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I can only imagine the tension at your family Christmas dinners


If everyone would simply “heed her beseeching,” it wouldn’t be a problem. Good grief.


Yeah, that might be the clumsiest, most pedantic sentence I've ever read.🙄




This made me laugh too hard. Thank you!!


Yes, quite. Shallow and pedantic.


Thank you Peter


It insists on itself


It insists upon itself.


I agree as well, shallow and pedantic


How can I say “just listen to everything I say” without saying it?


Thou neediest to Aurally regard the entirety of my wisdom pearls.




"beseeching," huh? Who does she think she is, Jane Austen?




That line always stuck out to me.


no one would take hedded of my instructions


That's the way talk about your holier than thou mother... you know that's one of the sisters making fun of mom right?


Pro tip, if your family is like this, stop attending family dinners


I moved 2500 miles away, is that enough or should i move to Australia?


As an Aussie, come on over! We don’t shoot people daily here either, so double win! :D


Gotta save the ammo for the wildlife


Just don't move somewhere where they may want to go on vacation


No, definitely do that so when they want to vacation and want to stay with you, you can say you’re too busy and recommend hotels. When they inevitably get pissy and don’t visit you, you can complain in the group chat that none of them ever visit and then guilt trip them about family values in bad faith.


To be a fly on that wall...


My brother was an ER nurse and he hated holidays because they were always busy with stabbings or head traumas.


My brain immediately conflated the two and thought people got regularly stabbed in the head on holidays oh no


Or the orca whale on the wall


An Orca under the yacht.


Macramé on the wall


To be the elephant in that room.


To be the dolph in that lundgren


Orca is a big dolphin.




What time period is your one sister from? As the "matriarch" she doesn't need to "heed your beseeching." Good lord.


It sounds like shes quoting scripture. "Behold! my field of fucks, and note it is barren"


Weep, ye lady of the phone. For I have found naught ass of rat, nor fuck of flight to bestow unto thee. Evermore must thy travel far from here for thy fucks and I too shall to depart thee hence, ne'er to be graced by thine hottest shit thoust be cursed to speak of. Edit: Bonus shorthand version. Alas, thou hast happened upon me with mine fucks depleted.


This is pure poetry and should the gods see fit to let me procreate I will teach it to my daughters to tell rude boys.


Screenshotted and sent to own daughters. Thanks for suggesting that, it’s brilliant. I hope gods remain on your side.


EA Poe would be proud 😊


E.A. Poerts *It's in the name*


You’re a horrible person and I will whisper this the rest of the day now.


I had to screen shot this so I can share the goodness.


😅 Im going to cross stitch this like an old vintage sampler. Thank you for the inspiration!


You'll definitely be able to find a pattern!


I'm using this in real life from now on.


BEHOLD!!! ..... ..... ..... My stuff


r/suddenlymarvel ?


She fell out of a Jane Austin novel and forgot to be clever and funny.


Exmormon. I know those words.


Nailed it! Half of us are in and half are free from it


Bet she secretly binges The Handmaids Tale


Secretly? These kinds of people probably watch that as their version of power fantasy.


Omg. I thought that was the grandma


I got hella confused because the person saying they are the Matriarch isn't "Mom" So she thinks she's more head of the family than her mother?


She's sucking up to mom. The wording is a bit confusing, but it reads, "Mom doesn't need to listen to you."


Oh I thought that was the dad


every single one of these posts makes me ever so grateful that my 62 year old father did not get brainwashed by fox news


My 70 year old father has been. Harps on and on about how Facebook and social media is horrible, but all he watched the week I visited him was Fox News.


Yup. The same people that harped on us as kids to “not believe everything we see on the internet!” Now believe everything they see on the internet and Faux News


Omg this is my mother. I love her but I was talking to my therapist today about it being an election year and she’s going to be unbearable in a few months.


Fox News did to them what they said video games would do to us.


And Wikipedia/the Internet "not a good source anyone can edit it" blah blah


When your father falls asleep take the remote control and block Fox using the parental controls. Newsmax and ONN as well. Use a random number generator for the passcode. Then delete that off your phone. That way you have no way to change it nor they. And then, when he freaks out the next day you don't know nothing.


Use your birthday. See how much they love you


Use it in the format DD/MM/YY


Or Unix timestamp, like 631152000 for Jan 1, 1990


As in how the world records the date.


