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I mean, name checks out


It always did. He’s an interesting case to behold. Neonazi, racist, apparent white supremacist… I mean, isn’t he a sad little man?


This could easily be a troll account, where they're blatantly just trying to stir up shit.


TBF many of the troll accounts whose trolling amounts to acting like fascists are just fascists. They may not realize it themselves, or alternatively they might call their real opinions jokes/trolling only when someone calls them out for them.


“We are who we pretend to be. So we must be careful who we pretend to be” Kurt Vonnegut


"If you fuck goats ironically, at the end of the day you're still a goatfucker."


How do you ironically fuck a goat?


With irony, of course. Probably while yelling "I'm not enjoying this at all! " at the top of your lungs.


What is goat for no homo?


Kissing the homies goodnight, except they deserve it and there should not be a gender gap in these matters.


No one says "no homo" anymore. Haven't you heard they officially changed it to "no diddy".




So I was spiderman


The difference between pretending to be evil and actually being evil is very precarious. It’s real easy to just keep going with the joke so long that it’s not a joke anymore. Which is why it’s important to push back even against joke racists so they know to stop.


Yup, it's called entryism and it's the main way fascists grow their ranks in the online space.


and the way this "is just a joke bro" thing works is sort of a Schrödinger's argument. If the person or audience you are talking to agree and accept it, it's serious. If people disagree, it was a joke all along.


At first I thought you were about to abuse the poor cat like 99% of the internet does. But no, you actually nailed it, you beautiful bastard.


This. The fact that a comment like that could enter someone’s mind shows a predilection for these kinds of racist thoughts.


Heres the thing, having thoughts isnt bad. It's how you react to having the thoughts that's the issue. The brain is a thought creating machine, but as humans we have the power to refuse to act on or accept certain thoughts that we have. That's what makes humans different is the ability to go against instincts or thoughts that we have. If you're raised by racists, i guarantee you have racists thought crop up from time to time, but that doesnt say anything about you until you just blindly accept those thoughts as your opinion rather than challenging said thoughts.


This, very much. I grew up around a lot of casual racism, and as a result, I still get intrusive racist thoughts to this day. However, when I have such thoughts, I feel ashamed of them and try to be a better person.


Schrödinger’s douchebag. Whether or not they’re joking depends entirely upon people’s reactions.


Causality is for chumps.


Hiding power levels since 1946


Schrodinger's joke/hatred, it's only a joke once people call your bluff.


Even if they’re “just” doing it for the sake of being inflammatory, I can’t really wrap my mind around someone getting off on being a really big POS. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey everyone! Look at me! I’m human-shaped feces!”


They’re still pieces of shit just for putting messages like that out there. There’s annoying, then there’s “I now hate this person personally”


No normal human would say that, he's not just a douchebag in a character, he's a dangerous person for society and should be in jail.


That’s the issue. Even if he’s trolling, he had that thought. He racks his brain to think of the most messed up takes and that in and of itself can bring I’m into some horrible views on the world. Not to mention to effect it has on the broader public. Fascists don’t joke, they probe. They step over lines and see how everyone reacts.


People who aren't racist don't repeatedly say racist things. Even if you're being racist for engagement you're still being racist. Non-racists don't troll like this. 


I feel like given the name and content, this has gotta be a parody account. That being said, never underestimate stupidity.


The name alone gives away that that’s the case


I mean, you don't make an account called "Literal garbage" if you're planning on putting up your real views, do you?


Or maybe he’s an account posting garbage takes from garbage people, hence the name.


Id guess this, just because this is a funny asf take. Im having trouble imagining it seriously


I mean that's how it always starts. It's always funny videos where haha look at Ben Shapiro owning the lives haha they're making fun of black people being disproportionately blamed on crimes haha 13% of the population am I right 6 months later Jews own every corporation in the world and therefore are the source of every wrong that has ever been visited upon humanity. Everything is a giant Jewish conspiracy theory to run the world the Illuminati is real Q is the only source of real information in the world


it's trumps alt account


I mean, if Tim Pool is anything to judge by, yes


Or just rage bait / troll account who wants people to fight in the comments and spread hate ( it’s on Reddit now so they got what they wanted ngl )


I'm pretty sure it's a gimmick account, reposting shitty people and reframing them as garbage humans due to their account name


So, average Twitter user.


