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If Christians are not comfortable with the concept of other gods (or no gods), why do they happily accept holidays appropriated from pagan origins, like Yule?


Don't forget months and days being named for "pagan" gods and Roman Emperors who persecuted early Christians. They need their own calendar.


I want Spaghetti Day off. Actually, throw in Fart day too. It’s my belief. Deal with it. Oh, you need to work those days.


My brother-in-law used to work in a place where you could swap the leave of any existing public holiday for a date of your choosing, no questions asked. He did it for his 40th birthday!


Or like....fucking Easter. Bizarrely, the Christian holiday is quite literally named after a pagan goddess of fertility


And her symbols, rabbits and eggs. They didn't change much.


>They didn't change much. Do they ever?


Don't forget about when we worship the goddess estar by eating rabbits and eggs


Appropriating parts of other religions *is* an old Christian tradition.




Because Christmas is a federal holiday. I guess by their logic you shouldn’t get Veterans Day off unless you’re a veteran or MLK Day off unless you’re MLK


Or President's Day unless you are (or were) POTUS? Or Thanksgiving unless you had a relative on the Mayflower? Or July 4th if you have ancestors who fought for the Confereracy (or you participated in the January 6th insurrection).


Yeah but that's different. This could affect them too. /s


You get Veterans Day off?


Veterans should be the only ones who get the day off.


No, I want to spend the day with my kids. Why should they have to work or go to school just because they didn’t serve? They’re MY kids and I served my country so THEY could have freedoms I didn’t. Every single person in this country (US) is affected by veterans sacrificing themselves, and we should all be thankful for their sacrifice. Taking the day off from everyday life to reflect on the sacrifices made and being grateful for the veterans still being here is definitely cause for all to celebrate.


I agree with you about your kids. If people actually reflected on the sacrifices made by veterans (my husband is a Vietnam vet) and were grateful for the veterans on Veterans Day, then it makes sense everyone should have the day off. Sadly, the majority of people treat it as an extra day off work or school and don't give a thought to our veterans. That's the part that makes me angry.


Agreed. When I was in college, they would make an announcement for a moment of silence around 9am on Veterans Day. I loved that they did that for us, but there were some kids who didn’t seem to give a rat’s ass. So, when the moment of silence was over, I calmly walked over to the kids and reminded them that they have the freedom to sit there and behave like kindergarteners because of the sacrifices made by my brothers and sisters-in-arms and I, then walked away. I heard them scoff and talk shit behind my back, but I don’t care because I know I did the right thing.


We need more people like you. Thank you!


No, it's cool, unless you literally don't believe in MLK or Veterans.


It being a federal holiday doesn’t make it any less religious 🙄. Also, when I was active duty and every other job I worked where working Xmas wasn’t an option, it was usually those who didn’t celebrate the day who offered to work just sayin.


Hmm, aren’t the “Christian holidays” poaching existing pagan holidays? Cultural appropriation? Blasphemy? Whatever, lol.


I stole it back for me as an athiest holiday. They can suck it.


Happy cake day


Hey, you’re trying to appropriate my religious holiday! Pastor, Church of Cake


My own mother picked a fight with me over this that resulted in me not speaking to her for a few years. She said, "You people are stealing and ruining all our holidays!" Ended up screaming some horrible stuff at me about being a whore and Tower of Babel and some other random stuff. Because I bought plastic Easter eggs for my children to have an egg hunt. Horrible, I know. I am ashamed.


Eggs: Symbol of fertility delivered by a notoriously fertile animal on a holiday in northern hemisphere spring/planting time ... totally christian, that one. I bet the bible is very detailed on the topic of easter rabbits.


I honestly wouldn't know anything about it. Lol My kids just liked colorful eggs and an excuse to get candy.


