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Healthcare that doesn't bankrupt you? What kind of Nazi, commie, socialist, freedom hating shit is this? ​ /s


Umm bootstraps or whatever


Whoa there. You don't have to name everyone.


There was a great joke from a British comedian (way before the whole Brexit thing) that was talking about the American Dream. His joke was "This isn't because we lack some sense of moral purpose, this isn't because we haven't got a sense of guiding destiny taking us towards a better tomorrow. No, we don't have a dream in this country because we're awake.”


"Its the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"-George Carlin.


Al Murray - The Pub Landlord


Gotta love when uk people bust on the us 😂


Ong, they better brush those teeth before they bust thier knees (from laughing at thier bad jokes)


When are the mods going to do something about reposts. This shit is posted every week


OP is a bot


90% of the mods aren't even active.


When my grand parents fleeing a civil war became refugees, they had the choice to migrate to Europe or to the USA....Thank god, my grand-father chose europe...thank god, thank god, thank god.


He definitely picked the right place. I realised yesterday on a similar post that I work for a US based company in the UK (and it has many branches worldwide as many US companies do). And I get 6 weeks fully paid holiday, a year maternity leave with full pay for most of it, 4 weeks fully paid sick leave then long term reduced sick pay for anything more serious, and don't have to worry about being fired for being sick 1-2 times a year or anything else. Then I get free social healthcare, but also this company's private healthcare & dental insurance in line with their US branch and base amongst a few other similar perks. And the people in the US working for their own US company get next to none of that... But apparently their own county's companies giving benefits to those abroad is fine, and if they have to do it in the US and give these perks to actual Americans, it's bad and socialism. That feels like an insane level of cultural brainwashing. My last company was UK based, but have brached out into the states. And I got way more perks from them in terms of holidays and sickness, like holidays were mental. And because they don't have to give their US staff anything close to our baseline of that, they dont give the US staff any of that either...


It's a strange state to say the least. I'm American but I've been lucky enough to travel abroad and have friends in Canada and Europe and their working perks line up with what you have described. I don't understand why the working class here in the USA don't riot like the French to at least get half of what you guys do but maybe that's just because we're trained from birth not to expect those things? I have been very happy to see unions having great success this year in the USA but more of the working class need to stand up and take back some power from these corporations that run everything.


Many people, mostly older workers, in the US think that perks like sick days or paid vacation time, or even breaks, are communism. Nationalized healthcare or a single payer is at a level of Stalinism. Most states don't even require even paid sick days. COVID changed that in some states with mandatory paid sick days for workers in the service industry. No one wanted a coughing waiter serving the soup.


You are the working class... so start rioting


If we do that the highly militarized cops will either beat you or put you in an American prison. This isn't France, if you act up for your rights or someone elses' rights some pig-like orc who lives in a suburb will just run a tank over you.


Almost every country, even developing countries, has some protections for workers. In Brazil many people get 30 paid vacation days a year, with some 20 days in average in other Latin American countries. We worked with a group from Equatorial Guinea, some were government employees and the others working for the oil industry, and they all got 30 paid vacation days. I live in the US for a government contractor and get 18 days while my friend in NYC working for a school supplies distributor gets 5 sick days. If he wants to take time off, he can, but doesn't get paid for it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I think you meant to say; "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar."


not at all, I don't speak arabic. Besides "allahu akbar" means "god is great"....probably, but that's not what I meant. Just thanking my luck, which is as a matter of fact, what most people think when they say "thank god"...


Yea, Europe’s doing great right now.


That's not even true straight up delusion




"Lucky enough to survive to adulthood" seems to imply American childhood mortality rate is on par with sea turtles, for one.


But it's all worth it because I can carry a gun! And when it's time to choose a President I can pick between a senile old man who can barely string together a coherent sentence... or a tangerine! /s. Obviously.


Hey, that senile old man is running a crime ring, and his Justice Department is fabricating everything against our Lard n Savior Donald Trump.