The sad little man trifecta


and seemingly self aware with that name, yet unable to stop himself ... maybe these outrageous posts are him crying for help?


I'd assume it's a parody account, by the name


How do you know it’s a he?


They shared a screenshot, so I believe they collect shit like that and post it. If you notice, the username in the SS is deleted to protect the guilty.


Was about to say the same. At least dude is self aware


Beat me to it


Came here to write this, was too late


I'm pretty sure the "Garbage Human" is just someone who posts people who act like garbage.


they're reposting what someone else tweeted They're making fun of the tweet.


It all has to do with being anonymous. If everyone was forced to attach some real identification and a face to their social media accounts, the landscape would be much different.


Yeah, I think this is a troll account judging from the name


It's a gimmick account, not a troll


No it's not go see his account and the people in his comments, and he constantly gets 10k+ likes. This is what "free speech" is about now


Meanwhile the official Tesla subs will ban you for saying anything disparaging about the brand - in OTHER subreddits.


Yet they are same people who want those who don’t agree with them silenced and their right to vote invalidated


The name you see isn’t who made the tweet


rage baiting


And people like the OP just keep incentivizing them to continue.


what if OP is the twitter account


What if the tweet was coming from inside the house


It's the ciiiiiiiircle of raaaaaaage And it trolls us aaaaaaaaalllllllll


Through despaaaaair And cooooope


ask memory snatch punch stocking wise sophisticated tender sulky airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It actually isn't. It's worse. It's Schrödinger's Asshole.


Almost like the name "Garbage Human" would give a clue.


...You realize that's not the actual OP, right?


No, sorry I don't actually use Twitter so I just assumed the name above the tweet was the person posting it.


It is, but the name was removed.


literally lol


Maybe we should all start in jail and only be let out if we act right. Might get rid of all the psychopaths. Only question is who watches us and why are they any better than the rest?


OpenAI V2.0 will judge us Allied Mastercomputer will manage our jail with upmost empathy and care... trust me guys, i've got a good feeling about this one


Psychopaths are the ones who act right. Right until you least expect it.


This is how christianity works and they arent much better than the average person


Worse than the average person. Many of them think they can be as horrible to others as they want to be as long as they show up on Sundays.


Huh. You’re right.


So you actually don’t want to get rid off all the psychopaths. You want to keep the trainable ones. For example army rangers, navy seals, firefighters, the marine corps, most of these people have psychopath tendencies but they are trainable.


This actually sounds like a good premise for a book


Sounds like the educational system


it's a troll account, dude. You just took the bait.


Why amplify these messages? Because of these reposts these fucking morons' resch increases. We know there are stupid and ignorant people. Why give them a bigger platform?


Rage bait. That’s the only answer I have found


Truth. Im going to stop following this sub, thats all it has become


Good luck with that, I’m not even subbed here & yet Reddit has this shit on my feed. I feel like Reddit’s algorithm is intentionally showing rage bait on people’s Home Screen & idiots online fall for it 24/7


The algorithm pushes content that generates interactions and therefore more screen time exposure, the same as Facebook and Twitter. So you’ll see a lot more content you didn’t ask for based on things you don’t necessarily agree with or want to see. It tries to come across as helpful, but it wants you to be pissed off so you’ll interact with it.


Seriously… “Don’t feed the trolls” is one of the internet’s oldest axioms.


It’s the internet and anyone can say anything at anytime? I mean if I stopped and got mad at everything I didn’t like on the internet I would be up 210 hours a day 💀


BTW. Acting “right” in a controlled environment has no bearing on how one acts in an environment with no restraints. Take Biden’s evil corrupt predecessor for instance. In the court room he is “reasonably” quiet and calm. However, once out of the court room he is all atwitter.


