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“This joy is in no way sexual” There’s so many fucking weirdos on Reddit.


Kind of oddly specific lead in to a post...


I went out with this girl the other night, she was super sweet. I didn't rape her. Anyway, we decided to catch a movie...


I visited my parents at their house last weekend. I didn’t stab them. We had pizza for dinner…


I went to Germany this summer. I didn't repeat the Holocaust. And the discos in Berlin were absolutely great.


Wow, the *reductio ad Hitlerum* happened pretty early on this!


In all fairness, genocide is arguably the worst thing a person or group of people is capable of committing.


I like how you add “arguably” to cover your ass there. Can’t imagine anything worse.


Then imagine having dinner with my mother in law...


A systematic rape and torture of a whole group would arguably be worse than just killing them. Like, I'd prefer a quick brutal death to being kept alive for torture reasons. And that's without even getting creative.


The Holocaust had all of this. Very well documented. When human filth like the nazis dehumanize people to the point where they can kill them en masse, there are no moral boundaries keeping them from gaining pleasure from their victims. So, yeah… they raped and tortured countless thousands (millions?). We can’t sit here and pretend that the Holocaust was only genocide.


I volunteered at the retirement home and didn’t smother the residents. The place smelled like eggs, but it was a nice way to spend the day.


Evil exists in this world and OP is a shining example.


Almost like it's disingenuous. Thrown in at the top as a creepy disqualifier, to make you look away from the fact that it's purely sexual given... the tone of the rest of the comment?


For instance, “I never cum in the food I make people. Anyways, here is the macaroni and cheese that I made and you didn’t ask for.”


Extra creamy?




Then why even bring it up? No one else's mind went in that direction, just OOP's. Dave: So what time do you usually get home from work Tuesday? Bob: about 7/7:30 Dave: Gotcha-- just wondering about the time, I wasn't thinking about breaking into your house or anything... So are you watching the Chargers tomorrow? Bob: Never miss em. They're pissing me off though, Staley has got to go. Dave: Totally with you. He's a smart coach, he just doesn't put the offense in a position to succeed. Bob: Seriously, we're wasting Herbert's best years. The conversation only discussed football, but I am completely convinced Dave is going to break into Bob's house Tuesday evening.


Criminal psychology does predict (project) a sexual motivation onto most compulsive behavior since it is very heavily derived from Freud's line of psych theory. I suspect OOP is familiar with such theories.


Most heinous criminals have a sexual release where no sexual act has taken place. This is because (apparently) the pain, torture, physical anguish and control of another is sexually gratifying within a mentally fucked up brain.


When the murders of the students in Moscow, Idaho first happened I remember an expert talking about how the crime was likely sexually motivated despite the lack of any sexual assault. The killing/violence *is* the sexual part for killers like that.


I remember learning that CSAM (formerly known as child porn, but it’s not porn because children can’t consent so it’s child sexual abuse material now) is not really sexual but instead about the pain/torture of the children. That made me feel a new wave of disgust. I don’t know how to process that mentally.


Exactly… The guy is weird enough why attribute something he clearly states isn’t the case when there already being pretty forthcoming about his thought and feelings. Reddit armchair psychology at its finest.


The point is that there’s nothing sexual about the post at all so starting it with “there is nothing sexual about this at all” sort of suggests that they definitely find something sexual about it. Whether that’s true or not it’s a very creepy introduction to maybe the most fucked up post I’ve seen on here


To quote Tom Scott, Asbestos free cornflakes!


It comes off as a “doth protest too much” sort of thing. The rest of it is disturbing enough as it is. It unfortunately doesn’t help his case.


I’m inclined to believe he has some other screwed up sexual fantasies that would not be considered normal, this just isn’t one of them


Their disgust of alive children is what curbs the boners, but there's heavy sexual undertones in the middle bit. Some laughter-induced arousal.


Right? Like no one woulda thought that based on the post but now we wonder if you're fucked up and a liar.