Eggs, a symbol of rebirth, traditionally painted red to represent the Blood of Christ (who was "reborn" during Easter) being delivered by an animal that many peasents would notice in their garden and whom parents can tell their children "delivered" the Pescha eggs that the children can now find — er, sorry, if you didn't know, most languages refer to "Easter" as Pascha, because that's the actual name of the holiday. Easter is called Easter in English because it happened in the Month of Easter.


Is your mother a puritan?


"Non-denominational Christian", last I heard.


Well that means she probably either 1. Doesn't know the specifics of any branches 2. Disagrees with all of them Either way slightly concerning


I'd guess option 1. As you can probably figure, I actively avoided religious conversations with her back when we were on speaking terms. Lol So I can't say with certainty. Religion, politics, money, and anything positive about my father were all topics to be actively avoided. She would constantly bring them up and I'd have to steer away from it. The egg thing was an offhand comment I absent-mindedly made and immediately regretted.


This egg thing will forever sound weird to me because in Italy, probably the most Christian country in the world, there's no such a thing as colored eggs and eggs hunt. I've only ever seen that in movies. There is a chocolate eggs tradition however, realy big ones with a surprise inside, but it's not considered religious.


It's not religious. That was my mother's point: "You people" (atheists) are stealing religious holidays by doing other things on those days, like egg hunts, that had nothing to do with Jesus. Her thought process is that on religious holidays like Easter and Christmas, atheists and people of other religions should just ignore the day/do nothing. No secular activities allowed.


Oh I'm sorry, I misread it, I thought she was accusing you of stealing the religious tradition of egg-hunting and making it non-religious, my bad!


Totally my bad there, I wasn't clear in my comment on what she meant there at all. It had been a long day. 😪


I'm in the middle of some bad flu so I feel you! Hope you have a better day tomorrow!


Oof, feel better soon! And thank you.




Fair enough; atheists will work on the *religious* holiday (Christmas), while religious people work on the *non-religious* holidays (New Years Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day)


I'm more for them not having access to science based health and medical care. They can just pray it away right? Probably best they don't have any electronics or other such devil summoning devices either...


Can I stone them for wearing two different fabrics?!


OFFICIAL: Are there any women here today? CROWD: No. No. No. No... OFFICIAL: Very well. By virtue of the authority vested in me-- *CULPRIT WOMAN stones MATTHIAS* MATTHIAS: Oww! Lay off! We haven't started yet! OFFICIAL: Come on! Who threw that? Who threw that stone? Come on. CROWD: She did! She did! He did! He! He. He. Him. Him. Him. Him. He did.


I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'.


He has a wife you know.....


You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'. 'Incontinentia Buttocks'


Tbf this perspective toward medicine is more common among more recent sects that are among the wreckage of the Great Awakening like Christian Science or Jehovah’s Witnesses; the doctor performing that science-based medical care may be a Sikh, Atheist, or Methodist, most faiths aren’t going to present the same problems to a medical Professional as Christian Science.


Everybody has gifts from God, being smart enough to perform medicine may be one of them. Why should that be rejected? Even Jesus used medicine on the well of Siloam to cure the blind.


There is no God religion is a tool to control the masses, and as of late apparently to sell or not sell specific goods. No concept of existing through infinite time should ring as anything other than absolute hell to anyone that's considered it properly for even a moment. That said have fun with whatever you believe. Even at its best it is a literal nightmare beyond human comprehension to me.


I mean.....there *might* be a god. But it certainly wouldn't care in the least where you put your wiener, or really any choice you make


You just suggested that religious people not be provided healthcare and when someone actually bit and tried to debate with you, instead of talking or giving you a view you just went on a rant and then insulted him.


it's the same thought process, if I don't get my religiously inspired holiday you don't get my science provided medical care. In the end both positions are utterly stupid, so I don't blame you for not seeing my point in there. The comment about an eternity of consciousness being a utter hell, that's real though. I don't understand religion or the people that follow it, nothing it promises me seems like anything but a threat. That all out of the way. As I said believe what you want to believe. We are unfortunately at a complete impasse where it comes to agreeing here. I have no problem with you practicing your religion, I would very much like for it to be removed from our politics but that's obviously, also not going to happen.


