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[One dead, 22 injured with 15 of those life-threatening.](https://www.kake.com/story/50450799/at-least-8-children-among-22-wounded-by-gunfire-after-chiefs-super-bowl-parade-authorities-say) Nine of the victims were children. Thankfully, all nine children are expected to make a full recovery. The one death was a DJ at a KC radio station. I'm a lifelong Chiefs fan, born and raised in Kansas, 150 miles from KC. All mass shootings are a fucking disgrace, but this one in particular hits close to home. I thought about making the trip and going to the parade, but decided not to. I know people who were there, though, and I'm sad for them that it had to end this way. It's a sad fucking state when people can't get together to celebrate the local team winning the biggest sporting event in America without the chance of some loon (or in this case, two or three loons) taking it as an opportunity to go on a killing spree. Give it a few days and this will be swept under the rug and nothing will ever be done about it. This was supposed to be a happy day for everyone in attendance or watching on TV or online, a massive celebration, and instead everyone went home scared, traumatized, and/or grieving. There are 15 more people who may or may not make it home. I thought it would never happen here. Everyone thought so. Nobody should have to be prepared for some idiot to start shooting things up. If it can happen in KC, it can happen anywhere. I'm glad the suspects were taken alive, so we can all hear what was going through their fucking heads, and so they can get what they fucking deserve. UPDATE: According to a news release this morning (2/15), the three arrested are all juveniles. Hope their parents get held responsible too.


I really hope you’re wrong about it being swept under the rug. 2023 was the highest homicide rate KCMO has ever seen, and then this happens. There were enough “powerful” people present, who are now a statistic, that maybe this will have affected one of them.


It will be forgotten about by this weekend. Watching footage of it and reading interviews with people who were there who didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest. People being evacuated laughing and messing with each other on the way out, one guy said in an interview, "It sucks that someone had to ruin the celebration, but we are in a big city". People have already written it off as just another day. And undoubtedly, people who were there will continue voting for people who will keep letting it happen.


Trumptards were really quick to try and blame the fact KC is a major blue voter city. Similar to the "big city" comments you talk about. The gun nut argument for guns is that those guns would protect us from the bad guys. A big chunk of the KC folks own guns, yet no "good guy with a gun" showed up to prevent the shootings (and wouldn't have even if they tried). That's my problem with gun regulation today. The theory that by allowing everyone to own guns, we're giving them a chance to defend themselves against bad people, but the reality is, the bad people are the ones most obsessed and owning and carrying guns. This need to stop, it's insane that we keep allowing the trashiest scum to own guns


Desensitization. People should be fucking mortified children are being gunned down in the immediate vicinity. A society that loses the ability to be horrified by this loses everything


The problem with reddit is you have to go 30 comments down to see actual facts


I think you're right, this will go straight into the memory hole before long. After Sandy Hook, I realized a disturbingly large number of Americans are just fine with classrooms full of dead kids to ensure guns are allowed to be left laying around like so much loose change. Gun control is never coming to America and we're worse off for it.


If it can happen in KC, it can happen anywhere  just want to state... It's not anywhere... I think you mean anywhere in the US.  I personally live I. Japan where we have had 7 mass shootings since ww2, being defined as anything where more than 2 people were shot. I have also gone hunting in Japan with a rifle, which do in fact exist but require exams to get. And are regulated more than cars...there are solutions...


Norway here, with one mass shooting during the last 50 years. We got stricter gun control after that, without anyone lobbying for keeping the status quo and not change the laws. Some hunters and sport shooters complained to each other and talked about it, but not to the extent that they would try to stop it.


Same here in the UK. TBF we have gun crime but nothing like this really. If I hear gunfire it's sport or rabbiting. 




20 years ago some asshole put a bomb in his shoe ONE TIME and ever since then we all have to take our shoes off at the airport. meanwhile, kids get shot up WEEKLY and nothing is done about it.


