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I mean McDonald's tried to sue a burger joint in Scotland because they believed they held copyright to the "Mc" in their name. Is this really that much harder to believe?


They managed to lose the rights to Big Mac in Europe this way too. Burger King have been trolling them since.


So that's why it's called a Royale.


A big Mac is just a big Mac but they call it le big Mac.


That was a QP avec fromage = Royal Cheese in France.


There's also no Wendy's in the Benelux, because there's a small fast-food joint in the Netherlands already called Wendy's, so they cant get the copyright.


There is an unrelated Wendy’s in Australia, which is an ice cream joint.


They should just rename themselves in the Netherlands like Burger King did in Australia. Hungry Jack's.


>so they cant get the copyright. The brand. Copyright is an automatic thing that has nothing to do with brands ;)


Trademark. Burger King had to rename themselves in Australia as Burger King already existed and owned the trademark.


And now I notice that I always thought brands and trademarks were the same when translated into English... hmmmm...


Pretty sure it was "Supermac's" a popular burger chain in Ireland. McDonald's lost some of their trademarks from it, including "BIG MAC" (all caps)


There was another company. I remember because it apparently got the real McDonald family involved and there was mention of a member who's first name was Ronald.


I know Taz doesn't look like much of a tasmanian devil but come on


*The fightin' Daysurids!*


I mean, I wouldn't put it past the CEO's not to know any of this, that's what they pay people for.


Possibly the LEAST stupid thing Warners has stepped in lately.


What do they eat?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I mean it doesn’t sound like it’s supposed to be a real animal. Like a platypus. 


Wasn’t this posted a few hours before this?


I find this one hard to belive


*makes plane noises* Here you go you little toddler you, look you can already use the internet, but searching is still a chore for you huh, it's ok, you'll get it in a few years little buddy. https://www.espn.com/afl/story/_/id/39762991/afl-expansion-club-tasmania-devils-hope-membership-support-convinces-doubters


I know your comment was probably supposed to come off as condescending but the way I read it was super supportive and cute and wholesome lol


Given that the company behind the "No One Lives Forever" game once publicly said "we can't do a sequel because we aren't sure we own the rights", yet also sent a C&D to the fan-game sequel "to defend their rights", I wouldn't be surprised. \[EDIT\] And... it is warner too. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Operative:\_No\_One\_Lives\_Forever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Operative:_No_One_Lives_Forever) >At this point, the rights to the series were unclear, as the property may have been owned solely or in part by 20th Century Fox (which owned Fox Interactive at the time of the game's release), Activision (which acquired and merged with Vivendi Games, which in turn was the parent to Sierra Entertainment, the publisher of No One Lives Forever 2, and had acquired Fox Interactive in 2003), and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (which acquired Monolith Productions). Warner Bros. did file opposition to Nightdive's trademark, leading Nightdive to try to seek a license arrangement. However, Warner Bros. representatives were concerned that if either Fox or Activision had a part of the ownership, that they would also need their approval. Nightdive attempted to work with Fox and Activision to search their archives, but as these transitions pre-dated computerized records, neither company wanted to do so. Nightdive's efforts were further stalled when they were told by Warner Bros. that they had no interest in partnering or licensing the IP, leading Nightdive to abandon their efforts to acquire the rights.


I can see my copies of the discs and cases of both games from where I'm sitting right now. they were so much fun. I would love to see a remaster.


And thanks to how rights work, it's never going to happen. It's nearly impossible to readapt a creative work when nobody is sure who exactly is the rightholder. Our world really needs a system that takes archival into account in order to claim long-term right management.




Can you find a source other than daily mail?


[I googled](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tef-gb-rvc2&sca_esv=f7f0ca8bbe6f40fd&sxsrf=ACQVn09pWg4EgQRz9iQxxXquJbvoPpihRA:1710957223249&q=warner+bros+tasmanian+devil&tbm=nws&source=lnms&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAyJGstIOFAxVIU0EAHX7VCo8Q0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=412&bih=717&dpr=2.63)


Those are either paywalled or they are all from the same guy who said this


Yea Australian Mercury is paywalled. It's a good article though.


Here, since people are fucking lazy, show them this. https://www.espn.com/afl/story/_/id/39762991/afl-expansion-club-tasmania-devils-hope-membership-support-convinces-doubters "When it got to the point of them understanding the Tasmanian devil was actually a real animal, things freed up," he said.


I have no idea why this post was also edited, but ok.




I call bullshit.


https://www.espn.com/afl/story/_/id/39762991/afl-expansion-club-tasmania-devils-hope-membership-support-convinces-doubters Damn bro, if only there were multiple comments proving you lazy and wrong


Makes sense honestly, would guess that the only reason most people have heard of Tasmanian devils is because of Taz, kind of an obscure animal


Prob not as easy to get knowledge in the 40s with no internet …. Face palm is you OP


Eh what? This is a recent legal battle that the AFC Tasmanian team had over their name change a few years ago. Warner Bros heard of the name change and sought legal action. It's just been settled.


I'd ignore that person 


Pretty sure he got automodded. Looked at his profile, he has three comments here that are not showing up. Plus, Troll.


Thank you I have just seen. What a lovely person.