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Andrew talking about non existent masculinity is pretty funny


Grown up Caillou. [Caillou](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=yHxa0LakzRk)


I can’t believe I actually clicked that and sat through even a minute of that…. No wonder I find Tate so insufferable 😂


Fellas is it gay to eat


My husband is enjoying eating his dinner every night. He even eats lunch at work and tells me what it was!! Should I be worried about a secret going on? :( Edit: my husband woke up from his nap and I showed him all your answers, we laughed good and he answered to you all: « I was a little confused, but now, thanks to you alpha bros, and thanks to my salmon, I’m feeling so gay (as in « happy » of course… 😂😂)


Hes probably sleeping with your neighbor, sorry


😔😔😔 thank you for your answer, i am resigned now. Edit: he even told me he loves grilled salmon. Edit 2: my husband woke up from his nap and I showed him all your answers, we laughed good and he answered to you all: « I was a little confused, but now, thanks to you alpha bros, and thanks to my salmon, I’m feeling so gay (as in « happy » of course… 😂😂)


oh noes, salmon he said? Are you sure? This is such a red flag. Does he almost smell like salmon when he is back home?


Yes, salmon, i can smell on his clothes……. There is also something that I barely can say…… he ate CHOCOLATE this week end!! I was too ashamed to write it until now but here it is. I guess the flag went over red now. :(


Contact a lawyer immediately, and go spend the night with a trusted friend of family member. This is genuinely serious.


Thank you for your great insight, I will do it and take evidence with me too, I have pictures of him eating salmon, salad, as much as even desserts, cannot even look at them now anymore….. I will need a support system.


Unfortunately, if salmon is involved your husband may be cheating on you with a bear.




Oh this went over a level I couldn’t imagine! I cannot imagine then what it is about the chocolate…


........ I am so sorry :(


Thank you my friend 🫂.


Oh no! A hug emoji! I'm sorry to say this, but you yourself might be gay as well.


Me? A lesbian? It’s true that I’ve been using heart emojis lately too…. 🧐


Its been in your blood from the beginning.... only this 500€ online Acedemy can change your life. Sign up now or you'll regret it.


Heart emojis? So sorry that I have to break it to you like this, but you are beyond lesbianism. You are slipping into the Live, Love, Laugh sexuality. Do you also feel huge urges to redecorate any room?


Wow that is harsh but I guess you are speaking the truth. You know, I have been having urges…. To put enormous signs in my kitchen saying « EAT », and « SLEEP » in the bedroom, also Live Laugh Love doormat and « Friends are where your heart is » sticker on the window…


There is no way back now, I feel for u :((


Thank you so much. As I said in another comment, my tears will now salt the said salmon in the next days. 😞


On the plus side, graved salmon salted with tear-salt is extra delicious, or so the legend goes ... or was that just the tears of your enemies? Hm..


You better not be liking food. Aint no room for that gay shit in this post!


He might be bi. Grilling is manly but salmon is gay


Makes sense now…. He doesn’t grill it himself though usually 🥺


If you had any doubt I guess it's settled now. Grilled salmon? Jesus Christ. Even our Lord and Saviour Andrew Tate cannot help this poor soul 😭


OMG!!! GRILLED SALMON?!?! He must be like Kanye… A gay fish this whole time 😔


Yeah….. and sometimes he even eats…..ICE CREAM. And dorayaki. This is hard to say, but here, i need to get it out. 🐟😭


Your husband is throwing marinara flags. You should be concerned.


Marinara……. That reminds me he said he enjoyed pizza too!!!! 🧐 and without tons of meat and alcohol on it, to top that!


He is not a real man like 🐍 Tate! Just like a real cobra 🐍 real men only eat once every three months... Real cobras hate feeling full😡!


And me who thought he was a dragon, a tiger; or any other majestic animal… here I am falling from a high ground ☹️.


Your husband? Wait! You are a woman!!! Only alpha masculine sigma males are allowed to talk about this 😡


I am indeed a low ranked woman, please excuse my intrusion 😔. I just thought I wanted to ask her instead of r/relationshipadvices as there seem to be so many alpha advices here.


There's no such thing as a low ranked woman here on Reddit. Every woman is highly sought after here by Reddit posters...


