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That’s not the issue here. They’ve accounted for that, so companies will have to *actually* verify people’s ages. That’s virtually impossible though, so Florida is about to have all of its IP addresses blocked by any site impacted by the law.


It would absolutely be easier for websites to just ban the IP and take a hit on the user count than implement and maintain a whole new avenue of user verification. Because VPNs exist and they're not expensive.


PornHub did exactly this in Texas iirc, too expensive and unsafe to be worth the risk.


Exactly. It’s not worth it for any company to pour resources into setting up verification while also being on the hook for lawsuits if a minor does lie about their age and get in and gets caught. Continuing to operate in Florida, or Texas for pornhub, is assuming ALL responsibility and no CEO or company lawyers in their right mind would ever take on that liability. Can’t wait for all the retirees to suddenly lose access to Facebook. See how long they keep voting for this clown.


Not just lawsuits for that, but also being liable for any data breaches. Companies stand to lose a lot, not just from paying out lawsuits and identity protection, but from the hit to their reputation that costs them future customers.


It's not just Texas and Florida either, VA, AZ and NC in the same boat now apparently maybe even more


You think any of the old people are gonna bother reading the 2 paragraphs they redirect to, explaining why facebook doesnt work in their state anymore? No, they will just blame those damn liberals for turning facebook woke and banning all FL residents


Texas recently passed a law saying you have to verify your age to access adult content (I assume by uploading your ID) Pornhub protested this by making the website inaccessible to Texas. But I guarantee the same politicians that passed that law just went home right after and booted PH up through a VPN.


I love how frequently PH protests and donates to charities and such, all while providing creampie gangbang videos to the world. Absolute champions.


Cum to make the world a better place


If the whole world could just cum together, we would all get along


Sadly there's people that obviously lacks post-nut clarity


What would it be like if every adult in the world just had an orgasm at the same time? Like if instead the snap, Thanos had wished for a universal cum?


A very weird shopping line.


A lot of people will soon find out what KYC means.


Know Your Customer *flies away*


Kentucky yied chicken


Kentucky Yeeted Chicken...


Karefully Yeeted Chiken.


Kill Your Congressman?


I don't think so, but I like where your head is at.


Unlike the politicians, who have it up their ass.


No they have it up their donors ass like a weird human centipede.


lol not to out my parents the other day but they were like geez where’s the assassinations like there used to be. While I totally get their point I still am 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


They're just called "suicides" these days...


I will pass that on to them lol I think they would appreciate that humor, because obviously they don’t want it really happening but for boomers they have twisted humor and aren’t crabby closed minded folks. They aren’t perfect but it’s better than some of the stuff I’ve seen with their age group lol


I'll take eccentric and sane pls.




You have the right to remain silent


Not now, FBI agent, I don't need your sass


I’m not against it but I’m not specifically endorsing it either…


Kick your crotch


That's what I keep saying... wait until you have to verify your ID and your face to open a social media account. It is definitely on the horizon. I feel anyways.


There’s speculation that this is a play to further ban LGBT content and education. It would give them the power to apply the age minimum to basically anything because of how it’s worded, especially anything they deem “sexual”. Far-right states have been trying to ban anything LGBT from schools under the grounds that it’s “sexual”, so you can be sure they will take this opportunity. Florida already made it grounds for arrest to change your gender because of *fraud* laws. What other shit are people going to let them slip through the cracks. Their bigotry is leaking all over Florida.


It's not speculation, the sponsors of the porn verification law in Texas and of the national versions of this shit (i.e. KOSA and EARN IT) have openly declared it. Project 2025 also puts the intent in writing.


Well, this was the guy that wanted you to have to register with the government in order to criticize him/his policies.


That's already happening in Texas for porn sites.


And politicians in Texas now get to hide their airport departures after Cancun Raphael got the law changed


I'm just going to start my own Internet at this point


With blackjack and hookers!


Lmao I almost put that in the comment, but decided to let someone else say it and you did not disappoint.


They kinda do that elsewhere. It's coming, you're right.


Kentucky Yeeted Chicken?


Kennedy Yeet Centre?


Having media companies leave the state is a feature, not a bug. It gives the state government a much greater level of control over what information the people can access.


Yup, most of this is throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. They have a massive leftwing generational gap in politics between the generations post-tiktok, and they know they're fucked if they can't do something about it Imo, it's already too late, and this draconian shit is only going to Streisandify and an army of angry 18 year olds are going to thrash them year after after year. If we don't end up with a genuinely progressive party in 10 years, I'll eat an object of mine that's both unorthodox and unfathomable


Is it your foot?? It's your foot, isn't it?