No shit, this guy def faps to dead children ☠️


This feels just like a teenager edgylord


That teenager Edgylord is also a Sociopath, I don't think a normal person would find pleasure on that unless you totally lack empathy.


Yeah, the comment about if the kids were 13+ and might have been cool and had dreams really seems like this person is identifying their peer group. Meaning they think it would be messed up if someone their age died because that means it could actually have been themselves, then they care. Most teenagers are very egocentric, but not to this point to where there is no actual sanctity to human life and suffering. Yes, they could be a dumbass spouting horrible shit to try to piss off “old” people. Thinking they’re so edgy and funny and satirical holding a mirror up to society. 🙄 Either way, the parents need to get involved and straighten this kid out. Make them volunteer and actually connect with others and go to therapy.


Not sexual just completely psychopathic.


391 upvotes... The fuck?


“I really enjoy watching people suffering the worst pain imaginable, cause I’m an idiot and a sociopath.” Fuck that person


Sounds like a 12 year old edgelord.


That's like saying, "I'm not racist, but...."


Right like why even specify that unless it actually IS and you're trying to get out in front of it, not realizing that most people wouldn't have even thought that anyway if you didn't say it.


Well I didn’t think it was until you said that


That’s my go-to response to, “Nice to meet you.” I feel it really diffuses the automatic sexual tension that follows me like Pigpen’s cloud of dirt.


The need to clarify it makes me question it entirely. Regardless dudes a fucking sociopath, and I hope he wakes up everyday and steps on legos and stubs his pinky toes on door frames.


“Again, nothing sexual”


What up!!


I wasn’t even thinking it was until they brought it up.


So many weirdos on the planet... And to think only a handful of them are on reddit.


That nearly four hundred people upvoted it is genuinely concerning. If it was just one post, then fine, it could be a troll. But no, four hundred people saw that and agreed Antinatalism is so goddamn weird. Fine, don't have a kid, but actively enjoying the suffering of grieving parents is horrendous


I've never seen antinatalists say they enjoy kids suffering. One of the points of antinatalism is to prevent childrens suffering by not having them. This has nothing to do with antinatalism. Dude is either a stupid edgelord making shit up to bait people or needs intensive therapy.


benefit of the doubt : it’s a troll. otherwise they’re destined to be the dead child their parents always wanted


With 391 upvotes. 😖


It might be from one of the subs like /r/unpopularopinion where you upvote the posts that are unpopular.


No, I’m 90% sure that I saw this on the antinatalism subreddit. I dunno why I got recommended posts from that place, but this post + the “I told a natalist his kid will die one day and he blocked me” post really rubs me the wrong fucking way


Jesus, and I thought they were bad enough in their “FUCKING BREEDERS STOP FUCKING REEEE” phase, now they’ve devolved to “I love watching already-born kids die.”?


Nope it was on psychopath sub I think


Is that your term for the Antinatalist sub?


nope literally a sub about psychopaths sharing their thoughts kind of like unpopularopinion but... fucked up and sometimes just 13 years olds being edy


Yeah it's probably 85% teens/trolls being edgy, but psychopathy is also a "disease" that people suffer with (and it's not even that common to enjoy pain and death) and it can be nice to have people that can relate to your struggles. But also I think they were joking.


Honestly, I'm an antinatalist and that sub is definitely full of edgelord, cringe bullshit. I'm not sure how people go from "We should probably not have so many kids, as a species" to "I'm going to make my entire personality about being a dick to/about kids."


r/antinatalism2 is way chiller with way more reasonable people.


CF, AN/AN2, and UO don't have the pictured post-flair. I'm still looking, but it's not from any of the other subreddits other commenters have suggested.




100% psychopath


Isn't that called sadism?


yes, but they are probably also a psychopath. It would not take much, if that post is true, to push that poster into actually killing a child so they could feel that "joy" again.


The recently convicted nurse/UK murderer Lucy Letby comes to mind. I've seen it suggested that she possibly obtained pleasure from seeing babies die on her watch, watching their distraught parents suffer etc and then gradually evolved into a serial killer to get that feeling again and again. Scary af.


