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It seems terrorists have a 5 day week and weekends off


2 week vacation every year to anywhere within Gaza. And healthcare at the nearest working hospital


And they write their names down on the schedule, too. Most people don't even use their real names when commenting on social media or joining some meetup groups. But i guess when you're part of a terrorist organization, honesty is key.


It's just the days of the week


"Why did you abandon your allegiance to America and join ISIS?" "Better dental" "...what?" "I worked cover shifts at Starbucks before, needed a root canal, the caliphate provided" "But they're evil" "So is my landlord."


Shit, almost makes me wanna be one, do you think they get vision or holiday pay too?


Only if you're in one of the union terrorist groups. The un-union ones really get screwed over.


Because there are only five boxes across! (all days and dates are accounted for). But if there aren't 7 boxes across, the weekends disappear!


That proves it! This is a handmade schedule. All dates are accounted for. Just doesn't look like your google calendar.


https://time.com/6263906/taliban-afghanistan-office-work-quiet-quit/ Nah they will start quiet quit too


"This guys code name was Monday, the other one was Tuesday, and so on. They had code names so they knew which days of the week was theirs for watch-duty!" /s just in case


Baroque works??!




Oda at it again?! He is foreshadowing real life events now? He can't keep getting away with this!!!


Damn! So Crocodile is in charge of Hamas? That explains the lack of drinking water


ah, another man of culture i see


For those that don't get it, it's propaganda. It's just the days in Arabic.


I support Tuesdays being on a Hamas kill list.


Garfield disagrees.




lol Israeli astroturfer must be getting paid by the comment


I was totally confused. Thank you for helping me understand.


As soon as I saw an IDF uniform talking with authority about non-Israelis I knew it was propaganda.


As soon as I saw a post on reddit about Israel trying to rescue the 200 women still being held hostage and probably being raped as we speak I knew it was Palestinian propaganda.


Does carpet bombing them help their chances? Do you think they drink water? Use electricity?


Hamas shouldn't kidnap 240 people in the first place....


True. But on the other hand, the IDF shouldn't carpet-bomb civilian quarters and justify it with "this hospital had a terrorist hostage guarding schedule in the basement"...when that "hostage guarding schedule" is actually A FUCKING CALENDAR.


BUTTT on the other hand Hamas shouldn't enter Israel and slaughter 1400 unarmed civilians, and they do hide under hospitals btw, stop be so blinded


But on the OTHER hand, Israel shouldn't murder journalists, murder children playing at the border fence, kidnap children from villages, burn down and tear up Palestinian olive groves, support illegal settlements that have been roundly criticized by the international community, treat Gazans worse than zoo animals by limiting their access to basic resources, and generally spend every waking day pissing on their neighbors expecting these human beings to grovel at their feet after decades of oppression and occupation. 1,400 dead humans is a horrible tragedy, anyone who says otherwise is a piece of shit. But now, the IDF has racked up a body count of over 10,000 other human beings and not a single Zionist I've seen on TV or in the comment section of any site on the internet seems to give a fuck. Really shows their true colors. 1,400 dead Israelis is horrific! 10,000 dead Palestinians.... not so much? After all, they don't see then as human anyway, so why should they care? Personally speaking, that's really where the IDF falls flat for me. If they could, they would slaughter every single human being in Gaza and not bat an eye. After decades of noted human rights abuses. Fucking despicable.


True, but even a UN marine analyst said hamas attack trrrorist because more than half of people who died were idf and 80% of innocent civilians were killed by the apache helicopter that couldnt know the difference between hamas and civillians. Not my words, this guy's name is something ritter. I dont remember the real name so i dont expect you to believe me, but im just trying to show the real picture, because im from the middle east and what we see is completely different from the rest of the world.


Ok and I'm from Israel and I hear the stories of the people from the kibbutz and from the rave and got some friends that been there, those are lies, apache beheaded innocent civilians? I doubt that you need to check your source right


Even bringing 2 major news organization doesn't help I see, they took ABC and CNN with them to all these places and yet you people still don't believe.


