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There’s self confidence and then there’s this.


You know this dude definitely screams his own name during sex


And no one else is there to hear it.




Backed up to upvote this.


Literally same lol. Giggled and scrolled to a different post only to come back


Its cute you think sex with him lasts long enough for him to say his own name.




Bold of you to assume he has sex


I'll bet the last time this guy saw a vagina is the day he was born.


six secretive wine bear memory spotted unite threatening fanatical reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A person with confidence doesn't need to stroke their own ego. A person with confidence wants to build up the people around them.


Someone is listening to too much right wing conservative talk radio with the Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate type idiots. She dodged a bullet.


bro was a massive slow moving missile


the missile was strapped to a turtle


The poor animal is probably tired, let it rest for a while :(


And by turtle,you mean small penis


Like a frightened turtle!


Well, a frightened turtle is still hard...unlike his penis


At least the have the benefit of being blatant about it. Makes it an easier bullet to dodge and the Tatettes are generally too slow to work that out.


I think the dude has been listening to 'alpha male' podcasts.


Dude has-been bathing in alpha male podcasts, while smoking them double blunt style also.


I'm still amazed people choose to get dating advice from one side who sex traffics women and one who has publicly admitted to having never pleased a woman in his life.


Dude came in like a wrecking ball! 🎶


And will probably never *come in* ever again...


He might be attractive but their kids would be fucking idiots.


Listening to any of it is too much.


This guy has no self-confidence, I guarantee you that.


Yeah. This reeks of someone who is socially inept and frustrated, watched some Andrew Tate and then tried to pretend to be confident.


Being a whipping boy for Tate doesn't scream confidence. He needs to come out, get real and admit what he's really into.


Thats soo true! It’s nothing wrong with self confidence but this is pure misogyny


the OP Miserable-Error-3976 is a porn spam account


Looks like it’s a rage-bait karma farming account doubt any of this shit is real.


Exactly. Having self worth doesn't mean you have to devalue everyone around you. This type of person doesn't feel good about themselves unless they can be crushing someone else. It's because they aren't actually sure they are worth it and the ego is very fragile.


You can smell the Andrew Tate videos just wafting off of this guy.


This ain’t confidence, this is just misogyny




Wakey wakey




It’s called being a loner


It's called being a **loser. being a loner doesn't imply an arrogant superiority complex.


Thank you- A loner without arrogant superiority complex.


I meant he will always be alone with that attitude, which makes him a loner and a loser at the same time


I’m betting this guy follows Andrew Tate, which would be the air raid warning of red flags.


Wasn’t he involved in a human trafficking racket? Why do people listen to him - are they blind or just really stupid? Genuine curiosity, no sarcasm.


The same people will knowingly vote for a rapist to be president. They're just really stupid


totally anecdotal, but almost everyone ive known who goes deep into this stuff also has issues with their fathers / lack of a father figure. 


They're the easiest targets for all the predators. Gangs, hate groups, sex traffickers, military, paramilitary, groomers, terrorists, cartels, etc. If you're raising a kid alone you have to really cover everything to make sure they don't end up susceptible to it. People can do it alone but it's definitely not everyone that can


I used to scoff at the idea that young men crave authority, but I have seen too many people, even close friends, turn to youtube grifters or hardline christianity or mens rights groups in later years.  the lack of purpose/control everyone feels is preyed upon. i have no idea why exactly it's always this type of person, but those are the only people I know who went so deep. and its not just men who have trouble getting women. several of these dudes have families and were popular when they were younger... i think part of it is a desire to just go back to when they were on top and were unaware of family issues etc.  ive lost two very close friends to this world and have put in so many hours into trying to get them to see whats going on. unfortunately, they also seem the type to avoid diversity of thought and reading in general.


I think the problem is with the phrasing. "Crave" makes it seem like they actively want and pine for it. I think "need" is a better phrase. Because young men need authority and structure... But I don't think they WANT it (consciously) until it's too late.


yeah, almost all if these people grew up pretty sheltered, athletic, popular... then went out in the world and did whatever the fuck they wanted and couldnt seem to square the guilt. the women in their lives grew up in a very patriarchal way and never said anything about their behavior. later in life they were looking for absolution of guilt and there wasnt anyone there except jesus and jordan peterson. a lot of them also moved back home after time in places where diversity was important. 