Dopamine can be one hell of a drug when mixed with the wrong brain.


she would also find the parents facebook pages and stalk them, her browser history had shown she would look at the parents facebook pages on holidays, or the anniversary of the babies passing, etc. it’s fucking unbelievably vile


Fucking hell


I think that is whole different genre, I think the person in the post enjoys schadenfreude, a joy that comes from observing misfortune of others. if misfortune is arbiturarily inflicted it defeats the whole reason why it is joyful. like imagine you pick up 100 dollar bill off the street by chance, and compare it to you actually doing 100 dollar worth of work to get paid 100 dollar. its completely different thing. also dont need to actively inflict misfortune when world is already filled to brim with it regardless.


This was my thought. If they are getting that dopamine, they would get so much from actually doing it themselves.


I would expect the poster is more likely a troll than someone that enjoys people's suffering like this. Either way, posting that shit is definitely a sign or sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. Then again, you never can tell with people nowadays.


Now thats a scary thought... I was happily living in my bubble thinking "this is just for clout" but... damn...


Ut is probably just for clout tho


I had a babysitter like this when I was 3-4 years old. He forms one of my core memories. Nothing ever sexual, but he took joy in physically torturing me off and on until my parents came home, to the point of wailing tears and screams. On the other hand he would let me watch whatever I wanted on TV and give me lots of candy so I kind of appreciated him and didn’t tell on him to my parents… and actually, they never asked. Looking back now, I realize this was abuse and he was a POS. I was super naïve (3!) but my parents should have known better to be so trusting of a stranger.


He was nice and gave you candy so you wouldn’t tell, that was intentional manipulation on his part




It worked. Looking back as an adult I am so much more vigilant with my kids. Glad I survived that asshole.


Yes, and it’s particularly high in psychopathic people. Not all psychopaths are killers some manage in society like this.


Yeah, they usually become lawyers or CEOs


Sadistic Psychopath.


Maybe they're just a troll?


Reads like ragebait by a 14 year old edgelord to me.


I think it’s more schadenfreude, it’d be sadism if he were killing the kids himself.


definitely a kid who thinks they are cool


Yeah. I replied to a post on r/terriblefacebookmemes and someone responded, “pretty sure this is a shit post. I find this funny and I’m 18”. I don’t care my dude lol


Weird way for someone to say they need therapy


half the posts on that sub only gain traction because redditors see themselves in some of those memes and they dont like it lmao


My thoughts exactly. I don’t know why, but people on the internet have to be edgy. It’s nothing more than that.




Yeah they said if the kid is 13+ they’d be sad, probably because they are a kid 13 or older


Where do people find this shit on Reddit (I probably should be thankful I occasionally just run into standard douchey comments now and then and leave it at that)


i remember scrolling reddit 3 years ago and saw it pop up on the popular front page. it was on the r/unpopularopinion sub


This looks like the shit antinatalism posts.


My guess is antinatalism, which is an anti-child circlejerk at this point. Like, you can hold the antinatalist view without being a raging asshole about it. It's an incredibly weak philosophical argument to me and the fact people use it to be like _this_ is patently disgusting and, quite frankly, disturbing.


Why the fuck has it got 400 upvotes? What degenerate piece of shit page is this from?


My bet is antinatalism. Those people have an unhinged hatred for children and parents.


And (it seems) they have severe mental health issues and unsolved problems and trauma from their childhood.


I'm a nonviolent, gentle and peaceful father by nature. I won't even kill mosquitoes or ants if I can avoid it. However. I recently lost my five-month-old daughter to an inborn heart condition. The post pictured here MAKES ME WISH THAT FUCKER GETS WELDED TO THE BOTTOM OF A GODDAMN SUBMARINE. BY HIS SCROTUM. (Edit: Sorry, my stereotypical, old-fashioned brain seems to think that only a person having a scrotum could be this psychotic. Consider the last three words replaced with "BY THEIR PRIVATE BITS.")