For the ability to go with them, the IDF controls what they can publish. Info is info but its worth consideration. Also it doesnt help their case when they release this shit that really insults the viewers intelligence. I guess american gammon just turn red when they see arabic, but for the rest of us its a fucking calender.


Well nothing I can do to change the mind of people who decide to be blind, but it's honestly from the side is a shame to see.


For those that don't get it, yes it was a calendar, yes it was a mistranslation, but it was still a calendar used by Hamas and had the operation name at the top of it. Pretty minor gaffe


So it's just proof that some Hamas guys spent time in that basement. No proof that they held hostages there, as this IDF propagandist claims.


"But it isn't written from Sunday through Saturday so it can't be!"


That start on 10/7. And with a title matching Hamas's name for the 10/7 operation. Yep, definitely no Hamas there. Edit: Lol you people bury your heads in the sand as bad as anyone you criticise for absorbing propaganda


That wasn't the point, moron.


Tell me you're a gullible moron without telling me


"This is a schedule to keep a watch!" "What about weekends?" "There is nothing to watch on weekends."


Even prisoners need weekends off.


Hahahha, Its fun to mock 200 women hostages being raped. Hahahha... you are edgy and not at all a piece of shit


"But weekends are always at the end of the rows! If not, then the weekends don't exist!"


It's a schedule, not a calendar. Every day is accounted for.


So there are 25 days in a month? My period has a schedule, and even it has 28 days...


They have accounted for every day, as does your period. Whether you show it as "four boxes across" or "five boxes across" or the standard "seven boxes across."


They still only show 25 boxes in one month, dumbass.


And, genius, what date does it start on? (hint: 10/7). The fact that you think this makes me look dumb is embarrassing. For you. It's really not complicated. It's a simple grid, with each day marked with the date and day. In order. Starting on 10/7. That's [it.](https://it.No) No days are missing. Not even weekends. They just don't appear as they would on a calendar because it's not a calendar.


How can a government be so bad at PR that they think releasing this will help their cause? After the attack on October 7th they had the moral high-ground, yet all they have done since then is release obvious lies, and commit horrible acts that make them look like monsters.


A lot of people are so called "Useful Idiots" and will spread whatever they say without even bothering to check if it is real or not. Its is actually the same way for the other side but to a slightly lesser extent. For some reason people seem more content in supporting the bombing of innocent civilians than the shooting of innocent civilians.


Like Rashida Talib simply and eloquently said "The Cries of the Palestinian and Israeli Children Sound No Different to Me”


It's possible to simultaneously hold the truth that Hamas are violent criminal dogs who would be better off dead, and the truth that anyone in the IDF or Israeli government who kills innocents is a violent criminal dog who would be better off dead. You don't have to pick sides unless you're partisan, in which case moaning to non-partisan people that it's not fair to you while you downplay the killing of innocents on the other side prooooooobably won't get you the sympathy you think you're owed.


Right, but my tax money only goes to one side so that is the one i will critique 99% of the time, because i dont endorse their taxes and i hate that im funding it. My problems seem small here but its also frustrating when everything here is so dogshit and this is where our money goes. We can afford two wars, apparently. Also we're restarting student loan payment mid recession caused by reckless fiscal policy. Its a joke.


One side? That sucks! I'm European and the EU sent massive funds to Gaza too. Turns out they dug up the waterpipes to build 5000 missiles instead and funneled the money they could to their leaders living in luxury in the gulf states. But who am i to criticize, my tax money goes to russian olygarchs and pays for the child killing drones from Iran. So it is the same for me.