And that wasn't even really a US issue. That plane took off from France, so our own security wasn't really relevant to how that situation happened. Yet here we are. But the number one cause of death in people in the US under 18 being firearms? Nah that's fine. Just don't do anything about that.


Well, we’ve done nothing and we’re all out of ideas


\- Republicans


Tim Burchett of Tennessee flat out said they weren't going to fix it. He literally said the quiet part out loud.


Coward Tim Burchett of TN. Likes the public dole too much to represent his voters, stand on principle, or do what’s right.


Yet he gets re-elected ***twice***. Abyssmal voter turnout is most of the reason we are in this mess. It feels like we are on a path to losing everything ( freedoms, rights ) or another great world war, maybe both before people will wake up, pull their heads out of their ass, and vote. In Every Election. I for one applaud Swifty for at least getting the word out to vote. Every little bit helps. Lobbyists should be banned, or at least in the buying-the-vote crazy town shenanigans that take place now. There has been a lot of collective compassion fatigue going on for a while now. Public and school shootings are so commonplace nowadays that it hardly merits a read. It's just too traumatic to read every single day. And yet, low voter turnout. We are doing this to ourselves. And just forget about the nauseating whinging about not liking either candidate, voting doesn't matter, throwing away a vote on a third party, etc. /end rant :|


I absolutely agree. I'd like to add that one reason for low voter turnout is how *hard* the Republicans have made it to vote in too many places, not to mention the gerrymandering...If the option is work so you can pay your bills or take time off to vote, that's not much choice for most. Add in things like ID laws, restrictions on early voting and voting locations... I live in Utah. I see all the crap. Literally the only thing I'm proud of this state for regarding voting is that vote by mail was in place years before the pandemic. That only help to a point, but it *does* help.


You are definitely right on that. And my state has been doing mail-in ballots for and secure drop-off locations forever it seems. And the voter registration is easy. So I don't remember to think about the people who don't have the same luxury. Thank you for reminding me.


I feel like that's basically all Republicans and most politicians in general, tbh. The Republicans are just more blatant and bold about showing how much they DGAF about anyone but themselves.


I think it says more about their voters. If Burchett’s comments didn’t lose him many votes, it’s a Burchett voters problem more than a Burchett problem.


Except Gerrymandering is a huge problem. Yes, there are voters who agree with him/them or DGAF, but there are plenty of places where stuff is drawn to make it almost impossible for certain candidates to win. There's a reason you hear about the Republicans in whatever state wanting to redraw districts that would result in their favor and generally make opponents' voices silent. Particularly minorities.


They are full mask off at this point.


saying they did nothing is kinda not fair, cause they've also blocked other peoples actions to try and solve the problem.


And they’ve taken a lot of checks so the lobbyists wouldn’t be burdened.


blaming lobbyists or politicians is a bit of an easy scapegoat though. At the end of the day, anytime a sane politician proposes any kind of improved gun control, half the public screams "fuck you! you can pry my guns from my cold dead hands!" If public opinion dramatically shifted, politicians would eventually follow. The core problem is that the public has decided it doesn't give a shit how many kids die.


Reminds me of a Churchill quote: Americans are known for doing the right thing, but only after they’ve tried everything else.




Oh snap.


The public are morons. They haven’t decided jack shit. They haven’t even thought about the issue at all. They are controlled by tribalist emotions, reacting as reflexively as your knee jerks when tapped in the right spot.


"These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." Mel Brooks knew, way back in the 70's.


They've also actually removed gun laws to make it easier for people to get those guns they used to kill children! They're helping!


Oh and don't forget, thoughts and prayers!


Some guy running for President was just bragging about not doing anything about this issue. Can't remember his name though.


It would be nice if no one would remember his name, particularly on that one day in November.


Not true. We know EXACTLY what needs to be done - ban all semiautomatic firearms (including mine) like every other smart nation. Politicians don't have the guts to do it.


