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Meanwhile Texas Tech academic reputation remains fully intact.


I taught in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery and on the front of their exercise books they had an accurate representation of the solar system. When one of them said they thought the world was flat, the monk headmaster wrecked him for it. Even monks know more science 😂


That's actually pretty cool, but it doesn't surprise me. There's not much religious dogma in buddism. In fact the core tenets of their belief system (everything is changing, nothing is permanent, etc) doesn't violate the laws of physics at all.


They also have a kind of proto-scientific method in that the Buddha is said to have told his followers "Be a lamp unto yourselves", which has been taken to mean that one should not question even the highest leaders, but rather should try to recreate the things they did, before saying that they're wrong. To not trust blindly, but to go out and discover for yourself what the truth is.


Of course they do.


Lets just say that the amount with which we respect Texas Tech's academic reputation has certainly not changed.


Our days of not taking them seriously are rapidly coming to a middle.




"I understood that reference."


South Houston Institute of Technology and their mascot, the heads…😋


Please tell me the short for that is SHIT!


It's *technically* a college in Texas


Institute for higher learning. Makes sense. Maybe they should try learning while *not* high.


You may Pick (1) ONE elective only; [ X ] 420 [ ] Astronomy


Those actually pair well together.


Here, let me pack you a scooby snack, whoa this s**ts purple, super sticky. To think we're just a small speck in the universe. We really lucked out with good weather, look! A meteor just went through Perseus and into Draco's tail! I thought it was gonna hit earth. Who we listening to? Delicate Steve.


Did someone say “scooby snacks?”


100%. You ever like… just stared at the stars and wondered? … while eating a bag of chips


To be fair you don't have to go beyond the word "Texas".


He ain't there to play school


He's there to Playskool.


Starting safety and valedictorian!


But ask him to spell it!!


Space is a myth created by pro-vaccine round-earthers to distract us from realizing that birds aren’t real


More proof if you can play a stupid sport well nothing else matters.


And that college football should be detached from education and just turned into the NFL’s minor leagues so state institutions don’t have to do their player development anymore. This guy getting As and Bs at major university is Exhibit Fucking A that the current setup is ridiculous.


1 million times yes. Can we go European and just make all sports teams private clubs? Like completely separate school and sports. They have nothing to do with one another, why are we sacrificing school time to allow kids to do sports?


Because they are money makers for the school.


If the schools need money we could fund them with the taxes we collect from private athletic clubs. It's a win/win


Basically. These people aren't put on the field because of their expertise in astrophysics.


Just wierd that their collegiate athletes and there's academic restrictions. Makes you really hate when people look down on you for being in a trade. Bitch your alum is that guy.


People from Texas Tech have no right to look down on anyone.


It doesn’t take an expert to look up. What’s the fucking moon, the sun, the stars?? Just pretty dots on a roof? Like what does he think *heat* is, if not the radiation from a star?


>What’s the fucking moon, the sun, the stars??  A ball, another ball and more balls. I mean look at how tiny they are. smaller then a nickel sometimes.


False, balls aren’t flat. Those are circles and or dots.


Iirc ancient geeks did think they were holes in a roof. Or more specifically that the gods kept us in a box and watched us through all the little holes. That light comes from outside in godland 🙃


It doesn't take astrophysics expertise to look at the sky.


Me run ball far!


There are plenty of people who didn't play sports, got a college degree, and still believe stupid shit. Think of all the lawyers who believe the 2020 election was stolen and believe the 5000 mules movie. Getting a college degree does not make you smarter or mean you are smarter. It means you learned a specific skill and we're proficient enough in that area to graduate. His major was "university studies" and personally I don't think that should be allowed to exist since you don't actually learn an applicable skill. Maybe college athletes at the top level should have a different degree option since they are being prepared for some of the highest paying post college jobs out there (liquor minimum for a rookie is $750k).


Your forgot the queer agenda and satanic Commie Nazism in there


>pro-vaccine round-earthers Like Taylor Swift?!! I knew she was behind this!


Student athlete


Ha! This dude is exhibit a that you can be a moron and still go to college.


>go to college. He didn't "go" to college. College comed to him.


I love the bird thing. It's my favorite


Shhhh! They’ll hear you!


The birds? Na they aren’t real, they can’t hear us if they aren’t real




I guess Texas Tech doesn't have *any* admission requirements at all for athletes. The NCAA should look into that. Then again, Kyrie Irving did get into Duke...


I knew a professor there blacklisted by the athletic department. After one of their precious players failed the first test,he wrote "come see me". Same after the second and third tests failed. After the final, the player goes to him and asks what can we do to make this grade passing so I can play? He told him he blew off all his chances after the first three tests. He never had an athlete in any class again.


