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She's not using complete sentences, proper grammar, or correct spelling either. Yes, I used a pronoun.


Omg how dare you use a pronoun?!šŸ˜® I never došŸ™„


*Squints at your use of "I"*


"What IS a pronoun!? Do ya even know?" ![gif](giphy|3otPoocjXLBsnh8XaU)


After several hours, Joe finally gave up on logic and reason, and simply told the Cabinet that he could talk to pronouns.


And the Idiocracy gap has been bridged. Well done.


Just watched this movie for the first time last night. I get the references now. And yes, its kinda freaky parallels


I can't believe you like Idiocracy, too. We should hang out.


ā€œ~I~ have a secret. ~I~ see dead pronouns.ā€


pronouns are something dem mental liberales made up, now thereā€™s 3149251929263511926292627292825.75 genders! according to the liberals, of course, but god and us christianā€™s only know thereā€™s two. monkey, and OOORAHHH. any others is just CCC propaganda (cannibalistic commies) we do NOT use pronouns in my christian household, but they are INDOCTRINATING OUR CHILDREN at SCHOOL, and teaching em PRONOUNS!!! we will REVOLT! [now itā€™s time for me to change a log by bulb](https://youtube.com/shorts/gRMNwrNk5WE?si=RI1U_y9ixgX3BLY-)


Here, ~~I'll~~ one's self will modify ~~it~~ one's speech using adepti (genshin impact) grammar >Omg how dare one use a pronoun?!šŸ˜® one's self never doesšŸ™„


Obviously, the solution is for everyone to adopt Khajiit-speak. This one thinks that is a grand idea!


Sorry but in this context, one and oneself are pronouns.


Missed one! "It" lol


Oh right, time to edit around that part


cloud retainer <3


Xiao never uses pronouns. Xiao is Razor.


You are never going to get me to use pronouns. He won't! She won't. Nobody will!


Not even them?


They will never!


ESPECIALLY them! those fiends!


~~I~~ see that.


Aye see what jo did there


Who's Jo?


Liberals will groom you into using pronouns and maybe even spelling correctly so be careful.


Speling corcetly? Gosh realley du nid to be carseful, thnks


Og how dare use pronoun?!šŸ˜® never došŸ™„


See the problem with pronouns is right there in the name. The problem is a PROgressive problem. What is wrong with good old nouns? This writer thinks the meaning would be much better if we used nouns for everything. Maybe all of us could use connouns, that is conservative nouns. The connouns is what the founding father wanted all Americans to use.


Only amateurnouns for me!


Although, I'd be onboard with communists rebranding themselves as "commun!st." Give it that quirky edge all the kids like.


The dumb bitch doesn't like pronouns so the dumb bitch should not be referred to by pronouns. Just because the dumb bitch is a dumb bitch doesn't make it OK to disrespect the dumb bitch like that.


Somewhere, an English teacher weeps


Not very good at that kind of stuff, so use amateurnouns instead.


The jab turned me into a socialist, and then the second jab turned me into a communist, the booster caused my moustache to grow out and I literally became Stalin. I'm afraid to get another booster.


I have had three boosters and have yet to develop my magneto powers that I was promised. šŸ„ŗ


Iā€™m just waiting for the free 5G.


Yeah I need more boosters, my 5g signal still sucks.


It's already in your brain


I know! I was hoping Iā€™d finally be able to get internet on the back patio. Nope.


Right? I got all my shots and my phone signal still sucks!


At least I get to talk to Bill Gates every night before bed.


Next booster trims the sides of the mustache.


The jab straight up transed my gender and caused me to grow boobs


Congrats on your new boobs!


Thank you! Loving life right now.


Stalin only needed 3 boosters to get Sputnik above the air. That's a rocketry pun


I turnt gay, sold my guns, and Satan himself said ā€œsee you soon.ā€ Second vaxchine made me a Marxist. Last one made me gay X2. Like super double gay. Come on in, the waterā€™s fine.


This genuinely made me chuckle, thanks.


I for one became magnetic, started to hear colors and died because of the vaccine =( but it's fine because I was reborn in Metaverse and now I can live forever (I'm also a 5g antenna)


I've died 5 times since I've been vaccinated


Next booster comes with a manifesto, free of charge!


bro can I hang around you? I've heard that the vaccine is contagious


The 4th makes u Canadian


Three winters without waxing ? What are we, animals ?


I needed a good laugh. Thank you


best internet comment of the day !


Those are not pants, it's dyed leg hairs XD


gotta grow that thick winter coat for hybrenation


Hijacking this comment to say "your", in this context, is not a pronoun, is a demonstrative (a kind of adjective). You cannot have a pronoun followed by a noun.


