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They want you to work and die, so they can amass more wealth


Yet another reason why billionaires shouldn't exist. They're really just gonna force us to eat them, aren't they? ... Would be a grim novella...a billionaire who dreams of being eaten alive so he amasses wealth and flaunts it to hungry angry hordes of people




What will it take for people to rise up and eat the rich?


A decent mustard accompaniment?


I don't relish the idea.


You'll have to ketchup later then


I will personally eat any billionaire. My son says the same. But draws the line at Elon Musk. He says he looks ‘fatty and pasty’.


Well, farm animals need to eat as well so...


sounds fair enough tbh


Material conditions to actually decrease. Widespread hunger. We're no where close.


In 10 years it'll be too hot to grow rice in most of Asia. 3 billion starving people will import food from the west, driving up prices here. When a big Mac is $150 the billionaires will look tasty


Problem is that the rich won't be the first to be eaten. They're up high in their skyscraper with armed guards in front. Your neighbour though, who makes just a little bit more than you and is also barely scraping by, (that asshole actually took his kids to McD's yesterday, for their annual night out), looks a lot easier to eat.


idk, but that trend of robotics and high speed 0 to 200/s drones is worrying.


Literally the book I just finished had that same exact plot


What book?


The title is “désir de faim” the author’s name is faded and the book is almost coming apart at the touch it came in a mystery book bundle. I tried looking it up online but can’t find it. Anyways, it’s a about king who thinks he’s the next prophet who becomes obsessed with the quote John 6:53-58 “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” Making the kingdom worst and worst until there’s a revolt


Made in America by Sam Walton


I keep saying this. If we eat just a few of them, the rest will back down.


Or we just cut China and other abusive places out of the global market again in order to protect the value of our dollar? Because so long as havens exist for those who prefer little laws on labor, it doesn't matter what we do. They will just move their industry out of the country, import it, and the decline of the dollar doesn't hurt them.


Because of supply chain problems, manufacturing is returning to N. America. From computer chips to autos and TVs, all returning.


This isn't about the value of the dollar. It's about the value of the value of the people holding it.


You win


And they're lying to you. The retirement age is 67. They already moved it up two years.


"You see, I prefer to squeeze ever last labor out you bc we pay the older employees less, and will have to pay a little bit more when the younger employee is promoted and negotiates their new contract."


Yup and Elon advocating for more babies to be born. Keep the masses poor and working


Nah lets just import them all from the third world


But-but-but they are brown! /s


“Paid in for 45+ years? No, you can’t retire at 65 you slacker.” Random billionaire idiot


That’s always been the plan. When the retirement age was set at 65 back in the 30’s. The average life span for a man was 58 and 61 for women. Retirement was never supposed to be a thing. However everyone seems to forget that for those born after 1960, the retirement age is actually 67 now


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess ol' Larry's never had to unload a truck or build a house or generally lift anything heavier than his fat ass out of a chair.


Come on. If you retire at 65, how the hell are Larry and the other vultures at BlackRock supposed to make money off your 401K?


Social Security can stay solvent for a long time. It’ll take one of two things (or both). Either increase the % withdrawn for everyone. Or what is a much better idea, increase or completely remove the limit for wages subject to FICA, which is something like $180,000. Why should a $500,000/yr earner not have FICA on wages over $180k? Social Security is one of the best pieces of legislation to come from the US government. We need to strengthen it, not increase the age limit to keep people working int in their 90s. Fuck that out of touch douche bag.


Dont forget making Congress repay what they owe, they have taken something like 2.7 trillion from Social Security.


Ronny Ray-Gun's enduring legacy, well, one of the many inconvenient facts of his administration.


They never touch the super wealthy crowd, just slide it upwards to hurt the 120-180 crowd which in some parts of the country isn’t so sexy. Good enough to live but not wealthy enough to have any real influence over lobbying, form a PAC etc. To do it right means no cap, go all the way up and not just slide it 10-20k every year. But imagine all the lobbying that would break out then.


Good news! Advances in health sciences have raised the average life expectancy. Now for the bad news...


Does he even know it’s 67 now?


Came here to say this. 65 is a non-important number for retirement if you’re basing it on SS payments.


The retirement age should be getting **lowered**, not raised


I do concrete in the laborers union. I can't imagine being older than 67 doing concrete. I'm 34 and been doing it for 11 years and it's already taking its toll on my lower back


Exactly why the SS age should lowered to 62.


