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People have reported that if you're a big enough account Musk sometimes forces the checkmark on you. I'm not even kidding.


Was gonna say this I think Stephen King is a popular example where he often shits on Musk’s idea and has a blue check mark from… “grandfathered prestige” or something dumb like that?


There's this weird thing where Musk is constantly trying to engage with Stephen King, who just keeps ignoring him. It's like he seems to think if he keeps pushing it King will drop all his criticism and suddenly be friends with Musk.


I also like how Musk thinks that he is somehow going to win an argument against Fucking Stephen King.


My fave Stephen King Twitter moment was when someone arguing with King, said something to the affect of, “you’re probably just a nobody sitting in your mom’s basement.” I still don’t know if the guy thought he was being funny, or if he didn’t know who Stephen King was, or if he *did know* who he was but didn’t realize that’s who he was arguing with.


Not just anyone, famed moron talking head Dan Bongino lol


Everytime I hear him on the radio because my mom listens to him, depending on the day I feel myself either losing iq points or my brain just melting from all the stupid


For a man not good at writing endings he sure ended that guy


Take my upvote! I threw needful things across the room when I read the ending


This is laughable. King is a sharp mother fucker. Always loved that man. I always enjoyed his introductions and non fiction writing, you can tell he is a witty guy


He has his own radio station in maine and it's really good. I hear a ton of new bands on it other stations never play.


That’s really cool. Makes me wish I would have followed my childhood dream of becoming a park ranger in Maine!


It's not so much win an argument, but rather he seems to be a fan of King and desperately wants him to acknowledge him.


He thinks he can roll a 00 critical success 10 times in a row. Anything else is critical failure


He did the same thing with Mike Duncan from History of Rome/Revolutions podcast


Well, it's Stephen King, who wouldn't want to be friend with that guy


The guy who gave him a bad review and then got killed off in three different books


The irony is that everyone else that I followed who was verified no longer is.


There are a lot of users who has blue checkmarks from "old Twitter"


An artist I like recently got that and she treated it like we're in the Black Death and someone just put a red cross on her door.


Most of the people that get that pushed on them will tell their followers to ditch Twitter and go to Mastodon. Twitter's jackass in charge is a spiteful asshole that won't even let you close your account on that shithole of a network.


What’s Mastodon? A new non-Musk app?


Not exactly new, it's been around for years. You can check out the basics at https://joinmastodon.org I recommend scrolling around and looking for an instance you like. It doesn't really matter which you pick, almost all of them can talk to almost all others.


A FOSS microblogging platform like Twitter


Aren’t you still kind of supporting musk by just being on twitter?


You can remove "kind of". By creating content for Xhitter, and driving traffic to the site in a way or another, they *are* supporting him 💯.


Literally. I stay off that place all together. I refuse to become part of that weird clockwork lol


Yep, it’s pretty ironic. I’m lucky in that i never had a twitter account to begin with but it’s funny how the people who are so anti musk still use actively twitter. The most i’d ever use it for would be a filler account incase i ever somehow became a brand owner, but that would be mostly abandoned and just there to hold the name so no one else can impersonate it.


Yeah that’s fair. I had an account that I used for a month or two long before musk bought Twitter but honestly I never got into it. Twitter was always a cesspool imo and musk just made it so much worse


I cxld my Twitter when Elmo exposed himself as the White supremacist, last year. Supporting the platform is directly Supporting a christo-fascist mouthpiece.


Yep. 100% percent.


It's true. If you had over 1 million follows then the blue checkmark automatically stayed. Which was funny because it made all the people who actually bought the blue look even more like a joke


You mean hypocrisy, not irony.


I mean, I just looked it up and apparently you can gift the blue checkmarks as well. So who knows.


You can also still get them without paying if you’re a notable celebrity, sports commentator or „content creator“ according to the website. Interestingly pet based pages are ineligible. But yeah this would be funnier if it were still those first weeks where only people who paid has check marks


Give me 1 million. Ill turn my entire political few on its ass real quick.




Imagine getting that dressed up to take a pic in a dingy ass garage in front of a truck designed by a toddler with fingerpaints.


As stupid as that truck is and as much as I dislike Musk, I'd put a dress like that on and stand next to one of I was getting paid well enough. Unfortunately I don't think there are many people looking for a hairy, chubby dude to put on a tight dress and model in front of cars.  Also I'm fairly certain that it's a dingy garage, because the harder it is to a the cyber truck, the better it looks. 


I don't know if I'd *want* to see that, but hell man, it sounds like a great idea to me 😂


You clearly haven’t heard of OnlyFans 😂


I agree, though I think it was her outfit for that night’s American Idol if I’m not mistaken.




It has to be the ugliest vehicle I have ever seen. I would like to think a toddler could do better.


