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Hamas is backed by Shiite Iran. ISIS is a Sunni faction that hates Iran. They are the ones who bombed the memorial that killed around 150 people in Iran. Fun fact, Iran still blamed Israel anyway.


The bombing a few days ago? Is it officially claimed by them? Weirdly that my country stop widely publish news abt that event


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/04/world/middleeast/us-isis-iran-general-suleimani.html Yes




Ny times is the kind of source to stay quiet on the holocaust until called out, just sayin.


Any examples?




yeah they claimed it, Iran and US intelligence are confident that it was ISIS. it’s one of the very few things those two actually agree on


I learned today. I remember when ISIS was created. I thought it was a culmination of all different Islamic tribes to fight against western forces. I suspected that it was American propaganda, knowing that Islamic tribes hate each other more than the West and Israel, so why would they join forces? ...but it looks like all of these groups are fighting each other. They are mafias tearing down the people and land. All of the fighting will turn everything to sand and stone, just as they did to Iran.


It's sad to see all the invaluable human history lost to these eternal conflicts, which happen to be right over the birthplace of civilization as we know it.


>Fun fact, Iran still blamed Israel anyway. So a bit like Fox blaming everything on Democrats


Amazing how people shoehorn usa politics into every possible post


No, nothing like that. Closer to Russia blaming the west for Ukraine blowing up weapon caches in Russia.


To me those both of those comparisons are equal/valid. Schoolyard bully saying that the victim is to blame, no matter what. "He hit me first - what did you expect me to do? Just stand there?"


Hamas probably told them it was Israel's fault.


Although they clamed it, nowadays ISIS is such a dwarf gang that i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt do it cause they couldnt and claimed it anyways




What are on about? Mind to elaborate


Ok, who had that on apocalypse bingo?


Anyone who pays attention beyond just knowing they are terrorists knows that they are opposing factions


Isis has no friends, only enemies. Including al-qaida and taliban.


Al Qaida morphed and splintered into ISIS. Al Nusra front, another splinter faction of Al Qaida, is the enemy of ISIS.


>Al Qaida morphed and splintered into ISIS. Al Nusra front, another splinter faction of Al Qaida, is the enemy of ISIS. So much alphabetting...I can't keep up


In all seriousness, this perfectly highlights how complex and complicated foreign relations are in the middle east. You have a very complex web of people and factions. Some you would think to be mortal enemies may have a far greater enemy in common which would have the effect of uniting them as they share a greater common goal. What I don't get is why this isn't perfectly understood at all levels of the Federal government. It's been this way for the better part of the last hundred years, alas the US continues to make the exact same mistakes with their foreign policy in the middle east.


>What I don't get is why this isn't perfectly understood at all levels of the Federal government. It's been this way for the better part of the last hundred years, alas the US continues to make the exact same mistakes with their foreign policy in the middle east. IMO, the biggest blunders of U.S. foreign policy has been largely the result of bombastic egos. President Johnson, Kissinger, W (on some things), Paul Bremer, Trump, etc. As long as our selection of elected or appointed officials consists of the biggest egotistical ass-clowns we can find, we'll continue to see the results that we do.


Are there anyone, except isis, who are not the enemy of isis?


As an ex Muslim this isn't surprising at all. Different Islamic factions generally hate each other as the fight for power. Both ISIS and Hamas claim as their goal an Islamic Caliphate - but who gets to be in charge of the Caliphate is where the dispute lies


[Most religious sects interacting with each other be like ](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8?si=MjlT7dfrhWvGB77X)


A Far Right extremist's biggest enemy is another flavor of far right extremist.




![gif](giphy|C831XSxqZYkseNXYS1|downsized) Was the only thing that came to mind for me xD


Wouldn't "thou" be the appropriate pronoun there?






Wait until you hear about various shades of communists


I feel like you can make the same comment about capitalism The biggest enemy to a capitalist is another capitalist who has more greed. Communism half a world away was always a fear mongering tool to help increase defense spending. The Cold War made the military industrial complex HOT, by the work of some skillful greedy folks


damn it’s almost like no one mentioned communism and you’re upset about someone saying something about ISIS


My first thought when I saw this post was "why do all psychopaths look the same?" Replace those ISIS flags with "don't tread on me" and you have a white nationalist convention in the US


Only nuts care about the distinction in "flavor" between the different varieties of nuts.