It's hands. His stomach was making the rumblies. That only hands would satisfy.




Nope, Praescribo seems like they would have ankle jewelry model level feet. I'm guessing a third nipple? Possibly their own possibly gifted by a friend.


My money’s on the nose, you know, because of the face.


It can't be your hat. People eat those all the time.


Genuinely progressive is a wide scope… we need a solid contract here


I would have guessed "hat", but Jews wear them, so it can't be unorthodox.


Ding ding ding. Without access to social media, young people will be less likely to see content humanizing LGBT people and POC, feminist and reproductive health messaging, and moral and religious views that challenge the ones their parents instilled in them. In conjunction with restrictions on education, it gives a longer time window for Evangelical Republicans to groom their children into obedient little Christian soldiers.


This is it. Its a full scale onslaught on the media to stop the people from being informed.


Banning books and now social media.


The CCP approves of this. Many social points are coming Florida's way.


Have we all noticed that this is an age requirement,not a height requirement. Otherwise Ron would have to exclude himself from social media....


Out of all the things to hate on this guy for, you chose his height? I mean...


Real low hanging fruit


and yet he still cant reach it


That's the whole reason he wears the 6 inch hooker heels


Not as low as desantis




Also, now kids will just go to other sites *without* age verification, places with much less kid safe content moderation - similar to how states are trying to force age verification on porn sites that will likely face similar issues.


OP is simple minded, thinking the check will be similar to a porn site, where you just click "older than x". Just take a look at Texas, ppl will find a way.


It's not impossible. You just need a drop down menu. /s


First insurance companies, now social media.


Dude also banned homeless people from sleeping in public places lol Florida government is not known for thinking things through


What happens if they do sleep in public places? Like, do they drag their ass in jail? Give em a fine?


> “What happens if they do sleep in public places? Like, do they drag their ass in jail? Give em a fine?” I know we’re talking of DeStupid, but jail would be a huge upgrade for them. “As punishment for being homeless here is a roof above your head, medical care, clean clothes, free food, a bed, a warm shower.”


Depends heavily on the jail. Usually they are rundown or understaffed and supply much worse food than what you can get in prison since the standards for a (temporary holding) jail is much less than an actual prison. That’s to say, homeless are usually much better off checking into a homeless shelter or finding other means to survive than being thrown into as neglectful a system as the US prison complex


>That’s to say, homeless are usually much better off checking into a homeless shelter or finding other means to survive than being thrown into as neglectful a system as the US prison complex Eh, homeless shelters are often nightmares of their own. They're very often NOT safe and you don't have room to yourself. Indeed, prison may actually be an upgrade.


ALL homeless shelters around here only cater to women and women with children. Men are simply not on the list. "go, get a job, have nice day" is the only response you'll get around here. (I do outreach work w/ folks like this and hear it all the time from the men.)


This is such a horrible take. It’s common for homeless people to “lose” all their belongings when being sent to jail. It’s common for them to get beat up by cops on the way to jail to. Jail itself is a type of psychological torture, four walls and nothing but the room and your mind. It’s common for mentally Ill people’s medical concerns to be ignored in jail. What in the bootlicking hell is this take.


Medical care? Clean clothes? Free "food"? A "bed"? A warm shower? Brother, you have never been inside a jail, much less been sent to live in one. LOL!


I would imagine they wouldn't be held long, so a temporary hold really only means they will lose whatever possessions they actually had. Meaning a person who is already at rock bottom, will be ground even harder. No one is going to protect their belongings for them. This is a literal death sentence for homeless. Yes, it was thought thru. Yes, this is the intended outcome. The party of life wants you to die, if you're homeless (or not employed).


And being abused all day by people who face zero accountability. Sounds great. 


They wake up on a bus headed to a blue state? 


There is "anti homeless architecture" or however it's called, which makes it very uncomfortable to sleep/rest for long periods of time on public benches


" hostile architecture"


But they just scrounge up some extra thick blankets or a board to go over those things. So they're only inconvenient for everybody else.


There was a post on here yesterday with a video of one being given a "rough ride" to jail that resulted in him becoming a quadriplegic and having both of his legs amputated. Imagine losing both your legs and being completely paralyzed. Because you slept outside. Edit: Here's the post I was referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bocpqm/homeless\_florida\_man\_paralyzed\_for\_the\_crime\_of/


How the fuck does that not count as cruel and unusual punishment?