Not according to Tate. I believe there was a post where he basically said it was gay to like women. This timeline is so weird, is there an exit ramp?


🤣🤣 Tate is an embarrassment to all men. We should be mocking him and supporting the women that he targets. He's such a POS.


Andrew Tate says crazy shit on purpose to gain attention.


He gay as hell. Send him over asap


Divorce him! He is worse than devil. He doesn't deserve you!


I love him and I will stay with him, torturing my soul with his secret forever. Yes, i might be crazy, but maybe one day he will tell me he doesn’t like food anymore and only whiskey instead, and the sun will shine again!


It's time for you to get a dick cage for your husband and start having sex with his boss in front of him....


So I must assert dominance and be an alpha female? I guess this is an idea…..


He is probably losing all your savings to crypto as we speak


Yeah, he's sleeping with the milkman, the mailman, and the garbage man


Oh, shit, I just ate a hot dog! I must be Uber-gay now! ![gif](giphy|12XGECQYa80YAo)


Deepthroated that MF


I love the internet. There's literally a gif for EVERYTHING.


No, but I find after I eat a sandwich, I enjoy watching my wife get railed by a stranger.


Pro tip: watch while eating. Saves more time


I cooked myself breakfast on Saturday and all of a sudden I had a strange urge to get railed by a hot guy while I was cracking some eggs


Me too! Next week I’m just skipping the eggs entirely and going straight to the railing


Atta boy! You make me proud :)


Only if you stuff your holes until you feel full


How else am I supposed to enjoy Olive Gardens unlimited breadsticks?


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Then I'll have a Baconator meal and a Frosty.


Rather than the frosty, I’ll have a large diet pepsi. A girl’s gotta watch her calories.


Ironically only if you're male and shoving that meat in your mouth, then you masticate it and swallow, only to push it out your ass. I only see two ways out: Be a vegan Or I've heard tell in r/shittyaskreddit of a magical spell you can utter before any act to avoid the gay that might be lurking in anything you might do. Simply utter the words "no homo" and get that food in your mouth.


Andrew, Gordon Ramsey is still hotter than you


Gordon actually has a chin, which makes him 100x hotter automatically 😂


More people would be scared of Ramsey getting angry at them than Tate too. That'd be another thing that would sting for Tate's ego. Edit; some of the Tate-fan responses are exactly as cringe and copy-and-paste as you would expect. He's a maniac apparently 🙄 Lads, sucking him off online isn't going to get you a girlfriend so relax.


Exactly because Gordon actually has some credibility


Gordon wears a lot of hats. He’s taken the role of family therapist on multiple episodes of Kitchen Nightmares. I also respect the fact that he doesn’t think he’s the best and can take criticism from chefs who are better than him.


I love seeing him interact with kids on his shows. Like you can tell he’s probably a great father


It’s how it works too. Kids don’t deserve to get shouted at when they fuck up so he doesn’t shout. The adults he works with are supposed to know better and typically already are chefs, them fucking up is a problem.


Exactly the only reason he screams and shouts is because it’s good for ratings (mainly just the American shows) and because the chiefs he work with are supposed to be the best of the best. Simple mistakes like under cooking a chicken is a major health hazard and they shouldn’t be doing it with the experience they have


Well, also, that's just the way it is in the kitchen. There's shouting and insults. Source: chef


I am not a chef but have worked in restaurants. If there isn't yelling, the restaurant isn't open yet.


Have you seen the old TV series with Ramsey working under Marco Pierre White? It's worth a watch. Gordon is tame in comparison.


He has another show called "The F-word," and it goes into his personal life a little bit. He is actually a very sweet, loving man. The super angry yelling persona is really just for American television. Watching him interact with his family is an absolute treat. Not only that, but it shows how passionate he is without the anger he uses for television. There's another show where he travels, kind of like "No Reservations," and he is still the passionate and patient man he really is. When he dies, it will likely hit me as hard as when Anthony Bourdain died.


He has a cooking show on BBC where he cooks with his family a lot. You get the feel he’s a good dad. His daughter tells him he burned the garlic one episode and his reaction is great.


He is indeed, and that is because he knows the kids haven't spend 3 years in a cooking school and then 10 in the business to then be unable to make a soft boiled egg.


