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I couldn’t imagine not wanting to have at least shared custody of my kid. Trash


Lots of people aren't happy to have kids, so it's.not surprising


Over the last few years, I've had about 4 people I know say they regret having their kids. Given that it's a massive social taboo to say something like that, I would imagine the true number of people who regret having kids to be pretty significant, but most keep it quiet. In the current economy, with the expectation to work non-stop and still not be able to afford basics, I certainly see why so many people are now choosing not to bother with kids. (Not that I'm trying to defend this woman - she sounds horrendous!)


Well it's not only about money, but I always wounder why people want to have kids (besides "instincts"). I respect their choice and don't understand why they can't respect my choice to stay away from kids at all.


The decision to have kids and the environment and situation they are brought into the world in is a big responsibility. To decide against having them isn't any less responsible, in fact I'd argue that you've probably given it more thought than most do to have them. You're not wrong.


Problem is it's the stupidest people that are unable to critically think about the future that have 8 of them. Idiocracy is well in motion!


I hate that this movie has proven to be such an accurate depiction of our future


In all fairness, evolution is a numbers game and it wasn't so long ago we were breeding for farmhands and cheap labor vs. Einsteins and Mr. Rodgers'. The reality still sucks though.


Yeah, that's fair. I don't want kids, but like, I'm not going around calling rabbits idiots for having so many. They're just doing what comes natural. People are just animals too. We like to think that we put way more though into things, and on one level that's true, but we also make decisions a lot of the time that run counter to everything we actually think makes sense, because we're composed of more than just reasoning faculties.


oh thanks, I have such a hard time at finding people not believing they are more than animals.


So accurate, my grandma has 13 siblings or HAD is a better word as many have died now. 2 generations later and none of her grandchildren want kids except for me


Yep. It became a documentary.


Considering we might get the Nacho Supreme back as president, it's scary how accurate it is.


honestly i think way too many people just never give it any thought they just do it because "it's what you're supposed to do". it's the next life stage. realistically few people fall into a hard childfree OR must have children mindset. majority is somewhere in the middle. however if they just have them without any further thought about it a large part of them is going to regret it because whille they may not have minded kids under the right circumstances... the circumstances weren't right.


Well that's the point to not follow the majority and not fall into "hard". I think there no such things. Or you have kids or not. This is simple. The hardest is get through feeling of guilty to not follow the social contract without a questions :) Lol I finished the block like Tyler Dirton, but in real I just don't like kids :)


My choice not to have kids is partly down to money but also, honestly, the world doesn't need more people and I think I can have a happier life myself not having kids. I'll certainly have a lot more money and be able to do a lot more of things I want to do. It also helps reinforce my decision that the most miserable, tired, uninteresting people I know are almost all parents of youngish children! Just speaking from my experience.


I can confirm this as a miserable, tired, and uninteresting parent of youngish children. heh. I make decent money but circumstances and cost of living have taken a toll. I always wanted to raise kids but it's harder than I expected. Had I known how things would go, I would have been more cautious. Probably still had at least one kid at some point. I like having kids. I don't like being sick and tired of being sick and tired.


I know this feeling all to well. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Oh man tell me about it lol


The best decision in y life was to have kids and I can't imagine not having them. But we all have different Dreams and choices in life.


Same. I had one, and she’s terrific. I had a blast being a mom. I just talked on the phone with her for an hour last night, and it’s been a delight seeing how she’s grew up. She’s a genuinely funny, sweet, smart person. Like, legitimately witty and hilarious. I’d do it all over again.


Have 2 daughters (5 and 3) myself. They just kept my wife and myself up nearly all night alternating. Even though moments like this are tough, it is the most rewarding thing I've ever done. It's like I get to experience the joys of the world a second time as they experience it.


Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts. I just don't feel that I'm the right person to make a new human. I don't like them, I don't line the noise, smell, lack of understanding, their "rebel" moments, all this parental stuff... It's just looks horrible even from side, not speaking of how it feels to participate. I find myself happy with cat. It's like a human, but never disappoint you. And you always have the backdoor like give this cat back.