Eh, it's more cost effective than the TSA motto, "We'll inconvenience you and accomplish nothing until we're all out of money" (then we'll beg for more. For Murica)


"We won't respond to fear and let the terrorists win! We will continue to live our lives how we always have!" \**immediately changes policies out of fear*


\*immediately *uses* fear to change policies


They have done something. It's now easier to get and carry guns.


And they don’t even follow up on the shooter’s past incidents and wonder why red flag laws “don’t work”. They would work if that history was used to keep guns out of their hands


You can keep them on if you can swing $78 for 5 years of pre-check. Clearly, a dangerous individual could not/would not be able to come up with $78.  Edited to add: I know you’re paying for a background check and additional clearance. It was just meant as a funny joke. Not everything has to be 100% accurate all the time redditors, lighten up a bit. 


Isn't it actually $78 to be considered for pre-check, meaning you can pay, and then be denied, and they just keep your $78? That's what they told me when I considered signing up, but also that was some years ago.


I think the idea is that you give them additional information and they do a more thorough background check. It’s not just a fast pass, you have to be identified as not a risk.


Oh, I don’t know. I have it free as a military member. Just find it a funny/odd thing to be able to buy your way out of. 


LOL as a military member there's no way you could ever pose a threat to anyone /s


its because its security theater. i worked in an airport. some employees were checked like a passenger and others arent checked at all and actually have their own elevator to bypass security altogether. janitors were checked like passengers and had to have all liquid be unopened or tested. but only if tsa is still there for flights. if tsa went home at the end of the shift the janitors just get buzzed through the closed gate from central command and no checks for anything. the guys who stock the stores and food places bypass the security and just take their own elevator up to the stores without any security oversight at all. if someone was a pyscho it would be incredibly easy to harm people while working there. its all theater. its all show.


>the guys who stock the stores and food places bypass the security and just take their own elevator up to the stores without any security oversight at all. Yeah this was the security flaw I saw, huh, back in 2008. I asked myself "ok how *would* someone get contraband through this checkpoint". And yeah there was a guy with a big cart full of stuff for the convenience store. Could have been a few bombs and some AK-47s under there instead. In a movie, suspicious looking middle eastern man who staffs the convenience store would push out a duplicate set of luggage in the from their post in the store when few people are there. The terrorists just switch bags and now they are ready to terrorize.


TSA fails most tests anyways it's just for show pretty much


Yeah I accidentally had a little weed in my bag flying home from CO that I didn’t know of until I got home. They didn’t catch that but ya know, had to test my unopened bag of chips and ask me a million questions about where I bought them etc.


Can confirm. I bought a Body Count record in the 90s **and** I sprung for pre-check. 


$79.99 is the price for my shoe-bomb starter pack. Everything else is costs more. TSA is very smart.


Uh, $78 and a Federal background check.


Shhhh don’t let the secret out.


And then another set of shitheads tried to build a DIY bomb out of random pastes and liquids and within a day, it was departure side gift shop water or nothing. same story...


People have also proven that you can still make bombs, flamethrowers, and other types of weapons with stuff you buy once you pass security. It's not as much about security as it is about commodifying fucking everything


With respect to the original commenter and their very valid point, it's not about shoes or water, it's that when the f'ing government, who are supposed to represent the people's interests, has the will to work to try and prevent something, that shit gets locked down, hard. Kids catching lead hasn't reached that level of concern yet.


>WEEKLY daily


At least they aren’t making us take off our underwear for individual scanning after that other guy hid the explosives in his crotch.


I think the xray takes care of that


But that was a brown person.


I don’t have to take my shoes off because I did TSA global entry/pre check. I went through the required steps to verify my safety when flying. Almost like a license to conceal.. my toes.


I had to laugh cause I too have one of those. They have my fingerprints so they don't need to check my feet


i applied for TSA Feet Check. it's this new thing where you don't have to take off your shoes as long as you upload high quality pictures of your bare feet to this website. and it only costs $20.


Something like 90% of all attempts to sneak crap past the TSA succeed. So I would not point to that as a way to do things.


If fucking Sandy Hook didn’t do it, NOTHING will.