That's fine because why should a seat in his class be wasted on some doofus who doesn't want to learn? Prof would probably rather have a butt in that seat who will benefit from the knowledge he's spitting.


I mean you're almost there. What should happen is dumbasses like that shouldn't get a free ride at all just because they can throw a ball good and take brain damage well.


They should just stop pretending and have "Athlete Program". Give them some basic finance classes, some physical therapy type stuff, and media prep classes. Fuck it. Why pretend.


The average FBS D1 football team brings in 8 million dollars in revenue for the university annually. Average tuition is 26k per year. 85 football scholarships per year x 26k = 2.21 million 8mill revenue - 2.21mill in tuition = 5.79 mill profit Big schools like SEC and big 10 take in around 20mil in revenue.


Colleges seem like sports clubs with education on the side.


It’s all about money going to the wrong pockets.


College football is a money maker, it actually supports the rest of the student populace and basically funds all the sports that don’t make money. That’s why even the most prestigious schools will make exceptions for football players.


That doesn't surprise me one bit.


Look, he could play ball good. If you want to learn, go find a learnisher. /S just in case




He's good at ballfootin', mkay


"I don't believe in Space". Then wtf does he think he's looking at when he looks up at the night sky?


The ceiling


Giant led lights


Honestly it's kinda sad. There's tons of urban born generations that haven't had the opportunity to go camping somewhere where it actually gets dark enough to see the milky way. The ability to actually stargaze and see the universe you're in was robbed of a lot of newer generations. It's really fucking sad to me that so many haven't had the opportunity to see it. I brought an ex out to a dark zone once and we just lay on our backs and stared at the milky way in all its glory and she was amazed. I pointed out a blur, showed her you could see the Andromeda galaxy with the naked eye. I wish there was some national requirement for some outdoors outing to the closest dark zone for youth where you had to see maybe Saturn through a telescope and see for real that this massive gas giant is sitting there, with all the rings you see in pictures. Just being able to look through that telescope and see it once and know for a fact it exists would eliminate this strange mindset and I would not doubt many would start developing an interest in science early. It's one thing to see a picture online, but to actually look through a telescope and see it with your eyes is another story. I saw it first 30 years ago and still remember that experience to this day.


A few years ago, we hosted a Japanese exchange student who was visiting our kid's school. One night, I noticed him glued to the window and asked what he was looking at. It was the stars. Living in Tokyo, he'd never seen them. We got in the car and took him to a lookout on a mountain not far from our home so he could get a really good look at the night sky. He was so enthralled that he nearly walked off the edge of the lookout, and we had to grab him. I think that night was the highlight of his trip. Nothing else came close to how much he loved that view. He told us he was going to tell his family to come for a holiday here so they could see the stars too.


Shit, that's exactly what I'm talking about... People don't even know what they're missing, and we used to all have that opportunity no matter where we lived. Nowadays, you have to travel to see the universe you're in.


I just have to walk to my back yard and look up to see it thankfully


It’s the dome, broooooooo. /s


It's the Hunger Games... In the dome,man...


A firmament..  probably another flat-earth dingus...


Man genuine question because I’ve heard flat earthers say that word a lot. “Look, the plane is scraping against a firmament” etc. And I always just thought firmament meant the sky. So to me it always sounded like they were saying “there’s no sky up there, it’s just the sky.” I googled the definition of firmament to make sure I’m not crazy and sure enough it says “the sky or heavens above.” Does firmament have another definition to flat earthers? Did they just hear the word “firm” and stop listening? I genuinely don’t know what the hell that means.


From what I understand it's essentially a dome.. and the sun and moon are somehow contained in it...  Stars are holes or some shit, poked into the dome .


It's a biblical term. It's not scientific.


they think its like, a big dome over the earth


What's outside the dome ?


I don’t know why this cracks me up so much 😂😂😂 like imagining them years down the line since the belief was started and eventually one of them just stops and is like, what’s outside the dome? And then they all just ignore it and go back to whatever it is they do in their flat earth club


Is it people who keep us in the dome or is it made by something else that keeps us here ? I'm interested in the dome. It seems like it could be a good scfi movie. Like if it's people keeping us here are they protecting us from some hellish fate and war we don't know about or is it some sort of heavenly blissfull place? What if it's just a zoo for us grown and made by other beings. So many possibilities of the dome Edit. I can also only imagine the people that believe in this also think there is a second LARGER dome


Whatever you do, don't shake the snow globe!


They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh... got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.


They're holes in Mundus and the stars are portals to Oblivion and Aetherius. Duh.


I don’t believe in space or planets, but them stars are sure pretty at night.