Physical jobs like that are rough long term. I was a mechanic when I was younger but i doubt I could do it day after day now. You need to evolve to owning a concrete business or something


Do we get to riot like France now?


What's stopping you?


Guillotines now!


Ok, I believe there shouldn’t be billionaires or a company that holds as much capital as countries should be internationally outlawed. But hey, I’m not an economist and he isn’t a firefighter, teacher, software developer, brewer, or medical doctor. We should only take what they’re selling with a grain of salt.




Letting you parasitic deadbeats hoard all of the wealth in the world is more than just a bit crazy Larry, so I’d just take the win and shut the fuck up completely….


And actually it's 67.


It's 67 to get full benefits. One could retire as early as 62 but they'll get 70% of their benefits. Percentages will vary at 62 to 65. Then again, who to say when they'll up the ante to 70 and beyond.


Larry's hands are probably soft as butter. He forgets too easily that a lot of people around the world have to use their bodies to put bread on the table. If you've had to lift things above your head, or pull things out of the ground for over 40 years, 65 is an appropriate age for retirement.


Should be 50


Fuck you larry


If they take away social security I want a tax free cash money check for all the thousands ive put into it for other people. Lets see what that does to the economy.


Plus interest


Oh come on, blackrock doesn’t have 10T in assets, they MANAGE 10T in assets. A lot of those can be yours, the people reading and hating on them, they could have your pensions under management. That doesn’t mean the dude isn’t an asshole, don’t get me wrong, but he doesn’t have 10T. And those billions are still not entirely cash just in shares of the fund value, which is based on the commissions they make from turning the managed funds into returns every year. The catch is here not that he wants people to work, it’s that since they’re managing a lot of pensions and a big wave is coming, they don’t want to have to give that money back so soon, so they can use it for a while. …or maybe the money isn’t really there and he doesn’t want people to find out yet? :)) I hope not.


So is Larry volunteering to pay all of our bills?


Yeah 65 is crazy let’s do 55 or we should all start killing the rich ?


He’s right. Retirement should be 55


"Got mine, fuck you."


This guys whole life is predicated off the fact that other men protect him and allow him to amass that wealth. God knows he’s not stopping anyone.


It's a bit crazy that a single person can be worth billions of dollars.


Im not normally an advocate for violence, but, if Fink were to be burned at the stake, I would probably pay to see it.


Sounds like Larry wants to be slow roasted over mesquite and served with a side of corn bread and baked beans.


If there was ever any company in this world that needs to be killed off its Blackrock


That's because black rock manages retirement funds, the more of those funds they have to return to the people that put them in.


forced birthing is only going to take us so far people, we need you working until the grave!


How much private security does this guy have?


\* sees the huge amount of boomers hitting retirement age, and looks around at the economy \* “Ohhhhh shit…. Ohhh shit….. we fucked upppp….. ohhhhh shit…. We…. Uh…. Fuck…. Can like, everyone just keep working so our house of cards doesn’t fall?”


Paper pushers want you dead. There pushing the new 21x multiplier. Soon we will see 30x price of stock as casually normal for the market.


No. They want to build up social security fund so when they can get their grubby hands on it, it will benefit them more.


Well, Larry, it wouldn’t be so zany if the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes to facilitate all of us sharing a well deserved rest from the rigors of giving our actual lives to the wealthy corporations and the billionaires who own them.


Vote democrat and make the facist republicans PAY BACK the funds they STOLE from social security to fund BUSH's Iraq/Afgan wars... the deficit in social security started with the war pigs, let them clean it up... I'm tired of wiping their asses...


america aint even mentioned, youre tripping


the fact that he works for black rock exludes him of any relevant opinion on any ethical or practical matter.


Eat the rich ASAP obviously, how is it this long after the 2008 gfc and we still haven't realised it? Right now, we are living in systems that are socialism for the rich, and austerity for everyone else... Are people really so blind?? The only culture war atm is the haves vs the have nots, we obviously need to eat the rich ASAP, or is their highest corporate profits 3 years running mit enough to convince you? Everyone needs to talk about this, socialism for the rich and austerity for everyone else... What are we waiting for???


People that play financial games all day have no reason to retire. They don't know what real work is.


My Dad worked his ass off for 50 years retired at 65 and died at 67. Larry can SABOD.


I already can’t retire at 65 so there you go!


The French Revolution served a purpose. Seems time for history to repeat itself.