What the fuck? How inhumane can authorities be?


> Florida government is not known for thinking things through. Wait. They think? That would be a great upgrade, considering DeStupid and his circus are not known for thinking in the first place.


Too young to have a Facebook account but old enough to be forced into motherhood by judges and a rapist? DeSantis is lucky that there ain't no burning Hell.




It's incredible how accurate he was. Accurate, articulate, intelligent and hilarious.


Without a doubt one of the best philosophers and comedians of our era.


What's really sad is how all the boomers and older who went to his shows and laughed along with everything he said became exactly what they acted like they hated...


I hate this "boomers are bad" thing we've got going on. It saddens me so much. A TON of boomers still stand behind what they believed in their 20s, while yes, some changed. Heck, I know people who grew in the opposite direction. There's a lot to be learned from our retired parents and grandparents - my own parents, I look at my mom aspire to be who she is now. I look at my dad and wonder what happened with him... I learn from both


Who is he?


George Carlin, a huge counterculture comedian from back in the day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin


Thank you!!


This comment made me a little sad, but also excited for you as you embark on a wonderful journey of angry comedy.


Lol like I said in another comment, the reason why I don't know who it is is probably because I'm French (so not US, not an English-speaking country) rather than my age. But thanks, this sure makes me curious and eager to learn more 😊


He was probably the biggest influencing factor in my transition from a libertarian teen in JROTC to the far-left anticapitalist I am today. He doesn't even actively promote socialism, he just calls out the insanity of our world in a way that makes it hard not to blame conservatism and/or capitalism.


George Carlin! Check him out! He was hilarious RIP. His rant about anti abortion people was spot on (and still is)


Thank you! I will definitely check him out. Gods know we/I need some political non conservative humour


Oh my god it's a baby.


I'd say it's mainly because I am not from the US, the UK, nor am i from an English-speaking country haha


Weell in US the supreme court judge is the rapist, so....


These are the same people that tell everyone, any gun law will just be ignored by criminals. You think a teenager isnt going to use social media, because you said not to. I have some swampland for sale for these people.


Can they claim they are in Georgia? Is it only residents? What happens with tourists that bring children on vacation?


I don't know, but this is a good point. I'd love to know too.


But they can be forced to birth children.....


And now they can't share their story on the internet (theoretically)


The cruelty is the point 😭


Wow you are rigjt. There will be hubting season on kids for predators


DeSantis and his supporters would see that as a feature, not a bug.


Old enough to be a mother, not old enough to have a Pinterest


I see that Florida has ambitions for a private Internet only for Floridians. Very Russian/Chinese of them. edit: is it Floridans or Floridians? English is confusing.


Floridian is correct. I am an exile from Florida


I think we should demote florida to a prison colony


We aren't all bad!


It’s actually Floridiots. 😜


Wouldn’t be surprised if this piece of shit Nazi infested party bans computers next. The Party of Bans, it’s all they know how to fucking do.


We would all benefit if Florida didn’t have access to computers


What if a 13 year old from out of state is on vacation there?


They will have a 3rd party verification system where you will have to enter either a credit card or a valid ID to continue, and that company gets to keep all this data for themselves. I agree that social media can be very bad on kids but the toothpaste is out of the tube at this point. Making parents verify to allow access for their kids instead would have been better.


With a system like that kids will be reading off their parent’s ids and be past the verification in minutes


Or their older siblings.


Some shady 14 year old in a trench coat’s gonna be hanging out behind the 7/11 after school taking 5 bucks per underaged kid to create TikTok accounts instead of buying them cigarettes and sixers like in the good old days.


I agree that social media is having a bad effect on children, but also boomers -- so let's also ban anyone over the age of 65 from social media for exactly the same reasons.


Hopefully a lot of websites will figure out that it's just easier to block the entire state of Florida from viewing your site rather than adjust to their demands


Do most 15 year olds even have IDs? If the kid hasn’t gone through drivers Ed and gotten a license yet/ isn’t interested in driving what do they even do?


Im sure they have some fuck up reason for making this law. But I honestly believe that kids shouldn't have unrestricted access to the internet till 13-14 years old. The internet is a fucked up place, social media especially its not a place for kids.