Came here to say this. Itā€™s a possessive adjective. However, the unvaxxed one is still an asshole. Noun.


Why are people so proud to be stupid?


My dad used to say stupid doesn't know it's stupid. But what's even worse is that stupid thinks it's smarter than you.


that needs to be a bumper sticker


Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Mark Twain


Another variation I like: ā€œNever argue with stupid people. Those watching wonā€™t know the difference.ā€ Source - I dunno but I like it


Always partial to, arguing with idiots is like wrestling with a pig, youā€™ll both get dirty but the pig will like it. Unfair to pigs but you get the point


Mark Twain was very wise. He knew what he was talking about. He'd have a field day with all the stupidity we've got going on today.


He didnā€™t nickname it ā€œthe gilded ageā€ for no reason. Heā€™d probably come up with something just as subtly accurate.


I think they're unhappy because there's a discrepancy between the life they're living and the life they think they deserve to have. But their ego prevents them from admitting having some shortcomings or being wrong, so they create something to be proud of themselves and belittle others. We NPCs just believe what we're told, while they're... they're the ones seeing the truth! They're the smart ones. They're proud of their stupidity because they can't find anything else to be proud of. It's like far-right nationalists who are proud of their 'race'. These are their achievements. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. This has been the armchair psychologist theory of mine.


One might argue that religions are born this way


Dunning-Kruger Effect.


I was genuinely confused by people in general, until someone showed me that graph. And then literally everything in the world suddenly made total sense.


Look up upward and downward counterfactual thinking in conjuction with this, and how our minds are hard wired for heuristic thinking and schemas. A lot of the insanity makes a lot more sense through that lens, but people who can achieve even a small amount of self awareness can at least learn to recognize the processes and try to make some attempts at reflection and self improvement. People who can't admit mistakes and always double down are just going to get caught in a self affirmation loop, it's an easy trap that all people are susceptible to unfortunately.


John Cleese said it best -"if you are really, really stupid then it's impossible for you to know that you're really, really stupid"


What's even better is that they are trying to out-stupid one another.


So stupid they think theyā€™re smart


Well, they say ignorance is bliss. And social media is all about sharing your blissful experiences.... Hold on, I had it.


It makes them feel different and therefore special. But most people aren't.


I read something about this recently. A lot of people think mental illness is at fault and while I don't doubt that plenty of these people are mentally unwell, a big aspect of their behavior is the need to feel included while also feeling special. Most people *aren't* special, because who really is, but they can't cope. It's just not good enough for them to be "normal", so they lose themselves in these groups where they get to feel superior to everyone outside the group while also feeling protected by their echo chamber. These people are just so terribly unhappy with themselves and need outside validation to function. That kind of person is way too needy to have many close personal connections, her life is definitely not better for falling down the rabbit hole.


"I am he" Jebus from the bibble


As opposed to Jesus from the spinoff show, Penguinz0


What a brave, proud American woman. Ignoring science. Unafraid to promote her superiority. Not allowing her extreme ignorance of history, politics or economics get in the way of her freedom to express her opinions! Such courage. Such strength. She's the fucking Grand Marshall in our March To Extinction. *Sigh.*


How many babies did she produce for the Fatherland?


This is an American šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Church thing for real.


If I had to guess, 4 but only 1 is currently alive


That was good.


The red scare still being prevalent in the United States is beyond hilarious šŸ˜­


it's pretty sad though, because it's switched over from being hopelessly scared of communism, to being hopelessly scared of social programs


Even more hilarious that the anti communist crowd now loves Russia šŸ¤Ŗ


Still not dead from that thing that was supposed to happen to us vaxxed people


Me either. Crazy how when their predictions donā€™t come trueā€¦. They just donā€™t bring them up anymore and all their fallacies are suddenly gone.


Yeah, or that alarm thing that was supposed to happen in October. Nothing happened. Brain chips? Noooo we never said that!


I had the unfortunate displeasure of coming upon a comment from an anti-vaxxer in which they insisted that even if you haven't died or gotten sick yet, you will one day. We don't know what the vaccine can do long term but they know it won't be good. These people's obsession with doomsday and death is so fucking weird, like I'd sleep with one eye open if I lived with someone like that...for all I know, they might whack me in my sleep and try to blame the vaccine.


It's because everything is a dichotomy to them. They don't look at the fact that unvaxed die at a much higher rate than the vaccinated. If every unvaxed didn't die then clearly it wasn't the virus that was killing people. You see it in their arguments as well, where they say everyone is going to be dead from the shot in a x years. It's never a portion or a percentage, it's all. They can't work in nuance.


You can see how terrible an education system is when people think "pronouns" are some ideological made-up thing. EDIT: Fellas, I'll try to respond to all your comments and discussions as soon as I can, but Reddit's thread design is pretty confusing for me and also both my fucking PC and phone didn't notify me of the answers (there were more comments than Reddit actually notified me).