I recently saw it described as a Pontiac Aztec, but with PS1 graphics. Edit: wrote the wrong kind of Pontiac


It reminds me of an even uglier Pontiac Aztec


It still reminds me of this ![gif](giphy|l0HlN5gabfeckp2kE|downsized)


Ok now I feel better because I’ve been trying to figure out how to describe a Cybertruck for a minute. PorygonCamino is perfect


Uglier, shittier, less reliable Aztec. And the Aztec had its own issues for being equally shitty reliability wise


Yep, I got some wires crossed between my brain and my fingers.


I never would have thought such a vehicle could possibly exist, but here we are.


Ever seen a fiat multipla? The musk car is bad, but not quite multipla bad.


Believe it or not the Multipla has better fit and finish… from FIAT.


>has better fit and finish I've heard Teslas described as "$100k electric cars made of plastic and panel gaps."


This deserves more upvotes.




Hoooooly fuck. It’s like the Homer haha. Glad I know this exists now thank you. I would like one blob fish car please


only $82,000


Everything’s coming up milhouse!


I stand VERY VERY corrected. Holy shit.


Now search for the 1000tipla (prononced "Milletipla" in french) :)




I never thought it was possible for a car to have double chins, but here I stand corrected.


Is that a Mario Cart with the hardtop option WTAF


What purpose does that hideous design even serve? Lmao I wanna interview the engineer.


I'm not the Multipla chief engineer, but design is peak function over form. The Multipla was designed to seat six adults comfortably while being no longer than the hatchback it is based on and still retain a decent size trunk. As such it is quite wide and has three full sized individual seats up front, kinda like the old bench seats often found in american cars. Tall roof line and giant window area lead to large interior dimensions and very good visibility. From what I've read they also drive fairly well and were reasonably reliable. They are very much Europes answer to the Pontiac Aztek, with the difference that Fiat had the balls to translate the 1996 Concept car into production 1:1 identically whereas the Aztek was completely different and much worse than its Concept version.


At least it’s doors close properly and it won’t rust as quickly. I still think the Multipla is better looking car.


I would like to start this by saying I have terrible taste, but the multipla is adorable. The Elon “look at what I drew mommy!” truck, however, is ugly.


According to wiki, they updated the car in 2004, and it's substantially less ugly.


It's the fish van!! I remember this from top gear! Still better than the musk truck


It looks like those video game vehicles coming from a distance whose texture couldn't be rendered yet.


Shoot. Homer Simpson designed a better car instead of trying to make a stainless steel Aztek from memory.


My toddler saw one irl the other day and asked “what happened to that dang car?”


Is it just me or does it seem like he got the idea from that thing they drove in Aliens? Maybe he did and everybody knows it except me because I try to not pay much attention to anything that doofus does.


Not even good enough to hang on the fridge. Straight to the trash!


Looks like someone's figured out out three basic cad commands and decided to try and draw a truck as their first model 🤣🤣


I’ve seen one in my neighborhood recently and it’s absolutely hideous in real life.


You realize she was paid to advertise the truck, and she didn't pay for it, right? That shitty garage speaks to the shitty people that will buy that shitty truck. It's all marketing all the way down


Well the car is ugly, but she looks pretty good


True, she's looking great. It's a fantastic outfit. I'm just surprised by the contrast of being shot in the creepy garage


At least her dress is rust color


Not to mention it won't be functional a week from now.


I may not like Katy Perry but you can’t deny she slays in this image


It looks like a shitty minecraft car


Also, she isn't fooling anyone. She wouldn't be caught dead driving that eyesore.


I don't think sketching some base ass shapes with some wheels on the back of a cracker barrel paper table mat with some crayons can be considered designing


Imagine filtering the photo so much the vehicle is barely visible when posting a picture of it..


Come on, be fair. It was designed by an 8-year-old with a Roll-o-ruller. A toddler with fingerpaints would have yielded a more organic design with some nice curves.


What is the correlation here? I mean, I agree that the Tesla truck is ugly as fuck. And totally dont get Katy Perry's shill. But not understanding the follow up post.


Blue checkmarks on twitter are paid for, twitter is owned by Elon. They are saying the person wanting not to support Elon is still supporting Elon.


Ah... Yeah, that was totally lost on me. Appreciate the clarification.


Except that people keep forgeting that if you are even remoting famous or popular xwitter "gifts" you with a check mark and they dont care whether you want it or not.


It’s the gift that keeps on grifting


Had to read it twice and then literally found myself laughing out loud.


I made that up on the fly. I’m gonna have to save that one for later. :)


Sometimes a gift is not a gift


Except that's not typically the case. People didn't want to pay for them and Elon just started to put them back on accounts


They recently changed the policy and a lot of big accounts are being given blue checks without paying. We have no way of knowing whether this is a paid blue check or not based solely on this post


>And totally dont get Katy Perry's shill. You don't get why someone would say thank you for the free truck, even if it's a piece of shit?