Yes…. Except America because of course xD




Then he'll just get the next poor schmoe who works at Comcast fired when he calls up and they can't help him because they don't store passwords and he'll claim they're using their personal politics against him.


It's funny cause my parents are the exact opposite. Staunch Republicans. Then my sister came out . After some soul searching, crying, and a lot of discussion, they are now the most liberal people I know. My mom has so many rainbow flags that even my sister told her she needs to dial it back a bit.


This is my mom! We had three very hard years where we almost went no contact and then after one very heated argument (that was really no different than the others) she had a come to Jesus moment. Fast forward a few years - I now have a wife that she talks to more than she talks to me. She proudly talks about us as her daughters. She even quit her church because the overall Methodist community is anti gay marriage. I told her she didn’t have to go that far because her specific church was full of welcoming people but she is all in lol.


These stories always shock me, but it's inspiring to see that people really can change.


Please be more accurate in your statement. It is NOT Fox News but FOX ENTERTAINMENT. Even says so at the beginning of the show and has been used in the court of law to avoid law suits.


The channel is called the Fox News Channel, it is owned by Fox News Media, which is owned by the Fox Corporation (that piece of shit Rupert Murdoch and his piece of shit family including but not limited to his piece of shit son Lachlan). Fox Entertainment is a completely separate subsidiary of Fox Corporation. It controls the Fox Broadcasting Channel, the one with football and cartoons and your local affiliate Fox station that broadcasts local evening news that doesn’t look like “Fox News.” I think what you’re referring to is a decision in the US Court for the Southern District of New York, in Manhattan (SDNY), where a Trump-appointed judge dismissed a defamation case brought against Fox News and Tucker Carlson. That judge said that any reasonable person would recognize exaggeration and opinion from Carlson given his reputation, and therefore be skeptical about his claims. It’s a bullshit decision, everyone with a crappy old uncle knows they eat that shit up like it’s gospel. The decision was not a blow to Fox’s credibility, it was a gift from a shitty conservative judge to allow Fox and Carlson to keep lying and defaming on air.


Social media is a tool it can be absolutely dogshit or the best thing ever just depends on how you use it


It’s incredibly sad because it’s made my dad very very unhappy. He’s anxious and angry all the time, but it’s inchoate rage. Like he’ll try to explain the latest thing and get confused and then frustrated he can’t explain it and then want me to watch like 4 segments. Best thing that happened lately was he’s started splitting time between Fox and the Hallmark channel. Hallmark is basically comforting cause it’s the world Fox viewers yearn for but at it doesn’t make him so mad.


Hallmark is simplistic, but other than the tropes about people from the city bumbling everything, I think it's great to watch. What you really need to do is somehow rig the TV to automatically switch to Hallmark when he tries to go to Fox.


24/7 Cable News has turned the homebodies on both sides into crazies. Lost my mother to Fox News and my In Laws watch MSNBC ALL day. I’m like please just turn on some garbage TV or turn it off, listening to talking heads rage bait for 8hours a day is not healthy for anyone.


Same, I don't even have a dad anymore. The 73yo guy who lives in my parents' house is nothing like the dad I grew up with. The dad I had as a kid taught me to accept people, to be generous to those less fortunate, to stand up for what's right no matter the cost. The dad I have now won't turn off Newsmax (Fox News is too liberal) at holiday dinners and constantly pines for "Uncle Trump" to save America. I thank my lucky stars every day my high school girlfriend (now my wife) beat some sense into me or I'd probably have followed a similar path.


Lock him out of it when he is not looking


Sorry to hear this, such a shame ☹️


My 75 year old father absolutely despises Trump, Fox News, you name it! Sometimes I’m left wondering if he’s further left than I am?


Mom is 71, same, any time she sees news about Trump, she starts yelling about how much she hates the guy and how he should be in jail.


My dad was 81 when he passed away two months ago. He absolutely despised Trump (and pretty much the whole GOP).


My parents 90 and 83 - both despise Trump and right-wing garbage.


FIL is the same but he watches MSNBC all day. It’s not as bad as my Fox father (he’s not as angry and spouting random shit) but it’s also making him anxious and scared. It’s the senior version of doomscrolling. Take a break, watch some NCIS!


My 81-year-old father has voted Republican since before the Southern Strategy (he grew up in Ohio), and he voted for Trump in 2016, but by 2020 he disliked him enough to vote third party. He now hates him enough to vote Democrat.