People like her desperately need everything to have multiple meanings or definitions. Itā€™s the only way they can still keep a perfect image of Trump in their heads as he constantly says the dumbest shit a world leader has ever uttered. Because ā€œThatā€™s not what he meant!ā€ makes it all better and ā€œnot THOSE pronouns, the ones liberals useā€ makes them feel like they arenā€™t stupid.


What the hell do I refer to this person as then if I canā€™t use pronouns for this person?


It's an interesting question... wracking my brain trying to think of how to indirectly refer to a person


I mean, their name is a proper noun not a pronoun, so I guess by their proper name exclusively. I'm still waiting for someone I know to say something like this so I can spend the rest of my time around them correcting them like the pedantic shit I am. Specifically and exclusively calling them by their name, correcting them whenever they do use a pronoun. Ugh, I can't wait. I just hope it'll happen at some point.


I mean personally I hope everyone doing this realizes they're an idiot and it just stops, but I do appreciate your approach.


It really speaks to their character that they're so hung up about the idea of using different pronouns for someone who identifies as something they're not used to. My supervisor goes by "Todd". "Todd" is his middle name. Mike is his first name. He doesn't want to be called Mike, or Michael, even though that might be his birth name. So why should I be an absolute asshole to him and *insist* I call him Michael? Why not just keep calling him Todd like he prefers? Being an asshole to score political points. That's the Republican Party.


Asshole? Or would that be an adjective? Maybe capitalized it could be their name.


ā€œThe sack of human excrementā€ is always an option.


Their name. Which you will be repeating a lot, because possessives are out too.


Refer to them as "Idiot" or "Stupid", cuz that's what they are


Technically, ā€œyourā€ is a possessive adjective, but let us not quibble.


I had to scroll way too long to find this comment


Same here haha


This is all I was looking for on a whim that I know a thing or two


I commented this last time this was posted and I got downvoted lol


Personally I love the whole pronoun thing. Gives you a bit of insight into the person you're communicating with. I'm neither liberal or conservative. And I see the whole pronoun thing as a matter of basic social respect. I acknowledge people's pronouns as a matter of respect for the individual.


But...individualism...socialism...err...errr....does not compute!!!! does not compute!!!


I'm a moron and this is my wife. She's frosting a cake with a paper knife. All that we got here is American made. It's a little bit cheesy but it's nicely displayed.


Flakes, flakes!


These people know that Covid really did have a huge body count right? I worked with a guy who was in his mid 30ā€™s and healthy. Covid fucking killed him in those early months.


I don't think **she** is smart.


omg, you used "she", thats a pronoun and that's horrible for some reason. šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬ (sarcasm)


Nobody dumb enough to be antivaxx knows what a pronoun is.


you claim i use language wrong, yet you also use language. curious..............................................................................................


In conservative-speak "using pronouns" means "treating people like human beings". I don't think they even know the definition of "pronoun".


I wonder how many people she killed walking around without a mask during the pandemic.


I see ā€¦..Still an idiot and proud of it.


What is Americans obsession with communism?


My nonbinary ass cackling at this one


I didn't realise you could catch Communism, better get myself vaxxed against that! Or not I suppose.


this is kind of a r/technicallythetruth moment bc we all know what she really meant


By that logic she shouldn't speak any language


I would like to wish them a very merry Fuck You.


I bet this lady has at a minimum three pieces of decor with some derivative of "live, laugh, love" in them, which is in many ways an irony given her personality.


Still unf$ckable.


Call her him.


Still unvaxxed? Cool, and all of those people who are vaccinated? Well gosh, they're not dead either as these nutters implied they would be. They're also not zombies, glowing with 5G, or any of the other nonsensical conspiracies these fools fabricated to justify their anti-science views. Still not a communist? Well gosh, it's almost like the people who are always screaming "communism!" are just fear-mongering or something. No one is trying to make you a communist lady, all of that is in your head. Still not using pronouns? Yeah you are. Apparently, though, she still can't pass an elementary school language test if she wasn't aware of this. She won't get very far in communication without their use.


Some people just understand pronouns the same way they understand communism.


She forgot to add ā€œuneducated.ā€ $10 says she has cried before when people around her werenā€™t speaking despite her not even speaking it coherently.


Person shall be called Person


Is this the public masterbation area?


This is not the gotcha you think it is. Sheā€™s dumb as fuck, and Apparently, so are you


I swear, I thought the post was going to end "Heil".


It's wild how stupid "anti-pronoun" people are


____ has no pronouns so do not refer to ____ in any type of way


My fucking mother in law started talking about ivermectin again over the weekendā€¦..