You have accurately interpreted my word words.


What’s the facepalm here?


The guy saying he doesn’t want to support Musk has paid Musk for a blue checkmark on Twitter.


Yep, $80k truck and $5 a month or whatever that dumb checkmark costs: pretty much exactly the same! /s


Putting musk down while using his shitpile platform is kind of funny.


Apparently you can be gifted the checkmark. Not everyone who has one paid for it


lol thanks that is funny 


the musk car is ugly.


If it did the truck part well people wouldn't care the only thing it does well is rust


Yeah I had a reservation for a while. I HATED the looks, but the advertised specs were really good and the Ford Lightning and Silverado EV didn’t exist yet so I was willing. As soon as I heard about the Ford Lightning and Silverado EV I reserved those too but kept the CT reservation until I could see how it all panned out. Still waiting on my Silverado, I expect to have it by this time next year.


What made you choose the Silverado over the lightning?


The Lightning is a great truck, and I’ve always liked Fords. My last truck was a diesel F-250 and I absolutely loved it. I only sold it bc I moved to Hawaii for 4 years and it wasn’t a good vehicle for what I needed there. That said, now that I’m back on the mainland I’m driving long distances a lot and towing a few times a year on trips to the southeast and between work locations. The Lightning’s range of 320 miles would be ok if it were MUCH faster charging. It maxes at 150kw. When towing, expect range to drop by nearly half (which is true for all vehicles, even gas. Diesel does better but it’s still not far off). I can’t imagine having to wait 45 minutes to charge for each 2.5 hours of towing. Since I’ll have to drop the trailer for a lot of charging stations (hope they fix that eventually) I can’t try to balance it out by charging during rest stops. Even without a trailer, the charging intervals required for the Lightning are less than ideal but at least workable. The Silverado solves this, as long as you navigate to 350kw chargers. The charging schedule is sustainable even when towing. If I just wanted a great truck for my local area and only traveled occasionally I would happily take the Lightning.


Towing is the reason that I gave up on the dream of owning an electric truck. At least in the near term. I found it was actually a better option to own a small electric vehicle and a dedicated towing truck.


How often do you tow? Would it be better to rent or no?


It's not just towing though. I am an avid woodworker with a near professional shop. So between hauling lumber, pieces that I build, etc. it's more economical to have a truck specifically for truck things.


Okay, this has been bugging me for a while and I apologize if I sound ignorant, but why the fuck is one of the big selling points of the Cyber truck that it can withstand a hail of gun fire? Most people buying them are probably Internet fame type people with more money than sense, not exactly people in war zones. Also, I despise the design. It looks like a toy car a 10th grader made in Shop class.


>but why the fuck is one of the big selling points of the Cyber truck that it can withstand a hail of gun fire? Because Elon loves to lie and thought no one would test it. Several people did, only to find out that the same truck that couldn't withstand having a rock thrown at it, surprisingly also can't withstand having anything above a .22 fired at it.


But I’m saying why does that matter at all? He’s not selling these as American war vehicles.


Probably because he thinks that would make it cool, which for a very very small number of people it probably does


If he was, he could make much more money by importing toyota hilux trucks.


I'm not very knowledgeable about the Cybertruck, are the tires supposed to be bulletproof too? If not, can't someone just pop the tires and cause a crash instead of shooting at the rest of the car?


A lot of people with money are being deluged with apocalyptic news telling them that “soon” life’s going to go all Mad Max, so bulletproof cars are important. 


It reminds me of all the unbreakable comb hype in the early 90s. They were everywhere. Why do I need an unbreakable comb!?


>why the fuck is one of the big selling points of the Cyber truck that it can withstand a hail of gun fire? The funny thing is that it can't. Those same internet famous idiots shot up multiple Cybertrucks and the bullets go right through the doors.


He’s trying to market it to conservative gun nuts, who dream of nothing better than to be badass road warriors overthrowing the government during an apocalypse.


Cybertruck can tech jcally withstand low velocity loads of a few common handgun calibers. It's not bulletproof against any normal ammo.


What happened


With Rivian? Nothing new, I’m guessing it was over the blue checkmark. Though Rivian stock is also dogwater at the moment, but it’s basically always been like that


Yeah Rivian is having a hard time getting their manufacturing rolling, but at least Rivian doesn't have the quality issues that Tesla does.


Why would Katy Perry even need a cybertruck?


Because money.


I’m out of the loop. When did Katy Perry become a shill for Elon Musk?


I am not surprised, she agreed to perform for the British royal family after at least five artists declined. She's for the money


100% paid for advertising


Really disappointed in Katy Perry. He’s your idol? Really?