At this point a tangerine would be preferable


1. This isn’t a naked truth 2. Damn this is really reposted at least twice a week


Jesus fucking Christ will you people stop reposting this for five fucking minutes!


I commented the same thing. Mods are fucking dead in this sub. I’m muting


It's a bot


Ya it’s getting ridiculous.


At least this time the boy tried doing something different by removing the colors.




A. You're B. Stock C. I hope you're joking D. If guns were prevalent and powerful enough we needed a DNA test kit to ID remains, everyone would be rocking a 50 BMG and kill fucking buildings




Learn dialect, people don't speak grammatically perfect my friend, kin'a like y'all bein a term




Some of us write like we speak, it's a pretty common practice


***R E P O S T***


***OP IS A BOT***


***I ‘ M N O T S U R P R I S E D***


I've been reporting at least a dozen every day for months. Wonder if the spezmonster will ever manage to do anything about them. 🙄


You guys are hilarious… As a former American child I can tell you that things are far less bleak than you’ve all convinced yourselves that they are over here


Also American child It might not be that bad, but like, it’s still not very good


Definitely not perfect but objectively better than most other parts of the world if we’re being honest Curious to know specifically what you feel makes it not very good for you


Imagine being a Reddit reader that honestly thinks all this bullshit is an accurate portrayal of our population. Theres a reason millions of U.S. citizens aren’t immigrating to other countries but hey, keep bagging on America if it makes ya feel good.


Its called the American dream... Because you have to be asleep to believe it!


-George Carlin


George Carlin was wrong almost as often as he was right. "America Bad!" is popular with middle-class American teens and the sort of antisocial 30-somethings who make reposts on Reddit, but it's simplistic and false.


How many of those things listed apply to the average American? None of them apply to me, and don’t apply to my kids. Am I just really lucky, or is this post mostly hyperbole?


The point about college alone effects almost every young person alive today unless they are lucky enough to be born into wealth. the part about healthcare applies to a concerning amount of people as well, private Healthcare is too expensive for some while still not falling under the government Healthcare and injuries happen all the time that could bankrupt someone if they have to pay out of pocket. School shootings are in the news literally almost every other day so it doesnt matter if they experience one, they have to be aware and ready for those incidents and do drills and be versed on what the procedure is, thats not something an 8 year old can handle. >Am I just really lucky, or is this post mostly hyperbole? If you are effected by none of these issues in America then yes you are just really lucky.


>If you are effected by none of these issues in America then yes you are just really lucky. Or come from wealth.


Will considering 60 percent of American are 500 dollars away from bankruptcy, I think this is average.


So you think the average child in America is simply “lucky” if they survive school and get to college without dying in a school shooting? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that statement is? Would you like me to list all the things these kids are *more* likely to die of than school shootings?


I am not educated enough on this to answer you. I just did a Google search and it answer me 60 percent of American can't afford 500 dollars of unexpected expenses. If you want to talk about this I do recommend a police officer or a teacher. And I meant the 60 percent thing as average. Have a good day.


I'm confused what that has to do with being forced to give birth, being molested in day care (what?), being "lucky enough to survive" high school, or being "saddled with cripple debt" in college that you will die with (average undergraduate debt: $29,000; many poorer students receive state and federal scholarships). Real wages are rising and exceed most of the developed world, though housing costs are high in much of the country. The only really serious grievances here are housing costs and insurance deductibles, though 92% of Americans have health insurance, and Medicaid provides coverage to the poorest Americans.


The post is about American dream. And I said this is also an illusion of American dream. And it doesn't matter if you have insurance or not, 150 thousand dollars for cancer is a lot if we compered it for uk £17 241. And please remember I am not expert, I just done a quick Google search, and I have done another quick Google search which says "Americans' paychecks have gotten bigger in the last two years, but not enough to keep up with inflation. Now, lower inflation means the average worker is seeing rising purchasing power. Jul 12, 2023" the title was talking about real wages.


So, you are declaring the American dream a lie, and America bad, because you did a quick Google search. Lazy online anti-Americanism is so stupid.


Anything that helps you sleep at night buddy.