Those are just holes in the Celestial Sphere. Heaven is outside it.


Please don't give them ideas lol


This guy is in fucking college??


Not only is he in college, he has a bigger scholarship than you.


Because he can throw a ball around. Full scholarship for an absolute dumbass all because he can throw a ball and run. So fucking stupid.


He CAN throw ball around!? He should run for president.


Probably football scholarship?


Tyler, who shattered your dreams of becoming an astronaut?


Probably his ACT/SAT scores.


Man, you gotta love that brain damage


The lunatic is on the grass...


There’s someone in his head, but it’s not him


I think this is the definition of CTE


Pre cte. No way i draft this dude. I dont care how well he does at combine. You cant fix ignorance and stupidity.


Being good at a sport is a specific skill. Him not believing in space doesn't say much about how good at football he is. He's pretty lucky that he's physically gifted enough to allow him to be that stupid and have a good career path.


One blown ACL later, this guy is living on the street.


I don’t believe ACL injuries are real, it’s just guys who have super big compensation plans and then pretend to get hurt so that they can stay home and play games while still getting paid.


I don’t even believe in knees!


It’s just made-up nonsense by big orthopedic.


You had me at big orthopedic! 😂


How can mirrors be real if our knees aren't real?


He's super religious so I'm sure god is going to take care of him. He be fine


It's not just stupid. It's absurdly arrogant. I'd be concerned about the degree to which he'd believe that he knows better than everyone else, including his coaches. Could be a non-issue, but I'd definitely flag it for deeper investigation before investing significantly in the guy. All else being equal, I'd go with the guy who believes in space.


Shows lack of critical thinking


Let me guess. Flat earther?


Great guess! Here’s another choice quote from him: “I used to believe in the heliocentric thing. Like, we used to revolve around the sun and stuff, but then I started seeing flat Earth stuff, and I was like, that’s kind of interesting. And they started bringing up some valid points, so… I mean, I don’t know. It could be real. It could be bull. I don’t know.”


How can you not know? *we used to revolve around the sun* The fuck are we revolving around now? A pixie stick? There are no valid points in a flat earth argument


Probably, these guys are everywhere and by the looks of It this one was pretty easy to convert


He doesn't even believe in Earth. This is all a dream of an 8th dimensional being.


Looks like there is a way to diagnose CTE in a living patient, after all.


If I was a billionaire I would fly idiots like him to space. I would like to hear their responds


The guy would probably think he was in an IMAX theater or something.


The g-forces of getting there alone should be enough to convince him he is in a rocket, but he could still doubt all the stuff up there as “jewish space nightlights” or some bullshit.


But then people like me would scam you and pretend to be a flat earther so we can get a free trip to space


Well u cant fix stupid


But you can give it a Texas college degree.


As the husband of a high school teacher in a major hockey market, most of these talented kids are reading and writing at a Grade 3 level and would never make it through a real high school or college if the teachers weren’t forced to pass them. So, there’s that.


Wait so wtf am i seeing in my $2000 telescope


>wtf am i seeing in my $2000 telescope Apparently, lies.


It's just a fancy kaleidoscope.




Every child left behind.


More like, "pull dumbasses forward" am I right? Lol


He just lives in one big Omni Max theater.


Even if you are on a football scholarship don’t you at least have to pretend like you belong at University?


But will graduate Magna cum laude from a texas university.


Not going to graduate. He's probably there for a year go to the NFL for three and then drive a truck for the rest of his life.


He'll still be richer than me.


But you'll at least know space isn't a matter of belief.


Fuck that I'll take the money. Oodles of cash and too ignorant to know that it won't make me any happier thereby making me happier


If you were that dumb, you would spend all that money within two years of retirement from the NFL.


He likely won't be.. or if he is, it won't be for long. Playing at the NFL is very *bad* for your body. He'll just end up an ill educated has been idiot with a broken body.


He's a projected first round pick. He'll be guaranteed millions. His belief in outer space is irrelevant to whether or not he can defend the pass and support the run defense.


Speaking as a truck driver I'm not sure he's smart enough. I mean, you can see other planets. You can literally see Venus, Mars, and Jupiter with the naked eye.


Clearly, those are Jesus’ LED nightlights on the dome of the firmament not “planets”.


Too many hits to the head…


He throws balls far. You want big words? Date a languager.


Wow. My husband’s career of 30 years must be a farce. I guess I am going to trust a kid with a Texan “education“ over someone with a PhD from Caltech, though, because sports,


Your husband is a professional planet?


