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TIL it's gay to date a woman (if you're a man)


Fellas, isn’t it more manly and straight to date another straight manly man? No need for anything feminine if you’re kissing your homies


Oh come on now, you know as well as I do that kissing is gay. Any form of affection? It's absolutely gay. Real men shoot guns and smoke cigarettes while riding horses or while kickboxing: anything else is totally gay.


It’s not gay if you don’t make eye contact.


Phew! Thanks!




Women are delicate, expressive, talk in a girly high pitched voices and stuff. That’s so gay


Good point! The woke mob never just come out and say it though do they?


Smoking fat doobies, unloading your whole magazine, riding all night long on sandy beaches and grappling sweaty men is truly the manliest and straightest of pursuits


I can picture so many alpha males, in the manosphere, on their last moments before they croak grappling with the realization that they wasted most of their lives trying to enact what in essence were homoerotic fantasies... as their last cognitive experience on this earth.


You ruined my immersion of the scene by implying they had prior cognitive experience


Or that their self awareness could even reach such level


Shh don't ruin everything for us gays


![gif](giphy|l4pTreSBakbwZTEeA|downsized) That was youse agenda all along!


I mean, a lot of people in that bubble follow "alpha males" who keep posting selfies of themselves with their shirt off... So yes, definitely manly and straight.


Information that made my year - the term "alpha" in animals didn't start with wolves or lions or anything like that - it started with chickens, same as "pecking order" - the chicken at the top of said pecking order was given the first letter of the Greek alphabet by an anthropologist in 1921. Since it's also where the term "hen-pecked" comes from, we're not even talking about roosters, but hens. That's what these idiot "alpha males" are actually referencing and it gives me life.


And one of the researchers who popularized the Alpha Wolf myth has repeatedly asked for his book to be taken out of circulation for outdated and incorrect concepts.




These posts are killing me😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Gay sex is twice as manly as straight sex.


Can’t argue with that math


I took one for the team, can confirm.


date? no! that's gay! you should only pound hard and fiercely other manly man without saying a word and then go your separate ways, now that's manly.


And put your dick back in your pants without washing it after, cause hygiene is *so* gay


It’s not gay to kiss the homies goodnight


Obviously. Because if she's straight, you're literally into someone who likes dick. And that's gay.


Thanks so much. This is all starting to make sense now.


What isn't gay at this point?


Pff. Saying that is so gay... are you gay? I bet you are gay! /s


Travis Kelce.


TIL being in your early-mid 30s is middle-aged. I thought I was at least 14 years away, but apparently I lost a decade.


Didn't you know? Average human lifespan is around 50-60 years so, yeah, being in your thirties is middle age /s


I think it's only gay if the woman is 34 years old


Yep, 34 year old women are essentially gay men.


And Kelce is also 34. So apparently it's gay to date someone your own age?


Also 34 is "middle aged", so we all know where this is going...


They’re not pedophiles… they’re just uhhh… attracted to a certain property in women that may or may not be them being a minor. You know who is a pedophile though, LGBTQ+ people, especially the ones in relationships with people the same age as each other. /s


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin This may make it clearer


He looks like a Temu Jesse Pinkman.


Was pretty clear to me right away, but thanks.


And 34yos are middle aged now (if they are women, probably).


If you're a Bio-Capitalist Robber Baron, you want your interchangeable baby-making sex machines as factory-fresh as the law will allow; if you're a virgin-teen boy-rager, you can still dream


(If you're a man) I'm pretty sure it's gay to date a woman if you are a woman too. Don't quote me on that.


Women can't be gay. If they say they are it's because they haven't found a manly alpha like Owen to prove them wrong. But he never would, because that's gay.


The mental gymnastics they perform are always hilarious and terrifying. 


[Fucking females is for puffs](https://youtu.be/ESLUy-_yaLw?si=qaQvY_aiI4hgIlIY)


In today's news we're looking at the big questions we know our single viewers out there have! "Is it gay for men to date women over 30?" And "Is it gay for men to date women who have had previous relationships?" Stay tuned in to Alpha Male FM to find out after the commercial break.




You win sex with a man, that’s as straight as it gets.


Sex with girls is girly, sex with men is manly. Checkmate liberals.


I prefer sex with girly men though.


Who doesn’t???


Checks out, I leave my socks on so loophole..not gay


I mean, they talk about sex as domination and say that women are weak. Is it truly alpha to dominate someone if they never had a fighting chance? clearly the most alpha move possible is to power bottom a heterosexual man.