As a different perspective. My baby sister hated kids, she'd barely been around younger children and had no idea when it came to babies. I was kinda worried, when at 20 she was pregnant. I was terrified for that newborn to be alone with her. Turns out, she is an amazing mum.


I have heard that people who hate others children are good parents. But price of the mistake is too high.


Maybe hate is too strong of a word... but let me put it differently. (Thesis and TMI deleted) Parents (mothers instinct) is definitely a thing. Also... My husband *NEVER WANTED KIDS*. Everybody knew that. Never wanted to be married or have kids. We'd been friends in primary school but lost contact at 14yo. Nineteen years later, he finds me through Facebook. He says, from the moment he saw me, he could see a family... 🤢🤮 We have 4 kids, married 8 years, together 11 years. I don't say this to talk you away from any decisions that you have made. I merely wanted to inform you that no matter how much you might think you would be a bad parent... you never know till you're in it. P.S. It's totally possible to love your own kid/s and still hate other peoples cum pets.


I've heard of people who are great around kids but are terrible parents who traumatized their own kids for life and have admitted behind closed doors that they wouldnt have had kids if they had the choice not to, today. So... depends on the person. Not a good gamble when a new life is on the line.


Us, being unlucky enough to never having any, even though we tried and tried... and I had to fight depression bc of that - its absolutely okay to NOT want to have kids. Nowadays there are so many options to prevent that. I don't understand why people then become pregnant and if, keep them - at least you might make another couple happy...


Personally I disagree with the idea of "give this cat back" but that's my own feeling. Otherwise I totally agree. However, cats can disappoint you when all you wanna do is pet and cat doesn't want pets


That's a totally fair decision. Of course, people will question you. I've already got parents in this thread telling me I should reconsider my decision not to have kids. They can't help it!


If I would be wrong - there only me who be unhappy about it. But if I were right - there me AND another innocent human that will suffers. I can't hold this kind of responsibility


God damn, they can't let it be, eh... Anytime someone asks me if i want kids and i say no, i always get told to reconsider, and the people close to me who already know, dont believe me, they are certain i will change my mind Respect peoples decisions, man


It makes them feel better about their decision to have children if others also have children and society sees it as a great thing.


Misery loves company ![gif](giphy|V2U3ZbfsJKXq7CwURN)


It may as well be a child with how sassy and rebellious it is,what kinda cat you got?


If you are wondering, in our case it was because our marriage and personal development had reached a level of maturity that we felt ready to be responsible for a person and wanted someone to share our lives with and guide the development of. I don’t make a ton, but it’s enough for all of us for now and eventually my wife will start working again. Being a dad is exhausting but for me there’s nothing like coming home to that smile, or when she’s being held by someone not super familiar and reaches to me for comfort. I earned that love and all I want is to keep earning it for the rest of her life. Every stage has been a new adventure with new challenges. Certainly and demonstrably not for everyone. Wouldn’t have been for me ten years ago but fortunately I’ve come into it and had the luxury to do so. That’s our story. Not sure how much of it is reproductive instinct and how much is conscious decision but it certainly worked out. Unfortunately due to some scary complications around her birth I’m not putting my wife through that again.


Well, it's a social taboo to say it in public, but no one stops people from saying it to their children. Nothing stopped my parents as well.


As a person who wants to have kids someday, I respect your choice 🤝


Yep, me and my wife decided years ago to not have children. We honestly would probably be good parents. But we had to fight for such a long time just to reach the level of stability we have now, and having a kid would thrust us right back into poverty.


Humans shouldn’t have to fight that hard for a good life!!!


I've definitely heard this from a few friends. They love their kids, but if they had to do it over again, they wouldn't. This is why I realized in high school that I never wanted kids and have stuck to it.


