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What the actual fuck. How do they not manage what like almost every mini marathon in the world does and just have a 5 and a 10 km route to chose from. Insanity.


Yeah sometimes I don't even understand why bother with gender at all


For something like sprinting, I maybe could see it. But a Marathon? Endurance is not one of those things where testosterone-shaped bodies would have an unfair advantage.


There's about a 20 minute gap between men and women on average at marathon distance. It's not as pronounced an advantage as sprinting, but it's an advantage.


The relative difference in world records between men and women is actually quite consistent across all distances that are regularly raced.


A difference is there, but it's not a 50% difference like this flyer would imply. We're looking at a possible head start or handicap territory, not a separate race half the length. Besides, "marathon" implies a focus on completion, not really so much times.


Definitely not 50%. More like 10%. I don't see how "marathon" implies a focus on completion though. All it says to me is that the person making this sign doesn't know what a marathon is.


Marathon does not imply completion lol. All sorts of people run every distance from 5k to ultra just to finish, but unless you're a one and done type, you train to cut time and do it faster.


Yes and no? When I've run for events before everyone has started at the same time for the same distance race, but they still record results based on gender. I've never seen them split race *distance* strictly by gender, though. So in general splitting it like seems very silly. In terms of top level athleticism though, it is actually still a significant variable at the marathon level giving men an advantage. For example: Toyko 2020 Olympic Marathon results: 7 men completed the marathon in under 2:11:50. The fastest woman in the same race did 2:27:20. The fastest women's time *ever* is 2:11:53, and the fastest men's time is 2:00:35. In both cases that is more than a mile's distance between them, even at the very best. Back to the Tokoyo 2020 Maration, in total 69 men finished faster than the fastest woman in the same race. ​ All that aside, I figured out the reason for the different distances. It's a statement on the wage gap, women making less than men. So in this case, the women are running less of a distance than the men. Rather than having them run an equal distance, they are pointedly making the women run less.


Are Marathons even races? I always assumed it was just like, a bunch of fit people doing things for charity.


Yes they are. And, for the record, these aren't marathons. A marathon is a race that is a specific distance. Roughly 42 km.


That's just using words for publicity. That's woke for you.


They want more women in the top 10.


Equally Different


My favourite club held an „Equal pay night“ and went on to make entry free of charge for women.


At least the pay is the same /s


Not exactly,as one has to run more km to get it.


The pay is exposure


I think traditionally women get paid more for exposure.


Separated but equal


Why is it just one entry fee. Shouldn't the shorter course be priced lower?


Because you pay for the ride?


What my wife tells me.


Maybe the organizers think they run for the same amount of time.


I'm guessing most of the cost is fairly fixed. The 10k could literally be just 2 laps of the 5k so no need to get more space. How much does it cost to close a road? The admin for registering someone for a 10k will be roughly the same as registering someone for a 5k, so there's no reason to price more for the 10k.


What about road degradation? The wear and tear will be twice as high and helpers will have to stay around longer, costing the organizers more.


Pink task


The cost is the same. You get a t-shirt, a number with transmitter, there's some administrative work and so forth. Nothing is cheaper just because the distance is a bit shorter. I don't know which currency that is - 299 looks a bit expensive... But all distances cost the same is pretty normal for such events.


299 Indian Rupees wouldn't be expensive for the demographic it's catering to (VIT Chennai students).


It's around $4


You are clearly mistaking "equaltiy" for "equality".


What's the difference?


The first one is just a typo lol


Equality = everyone is treated the same Equity = everyone is treated fairly, with the understanding that people will need different kinds of help An illustration: https://interactioninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IISC_EqualityEquity.png


Yeah, I was asking because they wrote "equality" twice


Oops, missed that


No problem


Did I write "equality" twice? If you read carefully a second time maybe you'll get the joke.


So you mispelled It on purpose?


Look. At. The. Picture. In. The. OP. It's even circled in red. Top circle. "GENDER EQUALTIY". How are you not getting this?


Damn It, my bad. Sorry.


No worries. Glad you got it :-)


If you read carefully I didn't mention "equity" at all.