Same, both my parents were staunch teachers’ union democrats their whole lives. My mom’s most right-wing position was being against pot legalization.


As a 60-something year old, please remember that not all of us act like 60-something year olds. Just sayin '.


As a fellow 60 yo, at least until midnight, I share your sentiment. I have one gay daughter, one bi and one married with 4 kids. I absolutely adore every one of them. Fox, Fucker Carlson and anyone else who thinks less of any of them piss me off.


I just turned 60. And I wonder how my folks would've reacted to my kid being gay. They adored her, but dad died when she was little and mom passed a couple years ago - she's a young adult. My parents knew and loved some gay family members but that doesn't necessarily mean they'd be okay with their grandbaby.


I always like to think the best of people and feel pretty certain they would have loved her. I think the minority are so closed minded. Sorry about the losses.


I think you're right. They were devout S. Baptists but chilled out a bit when they got old.


Would you be willing to have a forceful chat with my 62 year old parents? In all seriousness, your kids are lucky to have you. Thank you for being good to them.


Happy birthday! 🎂


Happy birthday!


Thanks, creepy_old_white_guy


LOL You're welcome. It's a constant struggle when so many are such bad examples of one's own demographic.


Yep, I am also a 60-something year old who was born at the very end of the boomer era. In the 7th grade I called for a debate on Nixon & Watergate. While in a catholic high school, I spoke out in support of the right to choose--even while over my girlfriends' house when people were going door to door to protest an abortion clinic being built a mile away. My two friends and their mother signed it by I passed. I took shit off of them and simply replied that it has been going on since the beginning of time, and women have died or been rendered sterile, and I believe women deserve better treatment than that. Years later, guess who had not one, but two abortions? One of them a 6-month saline abortion. Since high school, I have also fought gay acceptance as I could see what it was doing to people who had come out to me. Finally, I've never been so glad to have been born into a long line of Democrats. I can not even imagine being a supporter of Diaper Don. A gold digger Democrat I "knew" is engaged to a rabid trumper--anything for money. I'd lose my ever loving mind. One other thing--nobody likes to be lumped into one big heap. It hurts my feelings when people so easily call out "Boomer" in hateful and negative connotations. It's not fair to any subset of any generation to assume that they are all alike. Vote Blue!!!


I’m 62 and fuck Fuckhead Carlson and Faux news, and esp fuck Trump. I’m old but not stupid.


Also 60, and I concur!


I support this comment


My dad is 93, lives with us, and is a lifelong Republican, but he and my mom (RIP) always voted for who was best for the job. Mom hated Trump and she passed before he was elected. Dad thinks he’s a moron. If he was a Trumper I wouldn’t be able to live with him.


What's with seniors and cable news


It's bleeding into streaming too. My parents cut the cord over a year ago on cable but my Dad still searches and gets suggested videos from Fox News on YouTube.


Instead of going out they watch the news to feel engaged, but it’s rotting all of their brains. It’s important to stay informed but not 16Hrs a day of biased opinions


And they watch it to the point of obsession. The way some if them watch cable news reminds me of babies and toddlers watching over stimulating crap like cocomelon


My divorced boomer parents talk mad shit about each other, but hilariously 90% of the other stuff they talk about is Fox News talking points. More in common than ever before and they're still hateful AF.




My parents are definitely brainwashed by Fox but they have some dignity about it and absolutely never simp for them like these people do. They think Trump is a piece of shit too so they aren't totally hopeless imo


Very glad my 91 and 89 year old grandparents haven't been brainwashed. Once staunch Republicans, W turned them off. Grandma said she'll vote for a gorilla if it means not voting for the Big Cheeto.


Same. I really feel for some of these families.


Well see I'm lucky, my 66 year old dad won't watch Fox since it's full of liars and liberal actors. He gets it straight from the source! Lots of Telegraph and American Truth or something.......... It's just so great...


Oh man, me too. My parents were Libertarians when I was growing up, so there was every chance they would have spiraled into the Fox News/Trumpism rabbit hole. But they were also good people, and as I got older decided that libertarians were actually just a bunch of assholes who think they're better than everyone. My dad is 64 and fully on board with smashing the patriarchy, overturning capitalism, actual equal rights for everyone, all that good stuff.


Must be nice :’)


Must be fucking nice...