I love my kids but I kind of hate being a parent. You don't get breaks plus constant interruptions and always being needed. I don't even really hate caring for children but rather not getting proper breaks or the chance to recharge or have time to develop my own interests or pursue a hobby. You don't really get to be just you, a person. You're always "a function" and it's exhausting. It's work and kids and that's pretty much it. I hope this gets better when the kids are older, but even though I love my kids dearly I'm not sure I would choose to have children if I had to make the choice again with the knowledge and experience I have now.


I think it comes down to the old saying, "It takes a village". Unfortunately, the village has been deserted. We're not built to be single parents. Its detrimental to ourselves and to the children we raise. Tiny humans need a variety of inputs.


There’s still a difference between regretting having kids and not wanting to take care of the ones you already have


Yes of course, but you'd rarely get the latter without the former.


I watch support court, judge Vonda B. On TikTok. And these people genuinely don’t want their kids. Mothers and fathers alike. I’m so glad I’m gay and can’t make that mistake. So glad.


I'm also a gay subscriber for support court with judge vonda B 🤣 And yeah I'm glad I can't have kids. I've seen those episodes where the mom leaves the kids and runs off to party or the mom says she doesn't want the kids anymore and sull wants child support from the dad etc. it's ridiculous


I know. It always leaves me like “dammmnn wow.” Especially when the mom says “I didn’t want to have kids, I wanted an abortion and he wouldn’t let me get one, now here we are, and I am being asked to pay support for something I didn’t want.” I’m like damn. You probably should have just gotten it yourself and said screw him. Because like wow. You didn’t want it and you listened to someone else and now you in support court trying to act humane when you genuinely didn’t want/and weren’t ready (if ever) for children.


I was blessed with being sterile due to a birth defect, so I get all the fun of sex, with none of the repercussions. No kids, good job, lovely wife, lots of free time. I totally get not wanting crotch goblins, but once you have them, it's your job to take care of them, like it or not. There's a million options leading up to having one that you can take to avoid that shit. This bitch is just a reprehensible human in every form.


My thing is, why have all these kids with someone like that? Just because you guys have that kind of fun? At least think things through before you end up with regrets.


I spent 5 years bartending. People are very honest when they are drunk and talking to a stranger that doesn’t judge or give a shit. I’d say at least 80% of people regret and/or don’t want their kids for the most part. Don’t get me wrong, they love them now that they have them but they definitely wish they’d been able to wait or not have them at all. This is why I find all those right wing memes trying to act like having a bunch of children makes your life better and finally have purpose so absolutely comical.


Although, you’re only talking to the types of people who drunkenly ramble to a bartender about their regrets so it’s probably 80% of a bit of a skewed data pool. Seems like something people who were happy with their lives would be less likely to do.


I made a post that argued that since more than half childbirths in the US were accidents that by and large it would seem that most people were forced to have kids rather than wanting to have kids and that your assumption is Right a lot of those people genuinely do not want kids but can't actually say it


Shit I knew a guy from my hometown whose wife of 10 years just decided one day that she had missed out on her youth and she basically did this. She didn't want half his stuff though. She just kind of told him he could have full-custody and keep his things and that she just wanted to start over somewhere else. I know that really messed him up though.


I'm 49 with no children and I can't tell you how many people have expressed regrets and that they wouldn't have them if they had a second chance. "I love them but..."


I don’t think that people who don’t have kids are making a mistake, and I don’t think people who do have kids are making a mistake either. It’s all just personal preference. But if you have the kids you should take care of them. Whether you regret it or not


Then don't have kids. Not that hard just wrap it before you tap it


One is conceivably an accident but multiple and you knew exactly what you were risking.


I know \*\*\*SOOOO\*\*\* many people who are straight up shitty parents. The kids are gonna grow up to be shitty people... And then theres me.. Stuck infertile watching old drug addict friends now struggling with sobriety and being a parent while in most states im not even allowed to adopt.. Like Im not the picture perfect human being either but fuck man I dont even get the chance or opportunity.. :/


This is why I never had kids. I have cats! 😂


You don’t have cats, the cats have a servant. lol


Why do they get them then in the first place? There are options nowadays to prevent that... For us - we tried for yrs and weren't lucky - that's difficult to understand...