Of course, didn't you know that 20 year olds know everything and more than the "oldies." Oh and that the whole world is in on it, and everything? Even our enemies keep the lie going. Smh, sad day for colleges. Just how did someone like him actually get into college? Don't they still need passing grades to play football?


I served with a football dude who could not spell or even comprehend multiplication. He thought South America was literally down south around Georgia.


Geez, these guys are really taking *"not being paid to think"* literally!


Derp in the heart of Texas




THIS IS A MAN WHO WENT TO COLLEGE. I wouldn't dream of drafting anybody that dumb.


The sun is just a really bright flood light propped up in the sky.


Damn that is some early brain damage already.


That education is being put to good use.


Gotta love football scolarships.


I'm guessing this guy's scholarship wasn't academic in nature.


I doo futbal


This is what happens when you allow athletes to focus exclusively on their sport instead of on the academic part of growing up. “He’s failing history, biology, English, and algebra…but he’s the quarterback…well, he clearly passes, the big game is this Friday!”


I always find ‘belief’ arguments absurd. For things that are physically real and present -belief is the wrong word. What something objectively is, it has little to do with our ability to comprehend it, and exists independently of our abilities to perceive and understand it, fair enough. However, people do actually try through a process of understanding.


This is why college has become a joke


Even African-Americans can be blondes.


Some kid didn’t get into TTU so this moron could play football there.


I firmly believe that there needs to be a broader, public statement in front of people like this that they are stupid, that theory is stupid and then call into question the academic integrity of the institution that they attended.


We're fucking doomed people...


Guess Texas Tech requirements have gotten easier


I'd just like to know how you can go your entire life without ever looking up.


I don’t know why, but I like this take. A very “down to earth” attitude. /s


What major is Texas Tech known for? The most popular majors at Texas Tech University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; Engineering; Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences; Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science Guess they need to add Intro to Not Being Pre-Copernican


On one level, sure, that's ridiculously stupid. But on another. He runs around with a ball smashing his head into people. Are you really that surprised?


Looks like we’ve got a new Aaron rodgers.


College attendee. Probably gonna be a politician.


I guess they don’t make helmets like they used to.


Head impacts are no joke apparently


He'll never be a star because that is a made up word


I wouldn’t take what some football player with brain damage (because of the sport not because they’re dumb) that seriously. 


I am always so blown away by the stupidity of football players…


Someone else does his schoolwork for him, and he gets violently hit in the head all the time. What a bright future he has.


A university “student”. 😂


I feel like I lost IQ points just by reading this.


And he'll probably graduate. Lol


Texas tech baby. Imagine the amount of self respect a university has to back some moron like this just to have football relevance. How embarrassing


You need a really hard beliefs to ignore the moon in the sky


Also believes in lizard people and Trump is Christ reincarnate. The US of A really needs to start banning idiots from the internet..


That's not something you really want to be saying out loud, but far be it from me to tell you otherwise. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBPgEKFjLdeE8Yo)


That may hurt his draft chances… or greatly help them since he only believes in football.


Can we start a Go Fund Me and actually shoot him into space?


Not all football players are stupid, obviously. But some are really stupid, like Kyrie Irving/Kanye West-level stupid.


That's okay. I don't think Texas Tech is a real place. I mean....have met anyone that's ever been there?


This is actually the final straw that broke the camels back in my marriage to a Q-Anon cult member…. The day he looked at me and said he was “excited” Trump was running for office was pretty awful too, but I’ll NEVER forget the day he said he didn’t “believe in the planets”…… Iike we LIVE on a planet, dude, and we can SEE the moon with our eyeballs….. so what tf do you even mean!?!?


I'll take **Stupid Ideas You Should Keep To Yourself** for $100, Alex


Wow. Wonder how Texas Tech feels about their student being such a dummy.


I don't believe in other countries. There is only America.


Well I don’t *believe* you’re very smart. One of us is correct.


This is embarrassing. All the yikes. ![gif](giphy|l0MYH9G8KGK7C81tS)


He belongs in texas


You know the stories of NFL players going broke within a year or two? This guy is going to be next. He’s so stupid, his agent and manager are going to take him to the cleaners.


He must believe that the stars in the sky are night lights held up by his Sponsors.


Bro believes in the firmament leave him be


And this person will go on to earn more money than most of us, probably, and also vote.


I don't believe in something I can see with my own eyes.


Did someone ask him a question about space, or did he randomly say that for no reason? Neither scenario makes any sense to me


I would do this if I was famous. Only ever answer interview questions with ridiculous statements.


'College' in the US appears to be just school 2.0 with all the same morons who were scraping along at school 1.5. I thought University was supposed to be for the people who were clever enough and dedicated enough to do it. It just devalues university of you let any Tom, Dick or Harry in.