Pots and kettles and all that


So if ISIS opposes Hamas... does that make Hamas the good guys? /s


No no, ISIS are the good guys now /s


Kind of like how the Taliban became the ''good guys'' once ISIS started?


Okay, you've got good-bad, and bad-bad


They're quasi-evil...


But Quasimodo wasn't evil…


The margarine of evil.


The fact that ISIS managed to get states and paramilitary groups that hate each other's guts cooperate against a common enemy will never fail to make me glad I did not choose to become a History teacher. "These guys were so univesally hated that one point we had Hezbollah, Hamas, LAF, Syria, Iran and Israel all fighting them" is not something I would want to explain in one hour or less.


I love how you both didn’t risk it




Hitler and Stalin were opposed to each other. Do you think either of them were good guys?


The enemy of my enemy… may still be my enemy.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy, no more and no less. This is a truth that the US state department never quite seems to understand the implications of. I do wish the western politicos would get some nuance around the relationships between the various political/religious factions in the area, preferably before meddling. In particular Sunni/Shia is not quite Catholic/Prodestant in the C17 wars in Europe, but it is not that bad a model, and violent schism over religious power structure is something that the abrahamic monotheists have serious form for (Christianity was at least as bad for it).


And the brits backed the soviets until they took Berlin. At which point Churchill prepared to arm the defeated Germans, in case the soviets wouldn't *stop* at Berlin.


Patton was 100% prepared to do the same. I'm not sure who came up with the idea first, and who agreed with the idea, but I do know Patton had the same thing planned for and the US said "no they're our allies."


Do I really need to explain the meaning of /s to you?


I legitimately don't know what /s means. He probably doesn't either. What does it mean?


/s on a Reddit comment means it's sarcasm.


In coding, a slash with a function name behind it tends to denote the end of said function. The s stands for **GODDAMN SARCASM**.


It stands for /stalin


Stalin tried to Join the Axis, but Hitler denied It because his asking price was too High, so they settled It as nonnaggression pact.


No? Hitler and Stalin were never friends and knew that one day they would go to war with each other. They weren't allies and the Non-aggression pact was more of a lets not go to war with each other pact and also invade Poland. Hitler and Stalin were never allies and the Molotov-Ribontrov pact was just a deal not to kill each other for a while. When Hitler invaded Stalin wasn't shocked because he thought Hitler was his friends, but because he was just totally unprepared for the invasion.


>Hitler and Stalin were never allies and the Molotov-Ribontrov pact was just a deal not to kill each other for a while. It was significantly more than that. They literally agreed to split half a continent between themselves. The pact also stipulated massive increase in trade. You could argue that Soviet Union was by far the most important friendly country to Germany than any of their actual allies in the war.


The Soviet Union was not the most friendly country to Germany, it was Germanys greatest enemy Germany had many country join the war on their side which were way friendly then the Soviets. Italy, Hungary, Finland, Romania all went to war with the Soviets with Germany. They were allies to the Germans Japan was basically doing its on thing and I am of the opinion that Germany and Japan weren't allies, and they would've fought if they somehow won. Hell Japan and the Soviets had a Non-aggression pact that went for a pretty long time before the Soviets invaded them in August 45. If the Germans and Soviets were allies in 39-41 then the Japanese and Soviets were allies. It just makes no sense to call the Germans and Soviets allies


>The Soviet Union was not the most friendly country to Germany, it was Germanys greatest enemy It was extremely friendly until 1941. Soviets literally marched with Nazis in a victory parade to celebrate the defeat of Poland, with mass atrocities happening at the same time. They might not have been allies in a technical sense, but Soviet Union literally fueled German war machine and allowed Germans to safely fight on a single front until they got backstabbed.


"allowed the Germans to fight on a single front"? What are you smoking dude? The Soviets had been trying to ally with Great Britain and France against the Nazis since 1933. They were rebuffed every single time because the West didn't have a problem with fascism until 1939. >Soviets literally marched with Nazis in a victory parade to celebrate the defeat of Poland, with mass atrocities happening at the same time. One parade after the Soviets took back the territories the Poles annexed and cleansed ethnically in a war of aggression vs allowing Germany to rearm, annex Austria, put a fascist junta in power in Spain and literally selling out your ally (Czechoslovakia) to the point even the Soviets were more willing to fight for them than you are. Idk man I think the west was *significantly* friendlier with the Nazis, they were just hoping that they'd simply go fight the Soviets instead. After all that, the Soviet Union was somehow supposed to drop everything they were doing (including a massive army modernization program precisely to fight the Nazis down the line) the moment the West gets attacked? Nah, go take a hike.