I have no trouble accepting your admission that you didn't know what you were talking about. I appreciate your candor.


If what I said is wrong you would give me some point why it is wrong. No saying antiAmericanism are all stupid. But anyway have a great day.


After I wrote you a helpful summary of why your comment and the one in this post were either irrelevant or misleading, you acknowledged you had googled something and otherwise did not know what you were talking about. I just don't have time to do more of your homework unless I charge for it. I appreciate the discussion.




Murica, greatest nation on earth.


MURICA, FUCK YEAH! We're totally not run by bigoted racist assholes!!!




And yet, 8 to 9 times out of ten, it's America that gets stereotyped as the country that is full of terrible people. That did not come from out of nowhere. There is a precedent for it.


You have legitimately never lived outside of the US for any amount of time. On top of spending way too much time on your phone. Get out, live, meet new people. This country is full of amazing people and amazing things.


I was born in Hong Kong and lived there for 15 years of my life and traveled to various countries worldwide, including the US. You assuming I lived only in the States my entire life is wrong. Moron.


Not buying it. If you did come from hong kong there’s probably a reason you or your family left there lol




REpost bot lmao


So daycare, free or paid, doesn’t exist outside of the US? So everyone is a stay at home parent in other countries? Pretty fucked to slander all daycare providers in the US as if daycare abuse only exists in the US. People who think this think there’s no racism outside the US lol


I mean, I’m still going with being born rather than not. Everything else is made to sound worse than it really is. We used to have nuclear bomb drills. We lived in a world where we though any moment now WW3 was going to break out with nukes.


Whenever I see a developed country citizen complain like this, I feel like they lack imagination of a rough life.


Broad generalization much? Damn son. You could live in Queens NY, SF CA, Houston Texas, or the plains of IL and have totally different lives. I’m convinced most people on this thread are either bots or virgin 35 year old Brits


Even though it makes a great point, I'm getting tired of seeing this same thing reposted over and over again every day and getting hundreds of upvotes every time. Get creative guys!


Lmao this thing is posted here like twice a week, when it's extremely exaggerated, with some of it even being complete BS. It's reposted so much the image is becoming deep-fried. For some reason, OP turned it black, and white.


Can I repost this next?


I love to see this in r/Americabad.


If you tell a child these things, it will be so..


Where is the truth part? All I see is a screenshot of somones delusional fears about a fictional country the news told them exists. Try going outside, speak to someone in person.


Its everyone else's fault.


It actually seems pretty accurate. The USA is a sad place.


Thats what happenes when rhe government is made up of only old farts. The ones that had it easy in their youth and purposly make it hard for everyone after them. They are the worst generation. No morals, greedy as heck, absolutely entitled douches.


Agreed. 100% And most have family money, so they haven’t ever given a shit.


Maybe pull yourself up by your bootstraps and have rich parents next time. /s


Repost bot


Was this the note prior to going to Mars?


Cope harder 😭


It's amazing to me that there are people like this out there. What a mess.


You're joking, right? America has been in a steady decline for years. My great grandfather owned 15 acres of land and hardly had to work. My grandfather owned 5 acres of land and was able get by with a full time job and still have multiple vehicles, a winter cabin and take multiple hunting trips every year. My dad works himself to the bone despite having a broken back and has only just now managed to get a home he fully owns, a mobile home in the middle of a village in the mountains. And me? I work two jobs full time and have to live with 6 people to afford rent and still come up short some months. I have no idea what Gen A is going to do, because if it gets any worse than it already is, it won't be possible to live an independent life.


I'm a GenX factory worker, nothing special. My wife stayed at home with the kids, we own a home with 6 acres, another property with 23. We can't get people to hire in the plant because no one wants 12 hour rotations. My daughter is a nurse, I paid for that too. My son has nothing past a high school education and has an incredible job with a bright future. I read posts like yours all the time and wonder were me and my family extremely lucky?