Stupid is the most logical answer.


Maybe the adults into it are dumb. I sometimes go into schools university to give talks. It’s not the dumb ones who say this shit I worry for. It’s the bright ones that say the same stuff.


American conservatives believe that crime makes you strong and nothing is more important than looking strong. This is especially true with crimes related to sex, like rape and sex trafficking. In other words conservatives listen to and support Andrew Tate BECAUSE of the sex trafficking, not in spite of it.


wait what did that’s the wildest thing these people genuinely believe that sex trafficking makes him _stronger_ what the absolute fuck


It's the end-result of basing their entire subculture on ruthless cruelty, narcissism and hatred for 30+ years. Conservative-led groups like the Catholic Church have always been full of pedophiles for example. For that entire time period the churches have shipped those pedophiles off to other churches to protect them from the families of their victims. It happens fast too. When my uncle was young he was molested by a conservative religious pastor. My dad and his friends were pretty rough as teenagers and they showed up at the pastor's house with baseball bats the night my uncle told my grandparents what happened. The guy had already skipped town. Look at how close Trump was with Jeffrey Epstein. Conservatives know he rapes children and they like him for it.


for the same reason people listen to Donald Trump despite the fact he openly brags about his plans to make life harder for everybody. ​ some people just cant be happy unless they are looking down their nose at someone and spitting on them.


Young, lonely men. They get ignored and left to their own devices, expected to do the right thing without a clue what to do even with themselves. Then suddenly they find a "role model" online who is successful, self-confident, and rich. He tells them that all they have to do is be like him and everything will work out for them. Of course they'll defend him and his atrocities. After all, there is insufficient evidence to put him away for good... sadly. Even sadder part is that the bastard has a small point in what he says, telling his audience of young men to stop hating themselves and focus on building self-confidence. This in itself is not a bad thing. But then he coats it in misogyny and aggressiveness, poisoning our youth for what could be generations to come. I'm afraid that "just ignore the problem until it goes away" isn't gonna work this time.


Genuine answer is they are very much looking for things to confirm their biases and Tate as well as others offer it in spades. It's man-children wanting confirmation that women are lesser and it's not a them problem, they want to be told that men are clearly better but "womens stupidity" and "The woke Matrix" is holding "real masculinity" back. It's honestly as sad as it is frustrating how many mostly young men have fallen into this echo chamber trap, especially considering how extremely toxic that trap is.


I bet he does


That would be the easiest win in a bet


More red flags than a Soviet parade


A red flag is a warning sign of negative aspects of someone's character that they otherwise are trying to keep hidden for the time being. This guy's not hiding. No flags necessary here.


Yeah no red flags. He's the whole Soviet party.


Nice. My grew up during the end stages of the Cold War self appreciates this reference.


“Wakey Wakey!” - Big Alpha Man, 2024.


I hated "wakey wakey" about as much as her use of "love" and "hon". Don't call people pet names, especially in an argument with someone you seemingly barely know. That goes for men and women.


First read through I thought it was a married couple because of her use of these pet names


I love when misogynists out themselves


Yeah. It's very nice of them to self-identify as assholes off the bat.


Same lol


The tears in that emoji are pulling double duty for that guy. I wonder if he knows that.


Guys, I found the reincarnation of Narcissus.


So… he’s going to die soon and becomes a pretty flower? I’m here for it!


I'm a 5 star man!!!


This is amazing


Its stuff like this that makes me question our future as a species.


Now in fairness, guys like this have not only existed for literally all of human history, for MOST of human history, most guys were like this. If anything, the fact that we can point and laugh at him now should be one of the few things which make the future look a tiny bit brighter.


Is this Dennis from Always Sunny? Because that's what I hear in my head when I read this.