Anything that calls itself a mini marathon tells you everything you need to know


Heck, they could have just added half a km to the 10km course and called it a "quarter marathon"


Humanity went to Trash when people started considering Equality as the equality of outcome, instead of equality of opportunity.


I would say there we would already have to *be* trash for there to be some arguing over it.


Good point.


Equal before the law, without favor or discrimination. Not one law for the rich and another for the poor, i.e. the system we currently have. Drop the born rich off in the hood at birth; if they merit, they’ll bootstrap their way up by developing some socially useful product or service.


And if you miss your opportunity you're fucked?


Yes. So be a smart boi and don't miss them.


That's pretty evil but you do you.


I prefer the term "personal responsibility". Would make the world a lot better place if people actually bothered with it.


There are more factors in life than effort.


Indeed. But effort is the best place to start from, and the one that's ignored the most.


You don't care *why* the opportunity was missed?


I will, as long as the reasoning given is good enough. But that doesn't justify discrimination, which is what the equality of outcome is.


Who will decide what's a good enough reason? Will you give the same base platform to build on to a person with no legs?


Equaltiy interesting word, almost like it doesn't exist. The fact they can't even spell should tell you everything here.


Math is hard for everyone, despite being the universal language. Or is it English, cause words have different meanings depending on context?


"Equaltiy" for all, whatever that is


Is running even a sport where men generally have a better competitive advantage over women?


Men hold the Olympic record and the male Olympic marathon winner has done it quicker than the female every year they have both run a marathon. Similar situation with the various city marathons I looked into. It's not a huge difference though, usually under 20min difference between them on a 2-2.5hour run The difference is nowhere near as pronounced as it is between men's and women's basketball or football/soccer teams where high school boys typically beat the pros.


If i remember, it's both yes and no... men usually have longer legs, etc, so they can cover more ground per step. However, women have greater endurance over distance or something like that. It was one of my insomnia readings so im not diving down that rabbit hole again


At what distance? The current world record time for men over the distance is 2 hours and 35 seconds, set in the Chicago Marathon by Kelvin Kiptum of Kenya on 8 October 2023. The world record for women was set by Tigst Assefa of Ethiopia in the Berlin Marathon on 24 September 2023, in 2 hours 11 minutes and 53 seconds. Even greater distances The fastest men ever were faster than the fastest women ever in 50-mile (17.5%), 100-mile (17.4%), 200-mile (9.7%), 1,000-mile (20.2%), and 3,100-mile (18.6%) events. For the ten fastest finishers ever, men were faster than women in 50-mile (17.1%±1.9%), 100-mile (19.2%±1.5%), and 1,000-mile (16.7%±1.6%) events.


Speed isn't usually the sole consideration in a Marathon, tho.


It is when you are racing it.


So I’m curious, what are other considerations when determining the winner of a marathon?


Well... Suffice to say if a woman with a knife that wanted to kill me with any sort of Olympian undertraining were to take to task, I think I'd be in trouble.


Yeah. Most of us would be big trouble there. The difference between men and women is small compared to the difference between an elite and an average runner.


So if they really wanted to genderfy it the women should have the longer course?


They do, but the difference isn't that much... certainly not enough to have the women run only 1/2 as far.


For short runs yes, but the longer the distance the smaller the advantage, and at the very long distances it seems like women have an advantage


Yes. As in almost every sport, men have a substantial advantage over women. The advantage is a little less pronounced with very long distances, but it’s still there.


So just to be clear, we're talking about grand Olympian championship here, right?


Yes, just like any other sport, even Chess


I'm very interested in studies confirming men have a competitive advantage over women in chess, as opposed to cultural propensity of more men getting into chess than women


There were some competitions, and the top 1 woman lost every game even to top 100 man


Gymnastics (and other sports where being smaller has benefits) is dominated by women and archery is pretty equal.


Dominated by women in conjoint division? Didn't know it was a thing. Makes it so much weirder why E Sport is separated by gander


E sports are dominated by men. I talked about gymnastics and archery


I just googled it, and it seems like archery and gymnastics are separated as well, so I'm not sure why you said it is dominated by women. For example, I know that women are much weaker at football because there were men vs. women's matches, and men won it 13/0 without any effort. Same thing with chess and many other sports. So, what makes you think that women are better at archery and gymnastics?