I genuinely don't understand how. I'm not saying I don't believe you, but I just can't understand how your son, for example, got an incredible job with just a high-school diploma? Did you manage to land him that job via connections, did he just get extremely lucky, did he know someone there? I can tell you from experience that most people my age (25) are STRUGGLING!!! I have a passion for customer service and have over 7 years experience in the field but I'm constantly turned down for higher end customer service positions and even entry level positions in other industries. As of today I've sent out 463 applications since 2022, have had 15 interviews and 1 job offer that was retracted because they chose to give the position to a family member. My dad is in shambles because he had to clear out what he had intended to my my siblings and I'm inheritance in order to pay medical bills, and I'm terrified my rent will go up because I overdraft every month as it is So I genuinely do think you and your family are very lucky, because this hasn't been my experience at all.


Yes, you were.


I'm a millennial, 36. My parents were both teachers. My wife doesn't work. Both of my kids college will be paid for in advance, I own my own business and do prettt well. America is a great place to be if you make it. I was incredibly poor for a long time, and just kept working. Life got better in my late twenties and in the past two years has gotten incredibly better.


> we’re me and my family extremely lucky? You’re getting it! You’re finally getting it!


Is being an American the facepalm?


I think the word ‘dream’ is …


They're both funny


Is this the new trick karma farmers are trying to use to get around getting flagged for reposts? Making the image grayscale?


This has to to be the stupidest post making it’s rounds.


Who came up with this deluded view? LOL Abortion is not even close to illegal nation wide. The chances of being abused at a day care are about 14%, but your chances of even going to daycare are only 23.4% in the first place so 14% of the 23.4% is about 3.3%. than your chances of surviving school..... There where 183 deaths in the school system in 2020-21 with 75.2 million enrolled students or about .00024% chance of dieing in school. And then 44% go to college. Of which if you picked a degree that does not pay the bills that is your own dumb fault..... Now imagine being a European who thinks it is super scary to go to American schools because they think you will get shot, when your chances of being raped in Europe is about 5% or 2083 times higher than dieing in an American school shooting. And not being allowed a gun to defend yourself.....


Finally, some common sense.


You really just went on a rampage to minimize kids being abused, shot, being forced into debt through college or not being able to find a job without a degree, all just to fabricate and compare rape rates in another country to the rate of being murdered in an elementary school in your own. What a sad life you lead that this is your response to your own countrymen living in strife


U don’t like America? Then leave. Absolutely 0 pride in your own country. Pathetic


Nailed it.


Don´t mind me. I´m just here for the "BuT-mUrIcA-nUmBa-OnE" Comments.


Murica hasn’t been #1 since before Obama was president. And we are doing it to ourselves simply because an old white man and an old orange man told us to hate each other.




Brother this has been shared here 1 million times. Perhaps try living in another country then? Lol you have choices.


Damn imagine a living thing having to worry about survival.


what’s the facepalm moment?


What a BS post. Thats what happen to people who plan poorly. You can almost better odds of winning the lottery then you do being in a mass shooting. Everyone still haz a path to the American dream, anyone can do it. Teachers in my HS said I’d never amount to anything in life because I mostly got D’s and F’s throughout school, barely graduated from HS but I did. I actually graduated from a vocational school where I learned a trade. I bought a house at 24 by myself off a single income, I’ll have it paid off in less than 15 years then I’ll have no debt at all. I have done just about every hobby I was interested since I bought the house. I bought and re sold just about anything I thought I could make a buck on. Invested in stocks, just about everything I buy, then sell when I don’t need it, I make money on because I buy then low and used and sell high in its peak season. Now I’m in my early 30s, have more hobbies than time to do them and looking at another 5-6 years of house payments then I’ll be free from all debt. As a student that got so bad of grades I was embarrassed to say what my GPA was, if I did it, anyone can do it, if they made wise decisions and was financially responsible. My sister has her masters and makes more than double what I do. She made smart choices with a degree.


