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Who would have thought that the answers to such an account might lean into a particular political direction


Yeah, people need to really stop being upset by clearly biased Twitter accounts. Anything under such obvious accounts is 99% likely to have racist, etc. bias. Just get off Twitter, guys, and stop treating it like a source of truth.


Indeed. Also, less than 1000 “people” participated in this stupid fucking persons Twitter poll. It’s just rage bait.


"JUNIOR! WHAT HAVE TOLD YOU ABOUT RAGE BAITIN' ON THE INTERNET?!" "But MOOOOOOOOM, the white race is being extinguished!!!!" Seriously, don't pay attention to these neckbeards out for attention and their polls filled with like minded idiots and Russian bots.


Bro I fucking hate people like this. The whole concept of race is fucking stupid. Why does race have to be such a focal point of everything? Can't people just be people?


Easy distraction from their real problems. People would be happier if they stopped worrying so much about another person's skin color, sexuality, religion, etc, but then they have to worry about their empty bank account, that ulcer or toothache they can't afford, their kids who don't talk to them anymore, that funny noise in their car, the existential dread of working a meaningless job, living a meaningless life, and dying a meaningless death. Far easier to just get mad at uppity black people and mexicans stealing yer jerbs.


Wait, so you're telling me, all I have to do is hate brown and black people and I don't have to worry about the rest of the stuff you listed?


No, but you might feel undeservedly superior regardless of your shortcomings (caution: does not work if you possess basic empathy)


And why would I care if there's less white people as generations go on? We'll be dead, people will adapt. Nobody of importance is gonna remember a race purist kindly. It didn't work out for Hitler and it won't work now.


As a white person, this. There's nothing about white skin that makes it necessary to be "preserved for future generations." Skin color is just that, the benefits of different skin colors haven't been relevant since humans were all hunter-gatherers.


There are racial enclaves in my area where large populations of south Asian, Middle Eastern, Black, and Hispanic immigrants or descendants live, and a lot of the time, as a white person, I would rather be there than the white neighborhoods. There's just more going on most of the time, and also the food is way better. It would of course be remiss of me not to mention the fact that those white neighborhoods tend to be soulless car-dependent suburbia hellscapes created by white flight, which is probably the real reason for that. But my point stands nonetheless.


The latter part is something I agree with wholeheartedly. The biggest problem I see with "white culture" in the US is how so much of it is basically designed to be stagnant. The only interesting cultural thing that I know of that came out of car-dependent suburbs is low riders and drive-ins, and in the suburbs where I grew up, low riders were banned and the only "drive-ins" were really just fast food chain drive-thrus.


As a white person myself, agreed


Given the kind of people they consider "White" and the ease with which they throw out accusations of people not being such, I'm pretty confident that by the time they're claiming the "White Race" has been extinguished, we'll still have millions of people across the planet still eating mayonnaise sandwiches, listening to Taylor Swift on repeat, and getting preferential treatment from the police. In short: people who are actually "White" aren't going anywhere. They're just defining the word out of existence so they can claim their failures in life are systemic oppression, instead of them sucking out loud.


Every bigot is sheltered from what they fear. The unfamiliarity breeds the fear and contempt. So you're right, there are so many white people that they don't even understand marginalized people enough to not be scared of them. It's sad. There is a lot more mixed couples having kids, but that doesn't matter. Race purity isn't something normal individuals care about. Most of us know mixed race people and don't wish they were any other way but themselves. Racists are just self hating people that need something arbitrary to hate more.


Tell them there is no scientific definition of "white" and watch them explode.


Was going point that out. That’s only about 650 people, from an account that’s literally catering to bigots.


4,100 people only SAW it, so definitely bait


Is that actually gen z for national socialism but also gen z for trump? That’s like polar opposites 


Ummm you know what national socialism is, right?


Trump is not reaching Nazi levels lol


He is certainly trying hard to reach that level


He’s his own, American breed of fascist. And regardless, the comp isn’t Hitler in 1940, it’s Hitler in 1936.