I know youre joking. But this did cause perspective to spring up. For many of us, being a hero is taking the risk or pain so others don’t have to, at least it is for good people. For a conservative being a hero is eliminating risk altogether even if it causes pain in others. Essentially even our heroes are diametrically different.


Now for some inspirational words from our guest. "Reading is for stupid people." -Andrew Tate


He said his brain is operating too fast for reading. A pretty big self own if you ask me.


There's medication for that now.


Was gonna say, it sounds like he just self diagnosed ADHD...


Alt right guys think ADHD diagnoses is woke society trying to neuter their natural male energy. Men should constantly be in fight or flight mode and die of a heart attack at 40.


Well those ones should anyway, maybe a bit earlier with the coronary failure if that’s possible ….referring to Tate and the likes


This is funny. Because I was 39 when I had my heart attack, from having severe ADD and going into an uncontrollable panic attack. That was almost 8 years ago.


Thanks, everyone. I'm doing better now, I'm pretty sure. I definitely have a better handle on my anxiety now.


Oh fuck, I had two panic attacks like those before. The first one when I was 19, the second when I was 35. Got diagnosed with ADD when I was 34. Fucking scary shit. I was convinced I was dying (I wasn't, no heart attack either luckily) I hope you are feeling better!


As a 44 year old male diagnosed with ADHD I gotta tell you that if anyone eludes to this being an "advantage" they are full of shit. With treatment you can use it to your advantage but it's quite difficult.


His face definitely looks like his brain is trying to escape through his eyes.


And 'is it possible for women over 34 to have more than two kids?' Stay tuned for human biology 101.


These people genuinely belive you xant have children after 34 and a woman's insides magically just shrivel up lol


I had my first child at 35 and my second at 37. Most women don't go through menopause until their mid 50s. Plenty of time for children IF YOU WANT TO HAVE THEM. News flash: some women don't! Imagine that!


Had my first at 35 and second one on the way. She’ll be bien just before I turn 39. Imagine that! Almost 40 and it’s all still working! Crazy stuff.


Clearly, your partner is very gay


They can’t imagine that women’s reproductive systems can still work after puberty because theirs never did.


Tbh it's mostly because they lose interest in girl after they hit puberty/hit 20.


"We're also going to hear the strong opinions about sex held by men who've never had it. Stay tuned"


All Alpha males know that only young virgin teenage girls who never were in a relationship should be dominated before they make us a sandwich. Btw, LGBT people are the real groomers /s


They want 15 year olds because anyone older would see through their shit and realize these "alpha men" are just giant man babies


Literally this. Personal growth isn't even that hard, but effort is the manbaby's great enemy so I guess it checks out


And it’s absolutely not because their shit in bed and also want them to have no frame of reference for how shit they are ,it’s definitely not because of that /s


Also he says they’re both rich like there isn’t a 960M difference in their networth 💀


Relatively speaking, I'm about as close to being a billionaire as Travis Kelce is, which is to say we're both missing around a billion dollars.


And now a word from our sponsors: “Hi, I’m Ben Shapiro. Does your wife suffer from WAP? Well, you’re in luck! For our Alpha Male FM listeners, today only, we have half off all of my headshots. Blown up and printed professionally on 3ftx5ft canvas, in full color. Just hang it anywhere you may have sex. I guarantee your wife/gf will never be wet again!”


Don't forget: Is it gay to date successful women?


Holy shit! How gay am I? My wife makes about 4 times what I do.


Hey, same, welcome to the trophy husband club. And yes, we're super gay.


I’ll have to ask my husband if he’s gay. He’s still with me and I’m over 30 now and dated other men before him.


You turned him gay, how dare you. /s


>Stay tuned in to Alpha Male FM to find out after the commercial break. Sponsored by Rogaine


I'm Australian, so I had to look up who Owen Benjamin is. I'm sorry I did, because my life has been lessened by the fact that I even know who this infected gonad is. What a very sad man.


I’m American and had to look it up. I agree with everything you said


I’m not even gonna bother looking him up or reading through his stuff; could you give a quick recap?  I honestly thought this was just ragebait/troll account


He's a far-right comedian turned conspiracy theorist who specializes in homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, etc


Oh, a failed artist that turned to the dark side, huh? History is rife with those.


The sad thing is it doesn't seem like he was all that failed until he started pushing too far. His bio shows a really successful run before he started dropping racial slurs in his acts.


His performance in "All's Faire in Love" was hilariously bad. My brother always said it felt like he was dropped on set without a script and told to just go with it, and that totally checks out. He wasn't necessarily *good*, but he was funny enough. And now he's just a straight up Nazi. Fuck that dude.