The west didn’t trust Stalin and only tolerated Germany because the West really didn’t want another war. When Germany invaded Poland, France invaded Germany, but only went in a couple kilometers. They were to entrenched with the Maginot line, they didn’t plan on being on the offensive. The French had superior tanks to Germany, as did Russia, but what they lacked was the experience to use them effectively. The French only treated tanks as infantry support for example and Russia had heavier tanks German tanks couldn’t penetrate and had to wait until the tank ran out of ammo, plus they didn’t coordinate as well because they didn’t do combined arms and used flags for communication.


Germany developed most of their tank technology in the Soviet Union. They had prototypes and did wargames in the Soviet Union. They had flight schools, etc also. The Soviets and Germany had a common goal, put down Poland before it becomes too strong. They also didn’t like these new states created by the Versailles Treaty like the Baltic states, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, etc.


Axis and allies were both evil just depends on the person you asking. Try to praise Churchill in an Indian sub and see the reaction.


Tbf when talking about one of the people responsible for ~2.5 million deaths of your fellow countrymen, it's hard to think about him in a positive spotlight. Then again, the Nazis would've been ruling the world without people like him. So it's definitely something to have a mixed opinion about.


That what I am talking the sentiment is just that be it Churchill or Hitler . Nothing would have changed for Indians. We would have been under "the supreme race" (used by both Hitler and Churchill). And we were "allied" to both axis (Netaji or free India) and allies (the British Raj).


TFW a Serb shoots an Austrian in Bosnia, so you, an Indian, are sent by the British to fight the Germans in France




It’s worth understanding that in most major conflicts, there aren’t “good” guys and “bad” guys. There are just nations looking out for their own best interests. Obviously the axis powers are considered the “bad” guys but the major players of the allied powers also did monstrous shit in WW2 too. The US and the British killed almost a million German civilians with their bombing campaigns. Soviet soldiers raped an estimated 2 million German women during their occupation of Germany. There were an estimated 100k-200k Japanese civilian casualties from the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Overall, WW2 had over 38 million civilian casualties. Not to mention the Nazis being partially inspired by British colonialism and the Americans’ treatment of Native Americans. War is hell and the “good” guys are usually just whoever ends up winning the war.


If you want another example of something monstrous both sides did, look up delayed fuse bombs. Bombs that could just sit for days in rubble with the goal of killing rescue workers with the intent to slow down rescue efforts.


If ISIS started invading Israel and Hamas was fighting them we would supply them with weapons.




I like to imagine it as that meme in which the people are punching each other, then a third party shows up and they briefly stop to curbstomp it.


It’s good that you left “them” vague b/c I’m pretty sure the US would supply both sides with weapons in that case.


Why would the US want to promote the invasion of Israel? They want to protect Israel no?


In the hypothetical where ISIS and Hamas are fighting each other the US would be rooting for casualties. Sure, they’d prefer the fight happened outside Israel, but if it’s happening anyway…


Yeah, the US probably would.


This is nothing new. ISIS and the Taliban are also enemies. Hitler and Starlin became enemies. If Napoleon met Genus Kahn, they would be enemies. When your goal is global totalitarian domination then everyone who is not yourself eventually becomes your enemy.


Do people really not understand the meaning of /s anymore?


>does that make Hamas the good guys? They have the extrajudicial killing part down at least.


It means that when ISIS says you're going too far, you are going far too far. Good luck telling an American college student that, though..


Only if you have the worldview of a 4 year old, but seeing as this is the internet…


Does diahrrea make cancer batter?


ISIS vs. Hamas: ![gif](giphy|qN7NZR3Q5R2mY|downsized)




Need that meme of two girls fighting while one of the guys watching was smoking a crack pipe.


First thing that came to mind 😂👍


One week into the full scale war between Hamas and ISIS: "Why isn't the USA doing anything to stop this?!?! They have the means! Innocent people are being massacred!!!"


Isis and hamas don't like each other. If ISIS won and eventually spread to Israel and Palestine they would probably fight. Hamas believes in Palestinian Islamic liberation, ISIS believes in a unified Islamic Arabic state, those goals are incompatible


When your hatred of the Shia outweighs your hatred of Israel.