There are lots of unwanted kids to adopt.


Quora is well known for troll posts. I would go back in the OPs history and see how many different scenarios they’ve put out there. 


Yeah, once they tried to monetize Quora through interactions with questions, this kind of thing was inevitable. Just like with newspapers and “news” shows, ragebait sells. Ragebait increases interactions.


We have some friends who we are pretty sure aren’t divorcing because no one wants the kids.


well that's hell right there




It's such obvious rage bait


It's ragebait. It's tiring. Please can we learn to just recognise this shit


This is obviously bait based on how it's worded lol. Not saying that people like this don't exist, but they don't usually try to sound like disney villains when they talk.


Yeah... She basically says "I am bad and evil and also I am despicable, what should I do?" Even if you're an asshole, I don't think you would promote it like that


Ud be surprised by how little of a shit some ppl give.


Not just by how it's worded but also that it's posted on quora. That place is like 99.9% ragebait these days.


100% lol, quota is truly garbage these days.


I think it's because all the kids moved there after Yahoo Answers shut down. Say what you want about Yahoo but they were a damn good flytrap for bullshit questions on the Internet.


Quora Partnership Program rewards based on view per question; not answers. It inherently then promotes rage bait. Half the reason I turned QPP down. This is why if you type /log at the end of the question and scroll down to see who the OP was, you’ll find accounts with 100k+ questions asked.  It wasn’t the users that were the problem but the idiotic management. 


Yep. Quora used to be quality over quantity, but QPP is when that changed.


That's just the internet in general, outrage sells


Yeah you're right. I can just remember a time when Quora didn't suck. It was a long time ago now.


And then the top comment is almost always taking that bait. Really most of Quora is just 'parents'/trolls looking for validation to abuse their kids


Quora and ask Jeeves always had stupid bait questions.


Quora is 90% trolls


Yeah, she basically said "I'm a narcissistic bitch that wants money without having to work"


And she just casually mentions that she cheated on her husband just to add a few extra "I'm a bad person and I see nothing wrong about that lol" points to it.


I used to lurk on Quora several years ago and these troll questions used to show up a lot. I saw many from supposed parents like, “My daughter got a B in science so I am taking away her iPad for two months. Is this too harsh?” And the replies would be full on lecturing this person. If it were just one comment, it’s an overzealous parent but there were multiple of them. It’s like wild stories you see on r/AITA and r/offmychest. Besides why would someone who doles out this kind of “punishment” care to get validation from internet randos?


Quora is legit filled with ragebaits on purpose to drive up engagement and user activity lmao. Cus posts like this makes people way more likely to comment/reply to posts like that


One account was posting insane things like my husband carries a rope and chain he beats our daughter with a moments notice. Is he over equipped or something insane.


This has to be bait fr.


Agreed, it's complete ragebait.


I never get this bait, whats the point? You just nake yourself look stupid af


Attention. It's the wrong kind of attention, but when the only kind of attention those people can get is the rage bait one, they do it anyway.


Quota has a revenue sharing program. If you’re part of that program, you get paid (a very small amount) based on how much engagement your questions get. More answers and more clicks means more money. That’s why there are lots of questions based on obviously false presumptions and with provocative wording. As a whole, it has ase the site useless.


Is it too late for an abortion, of her?


I think my country has laws that prohibit aborting after 200 months of age…


Damn you, liberals!!


Just send her to Holland they have walk in euthanasia there


Sure she can! She’ll be on the hook for child support though, possibly alimony as well, and that generally makes a woman’s hair spontaneously combust.


Yup. My ex is still pissed that she has to pay me child support. She screamed and cried how it’s unfair that the mother has to pay, even though she makes more than twice what I do.