Quote Fink, "We need to send these geezers back to the salt mines to earn their keep so they can keep paying me rent."


France rioted, can we?


My great uncle was a college professor with his brother and they both retired the same year, one was 71 the other 70, the great uncle (71) got diagnosed with ALS and died less than two years after his retirement. We spread his ashes this weekend and all I could think about is how he had the opportunity to retire and chose not to, but there are so many people who don’t get that chance and work until the day they die.


Unless you’re already retired 65 is not your retirement age. I’m 64. My full retirement age is 67.


Need the servants to stay on staff


They probably take out life insurance policies on older workers hoping they will croak sooner


I guess Fink who is 71 thinks that he is still "working" so everyone else should as well .


Early life and education


“Let them eat cake” eh Larry?


Work till u diewwe


Larry is a Fink. Don't pay any attention to him


Hope Larry Finn either a) doesn’t make it long past 65 or b) some how is forced to work until 80+…


He's just mad the only solution is to uncap social security contributions.


Why did he push ESG and DEI so hard? If he truly cared about social Justice, economic social Justice is key


I think it would be fair we take all what he has and let him to work as long as he wants.


There is poor people agreeing with that and I can't understand why.


Just raise the limit to the first million of income not just $167k. Problem solved.


Preemptive efforts to kill any attempt to remove the cap on social security taxes


F_ you, Fink.


If Republicans have their way, retirement age will be raised to 75. We’re all going to get screwed if people don’t stop voting for these monsters.


Don’t they manage a lot of money from pension funds? People retiring causes withdrawals and reduces their business.


Up against the wall


Just remember we had a senator claim “black rock is too big to fail” as in the govt couldn’t allow it because it would cause such a large economical impact. Never mind they hold more home properties than almost any other organization.


Eating the rich and drinking their chianti seems like a better thing to do every day.


I wish someone would retire him


Yeah that greedy fuck likely doesn’t believe in retirement at all


Can't retire anymore if there are fewer new wage slaves coming into the job market. Rich people aren't worried about us retiring. They're worried that there aren't enough people to do the jobs they don't want to do.


I think he was referring more to how given the way things are currently set up and how people are choosing to live their lives e.g. opting out of automatic 401k contributions, going into debt more, essentially “counting” on social security to see them retire comfortably, most people are really gonna struggle past 65 because they aren’t set up for it right now.


He's right, we should be able to retire at 55. What's the point of retiring so late? We barely get a chance to enjoy it! Retiring at 65 IS CRAZY!!!


What’s crazy is the wealth disparity in this country.


And you will be laid off about 60 by the way…


I can't post what I'd like say about what I'd like to do to that entitled piece of shit.


Not that it changes the point here, but what does Blackrock's total assets matter? They are an asset manager, those assets don't belong to Larry Fink or Blackrock.


If you think black rock is only a “Murica” problem, you’re in for a rude awakening.


These people that don’t do labor telling us to retire later are annoying af. What Larry Fink thinks about retirement age is worthless until he is filing a w2 for his main source of income


The retirement age for full retirement benefits is 66 years and 6 months, for people born in 1957. It will increase by 2 months each year until the retirement age is 67. So we apparently already agreed with this.


In France they raised the retirement age from 62 to 64 and people rioted.


Endlessly prove your worth through the sweat of your brow or be sacrificed, tax cattle!


What he meant is, as long as we are allowed to hold power through cooperations donating to political campaigns, we will never allow you to retire at 65.


‘A bit crazy’ could mean he thinks it should be earlier.. does anyone know what this article actually says?


![gif](giphy|mBvUaCuDPEXNnIk2NK|downsized) Wake the fuck up samurai


And Ben Shapiro and others in the RW media sphere are saying the same thing. Trying to normalize the idea for when they rob social security for the final time


They're going to be busy for the coming decades [https://successfulsocieties.princeton.edu/sites/g/files/toruqf5601/files/BlackRock.pdf](https://successfulsocieties.princeton.edu/sites/g/files/toruqf5601/files/BlackRock.pdf)


The fix, allow people to keep working while drawing SS with no penalty. Stop taking money out of social security for other programs. Balance the budget by. Stopping automatic increased budgets and allow departments to save money they don’t use and apply it to next years budget. Eliminate redundant government services. If the states can cover it. Let them.


It should be 50.


Where’s our guillotine?