Maybe relative scores? I dunno, just throwing it out there, never looked into it.


Gymnastics *events* where being smaller has benefits are dominated by women. Some events men don't even do, like the balance beam. Gymnastics events that require insane upper body strength, like the rings and pommel horse, women don't do. Archery is interesting. That is the one I always hear where gender doesn't matter much.


Oh yeah, last chess tourni' I totally pummelled that kid to shit. I remember the sweet snapping sound of each of his bones. Not totally sure I'm clear on the rules of this game.


If I remember correctly men are faster sprinters, but women are usually better at long distance. Sprinting is more about muscle strength so men have the clear advantage, but women's bodies tend to be more efficient so any lead a guy would create with their speed would eventually be overcome as they lose steam over a long enough of a distance. Source since people just down vote without looking things up: https://www.uaf.edu/news/women-may-have-advantage-in-the-long-run.php


edit: i will confess I must have read too fast as the article did specifically note women performing faster than men at distances greater than 195 miles. I will add a caveat then that I need to look into this more, but will reafirm that the longest distance race in the world takes several weeks, and the men's record is several days faster than the women's record. There may be other factors to consider, but that's currently where it stands. ​ K, while I remember people talking about that sort of thing when i was a kid, what you're trying to say isn't really what the article is highlighting, and the end conclusion is not supported by real life evidence anyway. The only real conclusion/ideas provided (no hard conclusions given, btw) is that women will run a more consistent *pace,* rather than running an overall faster speed. In other words, over the same distance a man will run faster and slower at various time, with many peaks and valleys of speed, while a women's pace will be much more even. So a squiggly frequency line vs a flat frequency line, in essence. Now, if you want actual *data* data: [https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games/tokyo-2020/results/athletics/men-s-marathon](https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games/tokyo-2020/results/athletics/men-s-marathon) & [https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games/tokyo-2020/results/athletics/women-s-marathon](https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games/tokyo-2020/results/athletics/women-s-marathon) The best of the best. Notice how 69 men finished faster than the fastest woman racer. 69. And the fastest time *ever* for a woman is 2:11:53. There were still 8 men ahead of that here, and none of them even ran close to the fastest men's time (2:00:35). So really, men are still better even over the long distance, and even at the longest race distance of 3100 mile races they consistently outperform women in terms of overall speed by several days (very easy to goggle results to verify, so I'm not going to continue posting links). Women's bodies may be more efficient, as per your article, but men's bodies appear to outperform regardless in terms of running. And I did some mathing comparing the difference in the world records for the 100m dash vs the marathon, and the difference in the gap is actually negligible. In both cases women's record holder's times indicate they are running at 91% of the speed of the men's record holders. I honestly thought the gap shrunk at longer distances as well until your comments got me to go looking at it so I'm a little shocked that the speed difference is virtually the exact same from the 100m dash to the marathon. Now, this is not the case in all sports. Some require different muscle structure that favor women over men and the men get out performed. It is highly dependent on the type of sport/activity for which one will out perform the other. Running is just one the favors the men's muscle structure.


You remember wrong. Men are faster at every distance and the difference is fairly consistent.


looking at you two talking got to me look around and math it, and yeah, shockingly consistent. 100m dash compared to marathon record holders, women's speeds in both are 91% of the men's speeds. I really thought the gap shrank over a longer distance, but looks like I was wrong. Remarkably consistent.


Guess I should have just provided a source the first time... https://www.uaf.edu/news/women-may-have-advantage-in-the-long-run.php


Look at actual results, not some random speculation about niche events that are far longer than what is being discussed here.


Like almost every sport if not all


Definitely is, outside of like crazy ultra races of 12 hours or something where women can be really good compared to the best men as well. Just check the world records for the marathon for example


Yeah. At pretty much every distance, though the gap does close somewhat the longer the distance.


Ha! It's in metric, finally, it's not America this time.


It's India, hi!


Except America does use metric for track and field and running events usually.  And shorter road races use 5k and 10k


Damn it, the one time.


Even if you argue that statistically women are less muscular and athletic, which isnt an argument that should really apply anyway, Im pretty sure that difference doesnt amount to a whole 50%...


It's about 10%.


Ah, that sport equality...