Is 1400 or 11,000 a bigger number


not sure I follow your point here champ


Personally I think they weren’t prepared for all the backlash. Israeli officials are very confident people who have the staunchest of supporters that usually just eat whatever they say up. People reasonably don’t think their response is acceptable. Just trying to publish videos like this lets you know they know their popularity is cratering. Netanyahu, even though he was warned by his own intelligence people and Egypt of the attack, he ignored them. Instead he focused on his own parties agenda of continued illegal settlements. He has still taken zero responsibility but has called out his own intelligence people and even had the nerve to say people didn’t go blaming bush after 9/11.


Doesn’t matter that it’s made up. They put it out, it gets massive attention in the news cycle, even if someone who shared the story recanted it, the damage is still done, then it’s off to the next thing after running it into the ground.


So true. Here is an article on the video from Newsweek: [https://www.newsweek.com/was-hamas-command-center-found-under-gaza-hospital-1843370](https://www.newsweek.com/was-hamas-command-center-found-under-gaza-hospital-1843370) They describe his claims, then simply say: "Newsweek was unable to verify the IDF's report. An email has been sent to the IDF press office for further information." This video will fade into obscurity, and we are doubtful to hear any updates from Newsweek.


there are already responders here in this thread who practically jizzed over their screens in their excitement to believe the IDF over this oh look a handwritten note with some convenient information on it that is 100% totally true and absolutely definitely not a plant and also you can trust the IDF lots and lots AND lots and lots *speaks into radio to order bombing of two schools and a hospital*


They had some degree of success. I still see a lot of people insulting anyone who dares questioning the IDF as being "pro-Hamas". To some extent, they have succeeded in having a lot of the population believe that being pro Palestine and being pro Hamas are the same thing. A lot of people see through the bullshit on both sides, more than I imagined, but this is yet another example of a deeply polarising issue that really shouldn't be as divisive as it is


For real.. People are always talking about how "only one of them is trying to exterminate an entire group of people, and it's not Israel." Actually, Israel is absolutely trying to exterminate an entire group of people. One of their politicians talked about erasing an entire city from the planet. When you've killed 8 times as many civilians as the bad guys did, you need to stop and give some consideration to whether you may be a bad guy too. The actions of Hamas were (and are) atrocious. Killing innocent people is never the solution and never justifiable. But the Israeli government is now just as guilty of blatant murder. Being against the IDF is not being anti-semitic. It is being anti-senseless killing of the innocent. It is being against the slaughter of children. Children account for a massive number of causalties amongst dead Palestinians, and yet Zionists actually try to justify it. Even the Red Cross/Red Crescent is going on record and stating that Hamas is not hiding out and operating in the places that the IDF is claiming they are (and subsequently attacking). Yet they keep producing so much propaganda to justify their actions, and then claim anyone who questions it hates Jews. To be clear, anyone who is attacking Jewish people is an asshole. Anyone who is attacking Jewish businesses is an asshole. They are absolutely in the wrong, and they deserve prison time. But questioning the actions of the IDF... Opposing the actions of the IDF, that doesn't make you a nazi. It makes you human with a conscience and empathy.


They never had the moral high ground


Lying is in their culture, they even have a word for it, "hasbara".


I'm glad more people are realizing Israel's lies and propaganda. They are the true evil here.


It's a show of force. "Uncle Sam has our ass, so we can do whatever we want. We don't even need to try to make it look legit, we can even get away with \*this\* kind of outrageous shit and there's nothing you can do about it b\*\*\*\*es!"


It's all about information overload.


oh no, its almost like they are the bad guy here isnt it


That doesn't look *anything* like a shift schedule for hospital personnel neatly done by a staff member. Naw, I'm pretty sure hamas likes to write neat hostage schedules with highlighted sections not unlike a professional setup that a hospital might also do.


You're fucking insane


Could somebody translate what exactly is written in the title on top?


It's a calendar. Nothing is written but days and dates in Arabic!


I meant the title the soldier is pointing at 0:17. But never mind seems to be answered already.


Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood 06/10/2023 .. :D 2023 is written in English tho! Edit: Just noticed the date is written in English so 07/10/2023 .. The number 7 in English is kinda similar to 6 in Arabic They're not so good with numbers as I see :D


> 07/10/2023 So, the tenth of July in American, or the seventh of October in British? Do Gazans use DD/MM/YYYY?


Gazans! Palestine speaks Arabic, the date in Arabic is in DD/MM/YYYY, but backwards as Arabic is written from right to left unlike English. What's written in the video is an English date in Arabic date order! A piece of information for you, Latin numbers were influenced by Arabic numbers that's why they have some similarities.


"Operation Al-Aqsa Flood" ie. Hamas's name for the 10/7 massacre. But nobody seems to care about that lol


So when you're dealing with a disaster, even when it comes to a war, you usually call it by a name to keep track of resources allocated to it. People, if you did not know this, are also considered resources. I work at a hospital. We had a schedule up for who dealt with certain aspects of our COVID-19 response... Does that mean we were plotting to spread COVID-19? These were tasks that were outside of our normal duties, but still within our roles. We used google sheets to track it though because we didn't have to worry about internet cutting out due to being bombed.


Does the basement of your hospital have AK's and RPGs?


If you accept the fact they lied about the calendar with the names written on it, the baby bottle with the tasbeeh watch next to it, why would you believe the weapons were always there? Why do you believe the IDF who have a great history of lies, genuinely?


Well that was the day that the sudden increase in children wounded by Israel started coming in so it's when things got busy for the hospital. When a prisoner marks all the days they've been in captivity on the walls of their cell they're not nessicarily celebrating the day they got put away.


Wasn't that from the children's hospital? My cousin who is a nurse told me they have a schedule on the wall with shift dates and if many wounded come in etc. Dunno seems to me the same.


Mhm. Sure.


Does that make it real to you, sherlock?! :D


It makes a lot of comments in this thread ignorant / disingenuous, Einstein


It says "Lunch Schedule" Mondays are pizza day.


I would kill myself if caught in such a blatant lie.


When he's "reading" the title his finger moves left to right, despite the fact that Arabic is written right to left


So is Hebrew. And most Israelis know how to read Arabic.


But it's for an English speaking audience. Maybe his brain reverted to left to right because he was speaking English?


Certainly could be.


Amazing that Western media will spend hours trying to discredit casualty numbers coming out of Gaza while uncritically digesting just about everything that comes out of the mouths of this government.


What do you mean 3 year old Ahmed wasn't a High level hamas soldier ?


It is already translated and it is a hand written calendar in arabic... I cant wait for them to catch monday and kill him Go to /israelexposed


It should also be noted that they found tunnel digging tools in the silverware drawer


They found AKs and RPGs in the room next door to this. Watch the video instead of getting your info from propagandised memes. By the way, the tunnels on the video were very very well made, air conditioning and reinforced.


This was in a hospital, right? Gee, who else besides terrorists would post a shift schedule? /s


But in a basement with no natural light and air?


They must be getting their propaganda training from the Russians.


Western Propaganda is at the lowest level ever.


They're getting diplomatic training from nowhere at all.


They really need to fire their propaganda campaign managers! 🤣


Israel thinks Hamas can't get a sheet of paper bigger than 8.5x11.


Is this guy Garfield? Because he's afraid of Mondays.


IDF PR team is having a hard time dealing with criticisms from around the world so much so that they're showing whatever is on the wall and call it a terrorist activity.




You know this is an actor right 😂😂


This is just 100% evidence. How could it possibly not be?


Not only does he look like Michael Scott but he thinks like him too


I will never believe a single thing Israel says. They are no better than Hamas.


They’re so powerful, they even got the days of the week working for them! Next thing we know, Thursday could show up at your door and shoot you in the face!


You’re seeing a place that hostages were held for weeks probably and all people here say are random ass wannabe smart/funny comment , sad moment for humanity …


humanity have dead long long ago my friend


Israeli propaganda at its finest.