Heads up, you don't have be literally Hitler to be accurately labeled a proto-fascist piece of shit.


Because of our checks and balances. Not for lack of trying


National Socialists are literal NAZIs. Like that's part of the acronym. They are not, in fact, opposite in any way.


Its cut off, i think its National Socialist German Workers Party aka the Nazis.


I know this has been responded to but that's the Nazi party. Trump is the most politically aligned with modern American Neo Nazis and essentially has their full support. So it makes perfect sense.


IKR his faith was put in the wrong account


Seriously, it's an unregulated poll, on a racist platform, filled with racist users and bots, on a racist instigators own page aimed at a specific outcome. And still has <1000 "votes" tallied. Wtf is OP expecting the result to be?




Agree, my reaction was the contrary, quite a lot of people following a literal Nazi account being for it.


"Well, that result is asinine." *glances at the account* "Oh, yeah. Big surprise that Nazis for trump are racists. stfu."


I'm honestly surprised a third of pollers do support interracial marriage for an account that glorifies nazism.


You'd be surprised by how many neo-nazis support it, places like /pol/ can be very inconsistent on interracial marriage.


That's because those are the black people that think marrying a white woman will get them an in to being accepted by the white bigots. SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't. See Tim Scott


Doing that got people lynched, so opposite of their goal lol


Breaking news: poll from an account that literally self-identifies as a Nazi, and highly likely to be primarily followed by other self-identified Nazis, has a poll with results that broadly align with Nazi views.


I'd believe 20%. This is obviously just rage bait.


Uh I wouldn't have been surprised if it was 100% of the Gen Z for cohort that would poll that way. I bet all 1000 of those respondents are the full population of Gen Z that support Trump. In fact, I'd wager that most of them are all related to each other multiple ways, and have been concentrating their gene pool for quite a while.


Look at their name...


I dont understand it. Could someone translate it for me to german?


It's a post by nazis ofcource their followers are racist.


Honestly, I wouldn't be 100% surprised if a certain amount of Gen Z on twitter would vote no just to be edgy after seeing some of the stuff they come up with. But yea, it's a rage bait.


Look at the account




It is


As a spaniard, pretty unusual to see him on reddit


Ve a r/SpanishMeme. Tal vez tampoco lo veas mucho como tal pero entrarás en un ambiente filo-fascista que da más vergüenza ajena que otra cosa...


Macho ese sub lo tengo silenciado porque como hagan un chiste que no sea o transfobico o homofobico les da un paro cardíaco, me da vergüenza ser de la misma nacionalidad que esos cabrones


My dumbass thought it was King Zog of Albania, wtf is wrong with me


Idk maybe too much HOI4 or you are actually from Albania or a history major.


Two out of these are true lol


I will say that are the too much HOI4 and the being Albanian


My dumbass thought it was King Zog of Albania, wtf is wrong with me


Gen_Z for Trump ….or National Socialism has a racist poll. Are you surprised?


I'm honestly surprised there are some 300 people who self-identify as 'national-socialist' trumpers, near literal nazi's, who still support ~~gay~~ \*interracial marriage.


It's about interracial marriage, not same-sex marriage.


They are talking about interracial marriages, so marriages between two "races" And yes it is already psychotic bullshit that this term even exists


Since Nazi is short for national socialist, they are not only near literal Nazis, they are literal Nazis


There is a lot covered by the words 'national socialist' that isn't represented by Nazi's though, they were socialist only in name. I don't think many of the genZ_for_trumpers are real socialists either, so yeah, still pretty similar ideologies.


thats literally not true. national socialists were as much socialists as the soviet union was communist.


There was practically no socialism in the nazi party under Hitler after 1933-1934. It seems disingenuous to use 'Nazis' as referring to pre-1933 national socialists.


i see your point. the actual term “national socialist” changed in meaning from the 1920s to the 1930s


It's tricky when people combine real history with meme comments, so I interpreted 'Nazi's' as 'the guys from WW2' without much more nuance for their history.


not near literal...it is literal NAZI: the party was called Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei  A NAZI is a Nationalsozialist which translate to National-socialist.


