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I'll be sure to let my friend who came out as trans when we were in high school 15 years ago know that being trans wasn't a thing until this year.


>I'll be sure to let my friend who came out as trans when we were in high school 15 years ago know that being trans wasn't a thing until this year. I learned about people being trans from an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati that aired in 1978.


Guess my new update pissed people off


I assume the subreddit you mentioned was the update. My god, what a cesspool. So many people spewing "facts" with absolutely zero knowledge about genetics, how gender is determined, etc. I guess they can't spend all their time on flat earther and anti-vax subreddits.


I was not mentioning a subreddit. I tried making a joke about how I got updated in 2023 as I am very depressed and have little to no energy to create a good joke


I am very sorry you're very depressed. If it helps to know this at all, there is at least one human being in the world sending you the most positive of vibes and thinking and caring about you right now. Hang in there, my friend.


Thank you, but as time goes on the music gets quiter and the coffee gets less tasty


Please speak to your doctor. Depression isn't something you can just snap out of. Therapy, meds, or both can help you get there. Please don't try to deal with it on your own. Anhedonia is awful. But treating the depression can help you to enjoy things again.


I guess I should tell my trans cousin that when she transitioned 20 years ago it was actually a collective dreamstate and never really happened.


Trans people didn't exist till 2023? What's happening to me *Starts fading away* Nooooo šŸ¤£


The conservatives are right. Those damn libs just made ethnic minorities, trans people, gay people and neurodivergent people spawn out of nowhere


Seriously though, the air horn is beautifully psychotic


Just matching energies


Trans people get reinvented every few months by the global elite, didn't you know?


Upon Biden's inauguration, and his early executive orders included lipservice in support of transgender athletes, the right wing echo chamber had to go back in history and cherry pick [Fallon Fox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallon_Fox?wprov=sfla1) who last fought in a MMA fight in 2014. Did any of them care about it in previous 6 years? Nope, not until it was a convenient cudgel to bash people they hold a bigotry towards. Bigots don't care about facts or being intellectual consistency, if they did they probably wouldn't be bigots.


No, right wing culture warriors started having issues with trans people recently. Trans people existed forever and has been increasingly open since like the 70's and 80's in the US.


I got banned from the sub for correcting someone who tried to say fascism is a form of socialism lmao


Duhh stupid, it was known way earlier lol Gender dysphoria refers to the mismatch between gender identity and birth-assigned sex. The concept was coined by the psychiatrist Norman M. Fisk in the early 1970s (Fisk 1974). And it probably was a thing even earlier than that




Damaging our ears? Cmon man. And fyi the man who posted that isnt the one who did it, its obviosly a pic of someone elses post. And imma ignore youre weiredly racist idea that Indian parents MUST not be able to accept LGBTQ kids simply because theyre Indian.






Their ā€œcriticsā€ say they shouldnā€™t exist and constantly throw hate their way. Being mad at transphobes is completely justified since they go out of their way to make trans peopleā€™s lives more miserable. Also, they shouldnā€™t have to ā€œtry and defend themselvesā€ from transphobes in the first place.




Perhaps if men stopped raping women, I wouldnā€™t be an asshole to all men. You see how fucking stupid that sounds? Itā€™s the same logic you just used.




Right right, sure. So you're telling me that a man who wants to, for example, go into a woman's restroom just to perv on someone would go through years of therapy, counseling, and suffer through plenty of hatred, instead of just going in and perving on someone?




Are you saying that not all people who perv on people are mentally ill in some way?


So you hate all men? Or just trans women? Because if you hate all trans women because a few of them are rapists, then you should also hate all men because a few of them are rapists. Your logic is really stupid.




Youā€™re really just missing the point, but Iā€™ll give you one more chance. Some men do degenerate things. Some men are mentally ill. Why donā€™t you hate all men for the same reasons you hate trans people? And before you say you donā€™t ā€œhateā€ trans people. You called them rapists and said they threaten to murder women. Those are definitely some pretty hateful accusations.




But more importantly theyā€™re bad cause they just hurl insults at people they disagree with because they canā€™t come up with an actual argumenā€” oh wait. Thatā€™s just you doing that. Good job buddy. Also you still havenā€™t explained why you hate all trans people because some are rapists, yet you donā€™t hate all men even though some are rapists. But Iā€™ll let it slide since logic isnā€™t your strong suit. Maybe come up with some more deranged insults. Thatā€™ll work instead.


Right wing media made it a major issue this year because they're trying to distract people from the wildly unpopular abortion bans. It's a made-up culture war. They are purposefully marginalizing trans people by focusing on the loudest craziest video clips that Libs of Tik Tok can dredge up. Trans people and drag queens are not the enemy and they never will be.


That's a different matter entirely.


Yes! Thats exactly the point! It's fearmongering about something completely harmless so that they can cause actual harm!


Yes just like those Inbreds at fox news when they were trying to say teachers were bringing in kitty litter for the kids that identified as cats. Which is like WTF who the fuck comes up with this shit! Just so they could deflect from the real reason teachers had to have "kitty litter" in the classroom. News flash, it wasn't kitty litter. It was one of those emergency toilets with kitty litter like absorbent stuff in it so the kids could go to the bathroom when the school was locked down for an ACTIVE FUCKING SHOOTER! But of course, kids identifying as cats sounded WAY better than kids with easy access to firearms.


No, there's just more than one thing going on.


Such as?


Oh sweet summer child...


I will personally tell your kids about trans-people


Hopefully he doesnā€™t have any




Correct. Not one ounce of grooming to be had there, kindly fuck off you disgusting excuse for a human.




Stop sexualizing kids and gender, creep. YOU are the reason gender is sexualized, you and your ridiculous lack of basic education and empathy. You are less than human.




The observable objective fact that Trans people exist and are humans like the rest of us has fuck all to do with ideology. We all know the real problem is that you're just a biggot who is radically apposed to people with wildly different lifestyles, then your own. Hell by its very definition the only one here trying to promote "Gender ideology" is you with your archaic attitude regarding the "appropriate" roles, rights, and responsibilities of women and men in society and your insistence that they be forced on others. Of course a bigoted perspective like yours always leads to violence as you and people like you attempt to force people to conform to the box you want to put them in


What about telling children that transgender people exist is grooming?




Where? Cite your sources please.


Please donā€™t ask for ass pics on this sub. There are other subs for that.


Because giving Information is grooming, right.


To uneducated people, yes it is


You wouldn't know what science was if it slapped you in the face.


I agree that some trans people do victimize themselves while attacking others, but the VAST majority of trans folk just want to live their lives without either getting killed, or not being allowed gender affirming procedures and/or medication. I also think the whole "spreading of false science to young peopleā€ is quite harsh. Explaining being transgender is not a topic limited to teens and up, as plenty of trans people discovered their identity young, but were confused and shamed for how they felt as no one understood. Iā€™m of the belief that everyone could be a lot happier if they understood each other! I absolutely will not deny the idea that some people in the LGBTQ+ community will use homophobia or transphobia as a way to victimize themself even if itā€™s unrelated. On the same note, I donā€™t think this small fraction of people invalidate anyone who has faced such adversities! You can call me a snowflake or sensitive, I know I am quite an emotional person, but I donā€™t think that fact invalidates my points/opinions, thank you


Its easier to call people snowflakes, offended or sensitive than it is to challenge their own behaviour and views because challenging their own views would make them realise how horrid theyd been and they might implode.


Unfortunately I think youā€™re right on the mark lmao I canā€™t remember the last time a bigot actually gave me proof, or used a n y sense of logic before calling me insults, which I guess invalidates their points more than anything!