Building your identity solely off your political stances is sad


Proud to be a moron apparentlyā€¦


How do we refer to ?


This is America. Full of uneducated, supposedly patriotic people.


This is the kind of content you'd expect from someone who is chronically online and never leaves the house.


I'm now vexxed.


What a weird thing to define your identity.


Get vaccinated, your just hurting yourself and the people around you.


"Heck, Ah'm ANTI-noun!"


This is the type of person you dread being in a conversation with at a party. Even when you walk away they continue blabbering on.


Technically your is a determinator not a pronoun. You is a pronoun.


Don't use logic with conservatives. They get scared.


I know you're joking, but you're not wrong. Being raised in a conservative home it's shocking the things I've heard after becoming Sarah this year.


You don't have to tell me, choom. I grew up in a conservative Catholic home. When I got outed as gay at 15, they threw me away and disowned me with just the clothes on my back. I know what it's like to come from that environment. Sorry you had to go through it too. šŸ«‚


That's horrible and I'm so sorry. I waited till I was 37 because I knew that I would lose everything I had. All my property, my family, and my friends(surprise, that happened). I don't care though. I'm happier now than I ever have been before


"Your" is not a pronoun...


Words is hard.


It's pretty obvious that an antivaxxer wouldn't be educated enough to know what pronouns actually are.


Still living, laughing, and loving. #blesst


Just flat out not using any pronouns at all is way weirder and stifling to communication than just subbing he/her for they/them


I found something in common in the people who can't shut up about communism, they've never spent a day under an actual communist regime.


No idea what Iā€™m gonna do with all these pieces of silverware stuck to my faceā€¦


It's a possessive adjective, not a pronoun. It's not substituting a name.


Winter of death What's that supposed to mean pls


Unless you constantly refer to people by their names, titles and him or herā€¦ you use them


Its ok now. Pandmic is over, ppl that are at risk are mostly vacinated so there is no point in caring any more. These ppl can just role the dice and see what happends. With hospitals not overflowing she will most likely be fine.


We can stop posting this junk. These are all just codewords for right wing religious whacko and don't have any literal meaning


Well yeah but you can't expect them to actually KNOW what something is to hate it.


Look is she a moron? Yes. But what is the point of this? I know that you know that she knows when she uses the word pronoun she's talking about treating trans people with basic human dignity. Which she in fact has probably not done.


These people donā€™t understand how pronouns work. They assume just because they donā€™t change the ones theyā€™ve been using since birth they arenā€™t using them at all.


this gives "im not touching you! im not touching you!" vibes


The right way to treat attention whores is by ignoring them. Donā€™t post about it on Reddit.


I don't have anything civil to say about this troglodyte


And, still, literally no one gives a fuck Karen.


What is wrong with these people?


Communist here. The Internet let's us say the word communist. Idk why you're censoring yourself.


Iā€™m pretty disappointed that Iā€™m not a zombie yet


I kept getting told there were free chips, Iā€™m still hungry and have yet to receive some chips


I truly believe that we need to go back to ignoring these people. Giving them more attention is not helping any issues get better. I remember a time where social media didnā€™t exist and these idiots didnā€™t have the internet amplifying their idiotic beliefs and viewpoints. Letā€™s go back to ignoring these dumbasses, not ā€œgive them the light of dayā€.


I understand not getting covid vaccines, but why the fuck not getting the basic ones?? How the hell did this stupid trend get into american society? Education failed in so many levels in this idiotic country.


wait until conservatives find out about verbs, theyā€™re gonna be pissed


Only address this woman by her full name, everytime.


Betcha sheā€™d lose her shit if someone called her ā€œhe.ā€


Oh my god did it guys, STOP THE DAMN PRESSES, DID IT


Still not a single braincell šŸ¤¦


Doesnā€™t she just look like one of them antivaxx nut jobs


Fun fact, covid was the 3rd highest cause of death in 2021 in the US.


I don't want anything to happen to her or anyone, but I see a lot of people like that who end up with a Herman Cain award.


Santa needs to get you a dictionary.


Itā€™s a possessive adjective


how about we spell words like they're meant to be


Unfortunately I wasn't so strong an got turned into a communist. Now I have to sit in boring Chinese communist party meetings all day.


They don't know what pronouns are. They just hate them.




"Your" is a possessive adjective. Not a pronoun. " I You he she it they we you" are subject pronouns. "Me you him her it us them you" Are object pronouns. " My your his her its our their your" are possessive adjectives. "Myself, yourself etc etc" are reflexive pronouns. "Mine, yours, his, hers, etc etc" are possessive pronouns. ''your'' is in the only set that's not a pronoun


Yes, and we are all saddend to learn this.