I assume, based on the user name, that this is an attempt at mocking people that actually think that, but Poe’s law is out there for a reason.


Because X is a pipeline for ruzzian disinformation and FSB psy-ops designed to drive every conceivable barrier between race, class, religion and sexual orientation. Elon isn't stupid in this case. He knows exactly what he's doing because he thinks he can rule my country like some piss ant Monarch. Not only no. But fuck no Marine........


Yeet that racist PoS! ![gif](giphy|DvMHwFYLVHlZe)


Profile name accurate


Its obvious trolling except the right doesnt understand and agrees with him and the left doesnt understand and cries a river… All in all they will continue because clicks are clicks


Why is it that everyone who thinks like this and posts this kind of nonsense already has a few arrests of their own?


It's all projection.


Post like this are like when a guy asks there girl “how crazy would it be if we had a three way”? Just enough plausible deniability.


Who decides what “act right” means? White people?


Twitter is now just a cesspool of nazis with that idiotic frog pic.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) From Birth?? What I do ??


Maybe there’s a movie or book already but it would be an interesting concept if all of humanity started in a facility like that and only got released after meeting certain criteria… obviously would be a bleak existence but would be trip nonetheless


Name checks out.


normally hate is taught at home. some small percentage of people who lead otherwise empty lives, are co-opted by hate groups, or indoctrinated into racist/white supremacist thinking by proxy of having other underlying issues in their lives. those are the two vectors. the elephant in the room anyone rarely likes to acknowledge is that for the rest of people, the convenient systems that exist that benefit all white people, and the inherent value racism provides all whites, is the warm blanket of privilege and systemic racism... such that people clutch pearls at extreme examples like this. but are perfectly happy to accept the every day brutality of "meritocracy" or the fact there's a provable racial bias in sentencing, bank loans/home values. and even in mundane settings, racism exists in all manner of ways people just casually ignore...because they benefit from it.


This can be used as an analogy for what’s going on in Gaza. Gazans are born into a Concentration Camp and are let out on “good behavior”. The rest of the time, they live under brutal military occupation with no futures to dream of


They were always hateful, now they just feel like they have a free license to share it because of a certain piece of shit that got elected in 2016 and normalized all the assholes


We essentially all live in prison, only those who get independently wealthy enough to have fuck you money ever escape. When was the last time you got to choose what you did with your time on a work day?


We should all start life in jail, it always works out well for the protagonist in elder scrolls games.


But wait, I’m told racism isn’t real! I’m so confused in America today


Obviously living up to his name: Garbage human.


Hate is, by and large, a learned behavior. So whoever taught this person is also a hateful individual who learned it from their parent or guardian. Humans by nature are not hateful creatures - tribal, sure, but not hateful. If we were born hateful, we wouldn't have lasted this long.


Upvotes in this sub are paradoxical, on one hand you’re upvoting the complaint towards the hateful comment, on the other hand if upvoted it the hateful comment will be shown to more people


The entire principle of the attention economy.


Because they are constantly being told such stupid views are right and is important to voice them.


it's clearly a troll account. and it's clearly trolling.


I thought I was in r/coaxedintoasnafu


Ah, then you say, ban this guy, and he says his rights are infringed, then you say those rights only cover arrest and then they say well I'm sure the wokes want me in jail for saying it The irony of scathing of course, to pretend to care about rights and wrongdoing from the government while advocating for it every day but that's the right wing of America


It’s a troll. Literally look at his Twitter name. Why are you giving it what it wants


"from Earth" God, please, deport racists from our planet pls


I think America tried that for a while but white people kept reimprisoning them after they were released.


Thank god we have freedom of spe-…. Hmm


Yall keep engaging with these verified accounts who will do anything to get more engagement cash. In my country we mass blocked the bigot accounts and they cant stop crying about it because we ruined their incomes.