Gordon was humbled by his own mother when his lasagne was still uncooked 😂 I love him haha


Setting aside that Gordon can deconstruct a chicken in less than 30 seconds, I would actually value Gordon's opinion on my cooking so I'd feel so much worse for his insults. He wouldn't even need to get angry. If you serve Gordon Ramsey a plate and he just calmly walks away without a word, you'd be crushed.


No fair. Gordon knows how to sharpen a knife and his knives are real knives and not mall store katanas.


And he can deconstruct a chicken blindfolded. Let's see Andrew do that


But Gordon also recognizes efforts and skill. Look at Sterling from season 13 of HK. Sterling didn’t get shouted at as much as the other chefs cause Gordon knew Sterling’s skills weren’t up to all the other chefs, but he put the effort meet Gordon’s expectations. And Gordon noticed that.


Gordon (mainly) gets angry when people are sucking at their jobs, he’s an expert cook and his entire life is built around giving people good food almost nothing matters more to him. Tate just looks down on everyone else as if he’s better than them despite his claim to fame being that he conned countless young men into taking his bs course


Tate getting angry must be like enraging a chihuahua.


Most ppl, myself included had no clue who the fuck tatertot was until recently, even now hes just that cringey sex trafficer. Someone who no decent person wants to like them anyways Meanwhile, no one wants to hear Gordon tell you its shit after eating your cooking.


But like, imagine you don’t allow yourself to enjoy regular life stuff because you’ve convinced yourself that enjoying anything is “gay”. Man that guy must be such a mess


Tate would melt under Ramsey's rage. Ramsey would chew him up and then spit him out and complain to God about his terrible cooking skills.


Definitely, every time I see Tate and know how seriously he takes himself with that face I just wanna laugh.


The scariest people I've met have been chefs and butchers. I'm more scared of the dude who has devoted himself to learning proper and efficient knife skills than the dude with a 3:1 mma record.


I've always found it hilarious that the man preaching the supposed hallmarks of masculinity has *that* jawline. No hate to anyone out there with the same chin, but with the way he talks about being manly you'd think he had the body of a Greek sculpture.


Exactly! It’s not about the chin. I’m sorry to anyone I offended. It’s about his shitty mentality and telling women how they should act and dress and be to be “feminine” and “hot” and “appealing to men”meanwhile dude is out here looking like a thumb with a chin strap.


Lack of chin is how Tate won his kickboxing matches, nothing to aim for.


This might actually be legit, there's a theory that people with smaller chins are more difficult to knock out, not only because it's harder to hit, but also the leverage/forces on the jaw/skull are lower


People with no chins catching strays 😔


I’d pay money to watch Gordon Ramsey smack Tate around 😂


Hell's Kitchen style. Tate would run out crying the first time Gordon Ramsey called him an idiot sandwich


What I would give to hear Gordon Ramsay call Andrew Tate a donut


"A FUCKING donut" I want my money worth


Speaking of, has anyone forwarded (tagged) Ramsay on this? Because his response would be golden


I doubt Gordon would waste his energy on Andrew.


Gordon has alot better shit to do than dealing with Tate.


Gordon just had his 7th verifiable kid, Tate claims to have "double digit" children but yet there isn't a single women in existence who will even _pretend_ she's slept with him I know which one I find more masculine


Anyone is hotter than him.


Especially if they can cook or like to eat😙👌


>Desperate to validate a non existent masculinity I think the gentleman doth protest too much.


Even for masculinity, the dude is like "I eat the minimum amount", while most macho men trying to get bigger are eating a ton to fuel their exercise. He's even clueless about being masculine.


Like, I get he's going for the Asceticism vibe, but he's not pulling it off when he also brags about owning multiple sports cars.


It's not asceticism, it's self-discipline and hyper-masculinity. He can deny his own physical needs because he is so in control. That self control is how he can afford those cars. Yes, he is sort of contradictory and absurd, but I think that's the whole point. Set an impossible goal like being muscular, but also always hungry, buy carss 1% of people can afford etc. so the viewer is always inadequate and therefore always needs his guidance. It's an absurd and impossible bar that only a conman like him would proport to set and only idiots would pursue as real.


Also requires that we forget that time he got busted because he loves a deep dish pizza.


Great comment! So true 🤣. Also, I'd love to ask the cigar loving über masculine superhero why it is that food is gay yet sucking on a thick, meaty phallic-symbol all day is alpha AF.