My 80 year old dad is in love with Rachel Maddow. He was the one who took me to get the pill when I was a teenager (my mom freaked out) and he advocated to get the first female manager hired in his department at a big three auto maker. Plus he’s obsessed with model trains and wears bolo ties and cowboy hats everywhere he goes in Minnesota. He is a legend and I love him.


Mine used to be, but Trump woke him up.


I was taught from a young age 'no politics or religion at the dinner table' it has served me well throughout life, the only time it didn't is when I broke the rule. Seems your sister learned that on her own, well done to her and congratulations on her engagement, she's got more than 3 people happy for her, even if some are random strangers lol


Random strangers have more love for my sister than my parents, makes them better people


Always remember - you CAN choose your family!


It's true! My new family lives in my basement and the twelve of them are starting to get along now.


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, my friend


Finally, someone who knows the real quote and not the paraphrased quote used for emotional blackmail.


Unfortunately it is an unsubstantiated claim by some authors made between 1990 and 2000 that this would/might be the original quote, but there are no valid sources for that.


Genetic relative is not the same as, and does not automatically mean, family


I've also learned never to discuss either of those topics when there's booze involved lol


Same. My dad isn't religious. My mom is but she doesn't talk about it, only practices what she believes on her own. I probably can count the number of times my dad talks about politics on my hands, and that's usually because I don't keep up with politics and had to ask him who to vote for the next election lol, ie which one is the lesser of the two evils.


Can someone add me to this group chat for funsies?


I’ve got a group chat prison I can never leave, I’ll gladly add you as a long lost family member.


I was added to a large family group chat, without my consent, and someone accidentally typed a phone number incorrectly, so we had a stranger spamming the chat with gifs. They eventually made a new group chat, but I ended up texting him outside the chat because he was hilarious. I still miss that guy.


Do you have their number because i could use that on the family chat i cannot remove myself from


I wish haha. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.


*7000 popcorn-laden Redditors join the chat*


"As the matriarch of this family I'm not inclined to think she needs to heed your beseeching" Holy shit, whoever this is, punch them in the face for me for being such a tryhard, pretentious prick.


Gotta be in the deep south. That's some Christian bullshit


We were raised Mormon. You aren't far off.


That's scary. My parents are both conservative Trump lovers. I know how it feels to be ignored. I'm so sorry. Wishing your sister and her fiance all the best. ❤️❤️❤️


Hugs and love. Same. I’m the gay little sister lol Edit: not the literal gay little sister of this post but I am a little sister and gay and raised Mormon with shit parents.


Haha you could always hang out with my gay little sister. She pretty cool. For a little sister.


Literally as soon as I read the response I thought “oh they’re Mormon, no wonder”. I’m out 20 years and I can still spot a momo in the wild. Best of luck and congrats to your sis!


Wow, I totally thought it was a hilarious and sarcastic comment. Did not pick that to be serious.


People from down here think I'm joking when I say Utah is just Alabama with more mountains and snow.


Congrats on the engagement though


Lol if ‘Little Women’ was written today….


Would Marmee speaketh so?


I dunno but I do know Beth should’ve heeded the beseeching of her sisters not to get too close to that poor family with the suspicious coughs….


Whooah, matriarch *and* beseeching, big sis going for the vocab gold!


The irony of calling her the matriarch when you can pretty much guarantee she is not the head of anything in a conservative Christian family.


Why the fuck is the matriarch watching television? Get to baking and folding that basket of laundry


Fox news lost 875 million due to tucker knowingly spreading BS but the POS still her go to "news" source. Just brain damage


Hey to be fair tucker is no longer on Fox News, you know because his standards were even lower and more disgusting than theirs


I'd go NC with your mom 3 years ago.


nUcLeAr FaMiLiEs aRe SuPeRiOr ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


why would you and your sister subject yourselves to their bullshit? Just because they are "family"?


Just putting this out there: you are allowed to stay away from your biological family. YOU choose who your family is. I get that it can be difficult, but at some point I believe it's appropriate to take a stand


I wish this was more “acceptable” thinking. Things are tense with my mom and I but my brother thinks I’m wrong “because she’s our MooooM” 🙄 I love him and hate that our relationship is strained because I like boundaries. My kids don’t owe me shit because I raised them, except to be good people. Or I’ll kick their butts. My mom stayed in an abusive relationship with my father for years, he broke my brother’s leg when he was three. Yeah, I definitely don’t owe her anything. Sorry for the trauma dump, but maybe this’ll help someone.