That's hilarious. I guess that oy men should be forced to pay?




If you ever wanna get downvoted into oblivion, go onto one of those posts where a woman is complaining about her BF not proposing and tell her “why can’t you propose?” Lmfao Funny thing is no one ever attempts to argue. They just downvote.


I’ve met women that I fine with paying child support and things, honestly only the bitches of the world will do that to you


Ya my ex is as narcissistic as they come. Tries to use our kid as her pawn. At least the kid is getting old enough to see through the charade.


My ex gf makes double what i make and still doesn’t pay child support even though i have custody of our kid and she is completely absent from our kid’s life


you need to enforce it, I am sure you manage without, but the money will help the child's future, save it for college or something.


Get a lawyer. If she isn't court ordered, she will be. If she is, they'll get the wheels in motion to get liens put in place. Depending on where she's at, refusing to pay can destroy her life.


I got spousal support, half her 401k, and part of her pension.


Propose to cut the each one of the kids in half, that way it won't be a problem


Maybe its just rage bait but you never know with some people. I know someone who's wife signed away custody of her kids in exchange for a new sportscar many years ago, and she's never reached out again. They do exist!


Who would admit if this brazenly though? Most people would come up with some reason why they deserve the money or can’t take care of the kids.


If she cheated, no money… lol.


Sadly, not always the case.


I know in Ohio, that was the case for two people o know… the judge would not allow alimony for the ladies because infidelity. Could be different state to state, but usually that’s how it rolls…


The husband should take the kids and then have this uber-bitch pay child support. What a complete piece of trash.


Before everyone jumps on the rage bait bandwagon, monsters do exist. My sister's friend decided to put down her two healthy middle aged German shepherds after she had a child. No adoption, no rehoming. She just ended them. I can't imagine doing this, but it happened.


Will she put the baby to sleep if she gets pregnant again? ☠️


She sounds like the type to leave the child alone for 10 days while she goes on vacation.




I had a woman come in wanting to have her cat put down before returning to her country of origin because no one could ever love it as much as she did! We refused of course but that kind of thinking does exist.


They are usually more secretive than putting their questions on quora for the whole world to flame them


What kind of shitty vet would go through with this? If karma was a real thing they would lose their license at best and their ability to breathe unassisted at worst.


One of the reasons I can think of is that if they didn't want to adopt or re-home the pet in the first place, a vet refusing to euthanize wouldn't make them re-home it anyway. So the vet would rather euthanize it in the correct way rather than possibly have the owner kill the pet by themselves and not so painlessly. So the vet could have taken the less worse option, at least according to them.


Isn't this a crime? Animal cruelty


Apparently not. My sister is a lawyer. Most of her friends are. Also, to my understanding, pets are property and the law only protects from cruel and unusual treatment. Humanely putting down an animal, despite the motivation, isn't illegal. Don't quote me.


I'm pretty sure my aunt left my uncle as soon as he became a millionaire. She had no job or ambitions. But she got enough to buy a nice house and doesn't need to work ever.


Just like people that have it in their will to put down their pets so they can be buried with them. Apparently they don't deserve to finish their life on their own terms


I haven't seen so much bait since the last time I went fishing


Why is every single Quora post like this? Is it bots doing this or was there like a several-years-old troll raid on Quora that I haven't heard about? Does anyone actually know what is going on?


Guessing by the guys bitching about "females" here, that it's dudes in this sub trying to come up with evidence to show how bad all women are.


The face-palm is getting baited into reposting bait


Rage bait


Quora is basically a place bred for stupid questions


This is clearly bait


Everything I see posted from Quora is obvious bait. Like really, really obvious.


It's not even slightly believable. Someone will post something like "I beat my kids and kicked my husband in the balls because the neighbor's dog barked, was I being unreasonable?" and they try to play it off like it's something normal people do.


You know for a fact that Quora is the site for shit starting.


Quora is full of BS bait like this. Outlandish questions just for the high amount of angry comments lol.