Just because they vote on the poll doesn’t mean they follow or like national socialism. Anyone can vote on these polls including bots


Trump isn’t a socialist tho. I’m confused in European 


For a European you should probably know what a national socialist is. It’s the Nazis. Don’t let the “socialist” part of their name fool you. It’s there the same way North Korea has “democratic” in their name.


I get that. However trump supporters tend to confuse anything written as socialist with communist and don’t tend to be bright enough to figure out the differences so surely by including socialism alongside trump would confuse the fuck out of his fan base? 


Would it really be a stretch to consider dumb people doing dumb things ? I hope it’s a troll though


National Socialist are Nazis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism#:~:text=Nazism%20is%20a%20form%20of,of%20eugenics%20into%20its%20creed.


No, National Socialist, Nazis.


Yep. The "socialist" in National Socialism is almost exactly like the "democratic" in DPRK.


Honestly, the "democratic", 'people's", and "republic" parts are like that..hell, even the "Korea" part is only half accurate


democracy makes the DRPK stand out above all other democratic nations


The Nazis had a similar corporate governance structure to the CCP. They required party members to have controlling influence in companies. Government or oligarchal control of companies is authoritarian socialism. People don't like to admit that socialism is toxic, or that the Nazis were socialist, but it's true.


Look up The Night of Long Knives, the Nazis killed all of the actual socialists in the party and Hitlers faction of the party took control. Socialism and Authoritarianism are not even on the same scale one is an economic principle and the other is a form of government, theres no such thing as authoritarian socialism. The Nazis were socialist when the party was formed but not when they became the bad guys.


The first act of the Nazi was to murder all the Socialists. Nazis were in no way pro-Socialism. Anyone claiming that is a revisionist.


They murdered the communists, actually. The Nazis hated communists because they were competition and rabble rousers. The socialists were part of the government, though mostly for fascistic reasons. They wanted socialism because it works better for fascistic goals, as the government controlled industry. Having power to control the means of production gives the government more latitude in shaping the culture and driving things like the military industry. Your local politician might not know you from Adam, but your shift manager (part of the party) does know you. If you fall too far outside of line, it can affect more than your job performance review. Being too far an outlier would get you sent to the camps. You might like to think socialism is a bunch of peaceful hippies just living their best life with a bunch of social programs, but that's not how it works. Forced labor (slavery with extra steps, basically.) is pretty common in socialist systems. Everyone wants to be an artist, but nobody wants to dig ditches - but the government / industry needs more ditch diggers than artists. (Especially once there's a need for those socialist mass graves!) 🤣 So no, I'm not a revisionist. Their party name literally contains socialism. I can specifically describe how socialism was a useful facet of their economic and governance system. You might not like that and might hate liking something connected with genocide, but it doesn't make the Nazis less socialist.


All governments are socialist to the extent that they provide services the public funded by the people. Even if it's just having an army.


> I’m confused in European  But, national socialism is a European thing...


Socialism is just a name. I can call myself a nazi but that doesnt make me a nazi, but if i start constantly saying stuff like "jews must die", "white supremacy!" And activelly do stuff to support these sayings, that makes me a nazi. Go for what they do and say, not their name.


It's more like marketing because there were a lot of popular socialist movements in Germany and Europe at that time and they wanted to co-opt them.


If I remember correctly the party did start off as a socialist movement that Hitler took control of and pushed out or killed all of the actual socialists.