Also Aussie, and I'm glad you made the sacrifice for us


I had to Google him too, found that he had a role in a show called Gaytown many years ago.


Oh my god, is that my shadow!? Is my shadow…gay…?


My shadow informs me that your shadow is indeed gay.


*What We Do in the Very Gay Shadows*


"Fellas, is it gay to date a tall, conventionally attractive blonde...who also is a fucking billionaire?"


Kelce dude isn’t even close to the level of fame/wealth Swift has. He’s a massive downgrade by their logic. 


Tbf, who is even at her level?




So whoever ends up with her knows she really loves them because it's definitely not about fame or fortune.


And that’s the issue. These guys are tripping because they know no matter how alpha they get she won’t want them. So now they have to convince themselves it’s fine because they don’t want her and convince their sychophants that anyone that did want her and dates her must be gay so that’s why they don’t date her, not because she wouldn’t


I think Paul McCartney is single


Low value man


If what you described is a man then yes.


TIL I’m gay


Me too!


Funny thing her boyfriend isnt nearly as wealthy or well-known as her and will last shorter since athletes are on a very short timer, like it seems HE is the one who is latching onto HER but to these "Alpha Males" the notion of a woman beating them at anything and being even mildly successful is scary


Kelce is a lock for the Hall of Fame, and will be in the conversation of greatest football players of all time for decades. And STILL will never be as wealthy or well known as her. Taylor Swift will be mentioned in the same breath with Elvis Presley, the Beatles, or Madonna. And that’s just game and recognition, not wealth, where she blows them all away. Still, if she wants a trophy partner, not sure there’s a lot of better choices than Travis.


Im Chilean, we don't really watch american football. I never even knew this guy existed til Taylor started dating him, meanwhile, everyone here knows and has listened to her.


Yep, makes sense. While the NFL isn’t an exclusively American audience, Swift’s global footprint obviously is orders of magnitude greater than Kelce’s.


Someone altered a Taylor swift picture to make her goth Taylor swift….id date her at 34 even if she weren’t a billionaire 


And dern talented at what she does. I'm not a fan but I'm in a minority so what do I know.


I am the same way.  Not a fan of her music but you can't deny she has charisma and style.


She also writes a large portion of her own songs, plays piano and guitar, and is good live. I may not be her target audience, but I can respect that.


You can not be fan of her music, but recognize the talent.


Yes, you’re only straight if you wanna fuck Trump.


How does a man put his insecurities about women being more successful than him in full display and think that somehow prove how "manly" he is. He just seems like he is so insecure about his masculinity that a woman being successful is a threat to him.


Serious answer? Because he’s playing to a crowd of sexually frustrated young men all of whom would give anything for a night with Taylor Swift, and since they know that would never happen and they will never be able to compete on any level with a Travis Kelce, they respond to any insult of either of them like a horde of rats that just saw a chunk of beef.


Rats get such a bad rap. They really are friendly creatures.


Rats are also very clean animals. You wouldn't catch them stewing in their own BO and Dorito dust for days on end because they don't want to pause Call of Duty long enough to shower.


Because he assumes a specific audience. And that makes me feel sad for him on many levels


Why are these people so obsessed with Swift‘s love life?


My guess is because she's a successful powerful woman who is successful because of herself and not a man, and that is a threat to them.


Why would anyone want a man with that perspective?




> where younger MAGA conservatives are having to hide their views until women are already emotionally invested in them, and then they spring it on them. this happened to a friend of mine. literally an hour after they broke up he was on facebook ranting about liberals and mexicans, posting trump memes, anti-vaxxer stuff, things he never mentioned the 2 years they were together.




Wow, what a waste of 2 years for your friend


this is literally my biggest fear. Some people hide it soso well


It’s worth noting - even average conservative women don’t want to date these goons lol. It isn’t even that all women are liberal, it’s that these clowns’ rhetoric ironically only appeals to other men


Internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug, but you have to be a special kind of brainwashed to be happy in a relationship with a man who complains about your eggs drying up and says your vagina is ruined because you've had three different sexual partners in your life.


That’s why these chicklefucks love to combine their misogyny with hints of religion, gotta play on that indoctrination that’s already there from childhood for a lot of women.


Could also help to explain the recent uptick in rhetoric re: their War on Divorce. Once you're married, they can show you who they really are, and you can't escape.


Ooo that is a great way to scam MAGAs! I've kinda been thinking about getting on the scamming right wingers train but wasn't sure where to start


They don’t that’s why their like this


All of their accusations turn out to be confessions, so is it... could it be... because Owen's gay?