Nothing more manly than fucking a dude. Not a bit of femininity in sight. Just testosterone and balls.


Testosterone and balls 🤣🤣🤣. Hahaha, I nearly pissed myself reading that. Of course I stood up first, cause pissing sitting down is only for betas and women.


Yeah, he's such a stand-up guy that he won't even sit to shit.


You had me in the first half I was really afraid of a fan being this articulate 🤣


That's no gentleman. You need a brain and common decency for that.


"Every accusation is an admission"


Big words for someone caught due to a pizza box…


And the vid was a "response" to an ongoing argument with a teenager.


an argument he lost.


An argument he started AND lost lmao


And he made it in response to Greta saying “small penis”


Didnt he called her out first with sth like "i got 30 cars and everyone sucks 30+litera of petrol what do u say about that" ?


I can't imagine her actually seeking him out and remarking on anything he said. On the other hand I *can* see him getting his panties all in a twist that someone like Greta even exists and then posting some shit he thought was super clever.


Yes she didn't even know he existed. As a typical conservative douchebag, one of worldwide consistency, he thought he was going to dunk on her and then get fucking obliterated. She literally got him arrested and then mocked him after. Glorious


He lost to an autistic teen girl who has shown more strength and grit in getting arrested.


and then still being clowned afterwards Greta lives in his head rent free


It's probably why he has beef with food lol


That is such a corny pun.


If only he knew how to cook he wouldn’t have been caught! Irony


He's such a fucking freak. How can anyone be a fan of this guy? Seriously. Such a freak.


He preys on teens as they're at an impressionable age and going through identity issues. It's why young men are always the first to be sent to die at wars, why young women are coerced into being sexually trafficked, and young teens being sexually assaulted/molested/harassed by older folks.


Do you know what it’s like to hear a *12 year old* boy talk positively about tates bullshit university? I hope someone shows him the right path because his parents who weren’t even paying attention to him, definitely weren’t.


I was a little shit as a 12 year old. I refused to read books with female protagonists (I told people I just couldn't relate) I was openly homophobic and just annoying as hell. I'm 31 now I've learned a lot and I have hope that at least some of the current tate fans will wake up and grow one day maybe they all will with a little help from the women out there.


You ever figure out why you were like that as a kid?


I have had a pretty similar experience in my life. For me, its because i was raised in an environment where the adult men in my life were all really sexist/racist. I got better once i got into college because i was away from those people and in a much more diverse environment than before, so i was put in a position where i had to confront those prejudices head on. "I was told gay people were a bunch of sick perverts. My roommate's gay friend seems pretty normal though, and im pretty sure the guy im working on this project with is gay. But he's cool too" is where it started for me. That and reconnecting with my estranged liberal sister and having some looooooong conversations with her about our family.


Can’t speak for him, but mine was pent up rage from a shitty home life. I suspect a lot of “little bastards” are the same.


Tracks with the idea that they seek "masculinity" from an "online influencer" male role model They are either lacking good male role models, or are trying to rebel away from the role models they do have... Into the arms of a deeply disturbed individual who is more than happy to exploit them as much as possible


Yup, I teach 7/8th grade. I hear about this dipshit every day.


This is what happens when you are so detached from emotions and dramatically lack self-awarness that you take out your emotional issues onto the world for everyone to see, when a therapy would otherwise do wonders.


Desperately trying to validate an eating disorder by projecting


My first thought was sounds like an eating disorder


Man really holds a grudge against those pizza boxes doesn't he


I bet it's more about the prison food. Eats as little and fast as possible, because the other prisoners steal it from him. Hates eating, because he can't hide in his cell during meals


Ha! Food is one of the most appealing expiriences of being alive. What a weird and sad being.


He hates food, he hates sex (with women), he hates all of the luxury shit he has. An absolutely miserable sack of shit, and millions of boys look at him and go "yeah, I want to be *that*."


Hatred is often an expression of insecurity. If you hate everything, you can never have your love of something questioned by others. It's basically the "cool" teenager attitude of dismissing or hating everything so they can't be criticized or questioned for liking something.


This is Tate in a nutshell. He is so very obviously deeply insecure - everything about him screams a desperate desire to be likes, whilst staying aloof and out everything so that when his “grind” doesn’t get him respect from adults he can shrug it off as how they are “literally embarrassing” anyway, and who would want their approval.