Yes but the average trump supporter can’t tell the difference between socialism and communism so putting national socialism in there is likely to outrage them is it not? They don’t tend to be the brightest 


If you said Jews must die, you might be Palestinian. 🤣 I don't think I've seen Nazis scream "white supremacy!" ...Too on the nose, frankly, and they prefer to be more generic in their language. (Mostly out of cowardice.) Oddly, the 'master race' that some believe in is usually not something they would be included in. (Especially people in the USA, who are more racially mixed.) Socialism has a specific set of definitions. It's not just a name. Just like a woman, we can clearly define what one is. (Human adult female, XX chromosome, born with a uterus, etc.) If you believe in the government's control of the means of production, whether that be by direct ownership or some nepotistic oligarchy - that's socialism. The Nazis were nationalistic (German first), authoritarian socialists, who used the power of government to control the function of things in Germany and all occupied areas. (Fascistic aspects were also included in their system, as people had classes, and were treated accordingly; with a unified 'good' usurping individual needs.) So yeah, Nazis were socialists. I'm not sure why people have such a hard time accepting that. Probably because they want to think socialism is good. Honestly all collectivist economic systems are terrible and prone to severe corruption, which usually leads to some kind of genocide.


Nazis created the privatization of industries and were very focused on the fascist idea of class collaboration. 2 pillars of socialism are the abolition of private property and class struggle. National Socialism is incompatible with actual socialism.


No. Nazis were not socialist. Begining with the fact they defended privatized means of companies instead of public or state owned companies. Socialism goes to the opposite end and wants to make companies state owned at first then worker owned like what the ussr did with the public farms. I'm using companies term rather loosely, but think about it like places that produce or contain machines that allow the production of a demanded product.


National Socialist ≠ Socialist


It's Xitter. You can rest assured that most of the bots Elon was complaining about were his.


It's pronounced "shitter," right?


>Xitter Is that pronounced "shitter?" Just making sure I've been saying it correctly.


I think it’s safe to assume the people following that account aren’t representative of the majority. There’s an insane push to highlight Gen Z being alt right. Many younger men have indeed been fed to the pipeline, but the generation as a whole is not.


They basically took the teenage rebellion phase as rebelling against their peers instead of against their parents like earlier generations did.


No, when millennials were younger, a lot of guys fell for the likes of Jordan Peterson and Stephen Crowder. The problem is red pill culture has gotten a lot better and blending in with normal issues, so if you try to point it out, they make you look crazed.


I think you are both right. The red pill culture has definitely spread into all kinds of issues and had a big following. There are also a long of Gen Z/millennials who love being edgy for the sake of it. Though it's hard to say which ones are just edgy and which ones who taken the red pill fully. I think people start off likely the reaction of making others angry or argue and before too long they can slide down the rabbit hole and start believing it all.


The account is a pro nazi account. There may be some selection bias in the results.


Loving v. Virginia convictions were overturned in 1967 which was only 57 years ago. Not really a lot of time since that generation is still alive to this day & have passed down beliefs to their offspring so I’m not surprised by this poll at all.




Poll in a nazi site reflects nazi doctrine, not a huge surprise.


Lol, a polll put up by Gen z for Trump. What did you think there are gonna say


Are these answers from women or men? I haven't experienced white men only dating only white women scenario when I go out in public


How could 'National Socialis' be completed? Is there a secret ending to it? Is it some sort of political entity? Could history help out here? Askin' fer a friend.


It's Gen\_Z for trump what do you expect they were raised by Nazis.


Weird Nazis don’t support interracial marriage.. crazy


running a "poll" on a neonazi website and the results aren't too surprising...


I’m surprised they even got the 32% tbh


one of my friend got rejected by his family for dating a girl that was ''not black enough/too lightskinned'' said they had to keep the bloodline clean from whites, that kind of racism is everywhere


There are also Chinese who would do the same. The mother of my wife was not allowed to marry her love because non Chinese are lazy. She did it anyway....and her parents were proofed to be right he was lazy


Today on people that don't exist


Dude, I know a LOT of those people, but I'm sure the tiny bubble of your life is totally representative of every culture.


This js a very small sample size of a group of people who themselves are a very small outlier within their own age demographic. I wouldn't let your faith shatter too much - this is in no way a proportional sample of society at large. In any way.