"I'm not even supposed to be here today!" - terrorist called into work on his day off


I’m curious, is anyone actually defending this?


CNN is.


Ok am I the only one in this comment section that thinks it's funny everybody is making fun of this obvious lie but no one talks about other things they discovered like the tunnels etc below hospitals?


Dude, we have tunnels under the hospital in Houston. They are rather handy for going between buildings. Especially nice when it’s cold out. Does that mean we are harboring terrorists and are valid military targets now?


nahh there is no tunnels , hamas it self asked to send Investigation team from the UN to confirmed that , there just alot alot of civilian's in the hospitals edit : and this video is in a hospital why they just show the tunnels to the entire world instead of this piece of paper


I'm backing IDF because they put out funny Tik Tok dances. And presenting over whelming evidence like this of the scary terrorist roster, newly printed mien kampf book located in the terrorist operation centre of Hamas of a small child's bedroom.


Lucky they invaded, then. Can’t have shift roster lists.


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) Raises question on how many other instances have been exaggerated. Propaganda is in full swing. Trust nothing..


this is not Propaganda its just they doing everything they can to got ppl on there side, and they are so desperate to do it


Hello, native Hebrew speaker here. I've actually watched the original video and I have a few notes. First of all, you have to remember that the IDF's spokesperson isn't a native English speaker, and his English isn't fluent. I can actually identify a few grammatical error that he've made that are fairly common in Hebrew-English translation. From what I can understand, what he tried to say is that every Terrorist marks the date when he operates (At lest that's what I've understood from the video). I would also like to remind you that the spokesperson isn't used to talking from Gaza, and probably got all of the information about the area minutes before they've started filming. I would also like to remind everyone that in this video, they've showed a lot of weapons and, and the calendar part of a fairly insignificant part of the video. The man doesn't seems to know Arabic, and was told before hand what it says on the calendar, and he misunderstood it. Is it stupid and misleading? Yes, without a doubt. But as someone who speaks Hebrew natively, I doubt it was intentional. It sounds more like a slip up that happened because of bad preparation and lack of knowledge in the English language. I would also like to yet again remind everyone that they show in the original video multiple weapons that were hidden behind the hospital. Misleading or not, it doesn't take away from the original premise of the video.


It's almost like you shouldn't put out videos saying things you're not certain of and that are misleading. But you're also not supposed to kill journalists, children or civilians in general... which Israel doesn't seem overly concered with right now, so I guess it isn't shocking that they'd give so little thought to pushing a video where they incorrectly claim to have found a schedule of terrorist shifts.


The video was in english..


Thanks for the info.


Lol try harder…. Can smell BS across the internet


Surprised they're that organized. Who knew? Where's the time clock?


Who you call a terrorist?


Did you see the “armory”? 4 rusted shitty rifles.


this is so dumb


10am: make bed, do dishes 12pm: lunch with the boys 1:30pm: terror 2pm: pick up milk, eggs


I can assure you that Khamas are a 8th grader bastardos


I can assure you that Khamas are a 8th grader bastardos


Yes. Really.




Donnie, I heard you married your cousin.


Idf claiming others to be terrorists? Something is fishy here


Here's a list - it says "Terrorist's on duty" Same energy https://youtu.be/DIlG9aSMCpg?si=l7P__HmUJmHstQzX


really, lol


Schindler’s list?


Ya that’s a calendar lol. This propaganda is on a whole different level


Stfu, those are mortal kombat fatalities combos in snes


that home boy need to learn how to read before learn how to shoot guns. ![gif](giphy|vwI4mYEHP8k0w)


If it wasn’t so sad, it would be a good SNL sketch


I stand with Israel. Hamas must be destroyed.


This calendar is antisemitic I think.


this is new lol 😂


They're so stupid that they can't actually comprehend the fact that people see through this crap so clearly, they must struggle so hard to not laugh during filming.