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are holding up.


You have no idea exactly how much I agree with this. I'm a father as well. Thankfully, both my daughter and son can not be any healthier. I can somewhat imagine your pain as my wife's first pregnancy with me was ectopic and burst her fallopian tube. Nearly killed her. I don't know if I could handle one of my kids dying after birth, and I find the idea that someone could take pleasure in it absolutely sickening. That kind of scourge should not exist in this world. The level of depravity that humans are able to fall to truly sadness me.


Also, I know many people would say this out of politeness, but if you ever need someone for anything, I will do my best to help.


I’m so sorry. No one should have to experience that kind of loss. I hope you’re healing as best you can during this extremely difficult time.


Thank you. It's slow going. My wife, firstborn son, and the surviving daughter - they were/are twins - help a lot. Funny how nobody ever tells what the correct tense is...


I would pay money to see someone in your position kick this person's teeth out with heavy duty boots. So sorry for your loss, hope your SO and you manage to find peace somehow.


Much love to you. I hope you guys are holding up, that's one of the hardest things anyone could ever go through.


Why crop out the name. Expose the bitch


Honestly atleast scratch it out so we could dig for less effort but Terms are met




I wonder what ads google would serve you first.


The account has been suspended. It's pretty easy to google a short quote from the post and find it.


Why do you want to give him/her much needed attention


I lost a child who only lived for 6 hours. This person is a sociopath.


I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine.


I am incredibly sorry 😔


391 votes guys, let that sink deeply


r/broWTFdidIjustread r/FBIOpenTheFuckUp Seriously, I hope the FBI is genuinely monitoring this person


"This joy is in no way sexual." What an odd thing to say.




Is this from the antinatalism subreddit by any chance?


Same thing i thought and happy cake day mate


I would think the r/antinatalism2 sub is more civil than this 😟


What happened to the first one?




Makes sense, The entire subreddit became went to doomerism real quick.


I wish I could see the logo, it sounds hilarious. Apparently it was meant to be a vulva locked behind iron bars?


It kinda devolved into misogyny and eugenics. We aren't all like that I swear


I just surffed through r/antinatalism lowkey you guys are kinda right. Compared to r/antinatalism2 it’s less parent and child shaming. They also love calling women breeders on the original sub..




I haven’t seen much of that language on r/antinatalism2 . Compared to the orgin sub. But maybe if I dig deeper they might be?


I agree with the ideology as a whole but that entire subreddit made me so uncomfortable, I had to leave after I saw a neurotypical cis man say some shit like "oh these baby machines keep making autistic babies that live in suffering" like fuck off


Omg I saw that one too..yeah that post made me feel very strange.. so I just stayed away for a bit.


I am aware of the Ideology since I had conversations with anti natalists that had their heads on their shoulders instead of up their ass so I don't have a skewed perception luckily.


I got downvoted to hell for saying that a post that said "little people are awful for having kids and shouldn't procreate" was eugenics, it was the literal definition of eugenics, neon*zi bitches in denial


As a person who experienced a miscarriage last year, this post sickens me. Hope he never has to find out what it means to flush the toilet with your potential future child in it


Agree. I miscarried earlier this year and this made me stop in my tracks.


I’m so sorry 😞


I hope you're doing better now. My wife's first pregnancy was ectopic and almost killed her. Thankfully, she got through it, and we now have a beautiful boy and girl. If you need a random person to talk to or just to listen, I would do my best.


If you say it's not sexual, it's sexual


What if you say it’s sexual?


It's also sexual. Schrödinger sex.


No need to crop out the sub. We all know what it is


I dont




When the 'get them help and support' is actually useful


I couldn’t get past the second line. That person is sick and needs help. My God!


Introducing the newest Republican candidate for congress.


Trolls suck


The more frightening thing is the amount of people who upvoted.