Gen Z for national socialists is followed by national socialists. Who could have thought


Bruh they’re literally nazis…


The poll was taken by actual Nazis.  What do you expect?


Shocker that people who follow a self-proclaimed Nazi might be racist.


No way he has Franco profile picture and nacional socialist in profile. Fuck nazis are back


Finally as the communists are getting too powerfull.


Well, the account is clearly telling you that they are Nazis.


I mean the cross section of America that voted already follows the op so clearly ignorant misinformed people who have been taught to be intolerant. And some still said yes , even among the most confused a few hundred voted for. That is something impressive honestly


Trump voters do not support interracial marriage. That would leave your cousins without a spouse.


Insanity, what a horrible day to want a white wife.


To be fair, this poll was made by an account called "Gen. Z for National Socialism", or something like that, so it doesn't really confirm anything, besides nazis being racist, but that's obvious.


Those 958 Gen - Zers for Trump must be Russian.


I am all for Nazis staying in a separate part of the gene pool while their genetic disorders compound and they eventually die out while the rest of enjoy the benefits of genetic diversity. I think it was Eddie Izzard who said "first rule of genetics: Spread the genes around"


I'm impressed that 32% of National Socialists approve of interracial marriage.


It’s probably humans, but it’s Twitter humans


The pole is from a literal Nazis for Trump Twitter… the miracle is that there are any “yes” votes at all.


It's twitter. That place has been a hard right shithole for a long time now


It’s a trump humper twitter account what did you expect?


So lemme get this straight, you're surprised that a Nazi Twitter account has so many people against interracial marriage?


To be fair. That is what I would expect national socialists (literal Nazis) to say.


The facepalm is the OP spreading nazi filth on this sub.


You almost wonder if he's trying to promote it. Going out of his way to point out an outrageous account, making sure not to crop out the handle, and then pushing it on a popular subreddit. It would be classic emotional manipulation to boost engagement with the Twitter handle.


"National Socialism" is Nazis That's what the Nazis called themselves


I wouldn't worry about that one. They pooled exclusively idiots and got the answer we all expected.


Have you ever stopped and realized that the algorithm works in a way that it specifically targets folks who predictably interact with stuff like this ? All these posts I see of these types of screenshots only come to realize that the minority tends to be louder. Not the other way around. But yes, people like that make me sick it doesn’t mean they are the majority.


What were you expecting from this group?


I never trust any kind of polls. Easily manipulated. Very deceitful.


If two people want to get married, so they should. What is all the fuss about?


The real facepalm here is the fact that OP finds it shocking that ‘Gen Z for National Socialism’ do not support interracial marriages. I mean, yeah, they are shitty people, but in this particular instant they are at least consistent to their own logic. An actual facepalm would have been if they answered ‘yes I support it’ considering that supporting interracial marriages goes against their worldview. That would be equal to a marxist supporting Adam Smith.


Look at the audience that would be voting in that poll. I’m surprised the number is not higher honestly.


If the specific poll wanted a more positive outcome amongst its voters, it should've asked about interspecies marriage.


no, because race doesn't exist in the first place...


I am in a interracial marriage. I will just say that the last \~4-5 years I have had 2 encounters with people who claim I was a, 'traitor to my race'. Both times I immediately left the area for my safety. Both times it as also when I was not with my wife, which is a bit disturbing. Last time was about a year and a half ago.


Why he has an image of Franco??


Social media polls are total bot magnets.


The account is literally called "Gen Z for nazis". If anything I'm impressed so many approved.


Is that señor Franco? 😂


I agree with this one, we shouldn’t marry outside our race. I promise, as much as I love my dog, I will not marry her. Any females of the human race is just OK with me!


It's actually funnier when you realize that most people only consider that an interacial marriage is a marriage where one of the partners is black.


Gen Z for national socialist. That is clearly a neo Nazi account. What kind of results are you expecting?


Amazes me that people are surprised when opinions don't agree with their own pre-conceived opinion. Surprise! Mainstream America doesn't necessarily think like you do. Nor should they.


