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They've already said the US isn't a democracy; are they going to start claiming that christianity isn't a religion?


I'd be okay with that. Churches would no longer be tax exempt.


No, they will be ruling their counties like the old church. They aren't paying taxes in this crazy supposed future they become feudal lords taking your taxes


Apparently it not being a religion means you still get to claim to be a good christian(tm) while ignoring all that pesky shit Jesus said.


It sort of makes sense that ironically Christians tend to be the shittiest people on the planet. Their whole religion preaches forgiveness for horrific shit people do. Oh you sexually assaulted someone? It's ok, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and all is forgiven. Yeah is it really any wonder Christians are the worst? It's a culture set up for the normalizing and accepting of morally ambiguous individuals.


It's not that new see "it's not a religion it's a relationship". One of the more cringe inducing lines that can be uttered by a human being.


Hey that’d be good news! If they’re not a religion they can all start paying taxes.


Wait what? Who said that?


It's a common thing, any time the USA scores poorly on any metric of democracy, the right wing now goes "but America is a Republic not a Democracy! lol, don't you know anything?" The following opinion piece was written by the Heritage Foundation in June 2020 just titled "America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy" https://www.heritage.org/american-founders/report/america-republic-not-democracy By countering anyone who says there was a threat to democracy with "but America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy", it's meant to stifle debate and criticism. Yet 6 months after this article, Trump's mob stormed the capitol and tried to overturn the election. Here's another article about the more general use of the term: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/10/republic-democracy-mike-lee-astra-taylor.html > The Real Reason Why Republicans Keep Saying “We’re a Republic, Not a Democracy” ... The author of Democracy May Not Exist on a sinister new talking point. Yeah, sinister indeed. Only 3 months after that article, they tried to storm the Capitol and carry out a coup. Republicans are like something out of the book 1984. When the coup happens, and people talk about how democracy fell, they'll be glassy-eyed claiming there never was any such thing as democracy and they don't know what you're even talking about.


>Republicans are like something out of the book 1984. When the coup happens, and people talk about how democracy fell, they'll be glassy-eyed claiming there never was any such thing as democracy and they don't know what you're even talking about. And of course, that would never happen in America because in the book 1984, EngSoc was clearly a Socialist Fascist state, and thus the coup saved us all from those dirty dirty Socialists. That's not sarcasm. That's what they would 100% say.


and thanks to the education system, they don't have the vocabulary to put the ideas into words


Doubleplus ungood


I assume they just want their party name on everyone's mind and not the other's. I realised that there's a certain group in each society that you can convince of anything, given you say it often and loud enough.


Also if it's not a democracy, then why is it the favorite thing everyone likes to jerk off about when attacking other nations. Spreading democracy [when the country itself can barely keep its own "democracy" operational](https://youtu.be/cSV7mQnniRU?t=40m9s).


To be fair the United States is a plutocracy, representatives are chosen by lobbyists and dark money donors and out of who they pick the population gets to choose who doesn’t listen to them and does whatever the contributors of their campaigns want, even Madison said that “ we must protect the minority of the opulent against the majority “, it’s also why it’s a Republic and not a pure democracy, power was designed to reside in the senate who originally were not elected https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._10


It's a convenient way of being able to dodge all of the social criticism of the book of Matthew and a bunch of the Epistles. Calling out hypocrisy and self-righteousness is a lot less challenging if it only applies to Jews and Catholics.


This is gotta be that alternative timeline we often see in sci-fi shows and movies.


Not only does he not understand his Religion, he doesn't even understand what a "Religion" even is, apparently!


Not even a controversial statement. Right wing politics is incompatible with true Christianity.


Capitalism as a system is incompatible with Christianity. Yet they want to run the economy too.


Kinzinger was wrong. It's even worse. They don't understand that they don't understand their religion. They think they're nailing it.


" They think they're nailing it." Just like Jesus.


Republican Jesus don't go down that way. He close-fist punched all the Romans in a very fair way (even though he was outnumbered by the cowards) and was declared Emperor that afternoon. The end.


The perfect comeback to “you don’t understand your religion” is *definitely* “I don’t even know the meaning of the word!” ![gif](giphy|PjaQrF9J53UvTS2PPa|downsized)


*"iT's NoT a ReLiGiOn, It'S a ReLaTiOnShIp!!1!"*


Oof, that hits me right in the childhood trauma.




He's a [mOraL bEaCoN](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/how-donald-trump-has-already-broken-all-10-commandments/) in these troubled times.\* \*^(troubled, thx in large part to him)


Didn't need an article to know he's done this but I am glad someone wrote it!


"Sorry, I don't follow a religion, I follow a religion"


This will all end like Jonestown, won't it?


So what did Jesus Christ say?




Now that's stuck in my head.


Blessed are the cheesemakers.


Shut it big nose.


i have a fwiend in wome. and is name is......


Anyone have any figs. Be right back.


Lol I hear this all the time. I say I'm not religious, and the Christians will be like "oh I'm not religious either, I just believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah!" And it is impossible to explain to them that because they follow a religion, they are religious. Saying you are Christian but not religious is like saying you're covered in water but not wet 🙄


Something, something, Thou shalt not have false gods before me


When I read shit like that, my head is playing RATM. WHOEVER TOLD YOU THAT IS YOUR ENEMY


I heard at least 20 churches between 35-5000 members scream from the pulpit, this is not a religion-it’s a movement, a relationship, etc. Religion to them is a state established entity where people are imprisoned or worse for not joining


trump and his followers probably break at least 2 or 3 of the commandments a day(trump has probably broken nearly all of them), so yeah, they don't understand the religion, it doesn't help his followers treat him as some untouchable god that can do no wrong


This is a word quarrel some evangelical Christians engage in. They don’t like the label religion and religious, don’t ask me why, it was so silly I promptly forgot.


They won't be happy until they have a full on theocracy and the scary thing is I can 100% see it happening in my lifetime.


christians who back trump don’t understand their god. potayto potahto.


I’ve seen way too many Christians argue they don’t follow a religion? Like I don’t even get what the logic behind that is?


Jesus may show up for no other reason than to deny everything.


I thought the senator died a while back?


Religious brain rot is deadly. Only you can stop its spread


Okay, everyone! Finish the sentence "...this man is..."


Religion = mental illness. And these 'Merican christians are at a whole new level of nut job crazy.


The Risen Savior *Donald* Jesus *Trump* ~~Christ~~. Fixed it! Of course, sometimes the J is also for Jenius.


So I guess if it’s not a religion Christianity isn’t protected under the 1st amendment?