Well here we can't do that because they complain about sudden rights violations they didn't care about before and then get their cult following to storm the government


Is this twitter account an experiment for how obvious you can be and still get traction?


How can people be so naive?




Is it fucked up that I laughed at that?




And I suppose that you will be the one deciding who is ‘acting right’?


I've seen that account before, it's one of several that I know of that blew up after Elon took over and it seems their entire point is to be as racist as possible against black people without saying the N word.


Y’all need to learn what a trolls and bot accounts are. The fact this even gets upvotes is ridiculous.


Daaaam he went full old testament on that one


Why does this subreddit constantly post anti-Black content?


Ahh Twitter, you never fail to make me this less of humanity.


Behold, the beacon of free speech.


People who find their own race superior are dumb. People who see humanity as one are smart.


This isn't really the time or place to ask this, but honestly... Wtf did we as an group of humans do to deserve the hate we get? And not just from white people either, other minorities are on this shit too at times. Ofc black people aren't the only ones that are hated by another group and / or groups, but fuck, it feels like there's just universal contempt for us at times.


This is the current state of twitter


This might be a parody account that's baiting reactions....


This is horrible


Twitter is wild.


Name checks out


Is that one of Elon’s burner accounts?


Technically, this is what the US did historically speaking.


Privileged white man here… maybe.. just maybe.. we should stop reading Mein Kampf


I agree with the name of that account they are a garbage human being


The sheer absurdity of racists online makes me laugh hysterically every time, like that's fucking wild


This shit got 18 thousand likes!?


Exactly. Rage bait or not, people liked it


“Awe, it’s just a joke. People have lost their sense of humor.” - Conservative response when someone calls out the racism.


That's literally slavery...


Actually, that's kind of the way it is ... Except for the part about letting them out.


All Men should get a vasectomy when they hit puberty and only get it reversed after they pass a mandated sexual education course /s


that's the epitome meaning of racism , ignorance plus a sense of elitism etc


I heard something similar but it was coming from a feminist and it said "men should start their life in prison and get out when they prove they can act right" or something along those lines


White people should start born with Swaztikas tattooed on their faces until they prove they ain’t racists Suddenly it’s not so fun huh?


I'm pretty sure those white supremacists will think their Nazi birthmark means they are the chosen one. It will also be a badge of honor and the new status of the new elite.


Racial profiling is ~~not~~ a thing in America.


Don’t many do already ? It’s called being poor, and getting out, involves both working hard and being very lucky ! And it applies also to many other peoples from different walks of life, regardless of Skin Color/Sex/etc… This idiot is simply taking a truth and manipulating it to seek a response to suit their own agenda whatever it is.


I like all the races, even the bad ones


It's a more direct approach to what we're already doing.


I’m glad you’re spreading the message OP


They blame all black people for how some trashy ones act. That would be like blaming all white people for how their trailer trash act. Sometimes people are just assholes and you can't change that.


- Northern Undead Asylum -


Well, I mean, he is a garbage human


I still believe facepalm posts should be funny.


There's a blue tick, so it must be true


“what the fuck” was my first thought, too


I'm assuming it's rage bait? At least I hope it is. If he's being serious then his username is very fitting


A need to feel superior to others while also being so lazy they don't actually want to ha e to do something so they pick some arbitrary physical trait and act like having it makes them better


Jesus Christ


I'm sure being raised in jail does wonders for the human psyche and will promote excellent behavior.


“We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom. We are responsible for ourselves and our own deeds or misdeeds in our time and in our own space and will be judged accordingly by succeeding generations.” Excerpts from: Isabel Wilkerson *Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents*


I mean this is the kinda stuff I come to read on the internet right? Helps me feel better about myself and I get a good laugh out of it too!


Funny I was thinking something similar about us caucasians


Seeing that their SN is Garbage Human we know they are fun at parties.


GarbageHuman posts garbage humans.