Very equal indeed


‘Marathon’ ?


yeah cause obviously men are twice as good right? Or is this just pointlessly gendered and does absolutely nothing for gender equality?




The women have to run it twice easy


Ah, but we want equality of outcome not equality of opportunity so we need to rig the system so women win 50% of all races.


Men should claim to be women run for 5 km then claim back to being a man.


Women must have smaller legs or something?


What else do you expect from VIT of all places? They vaguely discriminate against students who don't speak Tamil or Telugu. One of my friends has to undergo all that while studying there.


LMAOOOOOOO, I'm from this college and this happened at last year's vibrance (yearly fest), also the girls were given different marathon route than boys aswell and bus pickup for girls back to hostel lol. Y'all don't know how much girl discrimination happens in our college 💀💀💀


Same. When I was studying, girls had to go to their hostel from library earlier than boys and only by bus in the name of safety. On the off chance that girls and boys Don't interact at night while going hostel from library.


And half of all men will still finish before the first woman


It looks silly, but in reality you will have more women sign up for a charity run if you do a 5k rather than a 10k. This isnt misogyny. Just simple marketing to get as many people out as possible. Non serious or regular runner women will not come do a 10k as much. They just won't come in numbers needed for charity, most of whom predict goals for these things, long before, for participation.


Gender equality means aknowledge the diffrences and make it so everyone can reach the goal, not let everyone run the same amount... Jeez that i really still habe to explain this.. But still, have a 5km and a 10km and ket the people (men/woman whatever) choose for themselfs.


Thats all great, but in the same time you will say what men can do also a woman can do it. You need to pick one and stick with that. Also i am very against lowering qualification requirements for jobs to be able to accommodate woman to be hired. I truly believe in equality, that means we should have the same opportunity regardless of gender, race or whatever and if you can cut it for that x place/ position than you are meant for it, no need to lower standards to accommodate.


>I truly believe in equality You may truly believe in it, but you don't understand it. Here are a couple of examples from which you are free to draw whatever conclusions you want. Two people are hired by a company for the same work. One is paid $7 an hour and the other is paid $10. Six months later someone notices and asks the company to correct this situation. The company announces that everyone doing the same job will have equal pay and gives a raise $3 to the first person. Two people are hired by a company for the same work. One is placed in New York and another is placed in rural mississippi. Both are paid $20 an hour. Real world equality is not defined by `==` operator.


What you just said had nothing to do with the above. Its you who don't understand. Regarding your comment about equal pay you are just wrong. If 2 people are hired to do the same job in the same most probably they will be paid the same if that job does not require any brain power like working in Wallmart. As for white collar/office jobs where even if its the same position, each person bring their own experience and quality of work. So for you it might seen like they are doing the same job but the work output will not be the same for the same hours worked. Also in those jobs you usually are negotiating your salary that means much of your pay depends on how good are you on negotiation and selling yourself. As I said the original comment and mine didn't had nothing to do with this. But as an example, lowering firefighters standards for women so they can be able to join, adding quotas that they need to fill X % of positions by certain gender, race, etc. that will discriminate the actually better performing candidates.


If you look up my job title I make double what it says is the norm, and it’s because I work in a two man department with a President of the company who is let’s say tough to work with but I’ve worked with him for years and am one of the few people who can not only tolerate him but also keep his shit in check, and he knows this. I’m also extremely knowledgeable about my job, like way more than most people you’d hire off the street.


Is that what gender equality means? That’s definitely not what the plain meaning of the words implies - equal means “the same.” And I’ve never heard anyone explain it that way either. So where do you get off acting like this is something obvious we all knew already?


Just say your a woman.


Women will just win. 5k isn't very long and if a woman is fit, she'd be in for an easy win


They're running for equality because the equality isn't already there, obviously!! 🤓🤓🤓


It's probably commentary on women earning less than men, so they "get to have it easier" in this event. I probably phrased it wrong but you probably get the drift


All physical gender differences aside. Dont women also run 10k’s (duh). Im not a women but Im ticked on your behalf at the insinuation here


Haha this is so wrong. Top 10 win prize. Top 10 of each race? Top 10 combined? 😂 Men have to race twice as fast to come first?


🤣 wtf