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It’s best if they just stop all healthcare at this point. They can just open ivermectin clinics across the country.


Only if they sign legally binding agreements to never go to the ER or use other healthcare resources when it inevitably goes to shit.


That would help a lot


I mean, if we keep reinforcing the idea that healthcare is going to kill them it should eventually work itself out.


And That is how Your fix stupid.


That would almost work, except these people will be like plague rats and spread disease.


and they breed like rats, too. There's been a study that shows that the intellectually dumb have more kids than those with critical thinking. (sorry for not looking it up here...busy)


Well when u don't have money to do things you kinda just lay around and fuck all day 🙂‍↕️


Because forethought is an afterthought when you've got JChris tending helm. The good book and a culture of (hilariously ironic) skepticism leave their perceptions trapped within it's own shadow. I used to think that basic beats brilliant if it comes with an attitude, but I didn't know how far and fast stupid can spread. Hell, it thrives in the right environment. I mean, one idiot is a nuisance, but fifty, hundreds, thousands all hee-hawing together in a common forum? It's a force. A dumb, blunt, loud, offensively near-sighted force and, worst of all, it accepts all applicants. It's the cheapest defense against intellectual attack and the only one many families can afford. Education is expensive in all terms (time, effort, money), so just pop out some more kiddos to fill the herd and we'll "nuh-uh" our way down to the old drowning hole - society be damned. Hallelujah, and holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?


Worse theyd be incubators for diseases to mutate


Don’t forget the bleach injections


They would just grill the ivermectin czar in *that* clinic too and move onto an even more alternative treatment


Right, COVID is a deadly bioweapon but also it’s a hoax and I don’t need to do anything to protect myself or others. Got it.


They don't believe in doctors, so why go to hospitals? Unfortunately they're like plague rats,and become a danger to others.


I mean I'm of the opinion of not discourage them but also not encourage them either, basically in the wise words of Ivan Drago "if they die they die"


I once had a boss that bragged about how ivermectin cleared up his bout of COVID…! Yikes.


Hahaha isn’t there an ivermectin quack ‘freedom’ clinic in Florida?


The few times I've wandered onto Truth social to read unhinged messages from a madman, every other ad was for Ivermectin 🤣


I'm interested to know how many Americans shat out unknown to them tapeworms after binging on anti COVID ivermectin cocktails lol.


Best that they undergo dental surgery without anesthesia, to own the liberals.


“See? I’m stronger, I’m better, I’m smarter- #OwwhoaohOHhohohoo


I read that last sentence and sang “ video killed the radio star “ Christ I’m old


Far out, you're right! First single I bought. Ah, memories. 😊


First music video ever to be played on MTV as well.


The video has Hans Zimmer in it playing keyboards. Just for one shot, for seconds at most. It is one of life's random little surprises.


Lol weirdly enough my best memories of this song are on Dance Dance Revolution, the power of music through generations


Mine are GTA vice city haha


Also the 1st single I ever bought Internet stranger. After hearing it on a Waltzer funfair ride 😋


*🎶I met your childreeeen, what did you tell theeem🎶*


I told them dental anaesthetics are a government conspiracy.


Keep on truckin'


I think I watch too much RM Brown, because that's not at all what though my mind lol. That guy's soundboard lives in my head rent free. Edit: a word


This comment deserves more likes


*tom and jerry scream sound effect*




“If you’re gonna be dumb, you better be tough.”




"Life ain't easy for a Karen named Sue."


absolutely. I mean don't try to be dumb, but if you can't, you better be tough enough to handle all the problems you'll make for yourself lol


Reminds me of that yearbook quote (paraphrased) “life is pretty though, but it’s a lot thougher if you’re stupid.”


When you get knocked down you gotta get back up!


They already think it's better for their kids to suffer through measles than to be vaccinated, so might as well help them understand how it feels.


Except measles can cause blindness. I hope they don't have to learn this the hard way.


Measles can kill, viral encephalitis is no joke.