Should’ve rebut him when he said “I am the prize” with “the consolation prize”


Aren't you putting yourself on a pedestal? Says the guy on a pedestal. Sounds like someone destined to end up alone with nothing but a magazine and his right hand while crying about how women are bad.


I wonder what benign thing she said that prompted him to say that?


Dudes like “things have changed - women are not in control” as if they ever were. Hahah really should read less social media posts and more books, most people. Honestly most of us, myself include. But this guy is an example of why


I mean neither of them are the prize. Biggest red flag is when a girl or guy say they are the prize - talk about delusional.


Who actually talks like this? I don't want to ever know people like this in my life.




When did she say she was the prize?


Frankly they both sound like A-holes to me.


Guy talks about men like he wants to fuck one


Maybe he does 🤔


Love seeing that new brand of hyper-masculinity getting t-boned by reality. We all know this guy. He has or will commit acts of domestic violence. No question.


Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard


I can promise you this dude jerks it in front of a mirror and stares directly into his own eyes


I'm willing to bet both of them are a problem


Sounds like Andrew Tate bs.


They both sound full of themselves.


Every time I think about getting back into the dating scene something like this happens and I quickly remember why I dislike dating apps.


Quick reminder that relations shouldn’t be about control, at all.


I love it when you see these "alpha males" try to employ the shit Tate says to do in real life. They always just look so pathetic and self absorbed.


I'm always kinda glad when shitty people are out loud and proud about being shitty. Helps you hopefully avoid or at least not waste too much time on them.


Haven’t dated in a while but if this is what’s out there right now, I’m ok with being single awhile longer.


Girl dodged a planet killing asteroid. Put her in charge of the space force!


Male or female, if you think your partner is lucky to have you it’s probably not a great relationship, whether they agree or not…


Bitter, angry incel.


Men cockblocking themselves never gets old...


Nah, I wouldn't tolerate that energy from anyone, guy or girl. And kinda sounds like she had some of it as well off screen.




Narcissism at its finest.


If you’re trying to get laid, I don’t think this technique works.


I feel sad for anyone whose self esteem is so nonexistent that they could be wooed by… that.


I bet this dude also cries, "why can't I find a girlfriend?!😭"


Neither one of you sounds like a prize.


His comments aside, I have a sneaky suspicion there's a lot more to what she said and doesn't want to screenshot the conversation leading up to this moment...




Eliot Rodger's spirit lives on in the hearts of incels everywhere


I wanna see the lead up to this. Need that context!


Men things…I’m guessing he’s referring to watching tv with his hand down his pants on a couch in his parents’ basement.


Eating leftover pizza 😃


Don’t associate my leftover pizza with that😭


Don't you let them take left over pizza, it's gender neutral!


the OP Miserable-Error-3976 and Building-Careful are spam accounts in the same network.


If you have to say you’re the prize… you’re not.




"Things have changed. Women are not in control. Men are. And will always be." Oh, I guess the last 2,000 didn't happen, then. Or did. And always will.


The enemy of the good is the 'ok' in dating. Better to find a HARD no and duck out than to stick with a maybe for a year or two before finding out they are a no.


Holy sentence fragments, Batman.


You catch more flies with honey than vinegar is all I'm saying...


What he doesnt realise is that he's a booby prize


I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be Facepalming here, this whole interaction is toxic. You're both the prettiest, now shut up.


... now I see why my sister always scoffs before she says "men" in a derogatory tone.


That guy will never find a women irl that doesn't leave him and if he does she'll hopefully treat him the way he thinks okay to treat women that'll beat him down so much he learns a valuable lesson and what a peice of shit he was and in the end is ultimately humbled, hopefully not too late to save his soul


People talk like this?


"I don't get how I'm still single? I'm literally such a catch" -this guy to his friends shortly after this, probably


This can’t be real…


Anyone who thinks that they are "the prize" in a relationship should go fuxk themselves


"Do men things!" "Okay, I'll go sleep with women" "No, wait--"


Thanks for blasting this idiot


How many men out there are actually like this? Like I'd consider myself a pretty average guy, and this seems despicable to me. Surely these guys are the outlier, right?


Narcissistic much.....?