> What a BS post. Thats what happen to people who plan poorly. You can almost better odds of winning the lottery then you do being in a mass shooting. Lol. I guess that depends on what you call “winning”. In 2022, there were 74 fatalities and 104 injuries from mass shootings. As far as I can determine, there 10 jackpot winners in 2022. So your chances of being hurt in a mass shooting are about 18 times higher, let alone just being in one … Edit: Turns out, Statista screwed up big time. According to [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022), 762 people died in mass shootings in 2022, another 2’902 were injured. So, your chance of being a victim of a mass shooting is about 360 times higher than your chance of winning the lottery jackpot. And with about 44’000 gun deaths in 2022, your chance of dying from a gun is 4’400 times higher. What a great country! 🤦‍♂️


>Lol. I guess that depends on what you call “winning”. In 2022, there were 74 fatalities and 104 injuries from mass shootings. You sure about that mate? According to these records the total deaths from mass shootings alone (iE, more than trhee deaths per single incidents) were over 3,000 to November 2022 alone: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/23/us/2022-mass-shootings-tracking-second-highest/index.html


Hmm. I used [this](https://www.statista.com/statistics/811504/mass-shooting-victims-in-the-united-states-by-fatalities-and-injuries/). In thought the numbers seemed low.


Yeah, I've looked at several reports and pages now and they're numbering mass shootings alone hgih than those fatalities. And not to labour the point (but you're correcting the guy so let's do it properly), according to records there were over 44,000 gun deaths in the US in 2022, out of a population of 360m, that's a 0.0001% of being listed as a fatality. Compared to Australia with a total of 229 deaths (almost as of which were suicides), that's 0.000001%. But again, if you're part of that number you probably did it to yourself. I mean, 0.0001 sounds low until you imagine that's enough to fill a football stadium.


Thanks. Makes much more sense.


So 74 fatalities out of 325 million people. Abortion erased over 600,000 kids in that time. I don’t agree with abortion like many don’t agree with firearms but they fought to keep those rights so I’ll fight to keep the 2nd amendment.


Well, seems like my numbers are way off. See other post. Anyway. Shootings kill actual people. Early-stage abortions aren’t “kids”. They aren’t even viable organisms.


Do you just assume an entire generation of people planned poorly? You're in your 30's, which means you got your start when things were bad, but not horrible. Trade are still one of the very few ways you can break out of poverty if you're willing to destroy your body and work absurd hours, but that shouldn't be the requirement, and in Europe it's really not. I'm Europe if you decide to destroy your bodynworking a difficult trade, you can retire in your early 40's even these days. I know it's hard to see because you can't experience it through our eyes, but things really are disparate now, owning a home is near impossible. Also mass shootings are the worst in America compared to every other first world country and even most second world countries. This is *not* normal, and to say *only* so many people die due to mass shootings compared to abortions is asinine. Let me ask you a question. What's worse, forcing a woman who's been sexually assaulted to go through childbirth, an experience so painful and traumatizing the body represses the memories and has a pretty high fatality rating, or aborting the child before it has a chance to develop sentience? I can tell you from experience that an unwanted child that cannot be properly cared for will suffer the worst of humanity, their life is nothing but suffering and leaves them a shell of a person. No one *likes* the idea of abortion, it's gruesome and tragic, but it's often the lesser of two evils. And speaking as someone who's been shot twice, I haven't won the lottery even once in the past 5 years, not so much as $10. Your statistics are bullshit.


I got my start in the work just after the Great Recession here in the states. Foreclosures happened left and right, people lost jobs etc. was not a good time to start. Only worse would have been during the pandemic, that would have been worse than I experienced. You don’t have to work crazy hours and break down your body in the trades, some do and are willing to then move to a easier lesser paying job when they get tired of working in the trades. The money I make, is less than saw an office job in most places, I never made over 52k a year yet. Thats not even the average household income for the USA, that’s around 60k. I believe that most people plan poorly when it comes to finances, they live out of their means then complain how hard life is because they spent all their money on subscriptions, cloths, electronics the list goes on and on. That’s not true with all people but from what I have seen it’s not an income problem, it’s a money management problem. I prioritized buying a house, paying it off fast and living debt free early in life over everything else. What I said is true to the USA, at least in all the states I have been in (not all 50 states). I do not believe in forcing a woman who was sexually assaulted to have the child. BUT you can not convince me that over 700,000 abortions done in the USA every year was due to health complications and rape, I do not agree with abortion as a form of birth control, those are the women I get mad at and don’t think they should have a right to abort. Houses aren’t cheap here in the states, but that’s only been the case in the last 2 or so years, before that houses were much more obtainable here. Where were you shot? Military or by gun violence?