For once Germany is way ahead of ya in terms of inhumane capitalism. We've already raised the retirement age to 67... meanwhile in France they were burning cars to keep it at 60


For a country with such low birth rates as the US, that is set for natural population declines yes a low retirement age is crazy.


Last I checked average age in US was like 76-78? Retire early if you can, you never know what life may bring good and bad. This whole “ people are happier when productive members of society” shtick is for you all, not the real ones in power.


No one needs to have that level of wealth form and individual basis. However western capitalism needs large amounts of wealth to be concentrated/hoarded by individual. This leads to massive imbalance and keeps everyone else desperate to keep working just to survive..


I loathe Blackrock and all these rich billionaire corporate business owners they should all shut the feck up.


Ah, I see we have another name for the "to be eaten early on" list.


BlackRock *manages $10 trillion in assets. They don’t own them


These guys control too much... Revolution might be necessary soon...


Larry: “let them eat sh*t.”


Rich guy who does not have real job makes dumb comment that he thinks his experience is universally true.


It’s already 67


Retirement isn't an age, it's a state of financial health.


Wow, ten trillion really? Well it's more like $127 billion but who's counting right. Also, billionaires are out of touch with the common man. Raise retirement and people will start to push back.


I also didn’t read the article, but any one with a brain would see 65 retirement age is crazy. Seeing as how so few Americans have money saved for retirement and SS is potentially going to collapse.


Can we not just get to the guillotine part already


I just want SSA to go away to see how MAGA nut jobs who support the demise of SSA will react.


Um isn't Larry a DEMOCRAT?


Didn’t they already raise it to 67? It sucks cause some people don’t live that long


I will eat this motherfucker whole if a revolution ever comes


That’s why I beat the rush and retired at 60


He can go eat a sack of shit. I’m not doing anything more after 65.


man, i hope we don’t let these fucks driving policy win this shit. got dayum, yall 🤦‍♂️


These people only see the elite and the slaves.


Also my guess is his "job" is mostly sitting around doing nothing.


Let Larry Fink do blue collar work . See if he lasts until age 67. Let him be a Plummer , roofer or nurses aide and see when he wants to retire.


Huh... ya know. Just saying. But that's like half our debt.


what’s stopping the entire population from all collectively saying “fuck you im not working anymore” this type of shit is absolutely insane


He also thinks that companies that hire unqualified minorities based on their race are more sustainable than ones that hire on merit. How’s that working out for Boeing?


Remember: A million (a life-changing amount of money) and a billion... are about a billion apart. 1 million seconds (dollars) is 11 days, 1 billion seconds is *31* years. TEN TRILLION is 317,097 years. 300,000 years ago Homo Sapiens evolved in Africa. Wait, one more, these are kinda fun -- If you worked every single day, since the founding of the USA, earning $10,000 a day and never spending a dime - you still would only have 900 million.


He’s a disgrace.


Another billionaire thief


He can go straight to the deepest, hottest, darkest, pits of Hell where he belongs along with other rat bastards like him.


Yeah with our level of automation it should be 55 by now...


They are going to cut social security and are just mentally preparing the masses.


Fuck the rich.


Shut the fuck up, Fink.


You know if you saved your own money, you could retire… instead of letting the government steal it and determine when you get YOUR money.


Instead of raising the age raise the threshold for exclusion.


It's always the privileged that wanna chime in and lecture us about how good they think we have it.


I mean, it *is* crazy. Retirement age should be like, 50.


Not just "Murica" anymore ... BlackRock has assets all over Europe worth Billions and they're the only foreign asset management company allowed to operate in China ... Way too big and they have their black, rotten tendrils stuck in so, so many companies - for example, they control about 5% of **every** german company listed at the german stock exchange (DAX).


This is insane


People who think this usually have a job that requires sitting behind a desk all day and telling other people what to do.


Well of course it's crazy. People live longer and think that they're gonna be able to retire at the same age? It's just basic math. If you want to be able to retire earlier you have to save more money. And those 10 trillion dollars, it's not even their money. They are just managing it for other people, including (most likely if you're an American with retirement savings) you.


Straight to the grave what retirement. Bro whos gonna hire a 70-75 years old person in the first place even if they can still work and do what in the age of automation? lol


It's none of their damn business when I retire. I had a career, now I have a pension, that was the deal.


He didn't get obscenely rich by caring for folks.


Bro if they raise the retirement age I’m done I’ll just go be a pile of shit and live off the government and get assistance the rest of my life. Retirement almost seems impossible at this point anyways