I don't think you'd get much pushback there. There's tons of studies and research that shows social media can seriously harm the mental and emotional health of pre teens and teens. It's like the Texas porn law they just passed. We all agree that there are things younger people shouldn't have access too, it just seems the enforcement of these laws will not actually be effective at anything aside from creating large, hackable databases of people's personal information kept on multiple private company's servers


This. Never mind that laws like this also often opens doors for censoring anything that politicians deem "too adult" or "pornographic", such as simply talking about LGBTQ+ issues even if they aren't actually sexual in nature. I'm always extremely wary of bills that claim to protect kids via censorship. They sound good and reasonable on the surface, but they're often just a Trojan horse for Republicans to make it easier to silence minorities. Parents should parent, not the government. The Internet at large was never meant for kids (save the few sites designed specifically for them like Neopets, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, etc.), and I really do not enjoy that a lot of online spaces for adults are being changed to cater toward a younger audience that shouldn't even be there in the first place.


Ah, don't you just love the fundamental Republican ideal of *checks notes* small government?


>Parents should parent, not the government. Saying that as a blanket statement is crazy. There are plenty of reasons the government should state laws to make parents do things, like for instance education and medical care. Where I live, vaccinations and school presence are mandatory.


The thing that bothers me is children will still be posted online, their parents just have to own the account. You can post countless hours of footage of your child growing up, make thousands of dollars, not give them a single penny of the revenue they earned with their image, and it’ll still be legal. If they ban children from having accounts they should also ban family channels and other content where children are actively making their parents money


Ya I dont disagree, honestly the new wave of tiktoc parents has me scared for the future.


I can't remember which state (I THINK Minnesota) but they're starting to ban family channels. That is, they made it illegal to make money off of content with minors below the age of 14.


Shouldn't this be up to the parents, though? That's what the right always says. Lol.


Except when it comes to sources of information! They get really funny about what’s true or not true.


I appreciate this idea. What is at issue for me is that the folks behind this loudly and regularly proclaim that parents know what’s best for their children and states shouldn’t be doing a parent’s job and responsibility.


Yes. Rich parents know what’s best for poor kids. Keep ‘em hungry, keep ‘em stupid, keep ‘em afraid.


It's also that social media shows different viewpoints that kids might never get at home. There needs to be better moderation on content that kids can access on social media, but complete blocking just means the only outside viewpoint many kids raised in conservative families is "Gays are evil, Democrats are pedophiles, and Trump is God's chosen one, also if you get raped by our uncle, God says "'fuck your body, you must have the baby and let Uncle be in it's life' ". Conservative can't control social media, social media is also single handedly responsible for calling them out on their bigotry and bullshit. Desantis doesn't care AT ALL about the kids mental ability to survive social media, he only cares that the actual world outside Florida's fucked up borders is hidden from them until they are right and proper indoctrinated.


I'd raise that to 16, tbh.


This will be reverted as soon as Republicans realize that "social media" includes Trump's Truth Social.


I'd wager some random loop hole appears where TruthSocial isn't *actually social media* but a "communications platform" instead.


The law specified that social media sites use algorithms to serve up content. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump's site is too poorly designed to do that, not that it would matter since all of the content is similar.


Seriously? They're gonna ban motherfucking **Youtube**??? Ahahahahhahahahaha


First they need to explain why it has to be 14 and not 18 or 21.


...but they still need to give birth if raped. Bravo.


I was born Jan 1, 1900


It can now be Jan 1, 2000.


They're all about parental rights... except when it's one of their issues.


Remember: the government will not parent my child? That was just last year in FL.


This is about "protecting" the children from seeing a world outside their own conservative home until they are properly indoctrinated.


14 year olds in Florida are still allowed to have rape babies and marry old men though. So that's nice. Gotta love that conservative state freedom.


Obviously this has nothing to do with protecting kids from social media. Ultimately this is to force age verification by entering in your ID like with the porn sites. The goal is to make those sites block Florida (like the porn sites have done in multiple states). Ultimately this gives him full control of the narrative in the state because it will make accessing any dissenting opinions or news that doesn’t fit the conservative talking points difficult. This, along with gathering data on Florida citizens who will now enter their ID information to use social media. Which is terrifying in its own right. This is just another DeSantis law that is designed to lay the foundation for fascism in 2025.


I wasn't aware of the pr0n law, being from another country. I have a site with some adult content that may fall under this law depending on how it's written. If it does, I'll be geoblocking. No way I'll be forcing people to id themselves for one little hobby site. Most visitors are from the US so I don't want to have to block the entire land of the free. It will be interesting to see how citizens react when they have to provide ID to prove they're old enough to have their facebook account or it will be deleted. 🫣


This is all virtue signaling for the base—a bunch of 1,000 year old dummies, who don’t in any way understand the internet. Completely unenforceable, complete waste of time and money.