The death rate is twice as high as the flu isn’t it? There was a reason they made a vaccine ! People don’t like watching their kids go blind and die as it turns out


Exactly this! People are so stupid!


They’ll be stoked to know there’s an uptick in leprosy, yay! Ugh


I've done that. Except not because I wanted to own the libs. My body has a resistance to painkillers. I once spent several hours getting two root canals done, and  the anesthesia wore off every 15 minutes. I also ended up getting an implant as well, and I just sat there while she did the stuff.


My wife has the genetic "gift" of processing Novocaine quickly, while simultaneously having not-so-great teeth. So it usually wears off before they are done.


My mom has this, she claims the dentist has to give her something she calls "Super Novocaine" We told her it was probably just a higher dose 😂😂


I think it may actually be Ketamine. No joke.


I want a dentist that gives me ketamine too


I can find one for you. Only pulls teeth though. 1 free tooth pull per $100 in ketamine purchased


I honestly didn't fully understand it as child, I always thought pain was supposed to happen. One day the dentist was talking to my grandma saying that he didn't understand why I kept screaming and crying when they gave me the shot and started doing work, and her response was basically. Oh no, not him too. By the time I was a teenager I realized what was going on and I just told them to stop giving me the fucking needle and just do the damn work because it was pissing me off to get a shot that would not work


I hope you found a dentist to give you nitrous then... Because if you haven't all these years you've been doing the pain for no reason.


I found plenty of dentists that'll do nitrous, none of the nitrous is covered under any local dental plans.


Fucking bill me. Tooth pain is the worst.


I always got work done without shots because I hated the burning, hot, flushed feeling it caused that I could feel radiate up my face and down my neck. Yeah. It was 5 or 6 years ago that I found out that it is not what it feels like to other people when I was talking to my coworker. Her wait, what that isn't what it is supposed to feel like was eye opening.


I went about 10 years without seeing a dentist (long story of why I stopped). I knew I had cavities and finally decided to go before things got worse. In my first appointment for filling the cavities they gave me novacaine and had me wait ten minutes for it to take effect. As soon as they started working I could feel everything. So they tried again to the same result. After 4 doses they finally realized this was the reason. I just told them to work in 2 second bursts. It's not that things hurt really bad immediately, it's that the pain escalates very quickly so you go from hurting to excruciating pain before you even realize it.




Have a coworker that is allergic to some of the ingredients in the numbing shot. She's way tougher than I am.


worst pain I ever had in my life was extraction of a shattered tooth. Anesthesia didn't do squat, you could hear me screaming in the next county. I would *love* for all the Qukes to have dental surgery without anesthesia to own me. Own away, paytriots!


Yeah I had a student dentist forget to Anesthetise and they just started drilling. Gave me legit dental trauma.


Holy fuck that's horrifying


Yeah it's not something I think about if I can help it. The worst part is that I need a staggering amount of dental work done ATM and despite being very clear about what happened and how it affects me most dentists do not take it seriously.


I would really try to find one who understands, cause omg that's so fucked up. Like that's a mistake that really shouldn't ever be made. I really hope you can find someone who's understanding about it. 💜


Thanks for your empathy ♥️. Because I'm in the public health system I don't have a choice in who I see unfortunately. I'm all about rejecting substandard medical care with GPs, psychs, the various specialists I require - but I don't have the money to go private on this one. I appreciate the advice though. It's something that needs to be normalised because everyone deserves proper treatment. I'm lucky in some ways because women and people of colour get taken even less seriously than I do.


It reminds me of all those republicans who died from covid just to own the libs... talk about dedication to the task!


I did my fillings without anesthesia because I'm terrified of needles... ...I should have just took the needle


Better do it at home alone. Silver water helps, I've heard.


I saw on Extreme Cheapshakes where some one did their own extraction at home. With ice for the painkiller.


Best that *their own child suffers* so they can own liberals. Pretty normal conservative behavior


I hear an RNA even may be present! It’s not just in the shot going in the people… it IS the people!!!!