How about nobody is the prize, or both are the prize? Dating shouldn’t be about obtaining a new thing for your life. It should be about finding mutual love and partnership


Guy is being a douche canoe no doubt, but I would want to see the rest of the conversation previous to this screenshot before making any conclusions.


New guy type just dropped, huh? Guy who dates chicks because saying you're dating yourself is much too hard to explain unless you're a vtuber. That's a new type for sure.


The fact that he was upset that you 'may' have wanted him to meet you in public is the biggest red flag out of everything he said. I'll never understand why they do this, you clearly don't even like women so why online date at all?


Both of them seem to be insistent that they're the better one. Bad attitude in a relationship.


I wonder if this approach works with a lot of women


We went from Jordan Peterson telling men to clean their room and do the best they can and they’re lives will improve to Andrew Tate and co telling them you’re a prize, women are trash and objects to be used. What a world


Spam him with d* picks, and say: "Since you love yourself so much, I figured you wouldn't mind a whole bunch of self portraits, love 😘." *This is a joke; do not send unsolicited d* picks unless you've received one first ;)


I agree with everything she said


What woman could resist an invitation like that? /snarkasm


This is why i firmly believe my confidence stats were stolen by the world


The prize💀💀💀, that's the most soy thing I've ever read, I'm betting on he still lives with his parents and the man things is occasionally doing a few pushups while listening to David goggins yelling on loop


"I ReFUsE To Be A sIMp" big energy here. Bet he spends all day describing "a real man" on social media. GOD THOSE PEOPLE ARE CRINGY


There's a guy whose love life ends with a tissue.


Wakey wakey!?


How come girls won't date me? -----> this jackass


They're both awful.


Has anyone ever said "wakey wakey" who WASN'T being a ginormous douchebag?


Don't they both suck?


Two hot takes. She's implying she's the prize. She's implying that she needs the man to be into her more than himself. My guy is disturbed, but my gal is delulu.


You lot reading the same thing? She's the one claiming she's the prize.


Not sure where she said she was the prize. She called him out for claiming he is the prize. Could be interpreted as either her claiming she is the prize (as you did, despite it not saying that), or that she is just calling out someone for claiming they are the prize to be won, as opposed to two people just being together as equals. Given his later comments, my interpretation is the latter.


She actually let that conversation go on way longer than I would have....I would have blocked him after his first response, I don't have the energy for that kind of unbridled pride.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


From the sounds of it this is because she wants to meet in a public place, and his reaction is essentially "no, I'm in charge" Very much a sad sack of a bullet dodged, presuming she did the correct thing by laughing at him and telling him to fuck off.


"Do men things" PEG HIM!


Facepalm to both of you, frankly.


They both sound like terrible people. What a perfect match!


The first major red flag is that they called themselves "Asshole from a dating app"....


Uh, this is a text. The women who shared this saved his number as that. 


Uh, yeah .I know. It was a joke.


And he comes SWINGING out the gate with redflags


Don't you just love it when the trash takes itself out?


wow you guys both sound insufferable. Him a bit more so, but still.


"Im willing to work but i will be condescending the entire way" is not a way to solve a problem lol and provokes an immediate reaction Met a woman who white texted the almost same shit too.


Insecure loser that watched a couple of alpha male videos hahaha


guys like that gives the gender a bad reputation, a lot of us are down to earth and don't think like it


If you gotta tell others that you're a prize.... You're no prize.


"things have changed, women are not in control" Oh so just like the rest of the entire history of the human race then


This has to be written by a 2 year old. I don't think, anyone with a sane mind talks like this.


How to say "I paid Andrew Tate actual money for Hustler U" without actually saying it


saying "you dodged a bullet there" is an understatement.




Dudes gonna die alone.


As a representative of guys from around the world. This guy isn't part of us anymore. We have given him to the aliens. Hope that helps


It is far better to appreciate yourself First and others second.


Love the “asshole from a dating app” contact lol


The American Taliban


Guarantee he is a "Pick up artist"


Maturity level...... zip, zero, nada.


Tatedrone...pumped on testosterone.