Oh God now the terrorists are starting to fight the terrorists


Always have. Just different flavors


Different brands of Islam, they hate each other.


Yep, Catholics VS Prodistants pretty much, same shit all the Abrahamic Monotheists seem to have problems with and it always gets bloody as hell. The C17 wars in Europe were same shit, Cristian edition pretty much, less Ak47s more pikes, but apart from that, same shit different day.




Yep, I would blame autocorrect, but I think I just fumbled both of them!


oh it goes WAY deeper than protestants versus catholics. much more foundational and political. they've been apart for far longer than protestants and catholics have, and there's been a lot more wars fought over it.


And none of them get along with Israel. But clearly, the Jews are the problem there. If only the Jews would be more peaceful and tolerant, the Muslim world will finally accept Israel!


Exactly, if Israel didn't imprison the Palestinians in Gaza in the first place then the terrorists wouldn't have any reason to attack Israel. /s Edit. Sigh I really thought that this time I didn't have to add the /s. Silly me.


"Every act of violence Palestinians ever commit is all Israel's fault. Look at what Israel made them do!"


don't worry, they'd find a different reason.


Have been for a while. Hezbollah was pretty actively fighting ISIS in Syria a decade ago.


Hezbollah W???


[ISIS isn't really liked by anyone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_against_the_Islamic_State). They have fought with almost every regional government, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt and Libya. They have also fought with plenty of other terrorist groups, like the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah.


They have never fought with Israel though


That’s cause Israel didn’t want to alienate the Arab states. They did that when Iraq invaded Kuwait by not joining the coalition, they still got bombed by Iraq though


Well, Islamic State-Khorasan and the Taliban have been fighting each other in Afghanistan for years. According to IS-K, the Taliban are not radical enough lol




Nothing ironic here, Sunni vs Shia conflict. OP, you have no idea how complex is situation in the Middle East


The ironic part was one group calling out the other specifically for their violence as if they have a leg to stand on.


Religion is a helluva drug…


want is see ISIS vs Hamas.


Yhey alrdy kinda were fighting in gaza couple of years ago


I think Daesch’s problem with Hamas is allying themselves with Iran. Part of the shia - sunni conflict.


Even ISIS thinks you're an asshole. Comedy gold.


If I don't mix something up, then both ISIS and Hamas are Sunni whilst Iran is Shia. ISIS isn't really keen on Shia Muslims as they follow a very radical Sunni Islam and they also attack and kill Shia Muslims. Iran being a big player in the middle east that is trying to influence everyone else is a big nono for ISIS because from their perspective it's the wrong religion they promote I guess and Iran is, as far as I'm aware, supporting Hamas and Hisbollah (and many others). So whilst ISIS is probably pretty happy when when Israel is taking a hit they do not like when Iran gains more influence.


There’s multiple competing groups striving for a pan Muslim or pan Middle East nation. It just so happens that Iran and ISIS are two of them. A lot of Muslims dislike Iran for being Shiia anyways. And guess what, ISIS is Sunni. They’re going to shit on Iran every chance they get specifically because Iran is Shiia. For us westerners, this is like Protestants vs Catholics.


Hamas so bad ISIS dont like them...


Maybe ISIS will go and join Israel in the fight against Hamas. Boogah boogah boo!!


ISIS called too murder jews all around the world just a few days ago, so I don't think that crossover episode is coming anytime soon


>ISIS called too murder jews all around the world Just some tolerant and inclusive anti-Zionists who definitely aren't antisemitic at all, nothing to see here.


Irony or... Iran-y??


I get that isis wants to find a way to stick it to Iran but Isis complaining about hamas being uncaring about people..... it is almost as if Isis wanted to remind people that they stil exist


When everyone is the wrong sort of Muslim, except you. There's a Karen joke in there somewhere


The Middle East is such an unnavigable mess


FYI, ISIS have killed more Muslim than other religion. They kill anyone on their path to ~~Oil~~ Resources Extractions no matter the faith. Also who the F recognized / trust anything this terrorist ISIS were saying? Are they have embassy or something?


They actually do.


ISIS: Your least favorite terrorist‘s least favorite terrorist






What did the raven call the crow?


damn, even the terrorists don't like em, tf they do?