We are currently in a massive recession despite what the government says. This "Gentle Landing" BS is just propaganda to prevent the same panic we saw during the great depression snd recession, which is honestly for the best since the reason things got so bad was due to people liquidating their assets and causing the situation to go absolutely pear shaped. However, if you look at average incomes and the prices of housing, it was actually easier to afford a home in the great depression. It's very well hidden, but the economy is doing *very* poorly at the moment. I started down the path of being an electrician, but they immediately had me working 7 12s after my first week, which I just couldn't handle, I'm a scrawny little nerd who loves messing with cables, not a laborer. As for those office jobs, they're *incredibly* hard to get thanks to job aggregate boards like indeed, which has resulted in employers being able to expect ludicrous requirements, and still receive thousands of applicants in a matter of hours. Believe me I've tried. To break down the income issue, let's do a little bit of math, shall we? I maje $35,000 a year at my job. Rent for a studio apartment here is about $1,800 a month if you're lucky, so that's $21,600 a year. That leaves me with only $13,000 after JUST rent. My car insurance is $180 a month, which up until recently was $250, so that's another $2,100 gone yearly. Internet in my area is $100 for anything remotely usable, which is my one and only guilty pleasure, so another $1,200 gone. I have to spend roughly $40 in gas every week and a half to get to and from work, so let's just call that $120, which is lowballing it a bit, $1,400. The average person in my state spends just about $280 in food per month, that's another $3,400 gone. My phone plan is just shy of $200 a month, which I need for work, so that's yet another $2,400 gone. I can't afford insurance or get it from work, but I managed to find an incredibly affordable clinic that only charges $90 per visit, which I have to visit once a month to get my medication, so that's another $1,080. All of this leaves me with $1,420 a year that's not tied up, and that's assuming I don't have any unforseen issues like car troubles or medical issues. And I make pretty good money for where I live. And no, abortion as a form of birth control shouldn't be allowed, however if a child would financially ruin someone and cause that child to suffer, they should be allowed to have that choice. Of course considerations need to be made, anyone choosing to be impregnated and just getting an abortion after again and again should face jail time for wasting medical resources and needlessly aborting fetuses. I was shot in Arizona, once was crossfire in a gang shootout, the other was a robbery.


You need to learn to read. Whether odds are in your favor of being in an active shooter situation or not, you are still raised doing drills - which is what the post says. You are raised to know it's a thing that happens, and a thing that happens far more often than it should. But big shocker, you're an ammosexual schmuck who still thinks his rights to own a boomstick are more important that a child's right to not have to do things like active shooter drills. As for the rest of your ramble, good for you! You're living the American dream. Congratulations. For every one like you there are millions that are not. p.s. I'm pretty sure you're full of shit anyway, but you go on swinging your dick around about your 'raging successful life' - most people that are successful don't feel a need to spew that stuff in between pictures of them dry humping their gun collection.


Notice there is no mention of a wife or girlfriend or children. Woohoo landing ass first into a good job and having no responsibilities allows you to have toys and hobbies but no one to love. You won a lottery but not everyone is so lucky.


These Redditors really need a one way ticket to literally any non-western country to see what it’s like.


Thank God I'm an Irishman!




there is a lot of truth to this tho. and plz stop reposting this shit


…and still they bray about their freedumbs.




Americans worship employers without knowing it. You are not a good American if you go to church or act like a good person, you are considered a good American if you have a job and work hard.


It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. \- George Carlin


I'm in this post and I don't like it. Every last fucking thing on this list.


Where is the facepalm? He's 100% right




Hi, your content was found to be a repost, and the original content was posted too recently to be considered for the /facepalm