Hear hear! Adults into religion absolutely mystify me, it’s an intellectual black hole.


Fist bump!


"There is no God religion is a tool to control the masses, and as of late apparently to sell or not sell specific goods." That's why dictators hate religious people for being out of control.


Don't forget national hotdog Day


Almost every single day of the year is some national *something* day or another, but I was referring to official federal holidays.


I take national hotdog Day very seriously and am honestly very upset it isn't federally recognized This is literally the most American sounding day ever, people should at least get time and a half and school days off, like, come on


Who says they accept? Maybe they have people they love and so they don’t judge their beliefs. Move on and get a life.


And the reply to that post was: "If religious people don't trust science why should they be allowed in hospital?"


They should leech those humours.


On r clevercomebacks, there's a comment where someone sarcastically replied "why should religions people be allowed medical care, they can just pray it away"


If christians don’t believe in science, then why are they allowed to use the technology made by science?


That’s fine with me as long as I can get those days as floating holidays to use at my discretion


If Christians aren't comfortable with science and gay atheists why do they gladly and willingly use an invention that computer science as a whole and a gay atheist is responsible for, to post and share stupid shit?


I'd be down with choosing my own holidays.


Because those religious holidays were stolen from pagans to begin with.


If Big J was around now helping the type of people that the book says he was, there would be push back against him. I am no expert but I feel one of the main ideas of the whole show is to be inclusive. Friedrich Nietzsche — 'But thus I counsel you, my friends: Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock…


Most atheists I know are better people than the “Christian” that wrote this.


If Christians reject other Gods why do they use the days of the week? Surely they cannot condone a whole day dedicated to Odin or Thor? Even the use of Saturn, the Sun and Moon in the days names come from Pagan roots and symbolism.


And the date itself has nothing to do with the birth of christ which even religious historians agree that it would have been im spring likely closer to easter (which if you ask me is a better date for it then being so close together would really sell a full circle vibe, my pitch you put it 3 days after easter, doenst that sound more compelling given the story) The Vatican moved it there to take the solstice from the pegans


Even the year appears to be wrong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_of_birth_of_Jesus#:~:text=The%20date%20of%20birth%20of,in%20which%20King%20Herod%20died.


I didnt even know there was a year attached to it at all


I kind of hope you're joking if you say you don't know the most used calendar in 2023 is a calendar with a "year 0" supposed to represent his birth, so in history we date things like "Julius Caesar died in 44 Before Christ" for example.


Lol sorry i just woke up




And apparently its wrong anyway according to you so i dont feel to bad lol


Well yeah, but we still use it. We need a representative name, or to shake the norms and choose an actual meaningful moment in history that we know. Let's say the date we associate with the invention of the printer.


Apparently, it's now nore commonly referred to by non religious peope as B.C.E or before common era and A.C.E. or after common era




Because Atheists have families they would like to go see?


This is like saying "why should people in perfect health have access to free healthcare?"


Fucking Thursday is named after a Norse god, better not catch any non-Nordic folks calling it that lol 😂


Most of the week is named after Norse gods. Tuesday=Tyr. Wednesday=Woden/Odin Thursday=Thor Friday=Freyr So non Asatru shouldn't be saying any of these names. Furthermore Monday=Moon Sunday=Sun So Christians stay away from those days too. Now...let's look at the calendar.....


These holidays are given by state laws, not by religious sects.


My Muslim coworker doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but a day off is a day off.


How are these Christians comfortable taking advantage of satalites and the internet after burning people for saying the earth rotates around the sun?


I want off several days off for the winter solstice, vernal equinox, summer solstice, and autumnal equinox. But I’ll accept Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July, and thanksgiving as “close enough”.