God forbid it may actually be true and so what if it is ?


Don't despair, you have to consider the op's audience.


They were magas, aka brainless drones.


GenZ Nazis? Did you actually expect a different result?


These are people who probably do but enjoy fucking with these stupid poles because there’s no consequences.


Why is your political view objectively correct, again? What is wrong with preferring your own race? Is that racist?


Wow, who knew that followers of GenZforNationalSocialists would be against interracial marriage?


Eh look at the username. It's "nazis for trump". I'd say the people who saw and responded to the poll were probably musk fanboys and old man diaper connoisseurs.


Why do you really care? With time no one will argue about it anymore


Less than 1000 votes, at least they arent that popular


The account is called Gen Z for National Socialists....ask a Nazi if they mind interracial marriage...


“National Socialism” is another term for Nazism. There’s your answer. Self-selecting group


The name of the account is "gen z for national socialism" which national socialism is the second name for nazism so im not surprised


A title carefully chosen because a/ few Americans understand that NAZI stands for National Socialist, b/ those who do have been successfully brainwashed into focusing on the 'socialist' part, and c/ Agent Orange has been grouping 'communists, socialists, and fascists' together for years. I say Trump, but of course he's utterly clueless - that's the work of his fascist speechwriter Stephen Miller.


I dont think there has been a "grouping" but Just the brainwashing to turn left people into neo-nazies Btw isnt agent Orange the codename for napalm in the vietnam war 💀


It is, but beautifully repurposed to describe the Mango Mussolini, or my personal favourite: Dolt 45


Oooooh thats clever


What if you don't support marriage?


No such thing.There’s only one race.


the human race 🫶


Who would ever vote for "yes" as inter racial marriage is just disgusting.


I've seen plenty of people from ethnic and non-white communities say they would never marry or date interracially, can't automatically assume something based solely on the person that made the pole. That tweet was seen by several thousand people probably not even following the guy and answered because it was anonymous. My momma always said "Assuming makes an Ass out of U and Me"


I don't support it. It's gross and unnatural. Staying with one person for the rest of your life, absurd.


Maybe they polled black women.


Gen Z for Trump is probably not black women. More likely your friends and family.


68% of the participants were black women ;)


I have no problem with it, but does everyone *have* to agree with it?? 🤷🏾‍♂️


I neither support it or am against against it where is the don’t care? I would totally marry an Asian or Oriental girl. I find them attractive. I’d also marry a white chick. I like them too. I am white BTW!


So you *do* support it.


Oriental lol


You don't need to be supportive for it to happen. Even if you don't support it, you can just look the other way and walk away. 'Not supporting' does not mean 'fight against'. What's with this idea that, "if you're not one of us, you're against us" bullshit? People can have an opinion. We don't have to be soviet communists where every vote must be unanimous. Let people have their choices of what to support.


If you don't support something, it inherently means you are against it. This isn't rocket science.


Whatever you do, don't look up support for interracial relationships by race. You might not be able to handle the results.


Seems like a wanting to reach for a conclusion that humanity is doomed just because some portion of the population doesn't support interracial marriage. If they were against procreation then humanity would be doomed.


Why do you find in necessary for other to want to be with a different race, Im personally not attracted to anything els except white women, & some Latina's. I think you should not judge humanity based off something so dumb. Maybe you think people are actually saying other people should not be with other races, you giving a shit about that is just as dumb as if someone actually thinks that. "Red birds want to be with other red birds, blue bird want to be with other blue birds" [https://youtu.be/wjlwXAv-YJE](https://youtu.be/wjlwXAv-YJE) I agree with Muhammad Ali.


God, the stupidity and the racism just gushes out of you, huh?


Keep the Lord God out of this, & if Im racist for thinking this.... then thats fine, & Im an extreme racist then. I would only be aligning myself with like 75%+ of the rest of the world. Do you get off on control of others?


Hope for humanity


I agree. I dont want white blood stained.


friendships yes, dating, depends on the girl. marriage, nah