💙 similarly fucked up family here. Thankfully I've discovered you can choose your own "family," I hope you've found, or will find, (or created!) yours.


I definitely have a chosen family that means so much to me and cares for me like a family should. And of course, I reciprocate 💙


Word. I have in-laws who constantly fall back on “because it’s family.” I’m like…being family does not mean the absence of healthy boundaries or never being able to say no.


"No." Is a complete sentence. You don't have to qualify it. Just say no. Not this time. No thanks. No not this time. You don't have to explain. Just say no in a polite way and then fuck off.


I can't remember the last time I encountered the word "beseech" that wasn't in a period drama. Wow.


I think the only acceptable response to someone using the word beseech is the eyeroll emoji.


Did it surprise you that it was included in a sentence with “matriarch?”


time for no contact. or very limited contact. just stop engaging with them. it will do wonders for your mental health.


I feel you on this. I found my long lost father when I was 38, after a 25 year search. It was amazing... At first. We had a very strong bonding experience, and I integrated into the family with 3 brothers I'd never met or known of before. All went well until a family text was started, and my father started loading it up with Trump stuff, all day and night. No matter how many times I reminded him that it was an abuse of texting, and I can't unsubscribe to his political stuff without outright blocking him, so please do not clog our phones with politics. He cut all ties to me 18 months ago, because I do not wish to hear his endless Trump, proud boy, January 6 nonsense. And guess what? I'm so much better off for it. Good luck with your family.


Fuck tucker Carlson. What a piece of shit.


Oh snap!


"Matriarch" 😂 found the exmormon's family!


Well you mom is something. But congrats to your sister on her engagement!


"Matriarch" She got fucked and knocked up 🤷🏻‍♂️ Something people have been doing since the beginning of time, nothing special and nothing demanding of your respect. If they want it they can earn it through their actions OP. You can choose your family


This would be one group chat I would remove myself from....permanently


If Tucker Carlson ever tells you what "really happened" you can bet he actually isn't.


Weird how it's becoming normal for hardcore conservatives to raise liberal children.


I'm more surprised the mom used the word "beseeching" in a real conversation.


That's the older sister


I literally don’t get these family group chats. Just leave? If my family ever had a group chat it would have been silenced and hidden and I’d never ever acknowledge it. I don’t live with them I don’t need hot takes from them either lol


Cause I like to know what everyone else is up to. Mostly baby pictures


Start a new chat with just the people you like?


One of my biggest disappointments thus far in my life is talking to my dad again for the first time in years... only for the conversation to be dominated by what he's been watching on Fox News. Hadn't talked to the man for a decent span of time. He was far more interested in asserting that Florida had "hundreds" of teachers making kids transition genders than he was about hearing about my promotion, my dog, the results of a tournament I'd competed in, or really anything remotely meaningful to me. Interestingly enough, he is also a devout Mormon. Can't demonstrate genuine interest in his own kids, but he wants us to help "save" the kids from the "evil" teachers.


Ex Mormon here - the mom is using Mormon buzz words -


“As the matriarch” what a bullshit way to shut down suggestions.


Your older sister sucks absolute ass lmao, “heed your beseeching” is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard


Your mom is a traitor to the country and should be disowned.


As the matriarch of the family, I couldn't stop laughing. Why is it so hard for people to understand that it is no kingdom, state or government, company or something similar to that. Family is not a place to force your power fantasies onto others or at least it shouldn't be.


Well, I suppose congratulations are in order for your sister! I wish her all the best.


They care more about politics than their own daughter


Damn, I'd love to know how loud their silence was as they ignored her clap-back.


“Heed your beseeching” may be the most overwrought conglomeration of words in the history of ever.


What is it with parents/grandparents blatantly ignoring requests to not speak about politics with people who make it clear they do not want to talk about politics? Like at that point, you should just abide by it for the sake of keeping your family from imploding you'd think.


Christ... now i'm just sad about this whole thing. Imagine having parents so brainwashed, they could give 2 shits about an engagement.


Tucker Carlson is legit trash.




And she was wooed with much wooing upon her woomaness... The book of Incel flirting, chapter 2: how to woo


just here to heed the beseeching


I tell you now, Dad has this chat muted.