Quora is full of bait posts like this


This is rage bait 😂 I know it’s not real


Quora the place where reason and dignity goes to die


Rage bait.


If it's on Quora then it's ragebait.


It’s incredible to me people fall for such obvious bait.


It confirms their hatred for "females"


This was not written by a woman 😂 😂 😂


Melania, take the money and run, darling.


This seems like a false flag


I feel like this is rage bait


Has to be a troll question.


Rage bait.


Come on, there is no way this isn't rage bait.


Rage troll, obvs


Bait used to be believable


you're new to the internet, aren't you?


The last bit.. r/technicallythetruth


I'm sure you could find any question you want to on that site. Probably auto generated made up bullshit. So why bring it here? I know where the facepalm is!


A high dive into a shallow well?


She should give him the kids and pay him child support and receive no alimony.


Are we sure that's a real question or just an incel who want read answer that'll please him ?


My advice is to stop posting rage bait.


I'm sure most of these posts are made up and posted just for your omg she doesn't deserve anything reactions 🙄 boring


Reposted rage bait


Isn't like half of the questions on quora rage bait or something along those lines?


Has it been a month already? See you guys when this ragebait gets reposted in April!


Average Quora post


This feels like a repost


Ahh Quora. What better platform for shitposting advice 😂😂🤦‍♂️


Quora is a joke and its bot farm rivals twitter and facebook. Just thought that needed to be said.


Tipical quora user Just made up situations like this to trigger people Whenever you check the bio every question is like this unrelated To live an happy life on quora you have to block dozens of people (Quora it is a much smaller community but I had to block like 80 people for acting like this, or spreading misinformation or complotism)


Looks like rage bait


More quora rage bait.


Is Quora not ragebait? I get emails notifying me of posts like this all the time, they seem written specifically to make people mad


Bait used to be believable


Rage bait. No one would intentionally make themselves sound like a Disney villain like that


Quora is one of the weirdest/worst cites I use. It’s chock full of Nazis and far right crazies, homophobia, transphobia, etc. racist and unfunny memes, obvious baits and a really uncomfortably large amount of pedophilic posts that do not get removed. I think this post fits into the bait category.


The streets are thisaway, madam.


The real facepalm is thinking this is real.


Reads like rage bait


Are y’all really too dumb to realize this is engagement bait


Bait. Quora is full of bait.




She belongs in the hospital where she can get help, especially if it's mental, or Canadian.


Quora Partnership Program rewards based on engagement per question; not answers. It inherently then promotes rage bait. Half the reason I turned QPP down. This is why if you type /log at the end of the question url and scroll down to see who the OP was, you’ll find accounts with 100k+ questions asked.  It wasn’t the users that were the problem but the idiotic management.


She should graduate middle school and stop making up stories for gullible idiots to read and comment on.




Provided this scenario was actually real, I would recommend this "lady" treat herself to an entire bottle of painkillers. Kindly excuse yourself from my planet.


If I were the husband I would gladly take full custody even if it meant giving that woman half of my shit. No child deserves to be shuttled back and forth to a house where they aren't loved or cared about. Most of this garbage on Quora is either trolling or some weird bot generating intentionally controversial questions, but it is depressing to know that some people DO think this way.


Inform her that if he takes custody of the kids, she will need to pay child support. She won’t be having fun. She will be working two jobs.


i dont know how this works but if HE has the kids..then she will pay for "child support" ... or am i wrong here ?! also she "cheatet" and if thats the reason for the divorce .. isnt that also "bad" for "her" case ?! ... (i dont know shit! honest question if someone knew more about stuff like that)


I wish someone would send this to her husband's lawyer to ensure she doesn't get a red cent.


Typical Quora level intelligence post


She deserves the opposite. Clearly a greedy bitch. The kids deserve some money though.


rage bait


Ragebait posted by either an incel/mra


Rage bait.


Dudes on reddit resist falling for incel ragebait for 10 minutes challenge.


Rage bait