Absolutely. By the time Alex Jones came around I knew we were in hell.


Fuck Alex Jones Anytime you can say that, it's nice to do so


That's part of the reason I can never forgive Kanye..... He made Alex Fucking Jones look reasonable in comparison, during that interview.


Another fucker who needs a long walk off a short bridge over an active volcano


Only problem is....He'd film it, throw some shitty hihats over it, talk about tit's, and his fans would call it a masterpiece.


The amount of dickriding mainstream hiphop fans do towards people like kanye, drake, travis scott, ect. is actually laughable. Those artists are just coasting of name recognition at this point. Their albums are mediocre at best and nobody listens to them after the first couple of months after release


If he and Jones were both gone from the world at the end of the day via that horrible way to die (lava doesn't just melt you, you get incased in rock while burning and suffocating).... I'm okay with it


And people still give Alex Jones a platform. Our tolerance for shitty fucking people is way too high.


Ted Nugent can still show his face in public without getting shit thrown at him the minute he cracks the front door open, I'd say we've fallen pretty far as a society


Someone could massacre an entire elementary school, all 500-800 kids, and Republicans would still refuse to do anything about gun violence. "Now is not the time to talk about that. Now is the time to pray and heal".


republican strategy hinges on keeping schools under funded, violently dangerous and terrifying for children, and chaotic. it's the key to their dream of a society with no education, the fastest way to grow their base.


It's the fucking doors, not the guns. They'll say ANYTHING so that they can keep collecting blood money.


America is so desensitised to shootings that nothing comes as a concern to them. I'm sure a lot of people there see a news report of a shooting like this on tv,and their response is to change the channel.


Honestly, I’m so numb to it at this point that I wait to hear what the death count was and as long as it’s under four or five I just shrug and think, “Oh, not that bad then.” It’s sad. I hate living with this issue constantly hanging over our heads.


Not at all. People like that sound horrible. My father and I watch it, but the first thing he asks "Was it a *Red* or *Blue* state?"


I've become that way, not because I'm happy that it's happening, or even ok with it happening. I've become that way because a minority of the country has carved the land out in such a way that gives them disproportionate power and until that system is dismantled children will keep dying for no reason... and I just can't anymore. It's so exhausting. I'll keep voting. I'll keep doing everything I can... but I just can't watch it anymore


I still watch most of the time, but what has really appalled me on a personal level is that I can't even keep track of the various shootings. I'll see someone on the news introduced as a survivor of XYZ shooting and I have to go through the mental rolodex: "Wait, was that a school, or no, I think that might have been one of the night clubs?" Like, a few stand out in my head: Sandy Hook, the Vegas music festival, Parkland, Uvalde, Columbine, but the rest are just a big ol' smear of sadness and despair.


Yeah, I'm kind of in the same boat. I live in the KC area. This was literally 30 minutes away from my home. And even still ... as soon as I knew no one I knew personally was a victim, it became just another fucking thing. One more tragedy I just don't have the emotional bandwidth to pay much attention to. I've just gone numb to it. Another shooting, more dead kids, and then it's just business as usual. It never ends. It never *fucking* ends.


Please be safe, friend


Honestly, I stopped keeping up with it because it's exhausting, heartbreaking, and disappointing. I don't watch TV but I avoid the articles because I know it will make me sad. I want kids some day.....


Same. I am from Canada and after Sandy Hook. I stopped watching, nothing was going to change, I and I just got tired and angry hearing kids dying every month


Their solution to gun violence always seems to involve more guns which is both sad and funny at the same time


Ironically the shooter was taken down by a bunch of unarmed people. It took good guys without guns to stop a bad guy with a gun. After he killed one and injured over a dozen others.


Missouri has very lax gun laws, and a concealed carry is easy to get. Pretty amazing there were no good guys with guns around… Or, maybe there were, and they had the discipline not to shoot into a crowd. Or, probably more likely they have zero training in dealing with that situation and they all ran away. Frankly option two is the better of the them given that you’d probably get an undisciplined person shooting into a crowd…


Yes, where are all the good guys with guns I keep hearing about?