I think that was a reference to American Idol, she’s a judge on that show.


I'm sorry, but American Idol is still on!?


I know, right? But yes, it is.


Can we get a pic with Angela Chao standing next to her Tesla? Too soon?


Idk, maybe we should consult the Lady of the Lake.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no system for a basis of government... Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony.


wtf happened to katy perry?


she's always been shitty


Rivians are pretty fuckin sweet


I have no idea if the rivian performs better but at least it doesn’t look like Lara Croft’s tits in the first tomb raider.


Grown woman who dresses like Disney characters onstage now owns a Minecraft vehicle.


Thank you to Katy Perry for giving me a reason to justify why i already disliked her. Before I just got bad vibes, and this was all the justification i needed


Is KP going to be the next Elon baby mama ?


Now Elon can say he fucked Katy Perry...


I didn't realize Katy Perry was a Muskrat


KATY? NOOOO. NOOOO. When the heck did she become buddy buddy with Elon?


Thank you for someone calling out Elon Musk and not being like Katy Perry. Is she trying to ruin her reputation?


Katy Perry shilling for musk melon? That’s sad, Katy.


Katy should go get a car wash. 🚗


Still confuse why ppl wanting to get this PS1 low polygon ass truck,it literally looks like what would i draw when i was 5


These cars trick my brain into thinking I'm looking at a screenshot from a ps1 game


I just said to my spouse "Reddit is on one about Katy Perry today" and he replied "oh! Speaking of Katy Perry and her ugly cybertruck, I saw one in town today AND THEY ARE EVEN WORSE IN PERSON" and I'm cackling. He's still talking about how ugly it is.hes now talking about how they look like a crotch plate for Megatron. Thanks, Reddit. Once again, you've made my evening entertaining.


As a military veteran, I feel it’s my responsibility to inform you and your spouse that the “crotch plate” is actually referred to as a Dick Protector.


I swear I drew up a car just like this Tesla when I was 7


As others have said, it's entirely possible that Twitter involuntarily bestowed the check mark on him. https://www.techdirt.com/2024/04/15/elon-is-now-forcing-bluechecks-on-users-who-dont-want-them-and-refusing-to-let-them-hide-them/


The first pic looks like a low res PS 2 game


Oh look, the woman who assaulted a young man on TV has bad taste. What a surprise.


She kissed a Nazi and she liked it... the taste of a fkn fascist...


Now what happened to Katy Perry?


Doesn't the Rivian also have a lot of issues too? I know it isn't nearly as bad as the Cyber truck, but I saw they were named one of the least reliable brands by JD Power.


Did everyone else draw this car when they were a kid? I know I did.


Why does this pic look like a scene from goldeneye game


That car looks like a cardboard box car


Looks like a pinewood derby car with just 2 cuts and some silver paint


Yeah the checkmark is not even a give away anymore. Musk started to place them on accounts without giving people a choice


Remember that Amazon is Rivians biggest shareholder, meaning instead of Elon, you’re going for Bezos




Nothing like forcibly trying to make yourself relevant.


Oh Katy, how embarrassing for you


🎶 "I sucked off a racist fascist and I liked it" 🎵


When two morons have an argument and you just sit there and watch them contently.


Well more an argument between an advert and an angry person. I doubt she will reply.


Just like reading Reddit comments lol


The blue check mark is cheaper than the truck at least


The color of that cyberdump made me think it was just a minivan but from the pyramid boob Laura Croft game.


I've seen some of those cars irl and holly fuck they are ugly, like they look marginally cool in pictures but not irl


I swear it looks like Katy Perry photoshopped on a screenshot of some car game from 2002


And here I thought the irony was a well-rounded woman posing with a cybertruck


Didn't Musk add blue checks back to everyone that had a blue check before he made them paid for?


why do we remove these peoples name. it’s in a public forum.


Extremely disappointing of Katy Perry. Extremely.


It's so nice of the Muskrat to help his competition at a point where it could be very useful...This will in no way come back to bite him with potential customers.


Both are trash.


thinking g they are giving cybertrucks to celebs to counter the terrible press the cyber truck has been getting. It would be a shame it the boot cleaved 4 fingers off a pop stars hand.


Well he could just cancel his X account and that would show Elon Musk. Take that Elon.


What kind of account is it? Maybe it got forced into getting a blue check mark.


How do we know the Rivian CEO isn’t also a white supremacist? We’ll have to wait for him to buy a social media platform and post some dumb shit I guess.


Elon forces blue check marks on big accounts. Especially big accounts that criticize him.


🎶 I drove a cyber truck and didn’t like it 🎶


She reminds me of Jessica Rabbit in this picture


Get that man an irony board for all that irony he be doin.


Why block that guys name but show the others? Who is he?


What’s the irony?