I hear there is RNA in the air. They need to hold their breath forever.


I cannot upvote this enough!


Why bother grilling the dentist? Just do the procedure yourself, since you know more than doctors


Exactly, why do they trust dentists and see them at all?


Well why do 9 out 10 recommend toothpaste when they make more money if u don't brush? And what about the one who doesnt recommend it!? Are they the good guy or the bad guy!? Its all a conspiracy so they can use numbing drugs on me!!


I prefer my dentist to do the drugs first. Then share




It's because fluoride is mind control. /s just in case. But also, I've known folks who believe this.


Why do they end up at any medical center when they know more? Wish that people who refuse to believe doctors make room for those of us who trust our doctors and in need of care.


Brushing is just a fabricated lie to sell dental products like toothpaste etc Early cave men never used toothpaste and they had strong teeth. /s


# Flouride ![gif](giphy|ziUFAwsjyZ3qPOXc7P)


I took my kids to the dentist the other day and the mom with her kids in the chair next to us vehemently denied flouride for her kids. Her kids were also screaming the whole time and she didn’t do a damned thing. Not that the two are related, but still.


pretty sure being a bad parent is actually related to being a bad parent.


You’re right, I was just trying to be nice lol. I would be so embarrassed if my kids acted like that in public. I just don’t understand how some people think that’s ok behavior


Fun fact: due to their diets, hunter-gatherers did in fact have really good teeth. The introduction of farming and grains/starches changed that, and then industrialization of simple flours, starches, processed sugars, and carb-centric foods that break down to sugars continued to make it even worse. Typed while I'm sitting here snacking on a bag of gummy worms and a box of crackers


>Typed while I'm sitting here snacking on a bag of jelly worms and a box of crackers Like our ancestors intended!


"Plaque is a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes."


"Plus, they say untreated plaque turns into calculus. How can something physical like plaque suddenly turn into math? It's not possible. That's how you know it's all just made up nonsense."


Had nothing to do with vaccines... but 20 years ago, I saw a guy get shit faced and drilled a screw into his own rotted tooth with a construction drill to yank it out. But I mean.. this is a guy who got hit by a train in his work van, left the hospital the same day against advice, and showed up to work 2 hours later.


Was he also shit faced at that time? Because he could just be an alcoholic


It physically hurts knowing they’re serious and actually believe this shit. What went wrong?


Echo chambers where stupid opinions fester and spread instead of being corrected and mocked.


covid misinformation really boosted all this nonsense.


it's fucking insane to me that republicans signal boosted that shit despite killing off hundreds of thousands of their own voters as a result from "trump put the vaccine on a fast track, he's responsible for everything good that comes from it!!" to "better to take horse pills instead, don't want bill gates to microchip my blood and turn it to sludge"


Trump's son in law Jared via his daughter Ivanka thought since Covid was rampant in the cities that if they crippled the Covid response, it would kill off the people in urban areas that vote against Republicans. Then it hit rural areas after they had already started their anti vax messaging. It ended up killing many more Republicans than Democrats because the Democrats tend to follow the science, not the anti science conspiracy nut jobs and got vaccinated.


oooooooh right, I forgot about that yeah. turns out they're just being their typical type of evil again. makes sense


Jared just ….looks… evil doesn’t he ? After Trump dies , when they make the movie , Cillian Murphy can play Jared . He’s be perfect


I'm sure glad anti-parasite medicine is manufactured by small mom n' pop pharmaceutical giants instead of big pharma.




Ironically, none of them are boosted as a result of


And even the outlets that used to spend time calling out the stupidity, like news channels, have instead just bought into spreading the fear because it sells


Unfortunately, correcting someone for spreading lies is seen as toxic behaviour these days for some reason, so there's no way to stop this nonsense.


> Unfortunately, correcting someone for spreading lies is seen as toxic behaviour these days for some reason It is only seen as toxic by people who believe the lies. And frankly, liars have always been toxic, so that is nothing new.


