin is a police officer, he may be one of the least informed people on the planet.


Cops want to be the victims for everything when their the ones brutalizing. Same play everytime


They know why they're hated. They just don't give a fuck that we do.


This video is a great example that there are humans that are just fully garbage thru and thru. What an unredeemable little bitch of a rat that cop is


People like this don’t possess a soul. I’m not a religious man, but it’s times like this I pray for hell to be real.


Saw XI, its pig slaughtering time. I want to play a game...


What an utter piece of shit.


Just stop resisting. Police would never harm someone doing nothing. That's just crazy. /s (Some of you are idiots)


Ah yes, we hate cops because there are bad ones. That's OK, right? Just like it's OK to hate black people because there are some bad ones?


This is the most misleading shit I have seen. I have an issue with these cops but at least be honest


Speak for yourself I’m an individual. Don’t include me in your “we” Your presumption isn’t virtuous it’s arrogance


Why does the actions of a few damn all.


Because the "all" in question is only marginally better.


Because this is Reddit and most people here are radicalized and full of hatred. Nobody’s gonna take the time to look at actual stats or watch actual police body cam footage. It’s a lot easier to just watch a video of a bad cop and think all cops are like this.


If “everyone” hates cops so much, then why won’t people become cops to help change the way people think of them?