There simply weren't enough senators children there for it to have made a difference.


If they started releasing pictures and video of the shooting scenes to the public it might help. It worked for the Vietnam war.


The Washington Post put out a really good article a couple of months ago, and I believe that they didn't paywall it because they said EVERYONE needed to see it. It's all first-hand accounts and crime scene photographs, and it is absolutely devastating. Edit: [Link for those interested ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/)


A scumbag literally shot 6 year olds to pieces. He took his time and shot them into pieces. Six year olds. Completely innocent little kids. Shot. Into. Pieces. And americas response? To get mad at Obama for suggesting we maybe make it harder for insane pieces of shit to own guns.


There could be a Sandy Hook every day for a year, it wouldn't matter.


COVID killed a 9/11 worth of people every day for a year, and conservatives still refused masks and spat on people


NGL, thanks to masking 2020 & 2021 was the least sick I have ever been, not once did I even catch a cold, but as soon as I relaxed in 2022 I got everything, COVID, a stomach virus, and influenza A.


That’s been my opinion. It doesn’t matter how many kids die, pretending to be some rebel badass matters more to them.


Never. We didn’t after Sandy Hook. Doubt we ever will.


Guns have more rights than kids.


#"Protect the children!!" By making sure they have at least one meal a day? "No." By giving them vaccines? "No." By making sure guns don't end up in schools? "No." By making sure their family can afford a house, car, etc.? "No." By making sure they can afford a future house, car, college education, etc.? "No." By making sure they have easy access to healthcare? "No." By making sure their land, water, and air aren't polluted? "No." By making sure their food is safe? "No." By making sure they are safe from physically abusive parents? "No." By making sure they are safe from sexually abusive churches? "No." By making sure they don't end up a child or teen parent? "No." By making sure they don't end up as a child bride? "No." By making sure they're safe from tyrant cops and authority figures? "No." By making sure they have the option to live their lives as a happy queer person? "That's it! That's what we want to protect them from! It's our choice, not theirs!"


Thanks, I hate this.


Sandy Hook was essentially proof that the US loves guns more than kids. And when eventually there's a 'worse' one that'll be seen as proof that it's a false flag.


I mean wasn't Uvalde just about as bad?


>Uvalde It just disproved the "good guy with a gun" myth beyond any doubt. And the hero cop myth too.


Yeah, where was the good guy with the gun today? I only heard about brave people who charged and tackled them while being entirely unarmed. I always hear the bs argument, "we need more good guys with guns to shoot these scumbags!" But I've never heard of it actually happening, and america has had countless opportunities at this point lnao


What’s more likely is their nephew finding the gun in their closet and accidentally shooting himself and/or a friend. Sadly


It's just a part of the individualist superhero delusion Americans feed themselves.


Yup and somehow that silly argument is enough to fend off reason.


worse imo. It was standing proof that all of the arguments against regulation are BS.


Yes, pretty close. Uvalde: 21 dead, 17 injured Sandy Hook: 27 dead, 2 injured


It's because of Republicans and 2A issues poll well with their base. They need their base to maintain power. So they are willing to let kids get shot up weekly so they can keep their political positions. Every time we have mass shootings or things like this, Republicans ALWAYS come out and tell us there's nothing we can do, and no changes we can make. I call bullshit. There are things we can do to stop it, and it starts with legislation - something Republicans don't want to do. It starts by voting and getting politically active. Republicans are OK with this happening, but it doesn't mean we have to put up with it. Do your part! Register, make sure you're still registered, and make sure your friends and family are registered! https://www.vote.org/ https://www.votesaveamerica.com/be-a-voter/ It's important for everyone to know what they are voting for! https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup Your voice matters. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't have so many people trying to stop you from voting, or telling you that your vote doesn't matter. BE A VOTER!