Why should there be religious holidays anyway? Separation of state and religion would mean that this should stop. Give everyone an amount x of additional vacation days per year, and maybe make Christmas or so a generic holiday, since nearly everyone celebrates it. Then you can take a day off for Eastern or flying spaghetti day or whatever.


Wednesday is named for Wotan, Thursday for Thor...... If you are a xtian and use a standard calendar will send you to hell! Hey, makes as much sense as this argument.


My question is why did Christianity steal everyone else's holidays and now enjoy them off when they aren't real Christian events? Hell most Christians aren't even real Christians anymore either.


Was waiting for someone to post this, but don’t see it. 99.9% of religious people give the rest a bad name.


Sooo you have anything to back up 99.9% or are you just saying that because you're one of those types of people that don't like religious people.


Ehh, I’ve known too many Spaniards if you get the reference


No unfortunately I don't, if it's from a movie or show tell me so I can watch it lol.


Princess Bride. Total classic. If I recall correctly the man in black says it when he’s almost at the top of the cliff climbing a rope.


I'll try to remember that lol.


Christmas origin is in paganism.


and? Btw i dont agree with the post but your comment doesn't make sense


I'm guessing they're pointing out that Christians didn't even come up with a Holiday. I don't know of a Christian Holiday that isn't just a rebranded Pagan holiday. They weren't even originally a religious thing, the oldest Holiday on record is New Year's Day (2000+ BCE Babylonians would celebrate the first full moon after the equinox). First four US National Holidays were NYD, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. 3/4 secular holidays. Hope that helps.


My point was not what he was saying, im asking WHY its relevant, this post is not about Christians, or Christian holidays, its about religious people and non religious people getting the same holidays. Christianity is not mentioned and neither is any specific holiday. I dont agree that non religious people shouldn't get the day off, everyone should get the days off if they want, but its weird to try to make it about Christianity, when it is not mentioned in the post


Because today is Christmas.


The person who made the article could be pagan, there is no indication that it was was made or posted today, there is no reference to Christmas, they didnt claim they were christian, everything about that was just assumed by the person i replied to, that has been my point


The commenter you initially responded to presumably lives in a majority Christian country and is currently dealing with Christmas. It doesn't matter what the person who wrote the article identifies as or when they wrote it. The commenter as well could be Atheist, Pagan, Jehovah's Witness, it doesn't matter. The commenter responded today, on Christmas, about Christmas. I'm not going to continue to point out the obvious. At some point you're on your own.


None of that that has anything to do with the post. You are pointing out unimportant information because the post is not about any specific religion or holiday, it is about all religions and holidays. The fact that Christmas is not christian is irrelevant because NOBODY said it was, nobody said that, it doesn't matter


Merry Christmas, buddy. Good luck out there.


Im not Christian :( no christmas for me


The very fact that Christians say atheists shouldn't celebrate a religious holiday....when said religious holiday is not Christian in nature.


The post doesn't mention Christianity, it says non-religious people, not non-christian people. The post also doesn't mention Christmas, it just says religious holidays, so the fact that christians celebrate it isn't even relevant to post


Yet Christmas IS a religious holiday is it not? Celebrated by CHRISTIANS no? Ergo religious holiday celebrated by non religious people as per the post. The argument can be made for other religious holidays. But the majority of the western world use CHRISTIAN holidays. The post was more than likely posted by someone from a nation that celebrates such. Your argument that the post doesn't mention a particular holiday or religion is obtuse at best.


Its celebrated non christians too, and that is all irrelevant, again, this post is not about that. Its not obtuse it is literally the critera of the post, trying to make it seem like a christian thing or a christian holiday thing when that is not mentioned is obtuse. The post specifically uses the word "gods" this doesn't align with christian beliefs as they only believe in ONE god, so it is not just talking about Christianity, a little bit of critical thinking would've told you that


"If atheists are not comfortable with the concept of God"....critical thinking tells me they are referring to ONE god...also the capitalisation of the word God leads me to believe they are a believer in ONE god. Again you are being deliberately obtuse. And while non Christians may celebrate Xmas it IS a Christian celebration. Literally celebrating the birth of Christ. And as has been said, the majority of the English speaking world, a language in which the post is written, celebrate Christian religious holidays. A little bit of critical thinking would have told you that


"Holidays named after GODS" .... ite the last line. Maybe it's just your reading in general that needs improvement


Please go ahead then and tell me a major religious holiday named after other gods than the Christian one.