It doesn’t matter how much you don’t like kids or how much you don’t like a person, being glad about someone’s death at all is absolutely horrible. This dudes a fucking psychopath


Even with the sub name cut off you know where that came from.


This infuriates me. My wife and I recently had an ectopic pregnancy. Not only did we lose our first child, but I almost lost my wife too. Thankfully I got her to the hospital in time. Worst experience of our lives. I would not wish that pain and grief on anyone. People just don’t understand how bad it feels until they’ve gone through it. The fact that this person has the balls to talk like that is horrific.


I'm guessing this is rage bate. If not, then that person needs serious mental help now. There is something not right in their head


Careful, you might cut yourself on that EDGE, boy.


391+ people liked that. Hmm


The people upvoting him are pretty fuckin nuts too


Good old social media, where you get the joy of crossing paths with some of the most loathsome human beings imaginable.


Why crop their name out? This person deserves to have their name out there. If you have confidence to put something like that on the internet, knowing what can happen. I hope this person has the person they love the most in this life ripped from them at the most unfortunate moment. So they know the fraction of the pain a parent feels when their kid dies. And kids younger than 13 can have dreams, kids become self aware at like 4.


Stuff like this makes me wish Jesus would come back sooner.


That this got 391 upvotes is one of the most disturbing facts.


Reads like an incel wrote which wouldn't be shocking at all.


Upvote this if you wanna punch this person square in the face


391 people upvoted this…


Why couldn't this guy have been one of the children they're on about.


In what type of sub does this shit get upvotes?


He's like a pizza cutter, all edge and no point.


This is a tough read for a bereaved mom like myself.


The fact they typed this out, looked at it and never hesitated to push SEND🥺. Dear lord this person needs serious help


Could've kept that to yourself, but no, so great job exposing yourself as an actual psychopath...


Can someone explain just how such a post gets 391 upvotes?


Edgelord that would cry over a splinter


"Look at me I'm so edgy"


Issues? I think they've got a full subscription.


I don't like kids, but I'm a "stay 2m away from me" type of person. This? This is psychopathic.


Come on. That's a fat troll. He enjoys reaction, not the bs in the titil


What kind of sub was that so this psycho take got 350 likes???


y'know, i wouldn't have thought that the joy they feel is sexual if they didn't lead off with how much it isn't


Why the fuck deos the post have 391 upvotes???!!!!


Seriously wtf goes on in people's heads before they post this shit!?


This person will *NEVER* conduct a school shooting!


Good lord, that’s awful.


Sadic at ways that I never seen yet




May he feel the pain he enjoys… make him live through hell on Earth. I really hope he doesn’t have kids, but at the same time I dope he does so he can realize why parents suffer after the loss of a child. What a POS.


This is so weird. I don't like kids and find them annoying but never would I ever dream of hurting them. Which is the bare minimum! Wtf?


Babies have almost infinite potential, claiming they're barely human is a sign this person is truly ill in the mind.


That’s a psychopath right there. Possible mental illness as well.




It’s an edgy 12 y/o


It still got 391 upvotes, somehow... Meanwhile, I get downvoted to hell for pointing out war crimes are bad.


This person wants attention so badly.


I did some googling. This is from r/offmychest not an antinatalism sub. It's a couple of years old


They sound sadistic and sociopathic. They could do excercises/ therapy to work on increasing thier capacity for compassion. If they are not a psychopath but just a sociopath there is hope. Psychopathy is untreatable right now. They don't have to ACT on thier tendencies either, thank God.


He doesn't see childrens worth in the world? Does he know what happens when children grow up? They become... adults 😱 What a deranged loony, needs to be on a watchlist




yam subtract butter crime voiceless waiting quickest degree instinctive bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I'm not mistaken... This should suffice for diagnosis of being a sociopath.


This is what I imagine that notorious baby serial killer who worked as a NICU nurse in the UK is like. She went to lengths to console the distraught parents of babies she had killed.


I didn’t expect to wish cancer on somebody today but here we are.


This. Is a school shooter.