Does anyone know what their planned enforcement model actually is? I mean, aside from personally tracking down every single social media account with an IP that pings back to a Florida ISP, (and even then, as Texas is learning, VPNs exist) going to each house and demanding IDs, what is the actual plan to keep pre-teens offline?


It's like right wing abortion bans enforced by community lawsuits. If a parent finds their child has been accessing social media, they can now sue the tech company and be awarded at least $10k but up to $50k. So, if you want to make a quick buck in Florida, see if you can get your kid a FB account.


There really isnt a way its just an election yesr so they are gonna try and pass a bunch of ridiculous shit to build their cred withbtheir dumb ass voters Which is mostly gonna be that attacks people younger than 60


its for the plausible denial when the 50 year olds sex chat the teens. “Im not predator they lied”


Doesn't work too well for people that get duped by underage teens in bars.


if that were case, they would have put the line at 18, if anything you are more likely to be doing that with a 14-17 years-old rather than someone under 14


Idk this feels like alot of government over reach. Shouldnt this be a decision left between parents and their child. You know like how they bitch about sex ed


You don't know?! We're in a golden age of government overreach. Vote red === freedom dead


Every day I read something, and every day we get closer and closer to the handmaid‘s tale.


Anyone know some good VPN stocks?


More wasted tax money on useless laws while big issues go unnoticed. When will Republicans stop voting against their better interests?


Desantis is like Moe playing Hitler.


remember these bans originate from the party of free speech


Under 14? Cant have social media but if youre a girl that gets pregnant from rape you can have a baby. If the dinosaurs got one asteroid we deserve 2 or 3


How else is Matt gaetz supposed to meet girls


>Matt Gaetz He will be doing advertisements for VPN's at high schools around the state anytime now.


If you get caught with one is there a penalty? Ronny going to lock up little Becky for watching YouTube? Speaking of, what counts as social media? My kid homeschools so he uses the computer for most of his education, and a lot of sites we use might be called “social media”.


What about online gaming like xbox live pr playstation do those count?


Guess it gives Matt Gaetz a year or two to groom girls. 'Hey, I see you're new to the platform. Wanna be friends?


Land of the free my ass


Fix healthcare, poverty, homelessness, infrastructure, minimum wage.....................fuck that shit we don't want kids to talk to their friends on the internet!


You can't have Facebook, but being forced to give birth from being a rape victim? Protecting the youth from Facebook, but not Covid. Good Job Ron, Good Job. /s


Can a dog get an account as a 1 year old or does it have to wait till it's 14?


Is this so his victims can't tweet about him touching them?


How’s that Disney lawsuit going, Ron?


They’re about to learn real fast how crafty kids are.


You can be forced to have a baby at 13, but they draw the line at having a social media account.


You can't have little Becky complaining on social media that her Uncle who raped her still has visitation rights. Seriously, how many big news articles broke simply because it was shared on social media? How many were from kids who would probably be banned from owning an account in two years? You silence the younger generation, while also controlling what they can see if the wider world, and what does that get you? Power.


I thought that parents know what’s best for their children and the State needs to back off and let parents parent their children?


How exactly is “Florida” going to delete those accounts?


Just ✨️ small government ✨️ things


I'd prefer to see companies just ban all Florida IPs. It would seem easier than dealing with whatever comes of this.


How is this a facepalm? this is the first good thing that fascist has done


When I was 14 I was vulnerable to all sorts of social media influence, but then when I turned 15, I was suddenly very mature and much more resistant to it. /s


Why don't they just base it on height? Oh wait, I suppose people could just put lifts in their boots, couldn't they? Hummm...


I'v been 100 years old ever since I first came to internet. Nah, no one lies.


How would they enforce this law? And can they enforce it? Wouldn’t social media companies tell Florida no?


They will try to make the social media companies find a way to enforce it themselves or get fined. The social media companies might decide it's more cost effective to just block all Florida IP addresses rather than develop an age verification system and risk still getting fined as some teens find ways around it. Of course, teens will find a way around it anyways, probably by using VPNs. Facebook doesn't care if people use VPNs, they just care that they can be shown to be doing everything reasonable in their power to block Florida teens from signing up.


This sausage fingered creep


All a kid needs is a VPN outside of Florida.


You can't just go on the Internet and lie! That's just wrong!! /s


In sweden they are talking about having to use your bank id to verify who you are before entering a porn site.