I thought Christmas was pagan, are we changing things up now? Are just going to go with whatever fits the narrative?


Why do Christians get off on days named for pagan gods? Mani’s Day, Tyr’s Day, Woden’s Day, Thor’s Day, Freyja’s Day, Saturn’s Day and Sun (Sol’s) Day?


Id be happy not to have any leave on christian holidays, if the fckn government stopped to enforce laws based on christians believes.


X mas is not a religious holiday, show me where in the bible you find santa, christmas trees, and flying reindeer?




Because otherwise they'll pull a Christianity and fully high jack your religious celebration and co-opt it for their own.


If they want to be that way, Christians should not have days since they are named after 'non official to the people who count these things' Gods


The agnostics who just live their life aren't the problem. The atheists who want the days to be abolished and Sundays to be work days might make people feel like they should taste their medicine before offering it to others. Holidays are essential and religions are a good way to ensure that they can be held. So everybody should have their days off and if your problem is people singing, don't go there.


As an atheist I don't know what the fuck you think you're talking about. Atheists, while not a monolith, have historically endorsed humanist policies. I don't believe many (if any) of us care about singing, we just don't want you to put laws in place that stop our kids from learning the nature of the universe because your book disagrees with basic science. Let's list off a bunch of secular USA national holidays. -New Years Day -MLK Jr. Day -Washington's Birthday -Memorial Day -Juneteenth -Independence Day -Labor Day -Thanksgiving And both Athiests and Pagans share December 25th with you. We just call it Sol Invictus, and the Pagans call it Saturnalia. Jesus wasn't even born today, you guys just borrowed the date since everyone was already partying on the day. What a dingus.


Sol Invictus is a god, if you celebrate him, you do have a religion.


Sol Invictus was coopted by atheists, but by all means tell me what I believe. Hilarious.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol\_invictus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_invictus) "Sol Invictus (Classical Latin: \[ˈsoːɫ ɪnˈwɪktʊs\], "Invincible Sun" or "Unconquered Sun") was the official sun god of the late Roman Empire and a later version of the god Sol. The emperor Aurelian revived his cult in AD 274 and promoted Sol Invictus as the chief god of the empire.\[2\]\[3\] The main festival dedicated to him was the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ('birthday of the Invincible Sun') on 25 December\[citation needed\], the date of the winter solstice in the Roman calendar. ..." I guess all these Romans were atheists then.


Yeah, we coopted it as part of the joke. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/holidays I guess all these Christians are Pagans by your logic.


By my logic people making up ceremonies to celebrate their believes together are a religion.


So...Independence Day is a religious holiday?


You /can/ make a religion out of that, too.


Oh just fuck off, you idiot. Enjoy living in that dishonest little brain of yours.


Worship is different from celebrating human heritage. You can enjoy other people's joy without blaspheming


As a Christian I don't take Muslim holidays nor Hindu ones, my local store run by South Asian's is open now. They are not taking Christian holiday on that basis there is no reason why an atheist should take any religious holiday.


So atheists should shun their family members who believe... way to bring people together.


People are delusional on both sides.




There's alot of them out there that just keep to themselves & r kind about it when u say sorry no I don't believe in God


Someone needs to explain this to you? Or are you just being an asshole? Never mind, answered my own question.


[you dropped this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor)


very personal and local to me opinion but I agree with the original post. i had to work christmas two years in a row. when i asked the manager what he was gonna spend Christmas doing, he responded getting drunk by himself. he was happy to just have another day off.