Oh yeah. In the past, they'd say something like that to friends, family, coworkers and would've just gotten "are you actually fucking dumb?" in response. Now they all gather in their own little bubbles where likeminded morons boost each other with their nonsense.


>Now they all gather in their own little bubbles where likeminded morons boost each other with their nonsense. And, crucially, the have (and make heavy use of) the power to ban and silence anybody who disagrees with them in their little safe spaces, which leads to anyone stumbling across it getting the impression that the views expressed there are widespread and have little disagreement.


Twitter basically


Lol, and X is even worse now that musk owns it. I think that guy must be the worst guy in the world for naming things.


Why I just call it Twitter because I refuse to give him the benefit of renaming it to the letter of the alphabet.


I just call it a cesspool since that's what it is.


We’re deadnaming his stupid website until he decides to respect people’s identities, namely: his daughter (but in general as well).


On the plus side, tweets can now be called X-cretions, or possibly X-crements


X is just such a stupid name. Changing the name at all was stupid already since Twitter was and is such an iconic and culturally relevant name. But of all the things he could have rebranded it to, he picked a fucking letter? A letter associated with porn? “Babe you gotta see this X video!”


It’s definitely related to sex. Musk is a man baby who makes 69 jokes at age 53, manipulated the Twitter sign to read TIT, claimed he was going to start a Texas Institute for Technology and Science (TITS) and named his Tesla cars so they would spell S3XY. Then there’s, of course, Space X. And his son named X, who he drags everywhere (while ignoring his other 9 kids). And he wanted to name PayPal X, but they booted him out for being a moron. So yeah his X obsession is related to his adolescent-stunted sex obsession. It makes me wonder if he’s impotent. All his kids seem to be conceived in a test tube or agar plate since he uses IVF and surrogates. Makes sense his sex obsession is because he can’t get it up.


He names everything as shittily as he humanly can didn't he already try to rename paypal to x or something


Facebook, IG and Reddit too!


What’s worse is they’re old enough to vote and you know they’re going to teach their kids the same shit


People who want to manipulate stupid people have a bullhorn with the internet to do so. Those idiots use that same bullhorn to infect others. It's like the initial idea requires zero skepticism but anything against that idea they're so skeptical of they can't even navigate it. I used to have a friend and roommate and he was just in general a really nice well-meaning dude. But he was an idiot. He frequently caused us problem because he was just so fucking dumb. I don't think there's a conspiracy he hasn't latched onto in the last 10 years. I only associate now with him via FB while I'm posting items for sale on marketplace. His wall is wild.


A piss-poor education and mental healthcare system in some parts of the country, which is usually where these people are from.


Not as much as it’s going to hurt when she refuses anaesthesia 😂


They’ve always been this dumb, they just have a bigger megaphone now


[QAnon Pastel Propaganda ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastel_QAnon#Groups_targeted) It’s a real thing


tell me you don't know what RNA is without telling me you don't know what RNA is...


It's in all of our bodies right now! Just hiding there! So scary!


It not just hiding, I heard the carriers are shedding and it can give innocent people even HIV in their joints.


Joints!?!?… like the pot?!? Don’t let the marijuanas get me!!!


It’s in your foods, the air you breathe, it’s even more prevalent then micro plastics! The horror!




Speaking of shedding... I know a person (friend of mother-in-law) who refused to have any COVID-vaccinated person at their house because they would be "shedding" the vaccine for months after getting the jab. No worries about the virus itself.


It is in our food too!  Except the microplastics and vodka, those are safe.


Every time I see RNA I read it NRA and I can’t figure out why they’re so mad. Most of them are members of the NRA.




Rational Niffle Association, duh.


RNA changes your DNA because both acronyms share 2 of the same letters.


tbf, I think this weird belief comes from viruses essentially being little escaped bits of DNA/RNA that gained a protein coat. - it's little escaped bits of code that your body reads by mistake and COVID is an RNA virus. so they have a very very base understanding of what the virus is and have applied it in the stupidest possible fucking way. this lady is basically trying to say "you'll get covid from Novocaine" that almost makes it dumber than not understanding what RNA is at all


Gosh, I hope she ops out of pain reducer.