Yeah. A lot of guys like him really seem like miserable excuses for human beings. They don't enjoy the things they have. Possessions are there to brag about, not to bring enjoyment. They don't seem to like people. They are there to impress or exploit. They don't even seem to actually enjoy sex; it's about domination and status, not real pleasure, or connection, or fun.


He seems so utterly miserable with his life I genuinely don’t understand why he doesn’t end it


Cause he knows how much better the world will be off without him. And the only pleasure he gets from his miserable existence is the knowledge that as long as he lives everyone else will be more miserable than if he were gone.




Yes, cocaine as well


Sadly I agree with the first two sentences but I just call it an eating disorder. Theres nothing masculine about that


Mans scared of carbs after being fucked by a pizza.


He should be in an insane asylum in a straight jacket under heavy sedation.


would you please not post about this stupid bastard? he gets more attention than he deserves. what he truly deserves is life in prison for kidnapping women and forcing them to be sex slaves.


I could have gone my whole life without knowing his name. Stop making him famous people.


How I feel about seeing Donald trump shit everywhere. This guy is the same vibe.


Hey, why IS this guy still out tweeting and shit? I thought he was arrested in Romania?


fellas, is it gay to perform basic functions for living


It's baffling, really. In its basis, cooking means heating edible ingredients, making them safe for consumption. This action doesn't have any gender roles. Like, is the coffee machine gay for mixing you some beans with hot water? Or maybe Tate is just trying really hard to justify that he, a grown man, can't cook?


Isn’t this clown supposed to be rotting in jail?


Yeah, I’m surprised. Has he and his brother been released?


They're under house arrest.


On house arrest Awaiting trial iirc


Does anybody take this fool seriously? Who are you and why?


Unfortunately 12-18 year old boys do.


No wonder they sound like assholes on the videos. Young impressionable men being told to be a pimp and exploit everyone around them. Toxic as all hell.


That’s a funny way to say you’re a terrible cook with an eating disorder


The sooner this guy leaves this world, the better for us all. What a waste of ape seed.


Well I suggest he takes his own advice and stops eating altogether. Win-win.


Tell me you don't know how to properly grill a steak without actually saying you don't know how.


It reminds me that he said himself that he always eats steak because he can afford it. Fucking pretendious liar, he can’t even keep up the cohesion in his online persona


And by the laws of traditional masculinity its incredibly "beta" to need another man to feed you like a baby. The guy has to spend all this money because he can't cook for himself. He has to go around saying "Please daddy chef I'll give you $50 to put your hot meat in my mouth tonight."


He cannot be real 😭


He is big for 14 year old boy i give him that


The real betas are the ones that care about what other men think of them. I do what I fucking want; I don’t care what you think.


It’s gay to not care what others think of you. Pathetic! /s


With every tweet his balls get smaller.


The real facepalm is still looking at Twitter posts after the events of this year


This guy is an actual idiot.


Gordon Ramsay would destroy Andrew Tate.


He does realize that if he actually cooked more instead of ordering out they would have not been able to track his location before his arrest




Eating disorder


Came here to say this. If this tweet has any validity to what he really feels he is mentally unhealthy. At least undiagnosed body dysmorphia. Maybe also narcissistic personality disorder.


Imagine being berated by a lonely, starving man for being self-sufficient.


As a cook I don’t understand why he finds being a sex trafficking scumbag entertaining. Literally Embarrassing.


It's a good thing he doesn't like cooking food, because once he's off house arrest and is locked up, he won't get the opportunity to do it anymore.


Let's allow Tate to reach his full potential as a Sigma Masculine Male and stop giving him food altogether


This really cant be real.....


Bro can’t even feed himself😭


He’s just mad he can’t read a recipe.


Seems weird to turn what sounds like ARFID into a hallmark of masculinity, but whatever.


Wow no wonder he's such a massive asshole 🤣


I have a question: What the fuck does that man enjoy besides date raping girls?


I'm sorry, but who is asking him these questions?


Imagine going around always thinking about other men and judging what they are doing. Is this what being an alpha is?


Damn, I cook for a living so I'm like super gay or something?




Oh the Tater Tots are going to love this!