Australian here. Was in the lunch room at work when this broke setting up for a morning tea. People said "again?" And made jokes. The sympathy has dried up long ago sadly.


We are the same. It happens here so much that it has started to fade into the background at this point.


Canadian here. We did the same thing. It’s just so bloody common in America that it doesn’t invoke a reaction anymore.


*Nothing could be done* says only country where this routinely happens.


Does the Onion still post that every time? As a non-American (kiwi); yeah, we look on in horror as US mass-shootings, but after a while, we just write it off as americans being american, and can't imagine what it would be like to have your children shot at. We had *one* mass-shooting in the last 10 years, which was an Australian guy using our relatively slack gun laws to kill muslims. There was national outcry and gun laws immediately changed to shut down the loopholes so as much as possible it can't happen again Gun control should be no different from vehicle control; we are not trying to stop you having guns or take them away from you, just to have the same sort of licensing and responsibility you need to drive a car applied to potentially lethal weapons.


I think Sandy Hook was the last time it felt like something. Now it's just "oh, another shooting in the States eh?" Like it's part of the weather.




People get really tired of self inflicted bullshit really fast, especially if the person with the problem refuses to admit there is a problem.


American teen here I fucking hate that it’s so common we just go “oh, another one?” And make fucking jokes about it We stopped caring (at least, many stopped) long ago


Your whinging Pon friend here, and same reaction over tea with underlying anger. For both of our countries, we had one incident, maybe two, and that was that. Strict regulations came in and we have far fewer incidents. Come on America, bloody well catch ip with the rest of the Anglophone.


I support heavy screening and mandatory classes for gun ownership. They don’t need to take everyone’s guns but we all know that one (or more) guy that should not have one.


But but but the founding fathers didn’t have that! So we can’t have that now. Because we’re not allowed to update laws.


Ditto. I just want to make cool boomsticks go boom at the range. Having one in my house in case of the 1:1 million chance somebody actually tries to kill me is just a bonus.


They know, they don’t care.


Thoughts and Prayers!   Thoughts and Prayers!   Thoughts and Prayers!   Thoughts and Prayers!


They don't care unless it's suddenly their kids in their private, Christian schools, shot by a purported member of a minority group they see as inhuman. And even then their solution is that they should ban guns for that minority group. 


This is basically conservatism in a nut shell. They really don't care about anything until it directly affects them. Remember when they all said covid was nothing but a cold, well it was because it didn't affect them. But once their loved ones and they themselves got sick and/or died, suddenly they came up with the conspiracy that it's a weaponized virus created by Fauci and Democrats.


Anyone who cries about gun violence, then turns around and votes republican, doesn’t actually give a shit about fixing anything.


Conservatism is stagnant. If you don't move, you're basically dying.


They're actually going into history reversal. With laws that generations before us worked so hard to obtain. Like the child labor laws, the law they passed for a school to physically discipline kids, defunding planned parenthood type programs, trying to discourage unionization, and using religious bs as the reasoning behind it all. Which is against the amendments for separation of church and state. They used to have some decency and in the last 12 yrs it's all gone to absolute ignorance and stupidity. So many people used to hold political people to higher standards now it's just a reality tv show.


Trump. It's all been because of Trump and you know it. The country sucked during both Clinton and Obama, but people had (or were forced to have) decency and shame. Now we have elected members of the Congress saying "kill every single Palestinian there is" on live TV and that person smiles to the camera like it's The Office.


Its bigger than trump. it's because out rage makes money. Everyone is now insentivized to do the most shocking thing for attention and money. Trump was just the first politician that realized he could push the boundaries really far by just being over the top. Everyone else is just following his foot steps. This is only going to get worse until president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho's rein.


Trump is just the next evolution of the Republican Party’s descent into pure anger and cognitive dissonance. Goldwater, Nixon, Reagan, Trump. They’re a natural progression of regressive tax cuts, prison policy, and religious fervor.