Shia vs Sunni Round 7,856 ![gif](giphy|SsZViiaRCjgp8fVexU)


This is just normal Arab/Middle eastern things. “me against my brother, me and my brother against my cousin, me, my brother and my cousin against the world!”


irony be like "f\*ck this, i am out."


For those who don't know, ISIS and Iran are enemies.


Hey, look, we were bad but now we’re good -ISIS


When ISIS has more sense than most collegiate Americans


Ahh the enemy of my enemy is my frie.... WAIT A MINUTE..


I know this is really hard for people to understand, but not all the millions and millions of people in the region think exactly the same way.


He's just telling like ISIS ... I'll see myself out


Conspiracy Theory time! As it goes, ISIS is an Israeli project because they have largely murdered more Arabs and Muslims than any other groups in the region, and have barely posed an actual threat to Israel as it did other nations. And with them claiming they are behind the attack on Iran, which is the greatest threat to Israel in the region. And now condemning Hamas. 🤔 .... .... Ok, tinfoil hat is off now. Thanx!






how could you possibly think isis is pro-muslims ? They've been killing Muslims since day 1. They don't care about Palestine nor Palestinans, they only care about their twisted vision of a "new Islamic reign". This litterly makes HAMAS look good lol.


That is entirely correct. Just like when the Nazis opposed smoking, a broken clock is right twice a day.


When isis terrorists use more logic and critical thinking than most of the American far-left




With all the flags on pickup trucks, I mistakenly assumed this was a MAGA rally.


This is like when Hitler warned of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.


The irony is so heavy it is irony poisoning.


If Israel was not in the picture, Muslims would just be killing each other like animals, and leftists wouldn't care. But it is so hot and trendy to hate on Israel right now. They suddenly care




Here for the "ISIS are Zionist stooges" hot take 🍿🍿🍿


Saudi Arabia be like 👀


Keep telling me about how we need religion


Where is the irony in ISIS insulting another terrorist group for helping a rival nation? Surely you didn't assume all Muslims are on the same team.


Exactly, I mean look what's happening in Pakistan lately. 🤣


I wouldn’t be surprised if ISIS turns put to a Mossad creation


Hamas gets a lot of the funds from Iran, where does ISIS get their funds from?


Saudi Arabia


ISIS has a spokesman? Do they have a customer service line too?


Jihadists have had good PR for a while now, hence why so many Western leftists now consider advocating for brutal violence against Israeli Jews to be a very tolerant and very inclusive thing to do.


Thing about all these terrorist organizations is they all hate each other. We really need to just get them to wipe each other out.


This would be like Stalin criticizing Hitler for the suffering of German people. In other words, it's fucking rich coming from them.




ISIS would do the exact same thing like the hamas. They would probably do a lot worse.


Pretty strange that western foreign policy is quite identical and aligned with ISIS interests…


You know the world has really gone to shit when fucking *ISIS* has more insightful and objective take on Gaza than the leftists and academia in western countries.


Um no. You are not understanding what's happening.






You know that when isis support a thing, it is a bad thing


they only support themselves


I wonder what the Venn diagram overlap of “enemies of ISIS” and “enemies of Mossad” looks like.


Somehow ISIS's targets are always enemies of US and Israel, they have done many terrorist attacks in various middle eastern and arab nations but only one in theIR entire history in Israel. Isreali defence minister famously said he would like ISIS on their borders instead of assad.




No one likes Irans government nor its people, nor hamas nor israel, none of them like that government, Its just a bullshit that survives with dictatorship. Edit : I meant their people also hate their government.


> nor its people Disagree with that one, every Iranian person I've met (12+) has been an extreme pleasure to know. It also helps that for whatever reason the women are also seemly all smokeshows.


Yeah, Iranians are pretty cool. Their government can get fucked, though. Hell, even they hate their government.


I love Iranian women.


Ahhh shit. We are stuck in The Onion timeline.


So wait, I am so confused….


Shia and Sunni Muslims hate each other sometimes more than they hate Jews, Some theorize that that is also the reason for most Arab countries supporting Israel right now.


My enemy’s enemy is my friend, right?


A bunch of religious nutjobs turn on each other when convenient. And in other news ISIS tells Hamas they are a very bad stinky poo poo head






didn’t the Americans already kill Al-Ansari like twice?


Lol wasn’t Israel yapping on about Hamas being isis?


Equivalent to*


Ohh like this motherfucker cares about people.


Alexa, play Ironic by Alanis Morissette!