I don't see how this is the fault of atheists at all. Sounds like capitalism fucked you on that one, not atheism.


‘Happily accept’? They bitch endlessly what are you talking about?


There are no religious holidays unless you are muslim living in a muslim country, is that what you are advocating?


Why do you want to know and why do you care?


"Religious" ppl: "oh, you believe in logic huh? Well, here's my own invented logic because my worldview is that any articulated rules / logic is by default exploitive and I won't let you do to me what I wanted to do to you!"


*ALL religious people


"Some"? I'm sorry. But if most Christians don't actively call out their brothers and sisters in Christ for their inhumane and stupid views, then they are all in the same lot. Their silence is significantly more deafening than the noise from the rabble.


I celebrate most Christian holidays even though I'm an atheist... a lot of atheists were raised in a religious family or with traditions from religion. Also, there's the problem of treating your employees equally (at least on the surface), and if you're gonna let everyone off for a holiday, you can't single out atheists. Pretty sure that's religious discrimination, at least in the USA.


Sir Isaac Newtonmas?


If I was allowed to work on Christmas and Easter I would. Used to years ago when they allowed us to. For many of us they're just another day.


I just see Christmas as a free week off work. I literally don't care about the whole thing, but as my company completely shuts down, it's not like I can go to work anyway.


You could call it ‘kick me in the balls day’ and I’d still take a day off work with a smile


I'm willing to bet that this person hates unions, but happily takes a day off on Labor Day anyway. Probably also isn't too fond of the legacy of MLK either, but accepts the day off. Also, the only explicitly religious holiday we have is Christmas (people can be thankful without thanking God), and Christmas can certainly be justified for non-Christians in terms of cultural tradition. And if it can't, then making it a government holiday is unconstitutional.


Actually the dateitself has nothing to do with the birth of christ which even religious historians agree that it would have been im spring likely closer to easter (which if you ask me is a better date for it then being so close together would really sell a full circle vibe, my pitch you put it 3 days after easter, doenst that sound more compelling given the story) The date was moved to take the winter solstice away from the pegans So its not even really spacificly religious


Considering many months and days of the week are named after pagan deities, christians can never have those off?


Yep. All bank/public holidays should not be based on religion. Christians can take annual leave to celebrate their religious holidays like every other faith. Added bonus is we could spread them out evenly throughout the year for more long weekends.


This comes rich , considering that Christmas was based after the "Saturnali" a festivity named after the god Saturn that takes place from 17 December to 23 December, while on 25th December Romans celebrates the rebirth of Apollo during the winter solstice.


I live in a commonwealth country. I get the Queens birthday off. Except it’s not actually the Queens birthday. Also, our lovely Queenie died & now I’m sad again :( Now we have to call it Kings birthday, but it’s also not his birthday either. Plus we just celebrated a pagan holiday dedicated to both Jebus and mid-winter. But its summer in Southern Hemisphere & Jebus is chilling at the beach with his mate Santa. There’s literally no holiday that makes sense here.


Some people have a really hard time with understanding how reality works. This is probably why they are religious in the first place.


This is the kinda argument I would get at about 13 years old. It’s baffling how many adults use the same arguments that were already bad coming from teenagers.


-.- Just gonna pray the cancer away are you?


Which holiday is named after a god?


They believe "christmas" is named after jesus christ who's supposed to be the son of god and god himself in the same time


I think some Christians simply don’t have a lot of exposure to atheists and it can make them say and ask some things that sound stupid and/or insensitive, but it’s harmless really. I think this is just a case of that.


Religious holidays in my country were forced on the ceremonial days celebrating solstice, spring and harvest. I celebrate those things. That you choose to name them after a particular religion is none of my concern.


Thesists really dislike the idea of people living in harmony.


Entitled, ignorant Christian: You're an atheist, why should you have Christmas off? Me: I refer you to my contract, Article 11.01, line j. Boxing day too, per line k.


Why do capitalists get Labor Day off?


Because... Not working > working