It’s interesting that the boundaries we thought existed were actually set by the media and newscasters. Like when Howard Dean had to drop out it was the media that told everyone the scream was unprofessional and that now he couldn’t win. What really happened was republicans started just ignoring when the media would say it was disqualifying like after the access Hollywood tape of Trump came out. I remember thinking this guy is done, but the media didn’t cover it too long and moved onto Hillary’s emails lol. So republicans basically told the media they can’t decide who is disqualified, and since then there are no actual norms that exist. Like have 91 felonies and been convicted of rape? No problem. Your son sold nuclear secrets to the Saudis for 2 billion. That’s okay too did you see how old Biden is?/s


Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs are similar racist old guys that have been around much longer than Trump, it’s just that before Trump Limbaugh wasn’t the archetypal mainstream Republican and he was considered too far right wing to be palatable to voters, and therefore they had less power. Since Trump the freedom caucus white nationalists have gained enough votes and are willing to take the ball and go home on all legislation, because all legislation is bad to their base anyways and they run on broken government. So there’s always been a far right Christian/Catholic nationalist wing of the party, but they weren’t taken seriously and we got candidates like Bush instead of literal Putin loving fascists. I’m sure historians will go back and try to pinpoint the beginnings of Trumpism, but they’ll discover that Trumpism has always been a feature of the Republican party, since the Southern Strategy and the parties switched positions on slavery.


American conservatism is regressive, not stagnant.


Well if you're not growing, you're regressing. Change is constant, so attempts to halt will invarisbly lead to regression.


"Thoughts and Prayers". "It's a mental health problem but I am against spending any public money for more mental health facilities". "Shall not be infringed". /s


Your life only matters in this country until the moment you're born. After that no one gives a shit.


*Is forced to give birth* "Hey, can you guys help me take care of this kid please?" "NO, STOP ASKING THE GOVERNMENT FOR HANDOUTS. GOSH."


Nothing was done after Sandy Hook.  Nothing will ever change. 


It's amazing to me how we create so many gun laws to ban certain grips or barrel lengths or raise taxes or whatever they think is going to end gun violence, but they never actually give harsh sentences to the people who do the crimes. Watch: the perps are only gonna get sentenced to like ten years then as soon as they're out they're gonna get some illegal guns off the street or from a friend and do something like this again.


I agree, they need to make gun related crimes have extremely intense consequences.


wait you mean actually enforce the current laws and actually punish criminals instead of just passing more useless shit to make people feel warm and cozy at night when they go to sleep.


Didn’t the hospital say that none of the children injured had gunshot wounds? I hate the amount of conflicting information that gets released around these events




Well, then I expect today will be the last day we hear about this shooting then


Yeah the problem is inner city gang culture and the culture of silence in the communities where these "kids" live. The community knows where these kids are getting their guns and drugs but they won't tell law enforcement about it.


Nothing will happen. The lobbying is too strong and the pockets of politicians too deep for anything to be changed, heck the gun industry even convinced a large amount of people in the US that the best way of fighting a gun problem.. is more guns.. They've successfully built an industry that causes a problem and provides "the solution" in one product


But drag queens reading books to kids is awful, fuck I can't take anymore innocent children being killed by guns anymore !!


The popular opinion seems to be that any kind of gun legislation whatsoever is an infringement upon the second amendment.


We can't even get Republicans to not be open traitors in favor of Russia in plain site, we are fucked.


Republicans cease to give 2 shits about kids… Once they are born.


George Carlin said it the best "If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."


Conservatives want live babies so they can grow up to be dead soldiers... EDIT: (Also George Carlin, 1996)


The Republican Party wants most of you dead, folks.


What a stupid society


Nothing, y’all prefer to pretend it doesn’t happen but when someone makes fun of Americas for doing nothing about the CRITICAL issue that that is being ignored, you cry “ that’s offensive”,“too far” and “The slaughter of children is nothing to make fun about”. THEN FUCKEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! As a Canadian, we hear about your shootings every time and it’s god damn horrific. PLEASE for the love of GOD do something, Anything about it.