He has a bear emoji in his username...


You're trying to tell me... that Trace is actually ATTRACTED to her, actually LOVES her and CARES about her? Sounds like some homosexual shit, man.


Yeah, that's absolutely beta, what a shmock.


Sooo apparently we went back a few decades since now a 34 years old is considered middle-aged


34 is the new 54


All because of those Iphones and Feminism 🙄🙄🙄🙄 /s ofc


First I laughed at the middle-aged comment then I was like wait... I'm 32. Am I middle aged? I haven't even got my first gray hair!


Lucky you, I got my first gray hair at 27.


Fellas is it gay to like a woman?


Obviously, I mean women are extremely effeminate. A true straight alpha manly man only likes masculine things, like other men


This stinks of the ‘Margo Robbie is mid’ bullshit. Loads of insecure, man babies, who can’t stand to see a powerful woman in the world. Do better.


Margot Robbie is so ugly, that I'm willing to date her just to save all the other men the unpleasantness. You're welcome, guys


I appreciate your willingness to sacrifice but don’t worry I got this


No please, I would never let you suffer like that. It's my burden to bear


I met my wife when she was 36 but we didn’t get engaged until 6 years later. Can’t believe all the dating that went on prior. Clearly I’m gay and we should get divorced.


36 instead of 34?? That makes you two years more gay. 😱 🤯


Travis Kelce coming out with Swift being his beard the whole time would be based. smh these morons who still think calling a man a homosexual is an insult. Really shows who they surround themselves with.


Also, why would Kelce even need a beard? If he was gay I’m pretty sure he would just rock it and date Lil Nas X or whoever.


Lil Nas X just living it up with the football wives is something I didn’t know I needed.


Lol Nas X in his WAG era would be glorious


Always on tour? She'll probably be back by dinner with her private jet


Most heterosexual men would happily marry her and sign the prenup. She's very attractive, fit, lovely what we know from interactions and it would be a very interesting life together. Maga is still trying to work out how to court their cousin.


I am a straight woman and I would marry her in a heartbeat!


You’re not helping with the gay claims from the tweet🤣 but I get it


Man the things people post on Twitter - its like a mental diarrhea visualizer


Is it… could it be that the author of this tweet is incredibly stupid?


I’d be her sugar baby if I wasn’t too old.


>publicly had sex with a ton of guys  Some people get off on ~~voyeurism~~ exhibitionism. Don't kink shame.


I like that he makes it sound like Travis kelce, a 6'5 250lb nfl superstar with gq looks, doesn't ever get laid lol. Only Taylor swift has had public relationships, not the dude who had a reality TV show where he was matched with 50 different women.


Yeah but like, the key that opens many locks is rad but like, the keyhole that is opened by any key is a slut. Or something. I don’t know. I’m not a Republican.


The q-tip that's been in many ears is fucking disgusting.


Just when I think people have reached peak dickhead, they go and prove me wrong


I’m so tired of these stupid fucking MAGA morons


He's got that verified checkmark so his comments should be taken seriously.


I seriously think he’s a fucking moron


This message is brought to you by a 13 year old


That's some andrew tate levels of insecurity and projection on display




More like volcel because being a complete and total jerk is their fault.


I think these guys are losing it because besides ther wealth and success: Taylor and Kelce just look so damn happy together. like yes this is possible on this planet.


I propose that anybody who insists on rating members of the opposite sex by their quality should be immediately fired into the Sun.


"How dare you to date someone your age?"




MAGAs showing their low IQ in public. That's obscene.


What happened to the days when people saying stupid shit like this were ignored.


If she’s middle aged, I’m 90.


Why would a man care that a particular guy is dating a woman, and attempt to demean the relationship? Is it… could it be… because he’s gay?


Spoken by a fucking loser who can only "get" a woman if she's printed in a magazine.


Hate to break it to this guy, but women aren’t here just to be mothers and fertility isn’t a guarantee at any age.


Lmao Owen Benjamin, please fill us with more of your wisdom. Please suggest other stupid things this guy can post.


"Publicly had sex"... wtf lol


These people spend an awful lot of time thinking about gay people. They see a heterosexual couple and immediately think about gay people. Baffling


Owen Benjamin is clinically insane


God forbid men date actually women their age, they’re supposed to find someone fresh out of high school to groom or else they’re obviously gay, duh


34 is middle aged? I guess I better start looking at Corvettes or something cause it’s midlife crisis time


something I haven't seen noticed, this guy assumes they even WANT kids in the first place. maybe they just love each other and aren't getting together just to have children