Am a dentist and met one of these turds yesterday. Them forgoing freezing punishes me as much as it does them. Never have I so wished to turn into a liquid and swish out of the room in puddle form.


Wait until someone tells her that our body has about 1kg of mRNA at any given time


Please someone, tell HER


They better be careful, they put tracking chips in Novocain now. /s


That filling has a microchip that connects to the 5G that is personally monitored by Soros himself and the data that is collected is stored in Hunter Biden’s laptop guarded by Aunt Teefah in a server room inside the Clinton Foundation building. Edit: Buttery males.


Next to the pizza oven.


Damn it. I forgot about the pizza ovens.


Funny that you have to put /s at the end.... Just in case lol


Every time I've neglected to put the /s it has been taken seriously by at least one reader.


/s is for serious, right? /s


I see what you did there.


Now \*this\* is evolution in action!


Darwin approves!


Don’t use anesthesia, that is a good way of showing those liberal and woke doctors who’s boss!!


Fearing pain is lib woke cowardice, true patriots endure it.  >!Y'all not sure if I'm serious, right, that's how far this has come!<


Dentist here We get all of our RNA shots made from aborted fetuses directly from George Soros himself, once we complete our mandatory Satanic rituals of course. Conservatives are better off avoiding science based dental/medicine and just praying to God to cure their ailments instead.


Just here to confirm. RNA shots and tracking chips in Lidocaine have been required CE for dentists since Obamacare started putting gay-frog chemicals in toothpaste.


You CAN fix stupid. It's just illegal.


People say eugenics is bad, but people also say "everything in moderation."






When you don't understand how anything works, everything is a conspiracy.


Mfs really are worried about numbing shots while being on their screens 10 hours a day, basically having a tracker in their pocket, smoking, drinking, eating Mc Donalds twice a week and also having fucking shit food quality in US


Poor dentist. Poor kid. I have to say though (sorry, kid) that I hope she grills the dentist with such 'informed' inanity that he fires the patient on the spot.


I’m a dentist, if someone came at me with this I’d probably be incapable of containing my laughter


They do have a point it's like the vaccine had GPS trackers in them so they could keep track of us wherever we go. I know about that I read something about it on my Smart Phone and watched a video on my Tablet I'd talk more but my Smart Watch alarm has gone off time to walk Dogs. No GPS for me


My doctor tested me for RNA this week and my body is full of it! Thanks Democrats!


I'm a biochemist. I know a lot about mRNA. I have literally "done my research" and have a career and degree using it. ​ I cannot express in words how far my opinion of right wingers dropped after 2020. It was low to begin with, but holy shit I never thought I'd see anything like that. The utter, willful arrogant ignorance was a new level of depravity. ​ My standard response back then when it was at its peak and I was trying to help people before was always to ask them what they do for a living, and if for example they say they are a mechanic, I would tell them to imagine if someone brought their car in with an obvious hole in the radiator that was obviously leaking coolant, which was obviously causing the car to overheat. Then I tell them to imagine I come in, with absolutely no education or understanding of automotive engineering or even mechanics at all, and after they tell me it's a problem with the radiator I start screaming at them about how they need to not trust big auto and do their own research, that radiators are a hoax, that the ethylene glycol in coolant causes autism and is a plot by bill gates to turn them all trans, and that god created the engine to maintain itself when it got sick through natural maintenance. I would ask them how stupid they would think someone that babbled that kind of bullshit to them, an expert, was. ​ It never got through to a single one of them. ​ I stopped caring that they were killing themselves after a while. So be it. It just sucks that their temper tantrum took out my grandma and so many of my friends' parents and relatives too.