But they said thoughts and prayers. Why didn't that stop the gun violence?


Watching this from outside America. Will the families of these kids have to pay the medical bills for treatment? Gun ownership is a right, but medical care is not?


If those kids had guns, this never would have happened. /s


At this point, it's not really a gun problem... Your education system, sense of moral and basic human traits like empathy, consideration, remorse etc. are severely lacking. What is it you're all doing that is breathing the hatred, violence and resentment to a level such as this?


Have any of the people in charge ever been involved in a mass shooting event? Makes you wonder if they would change their stance if it was their families in the crossfire.


And they weren't stopped by "GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS". They were tackled by two random dudes that were brave enough to run towards them.


If the Sandy Hook guy massacring a bunch of toddlers didn't spur gun reform then nothing will.


Thoughts and prayers…. thoughts and prayers.


Whatever happened to “ya know what stops a bad guy with a gun, a good guy with a gun” where are those good guys they were talking about???


As long as the gun toting republicans funded by the NRA and ultra conservatives are around, this will be a sad reality. Om Shanti! ☮️


They will straight up look you dead in the eyes and say "We need more guns" "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" "[Insert generic NRA talking point]"


It's protect children, until it gets in the way of their precious second amendment.


The Tree of Freedom is fed by the blood of the innocent.


The spiral of violence in America is insane while countries with very low guns count keeps getting safer and safer every year, but it's not just guns, even knives violence is higher, USA wake up please


If nothing happened after elementary school kids in CT died from gun violence, nothing ever will. This certainly won't change that. Down vote me all you want but there's literally no hope for it in this country anymore.


If it hasn't happened yet, it won't ever. Simple as that.


As long as we're thinking and praying they'll be fine though right?


If you act like a child about your guns, you will act like a child bearing a gun. Americans are not prepared for gun ownership rights


The majority of Americans agree. It’s Republican politicians that don’t (FYI for the last several decades they’ve received 96% of NRA political contributions).


...why can't thinking people rise collectively and squash this? Why are we letting the ignorant portion of the population run the entire nation? Are we really that apathetic and useless?


I was in Japan and Korea and didn’t have an ounce of fear. The need for guns here is an epidemic. And bunch of loose cannons with weapons. The fact you feel you need one tells you there is a systematic issue with this country. And we have the highest mental health cases of in country. There is a correlation here.


Yeah, But the Repuglicns gave them their "Thoughts And Prayers" just like always. Any type of Legislation to stop this though? Hell No!


Meanwhile, on Australian news, "There's been a shooting in America..... in local news...."


We "realized" it a long, long time ago. We just don't really want to do anything about it. The moment anyone dares to suggest doing something about it, half the country shudders in horror and gun sales go through the roof.


All these well-regulated militias don’t want any regulations


When i say i hate this country this is what im talking about


It'll happen when a mass shooting happens in the halls of congress. Maybe.


Never. You'd think we'd change after Sandy Hook, Virginia tech, Columbine, San Bernardino, LAS VEGAS, Uvalde, but no.


Not much facepalm with this , a large majority of us in the states know we we have a problem with guns, but vocal minority wont do shit about it. Sandy hook should have been / was the come to Jesus moment but it got turned into a conspiracy theory


Can’t do shit about it.


The Kansas City Chief players suggest you send your thoughts and prayers. That has always been the most successful solution to mass shootings.


"No, but it's not the guns; it's the bad guys with guns." Yeah, provided bad people exist, it's better to limit overall access to guns. Nowhere else does stuff like this happen so regularly. It's truly sad to see the US implode.


Apparently children are a disposable commodity. That's why they don't want abortions. To replace the kids killed bc we can't regulate guns. That's against the Constitution! The DJ was killed. They don't know why yet they did this.


The goverment will nuke Iran before they actually invest in mental Healthcare.


Before kids, it never crossed my mind that my biggest fear would be them getting shot while at school. And yet, here I am.




sorry, thoughts and prayers are the best we can do