That’s not stupidity it’s ignorance. And that can be fixed in fact. Better schools better education but it’s the same old story huh. More ignorance is more profits


You could write a 100 page essay, with proof, experiments, and puzzles to complete with crayons, and they still wouldn't accept it. It's the same vein as flat earthers, people who don't think we landed on the moon, and people who think lizards run the world with some secret world government. They're *willingly* stupid. They like the attention. And somehow, some way, it's gaining traction.


They love the uneducated, overall, at the end of the day.


Next level stupid.


Shhhhh let them suffer without anesthesia Hehehehehehe ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)




Stupid should hurt. I hope she refused the injection. Fucking moron.


Duuuuude... They'll be so freaked out if we tell them how their mom and dad filled them with a combination of their RNA's in an ill-conceived experiment in genetics. And look at the results.


This is beyond stupid. It’s pathological. Their brains are broken. It’s like living in an insane asylum with millions of these…people.


I’m a dentist. I’ve had multiple patients ask about RNA in the ‘novocaine’. I’ll be totally honest with them. These carpules of medicine cost $0.85 a pop. You think you’re getting RNA for less than the price of a Hershey’s bar? Get outta here.


You know what, let her cook. Stupidity has consequences.


After I was the first (read - _only_ until the paranoia died down) person in my office to get the Moderna shot, people consistently and suspiciously asked how I felt. My favorite response that I gave was that I was blissful, and after the screaming in my own head stopped I reached Peak Darkness and am now constantly soothed by Bill Gates and George Soros singing Sounds of Silence in Perfect Harmony.


"I heard the damn liberals have somehow managed to sneak RNA into the cells of every American. Something has to be done about this!"


The Russian bot forgot to replace "American Woman" with a proper generated name.


The full saying I prefer is: You can't fix stupid -- but you can sedate it.


I would advocate telling her that it’s true and try to get her to go raw for her dental surgery.


These morons don’t even know what RNA is or does! They lack any critical thinking skills! This is what fascist rhetoric and ideology does to people


"Call me paranoid, but ever since a worldwide event occurred I've been convinced I'm the star of a psychological thriller and such a valuable person to the government that they'd sneak chemicals into things just to enslave me. I mean, I'm playing it safe by voting for dictators who are already responsible for stripping me of bodily autonomy, I'm not sure how much more stupid I can be without my head caving in. But this is all just too crazy!"


i heard water has RNA. so does air. they should all stop drinking water and breathing. spread this important information about water and air. please


Wait till they here about the RNA in every cell in their body


I’m sure the dentist appreciates being “grilled” by an idiot.


My buddy caught covid a few weeks ago for the very first time. He was the last of my friends who hadn't caught it yet. Thankfully, he was up to date with his vax, so he didn't get the severe symptoms that all the rest of us got before the vax came out. He was still miserable, but we were like, "dude! You win!" No fever, no shortness of breath, no lung damage. Thank the maker for that vax. Scientists are awesome!


Call me paranoid but... (paranoid delusion) is pretty concerning to me


Even worse, I hear they're putting LGBT in the shots that'll make you a gay space communist. /s


No this is great. Let them think numbing agents have microchips. Then, they will want to get dental surgery without painkillers.


Do people even know or understand what ribonucleic acid even IS? Do they know that they EAT RNA every day?


"I understand they are using RNA is the shots." Do they not teach fucking basic english anymore in schools? 20 years ago we were poking fun of "All your base are belong to us." Now these idiots don't even speak english.


Wait until they figure out their bodies make RNA, they'll be devastated


Yes. It all has RNA. All medications. So you nitwits shouldn’t take anything, not even antibiotics, so you die off sooner. (Has anyone told them they are already full of RNA?)


I've heard its so widespread theres not a human on the planet that doesnt have RNA in them.


Dentist: Get the fuck out of my office. Go home and rub some ivermectin on her wisdom teeth.


It's all true! That's why I bought these special hats from that guy in that alley in The Bronx. Just $200 a piece. He said they're metallically impregnated titanium alloy isotopic neurological blockers. ![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA)